An Explorative Case Study of Information Systems in Merging Authorities
Elin Wihlborg, Ulf Melin and Linus Johansson Krafve
Department of Management and Engineering, Linkoping University, SE-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
Keywords: Public authorities, e-Government, Integration, Translation.
Abstract: This paper shows how e-government can, or might even have to, be considered as a public policy
transformation. In the process of merging authorities into new organisations public policies on e-
government appeared as a key activity. The case study presented in the paper is the formation of the new
Swedish Transport Agency formed out of several formerly independent authorities. The Swedish case study
is a mature public administration and basic democratic core values. The main contribution from the case
study is to point out the importance of translation of policies into organizational practices.
Public administration is as such an information
system. Policymakers and public administration are
developing and using information technological
systems. One of the main reasons for developing
databases and early IT was the need of efficient
national registration and administration of great data
generating capacities. In Sweden this took place
already in the 1960’s (Johansson, 1997). However,
the use of IT within public administration has
recently been taking to new levels by more
integrative systems, within and between agencies
(e.g. case management and case handling support
systems) and openness towards citizens and the
surrounding society (e.g. public e-services).
During the last decade e-government has become
an apparent strategy in reforming government
agencies and public authorities (Heeks, 1999; Pardo
& Tayi, 2007; Tranvik et al., 2008). Many scholars
seem to agree that some of the most promising
benefits from the use of IT in government rely upon
the integration of activates and information across
organizational boundaries (Daves & Pardo, 2002;
Pardo & Tayi, 2007). Ultimately, government
agencies through the use of IT, seek to centralize
and make a cohesive and seamless set of
government services available to users. Integration
of governmental organisations, through the use if IT
(e.g. information systems [IS] such as enterprise
systems, described below), are therefore seen as a
critical success factor to attaining a mature level of
e-government (Lam, 2005). However, this kind of
change usually requires rather radical technical and
organisational process and behaviour changes for
both the individuals and the organizations involved
(Pardo, Gil-Garcia & Burke, 2006). We can also
identify the stream of information sharing and intra-
and inter-organizational information integration in
the private sector using enterprise information
systems (enterprise systems or ERP-systems) with
similar arguments and benefits (Sammon & Adam,
2005) as in the public sector. The typical features of
an enterprise system include a central database
providing data exchange, an organisation-wide
scope and a high degree of integration (Kremers &
van Dissel, 2000; Newell et al., 2003).
Democratic public administration relies on other
core values than market oriented business
organisations and even civil society organisations.
The typical features of liberal democratic public
administration as democratic open and accessible
provide a contextual setting for e-government, with
options for improved democracy, openness;
participation and accessibility (Bock Segard, 2009).
In recent years a massive trend of transformation
from government towards governance has opened
for integrative e-governance in pluricentric
interviewing administration linking together public,
semi-public and private institutions (Sörensen,
2007). These contextual and societal changes
influence the internal design and usage of IS.
As a consequence of the increasing use of IT in
the public sector national policies on e-government
Wihlborg E., Melin U. and Johansson Krafve L.
TECHNOLOGY IN POLICY - An Explorative Case Study of Information Systems in Merging Authorities.
DOI: 10.5220/0002811503530360
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have developed and become more specified recently.
There has been no central clear policy for the
implementation of e-government in the Swedish
public authorities, instead each authority had their
practice sometimes expressed in policies. First in
2008 the Swedish government launched a
comprehensive and comprehensive policy for e-
government (Finansdepartementet (Fi2008/491)
Nationell handlingsplan för den svenska
eFörvaltningen) – a policy critically examined by
e.g. Melin (2009).
In spite of the lack of policies the public
authorities had for a long been working with e-
government and different solutions of IT in their
activities, bur rather in a decentralized and locally
adapted manner. That also applies to the activities
and responsibilities now belonging to The Swedish
Transport Agency (STA) – the case focused in the
present paper. STA was established in January 2009.
It is a result of merging five earlier separated
authorities in the policy area of transportation. The
core activities of the new authority are
regularization, supervision and authorization within
the four modes of transportation aviation, railway,
road and shipping. STA merges responsibilities from
five different former public agencies in Sweden.
1.1 Aim of the Paper
The aim of this paper is to analyse the translation of
policy making into IS design in the process of
merging public authorities into a common
organisation. The analysis relies on a case study of
the Swedish Transport Agency (STA) and is
explorative and opens for an integrative approach
towards public policy making and e-government.
In the analysis we de-construct the case using
two research approaches:
Technology in policy: how are the information
systems constructed and given meaning in the
policy processes forming the new authority?
Technology in politics: how are the information
systems implemented are negotiated through
The separation of policy and politics indicates that
policy concerns the content and politics highlights
the negotiations and decisions on the policy
(Sörensen, 2007).
In the next section we introduce our theoretical
perspective on the case study and discuss some
methodological considerations. The third part
addresses the research questions. Finally, we draw
some conclusions and point at som implecations
for the policymaking regarding e-government.
This qualitative case study was conducted in the
newly established public authority The STA in the
spring and summer of 2009. The design of the study
was formed in discussions with the authority and we
got good access to informants, documents and
informal working papers.
STA is a regulative authority with basic legal
applications. STA has, in comparison with other
authorities, an open perspective and relates to
private and market actors for the basic functions of a
society (eg. traffic in general). It is also de-
centralised authority with several different regional
and specialized offices. Our approach towards the
case has been two-folded. Firstly, we approached the
case from above and from a distance through the text
analysis of the policy documents. Our mapping of
the policy context was a discursive analysis of e-
government in national policy documents,
investigations, documentations of guiding principles
and action programmes has been conducted. A
summary of the analyzed documents is found in the
list of references. Secondly, we approached the
process from “inside” and below, by following the
actors promoting the processes of change and
common implementation of the IS. The data
collection is based on interviews with central
positioned authority’s personnel at STA and some
on-site observations at STA headquarters. In
addition European, national and organisational
documents regarding transport policies in general
and the formation of STA in specific have been
analysed. The purpose of this combination of
methods was, to investigate the strivings of the
authority to reach the government’s ambition when
it comes to e-government, as expressed in the
national policy action plan. At the same time we had
an ambition to explore the agency’s efforts of
achieving a sense and spirit of community and joint
action in its organization. An unexpected but central
and repeatedly experienced difficulty was the lack of
documents registered in the public diary records of
the new authority. A common answer to the claims
for access to official and public records was that
there simply was none – at least none (written form).
The three information systems that were selected
for this study exemplifies systems employed in the
everyday work at the agency. The information
systems are: Agresso (a software package of
modules for HR and financial management); W3D3
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(a system for diary-keeping) and “Transporten” (the
agency intranet). They were chosen as they represent
somewhat different forms of human-system-
interaction, at the same time as they are used
differently from a top-down/bottom-up-perspective.
This study is a single case study with in-depth
studies of a one agency, but the systems are three so
we used the openings for internal-case comparison
to gain a deeper and richer understanding of the role
of information systems in organizational changes.
In this study, the focus is not so much on the
technology itself, but on the organizational setting
for usage of the system, and the organizational
assumptions and implications of overall system
design. That means to focus on the cultural and
social embeddedness of the system, such as attitudes
towards the system, the meaning of the interface,
and proficiency of self-services (e-services).
2.1 e-Government as a Socio-technical
Our ontological grounding is on the constructing of
meanings and usage of information technology in
the interplay between actors and structures. Public
authorities are (or at least builds on the intention to
be) democratic designed and managed organisations.
E-government is given meanings both in a
political process of forming policies and in the daily
practices of conducting the objectives of the
authority. This case study was conducted in a re-
organised new authority and thereby even some
formerly implicit meanings became visible.
Thus the local actors within the organisation
are constrained by the democratic imperative and in
this case also the technological one. The aim of a
public organisation is not profit maximizing, but still
to reach efficient resource management. There are
also demands to meet the general public and run all
activities according to the legislation. Thus public IS
has to address other aims than information systems
(e.g. enterprise systems) in private firms. A problem
is that the supplier of information systems normally
has the private firm as a norm – this also goes for the
information integration, within and crossing
organizational boundaries, that usually is a result
from use of modern IT (cf. Daves & Pardo, 2002;
Pardo & Tayi, 2007) and a part of an e-government
agenda (ibid.).
2.2 Roles of Information Systems
Askenäs (2004) and Askenäs and Westelius (2000)
propose that the use of an enterprise system, as an
example of an IS, affects the structuration of an
organization. This follows the line of thinking
introduced above regarding e-government as a
socio-technical system. This does not means that an
enterprise system acts on its own. It is individuals
(e.g. users) who use it and who may give it a role as
an actor. An enterprise system is, thus, not an
independent, invariant, externally designed actor. It
receives its character in interaction with the structure
of the organization (cf. Giddens, 1984), other
information systems within an organization or
integrated with them forming an infrastructure with
them (cf. Hanseth and Braa 1998). Individuals also
perceive and understand information systems as
such and its purpose, differently (Askenäs and
Westelius, 2000; Orlikowski and Gash, 1994).
Figure 1: IS Roles (based on: Askenäs and Westelius,
Bases on these points of departure Askenäs (2004)
and Askenäs and Westelius (2000) proposes several
IS roles, which they label; (1) manipulator, (2)
bureaucrat, (3) assistant, (4) consultant, and (5)
dismissed (Figure 1).
To enable an enterprise system to play (1) the
role of a manipulator, the “individuals have to obey
and follow the instructions in the system” (Askenäs
and Westelius, 2000, p. 432). This act may be done
consciously, reluctantly or unknowingly. The role of
an enterprise system as a (2) bureaucrat needs the
individuals (e.g. users) to follow its instructions and
agree with them. The power and sanctions from the
system, or individuals forcing others to use the
system is not as strong as in the former role. In the
(3) assistant role the system does not have exclusive
power over the individuals. Individuals use the
enterprise system more as they like. The system is
“only” used to supply data etc. and not an active part
in the individual’s actions. The (4) consultant role
TECHNOLOGY IN POLICY - An Explorative Case Study of Information Systems in Merging Authorities
can be placed in between the (2) bureaucrat role and
the (3) assistant role regarding the influence on the
actions. The user lets (or makes) the enterprise
system suggests alternative possibilities, but chooses
between the alternatives offered. An enterprise
system playing the (5) dismissed role has been
actively rejected by an individual (ibid.).
We regard the roles as ideal types that can serve
as a point of departure helping us to understand the
phenomena studied in this paper. We use the
interactive dimensions and the reciprocal relations
between structure, technology and individuals as a
point of departure in this paper and add more
institutional density.
2.3 Authorities as Democratic Public
The traditional government approach highlights the
formal steering chain of public organizations and
decision making by political actors. ‘Government’
implies that governing takes place within
governments and their formal institutions and the
state’s monopoly on the use of legitimate coercion is
in focus (Boyer, 1990; Stoker, 1998). The
government approach has long been the norm, and it
has determined the structure for policymaking.
On the other hand, the governance approach has
been developed to explain the more open and
network-oriented decision-making processes
including an intricate interplay among public,
private and non-profit organizations. This approach
has been explanatory and, at the same time,
inspirational to policy makers aiming to achieve
‘good governance’. According to Peters and Pierre
(2004, p. 78), the common denominator in
definitions of governance is that it “…refers to the
process through which public and private actions
and resources are coordinated and given a common
direction and meaning”. Governance is about co-
ordination, but focuses on how and why actors
continue to participate and develop interactions in
networks. Thus we prefer to talk about e-governance
rather than e-government. However, according to all
problems related to drawing lines around
governance structure we keep the established
concepts e-government for governance in public
authorities that is the case here.
Networks are considered as non-hierarchies with
mutually dependent actors among whom power
relations are clearly uneven. There are usually open
exits from networks. Actors participating in
networks have to exchange resources and negotiate
shared purposes. Cooperation and coordination are
seen as the best ways to address common interests
(Börzel, 1998). It has been argued that governance
has developed as a response to increased
globalization, deregulation and ideological
liberalization, among other trends. Networks are
self-organizing and not fully accountable to the state
in the governance approach (Rhodes, 1997:53).
However, all networks act in a context of public
institutions, and thus states interrelate and participate
in networks. Governance enforces cooperation and
open networks, and therefore no decision made
within any given organization or institution will
necessarily be legitimate beyond the initial context.
Legitimacy arises through the interplay between
legal interpretations, common understanding and
trust within the network.
2.4 Policymaking and Democratic
Public e-Government
To conclude, information technological systems are
socially constructed and given meanings in its
contexts. The context for e-government is formed in
the interplay of policy making and usage of IT in
public administrations.
Here we consider the interplay of policy
making and usage as an act of translation.
Translation takes place in the interplay of translator
(actor), something that is translated (object) and
mediated in which the translation is inscribed
(Callon 1991, p. 143). We here divide into policies
regarding e-government as the content.
This section presents the case. Firstly, we give a
story of the construction of e-government in politics
(3.1) and the policies that came out on national level
(3.2). Secondly, we show how these policies are
constructed into STA through a political process
(3.3) and than how local policies were developed as
practices at the emerging authority of STA (3.4).
3.1 Technology in Politics – Public
Policy Documents
The Swedish Government has for some time not had
a united policy for usage of IT-solutions in the
public administration (Riksrevisionen 2004:19). In
the beginning of the 21th century this began to
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
change, mostly due to the establishment of the
notion of the 24/7 Agency, under the responsibility
of the 24/7 Delegation. However, further action had
to be made to accomplish the goal of a unified
management of e-government. Therefore, in 2007 a
group of State Secretaries was formed with the
mission to investigate how the management of the
Swedish e-government could be improved. One of
the results from the workings of this group was the
National Plan of Action for the E-government from
2008. This was the first time all the e-government
policies was presented in i single, unified document.
The main objective of the action plan is to make it
”as simple as possible for as many as possible”.
Some of the other explicit objectives of the action
plan is to improve the quality of exercise of public
authority, and to ”slim” the administration in order
to economize the limited resources. The aim of the
plan itself is to coordinate the management of e-
government across organizational borders of
ministries and authorities.
An investigation of merging the authorities in
the area of transportation was presented before the
Government. Soon thereafter, on September 25
2008, the government bill for the establishment of
The Swedish Transport Agency was presented. On
January 1st 2009 the new authority was to start its
activities. In the final government bill the argument
for establishing the new authority is mainly to
improve and make more effective the supervision,
but also to harmonize the development of the
different modes of transportation.
There were also explicit ambitions to
harmonize the IT-systems used both within the
former authorities and towards customers/citizens
(Governmental bill: Prop 2008/09:31).
3.2 The Action Plan – Technology in
In the national budget for 2007 the Swedish
Government called attention to the need for uniform
usage of file formats and joint methods for a safe
handling of electronic data in the governmental
body. The Governments ambition in this matter also
showed very clear in the report on IT-
standardization. In another government bill from
2008, the ambition of intensified and facilitated
interchange of information between different
authorities further shed light on the safety aspects of
such an ambition. This matter has clearly been
important for the government in recent times.
In 2009 an Action plan for e-government was
formulated (analyzed e.g. by Melin, 2009). The aim
of the action plan is to make public contacts with the
authorities easier, by using IT in a strategic way but
also by organising activities within the public
administration differently. The reason given is that
the commitment to developing e-government is a
way to try to live up to public expectations, and that
public administration has a special responsibility to
support and/or lead progress in the IT area. The
intended performances of the action plan are divided
into four focus areas. They are presented as separate,
but they are all equally important for achieving the
objectives of the plan. These areas are: (1) To set up
regulations for cooperation and handling of
information between and across different public
authorities, (2) Technological solutions and
standardization of IT, (3) Shared support for in-
service training and joint follow-ups and (4) The
authorities public relations through e-services.
The argumentation is centred around the concept
of streamlining, and one used formulation is: ”The
internal need for streamlining should be made at
least as important as the public value when it comes
to the continued development.” (Verva 2004:30). All
in all, the national government has in recent times
shown a great interest in handling of cases
electronically, as a means to save resources and
streamlining the business of different authorities.
3.3 STA as Technology in Politics
In this study, the focus is on the merge of different
agencies into one public agency; STA. The creation
of the STA is an example of trying to “harmonize
organisational cultures” of it’s different lines of
business, and achieve a capacity to act jointly as a
single authority. Another important, and interwoven
aspect, of the merge of the operations are the use and
overall design of different information systems
employed by the STA; both as levering and
hindering changes, regarding e.g. information
sharing and intra- and inter-organizational
information integration. The role of the information
systems in the merging of authorities into a single
public authority is therefore also focused. Three
information systems are analysed: Agresso, W3D3
and the agency intranet.
In the governmental bill establishing The
Swedish Transport Agency (Prop 2008/09:31), the
discussion of IT-usage has an unobtrusive role. The
main argument is that modern technology probably
will facilitate the citizen contact with the authority.
In The Government Approval Document for 2009
The Swedish Transport Agency (STA) has been
given the assignment to, at the latest October 31
TECHNOLOGY IN POLICY - An Explorative Case Study of Information Systems in Merging Authorities
2009, present an action plan of how the authority
intend to realize the ambitions of the National
Action Plan for E-government, thus this were not
included in our analysis.
The formation and planning of STA has been
discussed since 2004, aiming to reach an overall
view on policy-making, supervision and
authorization within the transportation sector. In
2007, an official report stated that the supervising
capacity of the different modes of transportation
should be established within a new authority.
However, at the time it was acknowledged that this
could not be done without further investigation.
Hence, in 2007 another investigating committee was
launched – this time with the explicit aim of
establishing a new authority. The responsibilities of
the new authority should be regularization,
authorization, supervision and policy-making in the
different modes of transportation, and to represent
the Swedish Government in international
developmental policy-processes within the
transportation sector.
To conclude the basic impression of the case
study is that the efficiency aim is superior in the
process of merging authorities. The politics of
technology here is efficiency rather than democracy,
openness and other buzz-words for e-government.
3.4 Policies on IT Activities at STA
When the final report came that suggested the
establishment of The STA as a new public authority
(SOU 2008:44), the ambition of availability 24/7
through e-services was a part of the plan. The
emphasis was that the information retrieval (IR) for
citizens and private enterprises was to be simple,
effective, and interactive. Moreover, the calling
upon citizens providing information for the authority
should be solved interactively between the different
authorities, so the information would only have to be
provided once. It should not be the responsibility of
the individual to navigate, this should be the
responsibility of the governmental bodies to solve
jointly among themselves. This is especially
important for The STA, since it’s activity involves a
lot of public interaction through different forms of
service and authorization. The official report
presents a strong belief in streamlining the resources
of the authority through the implementation of e-
That IT usage and e-government is not widely
discussed in the preparatory work of The STA is
perhaps not very surprising. Nevertheless, in much
other policy-making e-government has come to play
an increasingly important role. This sort of
discussions on IT might not be very common in the
context of authorities and organisation, but they
3.5 Merging Authorities, Merging
People, Merging Technology and …
Even though the ambition of creating one authority
with an overall responsibility for the different modes
of transportation had been around for some time,
things were rushed when time came to implement
the plans in reality. The personnel interviewed in
this case study all witness that the demands were
overwhelming in comparison to the circumstances at
hand and the resources available for the
organizational change. As one of the interviewees
put it: ”It’s been forgotten that it costs a lot of
money to save a lot of money”. The scarce time and
resources available for the change also became
visible through the financial result of the first six
months of the agency. The director-general of the
agency, Staffan Widlert, explained on June 26 2009
that this had caused severe financial problems for
the agency, intensified by the financial crisis at the
end of 2008 of the economy at large.
There are two main reasons here for taking the
interest in the policymaking and usage of
information systems in STA. The first reason is the
unique character of the e-government as a policy
domain makes it very valuable to study. One
challenge in a context of policy analysis is trying to
investigate under what conditions a successful
implementation of the Swedish governments
ambitions may occur. That means to analyze both
central policy documents as well as acquainting to
the local practices in the different contexts of the
authorities. Generally, to fully grasp and understand
the conditions for implementation of a policy, one
has to understand that ”nothing happens by itself”
and that a an implementation process has to be
carried through by local actors (Hill & Hupe, 2009;
Stewart, 1996 and Lipsky, 1980). In the context of
public authorities, some authors speak of these local
implementers as social entrepreneurs. The
enthusiasm of these entrepreneurs is sometimes a
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
necessary condition for the successful
implementations of innovations in the public sector.
The second reason is that when a new authority
is established, there is a unique opportunity to
change and develop the administrative and
managerial characteristics of the governmental body.
Or so the theory goes. In fact STA is a complex mix
of different authorities, with the different
organizational and information technological (socio-
technical) bodies already having distinct ideas about
how to run things. The challenge for the new
authority is thus to overcome the old routines, and
establish a joint comprehension of goals, routines,
and identity. A challenge which often proves to be
easier said than done. The Swedish government’s
intentions of establishing an all-embracing
transportation agency was to collect, clear and
render the supervision assignments of the different
modes of transportation more efficiently. A
condition for achieving this is that the new authority
has the capacity to act jointly. The different IT
solutions employed in the agency have an effect on
this capacity. However, as has long been stated
within the studies of IT and organizational change,
there is no simple causal effect between
implementation of technology and organizational
and behavioural outcome. Hypothetically, the IS
could bring the former authorities together, or some
of its parts. But IS could also divide since the
professionals in different authorities have different
cultural experiences of IS, the meaning of IS and
how to use it. The role of the IS in merging
authorities is therefore crucial (Askenäs and
Westelius, 2000) as well as general IT as a part of
policies and ongoing policy making. Different roles
for IS affects the prerequisites for and results of
merging organizations. New and common IS can
e.g. be used and interpreted as a manipulator, an
assistant or a bureaucrat (e.g. standardizing
processes within the STA) or even be dismissed,
actively rejected by an individual (ibid.) or a group
of individuals (in this case a merged sub unit
rejected W3D3).
Figure 2 illustrates our primarily conclusions of
the case study inspired by Askenäs and Westelius
(2000) model illustrated in Figure 1 and the process
of translation (Callon 1991). It was obvious that
policy making regarding information technological
systems both took place in the representative
democratic system and in the organisational setting.
There is a translation of policy making that appears
in the interpretation and use of IT. The democratic
decisions are translated through the use of the
technology and thereby influencing both the
structure of the organisation and the activities of the
Figure 2: Translation of policy through the IS design.
Hereby, we conclude by pointing at the interplay of
usage and politics in the making of e-government.
This conclusion is grounded in an indeed
interdisciplinary approach. Through this model we
will point at the implications of translation and its
implications for developing new policies as well
approaches for IT use in public organisations. The
general policymaking process beyond the
organisation has to be translated into the
organisation as well as the IT system.
The main contribution from the case study is
to point out the importance of translation of policies
into organizational practices of information
technology merging authorities. The national Action
plan for e-government made an implicit but at the
end oblivious change of use e-government.
It is also worth noticing that the common
information systems played important roles in the
merging of the new authority. The creation of a
common organisational setting got a face and a
structure through the common information systems.
Traditional models of implementation of policy
more or less take a “jump” into daily use of the
systems, excluding the translation process. Thus
translation processes has to be included in policy
analysis, at least when focusing on development and
implementation of IT in public organisations.
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