Mohssen M. Alabbadi
Computers and Electronics Institute (CERI), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)
P.O.Box 6086, Riyadh – 11442, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Mobile Learning (m-learning or mLearning), Usability, Shackel’s Usability, Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM), English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (MALL).
Abstract: The use of mobile phones to facilitate the learning process, the so-called mobile learning (m-learning or
mLearning), raises various issues, thus making it critical to study the learner adoption and acceptance of
mLearning. In this research, a supplementary instructional materials, supporting a regular classroom (i.e.,
face-to-face) of English as second language (ESL) course, called MobiEnglish, are developed and
implemented, using ready-made commercial products and tools. MobiEnglish, delivered through mobile
phones, provides different modes of interactions between the content, students, and instructor. A survey
method, employing questionnaire, is used to collect learners' responses. The questionnaire contains 19 items
based on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” to measure the four
constructs of Shackel’s usability model (i.e., effectiveness, learnability, flexibility, and attitude). The results
of responses show high acceptance level of MobiEnglish, reflecting the potential of using mLearning in
teaching ESL. Furthermore, the research reveals that the use of the enhanced features of mobile computing
with respect to multimedia (i.e., voice and video) is more appealing to learners of ESL.
These days information and communication
technologies (ICT) are becoming more mobile and
ubiquitous. The lowering cost of mobile devices and
the availability of wireless infrastructures are
radically transforming the way people access and
utilize information resources. The “anytime and
anywhere” has evolved as a new paradigm to
establish a new dimension for providing services
such as mobile commerce (mCommerce), mobile
business (mBusiness), etc.
The new paradigm has powerful features and
functions such as mobility, reachability, localization,
flexibility, and motivational effects due to self
controlling and better use of spare time. This opens
opportunities in the learning environment, with of
course, some challenges and questions, creating
“mobile learning,” m-learning or mLearning for
short, with expected benefits to be reflected in more
efficient and improved learning results.
Mobile learning can be defined as any service or
facility that supply a learner with general electronic
information and educational content that aids in the
acquisition of knowledge regardless of location and
time (Lehner, 2002), using mobile handheld devices,
while the learner and/or the learning material
providers could be on the move. Mobile learning is
the intersection of mobile computing and e-learning,
conveying e-learning through mobile devices using
wireless connectivity (Milrad, 2003, Stone, 2007).
Mobile learning has raised various issues, in
particular the user interface, which plays an
important role toward the implementation of
mLearning. Mobile devices, in general, have some
weaknesses: very small screen displays, low
resolution, low processing power, restricted input
capabilities of some of these devices, and limited
storage capability, making the viability of mobile
technology in learning questionable. Therefore, it is
critical to study the learner adoption and acceptance
of mLearning.
M. Alabbadi M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 121-128
DOI: 10.5220/0002810101210128
In this research, we study the acceptance of learners
of supplementary instructional materials for a
regular classroom of English as a Second Language
(ESL) course, also called English as a Foreign
Language course (EFL). The supplementary
materials are delivered through their mobile phones.
In contrast to present mLearning systems for
teaching ESL, which support mostly static, non-
interactive content, where the learners can only
listen and view content, this mobile learning system,
called MobiEnglish, provides different modes of
interactions between the material, students, and
instructor.. MobiEnglish uses ready-made
commercial products and tools from Hot Lava
Software, namely the Learning Mobile Authoring
(LMA) and the Mobile Delivery and Tracking
System (MDTS).
The acceptance of learners is measured using
Shackel’s usability model, consisting of four
constructs: effectiveness, learnability, flexibility, and
attitude. A survey method, employing
questionnaires, is used to collect learners' responses.
The structure of the rest of this paper is as
follows. Section 2 describes MobiEnglish, whereas
Section 3 explains Shackel’s usability model.
Section 4 specifies the experiment environment and
the methodology of the study is described in Section
5, followed by analysis of the results in Section 6.
Finally, the concluding remarks are provided in
Section 7.
2.1 Literature Review
Mobile learning has been used for teaching ESL, in
particular for teaching English language words. A
mobile learning system, called Mobile Learning
Tool (MOLT), was developed at Near East
University, Nicosia, Cyprus, where short message
service (SMS) messages, containing new technical
English language words with and their meanings, are
sent to the students throughout the day in half-hour
intervals; MOLT was tested on 45 first-year
undergraduate students with successful results,
where their learning abilities were assessed by
performing tests before and after the experiment
(Cavus, 2008). In a Turkish university, in order to
improve English language learners' vocabulary
acquisition, instructional materials were developed
to be delivered through mobile phones operated in
second generation GSM technology using
multimedia messages (MMS), which allowed the
students to see the definitions of words, example
sentences, related visual representations, and
pronunciations; after the students finished reading
the MMS messages, interactive SMS quizzes for
testing their learning were sent, where the questions
were multiple-choice questions, selected at random
from a pool of questions, and the students send their
answers to the system via their mobile phones
(Saran, 2008).
As learning, in general, demands more
personalised and contextualised access to learning
resources, PALLAS, a prototype system for mobile
language learning, which can be used for teaching
ESL, considers dynamic and static parameters,
where the dynamic parameters (e.g., location, time,
and the mobile device) are updated automatically by
the system and the static parameters (e.g., name, age,
gender, native language, and leisure time) are
provided manually by the learner (Petersen, 2008).
2.2 Requirements of mLearning for
Teaching ESL
Most learners of ESL consider ESL as ‘the gate’ to
higher education, employment, economic prosperity,
and social status, where learners have to perform
well in various English tests in order to pass the
“gate,” limiting teachers of ESL to provide a truly
authentic teaching environment. Therefore, the main
purpose of learning English, in the learners' minds,
is to pass the exams, where the learners are asked to
memorize new words or phrases, become familiar
with grammatical exercises, and to make sure that
they can do well in all kinds of standardized tests,
resulting that most students cannot communicate
fluently in English and they have trouble distinctly
expressing themselves (Cui, 2008).
It is thus important to create a mobile learning
system to support teaching ESL not only for
teaching new words, but more as an educational
tool, thus contributing to the motivation and success
of learners. In particular, the emphasis should be
toward developing listening, speaking, and reading
skills, with the possibilities for both synchronous
and asynchronous interaction. Mobile multimedia
content can create a rich learning environment that is
particularly suited to the teaching of second and
foreign languages. At present, mLearning systems
for ESL support mostly static, non-interactive
content, where learners can listen and view content,
but not do much more. Using current capabilities of
mobile computing, a variety of content can be
developed for language learning, including (Collins,
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Short dialogs as conversational models;
Recorded audio stories with the ability to
follow along with the printed text while listening to
develop both listening and reading skills;
Picture dictionaries with illustrations of
common objects and actions, plus audio playback of
the new language and translations into learners’
Preparation for tests such as TOEFL;
Greater interactivity with the content, through
the ability to submit student responses;
Access to teachers and libraries; and
Ability to interact with other learners, including
playing games, conversation, and project-based
learning, preferably using the phones’ capabilities to
take pictures, capture sound, and input text.
2.3 MobiEnglish
MobiEnglish is a mobile learning system, providing
supplementary instructional material to support
regular face-to-face classroom course for teaching
ESL. MobiEnglish provides “anytime and
anywhere” resources, rich interaction, powerful
support for effective learning, and performance-
based assessment. In addition, it is designed to
produce support, motivation, continuity, alerts,
introductions, tips, revision, and study guides.
MobiEnglish uses ready-made commercial
products and tools from Hot Lava Software, namely
the Learning Mobile Authoring (LMA) and the
Mobile Delivery and Tracking System (MDTS). The
LMA enables the instructors and teachers to create,
customize, review, and update their own interactive
supplementary content (i.e., text, images, audio, and
video). MDTS, on the other hand, is a WAP-based
environment, having a database of the names and
mobile phone numbers of the learners for delivery
and management of learning materials.
MobiEnglish is designed to have three modes of
operation: offline mode, where the learning material
is downloaded into the learner's handheld device;
online mode, where the learner interacts with the
learning material online; and hybrid mode, where
some of the learning material is downloaded into the
learner's handheld device but some are to be
interacted online. Each mode has its own
pedagogical values. The offline mode, however,
allows the learner to interact with the learning
material any number of times, as desired by the
learner, without incurring any additional cost on the
learner, other than, of course, the initial airtime cost
for downloading the learning material. When the
online or hybrid modes are used, MobiEnglish
provides very effective learning tool by tracking the
progress of learners and supplies the instructors with
statistical reports about the learners such as their
duration of usage, scores on the quizzes and tests,
weakness points, etc.
The supplementary material is structured into
modules, where the instructor specifies the number
of the modules and the delivery time for each
module. The content of each module is developed
using LMA. Upon receiving an SMS message, sent
automatically from MDTS, on the learner's mobile
phone, the learner simply click on the link provided
on the SMS to download the lesson content or to
interact with lesson, depending on the usage mode of
There are three categories of modules: basic,
which contains definitions of some of the words,
usage examples of the defined words, and a quiz of
multiple-choice questions; enhanced, which contains
an audio conversation, a transcript of the
conversation, definitions of some of the words used
in the conversation, usage examples of the defined
words, and a quiz; advanced, which contains a video
clip, a transcript of the conversation, definitions of
some of the words used in the conversation, usage
examples of the defined words, and a quiz. Figure 1
shows snap shot of some screens of MobiEnglish.
In MobiEnglish, the quizzes and tests are
multiple-choice questions. But it has the capability
for blank filling questions. For multiple-choice
questions, MobiEnglish can automatically feedback
the correct answers to the learners, as specified by
the instructor of the course, after some number of
trials, specified by the instructor. However, when
MobiEnglish is used in the online mode, the learner
performance on the quizzes or tests can be recorded
to be examined by the instructors, thus extending the
learner-content interaction into instructor-learner
In general, usability (or functionality) refers to the
suitability of a product to its intended use, where a
product is used in the general sense to mean a d to
make the use of a product possible or to support or
to restrict its use. Therefore, the concept of usability
was explicitly defined in the literature, preparing the
ground for the usability measurements.
Figure 1: Snap shots of some MobiEnglish screens.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The learning system, where the content is agreed by
consulting and to be modified by the learner, falls
into the class of “interactive product” (Keinone,
1999). The existing characteristics of this type of
products cannot wholly predict its usability, because
the responsibility of getting the product to work is
shared; it depends not only on the qualities of the
product, but on its user as well. When an interactive
product gives less than its optimal service, this could
be because of its bad design, faulty product, an
incompetent user, or the fact that the wrong kind of
product has been selected for this user. All these
possible reasons have to be investigated before
decision about the usability of the interactive
product is given. In general, the number of important
aspects to measure usability of an interactive product
is greater than of other type of products. However,
there are several types of criteria that are common to
all types of products.
There are three approaches to measure usability:
Shackel's approach (Shackel, 1991, Chapanis, 1991,
Nielsen's approach (Nielson, 1994), and ISO 924-
part 11 (International Organization for
Standardization, 1998). These approaches measure
usability at an operational level, considering
usability objectives and establishing relationship
between usability, utility, acceptance, and affect to
the interaction.
Shackel's idea of usability joins usability to other
product attributes and higher level concepts. Shackel
viewed usability from product perception model,
where acceptance is the highest level concept.
Thus, acceptance is a function of perceived utility,
usability, likeability, and costs.
Utility refers to the match between user needs
and product functionality, while usability refers to
the ability of the user to utilize the functionality in
practice. Likeability refers to affective evaluations,
and costs include financial costs as well as social
and organizational consequences. Having located
usability in the context of acceptance, Shackel
presents a descriptive definition of usability as:
“Usability of a system or equipment is the capability
in human functional terms to be used easily and
effectively by the specified range of users, given
specified training and user support, to fulfill the
specified range of tasks, within the specified range
of environmental scenarios” (Shackel, 1991).
Shackel’s usability model is the most suitable
measure the acceptance of learners for this
environment, since it considers usability to be an
aspect that influences product acceptance. Indeed
according to Shackel’s model, usability is a property
of a system or a piece of equipment; the property is
not constant but being relative in relation to the
users, their training and support, task, and
environments. Usability has two sides, one related to
subjective perception of the product and the other to
objective measures of the interaction.
According to Shackel’s usability model, for a
system to be usable, it has to achieve defined levels
on the following constructs (Shackel, 1991):
Effectiveness: It considers the results of
interaction in terms of speed and errors.
Learnability: It refers to the relation of
performance to training and frequency of use, i.e.,
the novice user's learning time with specified
training and retention on the part of casual users.
Flexibility: It refers to the degree of adaptation
to tasks and environments beyond those first
specified; and
Attitude: It refers to the acceptable levels of
human activities in terms of tiredness, discomfort,
frustration, and personal effort.
Figure 2: Constructs of Shackel's Usability Model.
An experiment was conducted on an ESL class,
offered at an English language institute, where the
class was selected randomly across the available
classes at the period of the experiment. The duration
of the experiment is 7 weeks, divided into 4 periods;
the first three periods consist of two weeks, whereas
the last period lasted for one week only. Table 1
shows the number of learners and the mode of use
for each period. The contents of MobiEnglish,
however, were all specified by the instructors of the
courses, where the learners in all the periods
received two lessons per week.
In the hybrid mode, the learner answers the quiz
online, whereas in the offline mode, the learner is
automatically given the correct answers to the quiz
questions, after two trails by the learner. In the
hybrid mode, the learner can perform the quiz only
once with the correct answers fed back automatically
after answering each question.
Table 1: Number of learners and usage characteristics of
MobiEnglish for each period.
Period #1 #2 #3 #4
# of learners 20 9 9 9
Category of
Mode of Usage O O O H
B: Basic; E=Enhanced; A=Advanced
O=Offline; H=Hybrid
This study employed a survey method, using a
questionnaire to determine the learners' acceptance
of MobiEnglish. The questionnaire has been adapted
from Shackle’s questionnaire, where some changes
were applied to suit the need of this study.
The questionnaire contains 20 items based on a
5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly
Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.” The response that
indicates the lowest approval (i.e., “Strongly
Disagree”) received a score of 1, with an increase of
1 point for each response (i.e., 2 points for
“Disagree,” 3 points for “Neutral,” 4 points for
“Agree,”) until the response that indicates the
greatest approval (i.e., “Strongly Agree”) received a
score of 5. Therefore, the maximum score of this
instrument is 5*19=120 and the minimum score is
MobiEnglish has the capability to make the
learners fill the questionnaires through their mobile
phones. But it was decided to use traditional
methods because the intended purpose of the project
is to study the acceptance of mLearning to support
teaching. The acceptance of users to perform
surveys using mLearning should be treated
Data gathered on this questionnaire were coded in
SPSS for analysis purposes. The responses of the
learners to the questionnaires are summarized in the
table given in the Appendix.
As it is clearly shown in the table, the learners'
acceptance MobiEnglish is very high, where most
responses score more than 4, implying “Agree.” For
most of the questions, the scores of responses
increase as moving from period 1 to period 4, with
some instances where period 4 is lower than period
3; this indicates the increasing level of acceptance of
system as the system is used more. Furthermore, this
shows the Advanced modules, containing
multimedia features (i.e., voice and video), is more
appealing to learners.
There are two questions, where their responses
came out to be lower than 4 for all the periods; the
first question is “I was able to download the learning
material without errors” and the second one is
“There was too little information to be read, before I
can use this mobile learning system.” For the first
question, the low score in responses could be due to
network availability and performance because the
score of responses for downloading the Advanced
module, containing video, is larger than the score of
responses for downloading the Enhanced, containing
audio, and the Basic module, containing only text.
For the second question, the responses reflect the
user guides mentality of users; even though most
systems, either hardware or software systems, come
with user guides that are seldom used by users.
Therefore, users anticipate having some information
to come with the system. This comes clear when we
consider the responses to the question “It was easy
to learn to use this mobile learning system.” For this
question, the score of responses came out to be
greater than 4.2.
MobiEnglish has received high acceptance level
with respect to Shackle’s usability model. This
reflects the potential of using mLearning in teaching
foreign languages, in general, and in teaching
English, in particular. Furthermore, using the
enhanced features of mobile computing with respect
to multimedia (i.e., voice and video) is more
appealing to learners of ESL.
The experiment has been conducted at the premises
of Direct English Center of Al Khaleej Training and
Education Company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The
authors would like to thank Al Khaleej Training and
Education Company. In addition, special thanks are
due to Elite Network and Mr. Hasan Alabbadi, for
their support and feedback.
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Mean of responses
Period # 1 2 3 4
I received the SMS messages as specified by the instructor. 4.1 4.8 4.8 4.8
I was able to download the learning material in reasonable time. 3.9 3.6 4.3 4.2
I was able to download the learning material without errors. 3.5 3.1 3.8 3.2
I can effectively complete my work by using this system through
my mobile phone or handheld device.
3.4 4.1 4.8 4.7
This mobile learning system has all the functions and capabilities
that I expect it to have.
3.5 4 4.1 4.3
Overall, this mobile learning system responds to my requests in
reasonable time and without errors.
3.5 3.8 4.1 4.3
I do not need to learn a lot of things before I could use this mobile
learning system.
4 4 3.7 4
The information provided by the system was easy to understand. 4 4.7 4.6 4.7
It was easy to learn to use this mobile learning system. 4.2 4.8 4.9 4.5
There was too little information to be read, before I can use this
mobile learning system.
3.3 2.7 3.6 3.5
Overall, this mobile learning system is easy to use. 4.4 5 5 4.5
I was able to download the learning material at anywhere and
anytime through this system.
4.2 4.4 4.6 3.7
I was able to use the learning material at anywhere and anytime
through this system.
4 4.2 4.7 3.8
Overall, I think this mobile learning system is flexible. 4.2 4.7 4.4 4.3
I feel comfortable using this system. 3.9 4.3 4.9 4.3
I will recommend this system to my colleague. 3.9 4.7 4.6 4.4
I enjoyed doing my task through this system. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5
I feel that this system is user friendly. 4.1 4.3 4.9 4.5
Overall, this mobile learning system makes it easy for me to access
the required learning material.
3.9 4.7 4.6 4.5
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education