Perceived age estimation is highly useful in various
real-world applications such as developing efficient
marketing strategies. In this paper, we proposed a
novel method for perceived age estimation from face
images by combining two ideas. The first idea was
an efficient active learning strategy for reducing the
cost of labeling face samples. Experiments showed
that our active learning strategy together with man-
ifold regularization can improve the performance of
perceived age estimation even with a relatively small
number of labeled face samples. The second idea was
to take account of heterogeneous characteristics of
human age perception in the form of weighted regres-
sion. Experimental results showed that our weighted
regression method can properly handle heteroscedas-
tic noise and thus the prediction performance is qual-
itatively improved.
We have used characteristics of human age per-
ception as weights—error in younger age brackets is
more serious than that in older age groups. On the
other hand, our framework can accommodate arbi-
trary weights, which opens up new interesting re-
search possibilities. Higher weights lead to better
prediction in the corresponding age brackets, so we
can improve the prediction accuracy of arbitrary age
groups (but the price we have to pay for this is a
performance decrease in other age brackets). This
property could be useful, for example, in cigarettes
and alcohol retail, where accuracy around 20 years
old needs to be enhanced but accuracy in other age
brackets are not so important. Another possible usage
of our weighted regression framework is to combine
learned functions obtained from several different age
weights. This could further improve the age predic-
tion performance, which we would like to pursue in
our future work.
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