accuracy with 60% noise intensity. In the case of
Gaussian noise, the results fluctuate with noise
variance. For dataset A, the system gives 100%
accuracy up to 2% noise variance, while it fluctuates
between 0 and 100 up to 6% variance, while for
dataset B the accuracy fluctuates between 0 and 100
up to 4% noise variance and between 0 to 30 up to
6% variance. Similarly, in the case of Speckle noise,
the results fluctuate with noise variance. For dataset
A, the system gives 100% accuracy up to 2% noise
variance, while it fluctuates between 90-95% up to
10% variance, while for dataset B the accuracy
fluctuates between 85 and 100 up to 5% noise
variance and between 75 to 100 up to 9% variance.
This paper has presented a hybrid system for human
face detection from static images, by combining two
methods and some pre-processing steps that is more
efficient than either and not too much less
computationally efficient than the better of the two.
We have shown that it is fairly robust to common
image problems such as noise and occlusions.
A brief review of the literature is presented along
with the most comprehensive set of RGB images
which fulfils all possible conditions for evaluation of
any face related application. The proposed system is
not complex and covers a wide range of human skin
We intend to follow two fronts of research from
here. The first is to use these results and extend them
to video images, which will combine tracking with
face detection. We will investigate further
algorithmic speed-ups for this to work in real time.
The second is to use the segmented face for human
emotion recognition which is the main focus of our
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications