improvement versus (Lagae and Dutr
e, 2008), even
using worse hardware.
Estimated algorithm performance is ≈ 4.26 FPS
for the Thai Statue scene at 1024×1024 resolution on
a quad core system assuming a linear speedup, com-
mon in ray tracing. This compares well with the 3.14
FPS KD-tree performance achieved by (Shevtsov
et al., 2007) on such a system.
Multi-level hashed grids have good behavior for large
scanned models, having twice the render-time perfor-
mance of one-level hashed grids, with a small penalty
in terms of build time or memory usage. They suc-
cessfully combine the better traits of classic multi-
level array grids and one-level hashed grids, manag-
ing to provide best of class performance for scanned
There still seems to be room for improvement
in regards to speeding up grid traversal by skipping
empty cells. Possibilities include proximity clouds
(Cohen and Sheffer, 1994) and macro-regions (Dev-
illers, 1989). This work also does not employ SIMD
instructions or ray coherence. All of these techniques
have a chance of significantly improving performance
and should be worthy of further pursuit.
It would not have been possible to make the tests in
this work without the scanned models from the Stan-
ford 3D Scanning Repository. Office and Confer-
ence scenes were created by Anat Grynberg and Greg
We would also like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers, for their comments helped improve this
Supported by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology project VIZIR (PTD-
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GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications