Start and End Point Detection of Weightlifting Motion
using CHLAC and MRA
Fumito Yoshikawa
, Takumi Kobayashi
, Kenji Watanabe
Katsuyoshi Shirai
and Nobuyuki Otsu
AIST Tsukuba, C2, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, 3-15-1 Nishigaoka, Kita-ku, Tokyo 115-0056, Japan
Abstract. Extracting human motion segments of interest in image sequences is
essential for quantitative analysis and effective video browsing, although it
requires laborious human efforts. In analysis of sport motion such as
weightlifting, it is required to detect the start and end of each weightlifting
motion in an automated manner and hopefully even for different camera angle-
views. This paper describes a weightlifting motion detection method employing
cubic higher-order local auto-correlation (CHLAC) and multiple regression
analysis (MRA). This method extracts spatio-temporal motion features and
leans the relationship between the features and specific motion, without prior
knowledge about objects. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, the
experiment was conducted on data captured from eight different viewpoints in
practical situations. The detection rates for the start and end motions were more
than 94% for 140 data in total even for different angle views, 100% for some
1 Introduction
Detecting and segmenting human action and behavior of interest in video sequences is
necessary in various applications such as quantitative motion analysis and video
browsing. It is a fundamental procedure for understanding the motions in question.
In sport motion analysis, especially for weightlifting, athlete’s sport-motions are
often analyzed for improving their sport performance by using video sequences
captured during competition and training. In biomechanical studies of weightlifting,
much research efforts have been made to explore the relations between several
kinematic parameters, such as time from barbell lift-off to its maximum height, and
the winning lifts by conventional approaches involving manual indexing operations [1,
2]. In practical situations, however, quick feedback of the resultant quantitative data
and/or videos is expected to be conducted for the relevant coaches and athletes
without using any intrusive manner in data acquisition, for example by placing
markers on the human body. In order to reduce the burden imposed on human
operators for more detailed analysis, automation of motion analysis is required. Thus,
first of all, automatic detection of the start and the end of predefined single motions
Yoshikawa F., Kobayashi T., Watanabe K., Shirai K. and Otsu N. (2010).
Start and End Point Detection of Weightlifting Motion using CHLAC and MRA.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Bio-inspired Human-Machine Interfaces and Healthcare Applications, pages 44-50
DOI: 10.5220/0002813100440050
(the snatch, or the clean and jerk) in weightlifting is essential for both the quantitative
analysis and the effective video handling.
For the task to detect and recognize the full-body human motions, many
researchers have investigated the performance of various video-based motion analysis
methods [3 - 6]. These methods require segmentation of the target objects such as
persons, in which the segmentation error tends to affect final recognition. In addition,
the conventional approaches include sequential and procedural processes require too
special and tedious steps. These make it difficult to design adaptive and real-time
In recent years, on the other hand, a scheme of adaptive vision system has been
presented, which comprises two stages of feature extraction, namely, higher-order
local auto-correlation (HLAC) or its extension CHLAC (Cubic HLAC) [7] and
multivariate analysis [8, 9]. Concerning human motion and behaviour analysis,
CHLAC approach has been successfully applied to motion recognition [7], unusual
motion detection [10, 11] and motion segmentation [12]. The CHLAC approach,
however, has not been applied to detection of predefined motions. In [12], the task of
segmenting single weightlifting motions into detailed primitive motions is addressed
in the experiment; however, the segmentation methods proposed there need image
sequences to be clipped so as to include the entire weightlifting action of interest in
In this paper, we applied CHLAC and MRA to the start and end time point
detection in weightlifting, obeying the simple statistical scheme framework [9]. In the
experiment we used the dataset which had been acquired by capturing national elite
athletes’ lifts from eight different viewpoints in practical situations. The experimental
results demonstrated the effectiveness of the present method.
2 Method of Weightlifting Motion Detection
The proposed method consists primarily of three steps; preprocessing, motion feature
extraction, and linear regression. In this section, we begin by making brief
explanation of the input images and the tasks to be addressed.
2.1 Input Image and Task
Weightlifting videos captured during competition and training usually contain both of
transient barbell-lifting segments (“work”) in question and the others (“rest”)
including setup of barbell weight. The “work” and “rest” segments are alternatively
concatenated. In addition, the videos are often captured from different viewpoints in
practical environments. Note that they also contain background noise derived from
other moving persons. Fig. 1 shows examples of actual still images in weightlifting
videos captured from different viewpoints during training.
In order to clarify the task addressed in this paper, examples of multi-viewed image
sequences around the start and the end motion in weightlifting are illustrated in Fig.1.
These motion segments are defined in this study as follows; the start motion is from
the time when the barbell plate lifts off the floor until the bar reaches maximum
height above the platform surface while the lifter is moving into squat position to
catch it, on the other hand, the end motion is from the time when the barbell starts to
descend until it once reaches the floor. In practical applications for in-depth motion
analysis, detecting and indexing the time just when the barbell plates are lifted off is
the primary procedure. The rest of this section describes the proposed approach to
automatic detection of these start and end motions in weightlifting.
Fig. 1. Examples of video captured during weightlifting training: eight angle-views (upper),
image sequences around the start (middle) and the end (bottom) of lifting motions.
2.2 Preprocessing
In the preprocessing, we apply frame differencing and then automatic thresholding
[13] in order to detect and binarize motion pixels as in [7]. These processes filter out
both inherent noise and brightness information, which are irrelevant to the motion
itself. Consequently, pixel values in each frame become either 1 (moved) or 0 (static).
The examples of the binary images are shown in Fig.2 at the same scenes as the
middle and bottom of Fig.1.
Fig. 2. Examples of the preprocessed image sequences around the start and the end of lifting
2.3 Motion Feature Extraction
In the stage of feature extraction, we employ Cubic Higher-order Local Auto-
Correlation (CHLAC) [7]. CHLAC enables simultaneous extraction of spatio-
temporal features from the motion image. Let f (r) be three way data defined on the
region (cubic data) D : X x Y x 3 with r= (x, y, t)
, where X and Y are the width and
height of image frame and T is the length of a time-window. Then, the N-th order
auto-correlation can be defined as,
)()()()(),,;( rarararraaa ""
where the a
(i = 1, ···,N) are displacement vectors from a reference point r. Since Eq.
(1) can take many different forms by varying N and a
, we limit N 2 and a
to a local
region: the configurations of r and a
are represented as mask patterns shown in Fig.3.
The motion features are extracted by scanning the entire data set D with local cubic
mask patterns. Thus, CHLAC feature corresponds to a histogram of local
configuration patterns (auto-correlation) of moving points (pixels) found by frame
difference. The dimension of CHLAC of up to the second order within the local
3x3x3 region is 251 for the binary data. CHLAC has a parameter denoted by
which is the spatial interval of the mask patterns along the x- and y- axes in the image
CHLAC features possess important properties of shift invariance (rendering the
method segmentation-free) and robustness to noise in data. Moreover, this method
requires no prior knowledge or heuristics about objects. These favourable properties
can benefit all aspects of approach to adaptively detect weightlifting motions
including possible variability in terms of their appearances due to difference in lifter’s
physical attribute, kinematic profile and camera angle.
Fig. 3. Examples of mask patterns: (left) N=0; (middle), N = 1, a
= (
, 1)
; (right), N = 2,
= (–
Δ ,–
Δ ,–1)
, a
= (
Δ ,
Δ , 1)
2.4 Linear Regression
In the training phase, effective features for the start and end motion detection are
extracted from the given training example. The pairs of the motion feature vector x
and the teacher signal c
at time i are given. We apply multiple regression analysis
(MRA), which determines the optimal linear coefficients a, to estimate c from x:
, where b is constant,
= baa ,
= 1,
xx . In this study, the teacher
signals are binary, assigning 1 at times during the start and the end motions, and
otherwise assigning 0.
Given the motion feature x, the existence of the target motion segment can be
estimated by
bxac +
= . In the method, the target motions are finally identified by
detecting the local peak along the time axis and thresholding it after applying moving
average to the estimated values over a time-window T.
3 Experiments
The proposed method was applied to automatic detection of weightlifting motions
from the image sequences. The dataset utilized in this experiment comprises 140
video sequences of the successful snatch and clean and jerk performed by national
top-level athletes in different categories according to their bodyweight. The dataset
had been acquired by filming lifts from eight different viewpoints in practical
situations, as shown in Fig. 1. These data were captured at 30 frames per second (fps)
and 320 x 240 pixels (QVGA).
For evaluating the performance of the proposed method, a leave-one-out scheme
was applied to video sequences captured from the same camera angle, respectively,
and then precision rates were calculated for both each target motion, i.e. start and end
motion and each camera angle. In this evaluation, the detected point was regarded as
correct if it was within each time duration of the target motion which was strictly
determined by hand as ground truth.
CHLAC features are obtained by using all mask patterns of
r . The
time-window T for smoothing the estimation results is 27 and 16 for the start and end
detection, respectively, based on the averaged time interval of the target motions in
the dataset. The results are shown in Table 1. The proposed method produces
favorable results on every angle views and different kinds of weightlifting, the snatch
and the clean and jerk. These results can indicate that our method can address the
corresponding needs in the practical situations of weightlifting. The degradation of
the precision rate for the end motion detection in V1 was largely due to that the
vertically higher-positioned barbell was out of frame-view in several input images. In
addition, some sample in the dataset includes an incompletes single lifting movement
because the start or end of a single weightlifting motion is just near the corresponding
start or end of a clipped video sequence.
Table 1. Detection rates (%) over different angle-views for each start and end motion in
weightlifting. Angle views in this experiment nearly correspond to those illustrated in Fig. 1.
Angle-View V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
Start 100 100 94.7 94.1 100 94.4 100 94.7
End 71.4 100 89.5 100 94 88.9 90.0 93.8
From the viewpoint of kinematics, the entire single lift can be subdivided into
several phases and the profiles in each phase are different among athletes, as indicated
in [1]. In order to cope with the diversity in the kinematic profiles, our method
employs various sizes of mask patterns for motion feature extraction, which can
contribute to the performance. On the other hand, the motion orientation in the pulling
phase after the start of each lift is similar to that after squat position to catch the
barbell and that during jerk thrust, and consequently the spatio-temporal features of
these movements extracted locally along the time axis can be not largely varied in
some cases.
We applied this method to other sport motion, such as service detection of
badminton, and obtained the similar results, which shows the validity and generality
of our method [14].
4 Concluding Remarks
We have presented CHLAC approach to automatic detection of weightlifting motions,
which can be mentioned as typical examples of predefined transient motions. The
present method consists of motion feature extraction by CHLAC and prediction by
MRA, and yields favorable detection performances for the start and end motions in
weightlifting. By detecting these two motions, the whole weightlifting motion can be
roughly segmented. Then, the weightlifting motion can be finely segmented, such as
by using the methods proposed in [12]. It is expected that the integration between
these approaches can contribute to more precise analysis of single transient motions
of interest which are not limited to weightlifting motions.
Acknowledgements. We thank Mr. Miyoji Kikuta and Mrs. Kumiko Haseba at Japan
Weightlifting Association for his cooperation on data gathering.
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