the quantitative impact of the distorsion on the qual-
ity of the measure. To this end, we now perform the
parameter estimation procedure of section 3 on the
sequence of images I
(X,n) for several values of
the compression rate controlled by the compression
parameter CMP. The results, visible in Table 1, show
how the quality of the estimate is affected by the lossy
compression. The CMP coefficient acts on the size of
the imagette used to perform the JPG compression.
For low values of parameter CMP (in Fig. 4D) some
discontinuities due to these imagette are clearly vis-
ible. Nevertheless, thermal images θ(X,n) are vary-
ing very smoothly in the spatial domain. JPEG al-
gorithm acts like a low-pass filter for spatial frequen-
cies which tends to preserve the low frequencies of
θ(X,n). Therefore, it appears that for sufficiently low
(up to 66%) compression rate the compression distor-
tion on each individual image barely has no effect on
the useful information carried by the whole sequence.
As demonstrated in Table 1, the estimation error by
comparison with raw datas increases slower than the
compression rate decreases. The measurement allows
to perform identification of the class of material in
terms of thermal properties even at very high com-
pression rate.
Table 1: Estimate of the conductivity λ of the ma-
terial sample of Fig. 2 in [W.m
] performed af-
ter lossy JPEG compression at various rate (CR =
(X, n))/size(θ(X,n)). As a comparison, the typ-
ical λ for titanium is expected in the range 5 to 25
depending on the purity of the material. As
an order of magnitude thermal conductivity of pure copper
is 401 W.m
and pure aluminium is 237 W.m
CR CMP estimate relative error
raw 21.42 0 %
66% 100 21.41 0.04%
88% 90 23.24 8.54%
94% 25 25.88 20.8%
In this report we have shown and analyzed quanti-
tatively the robustness of parameter estimation with
periodic active thermal imaging toward lossy JPEG
compression. An originality in our approach by com-
parison with the recent work of (Lugin, 2008) is that
we have not considered the distortion due to lossy im-
age compression on the thermal images but directly
on the quantitative information they carry. This ap-
proach is interesting in general for quantitative phys-
ical imaging since it shows the possibility of condi-
tions where lossy image compression can entail al-
most no loss in the information extracted form the im-
Further development of this work is to consider
video-compression algorithms (Shi and Sun, 2000)
to compress the whole sequence of images. In-
stead of compressing each image separately, video-
compression treats groups of successive pictures.
This video compression would enable higher com-
pression rates and bring additional distortion on the
information carried on each pixel with time. Other
ways to reduce the amount of data required by peri-
odic active thermal imaging are also to decrease the
sampling frequency, the imaging sensor dynamic and
the number of pixels. It would then be interesting
to see how these configurations together with video
lossy compression degrade the quality of the estimate
of physical parameters. For illustration in this re-
port, the unknown parameter to be estimated was the
conductivity. The sensitivity to compression distor-
sion could also depend on the parameter to be esti-
mated and it would also be important to explore this
systematically while investigating other compression
Typical limit to look for in terms of compression
would be in the direction of the technical character-
istics of the new portable thermal cameras which are
now available at relative low cost. An MPEG video
flux is usually available as an output of these cam-
eras. This facility is initially thought as a qualitative
tool enabling the display of thermal images on screens
larger than the screen of the camera itself. Yet, as il-
lustrated in this report, periodic active thermal imag-
ing only requires the relative spatial and temporal
variations of the gray levels to perform quantitative
measurement. An application of our results would
therefore be to evaluate the possible usefulness of
these portable thermal cameras for quantitative peri-
odic active thermal imaging.
Authors would like to thank Patrice BALCON and
Franck CARETTE from FLIR Systems for useful dis-
Bovik, A. C. (2000). Handbook of Image and Video Pro-
cessing. Academic Press, New York.
Breitenstein, O., Warta, W., and Langenkamp, M. (2003).
Lock-in Thermography. Springer, New York.