A Framework
Philipp Meixner and Franz Leberl
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16, 8010 Graz, Austria
Keywords: Aerial images, 3D-buildings, Image segmentation, Building floors, Window detection, Real property.
Abstract: We automate the characterization of real property and propose a processing framework for this task.
Information is being extracted from aerial photography and various data products derived from that
photography in the form of a true orthophoto, a dense digital surface model and digital terrain model, and a
classification of land cover. To define a real property, one has available a map of cadastral property
boundaries. Our goal is to develop a table for each property with descriptive numbers about the buildings,
their dimensions, number of floors, number of windows, roof shapes, impervious surfaces, garages, sheds,
vegetation, the presence of a basement floor etc.
We define a “real property” by one or sometimes
multiple parcels as they are recorded in cadastral
maps. It consists of a piece of land, sometimes
defined by a fence, on that land are one or more
buildings, impervious surfaces, garages, trees and
other vegetation. A property may also contain only
the portion of a building, for example in dense urban
cores where buildings are connected.
The description of a real property consists of a
table with coordinates and other numbers. These
define how many buildings exist, the type of
building from a stored list of candidates, building
height and footprint, number of floors, number and
types of windows, presence of a basement floor,
type of attic, roof type and roof details such as an
eave, skylights, chimneys, presence of a garage and
its size, types and extent of impervious surfaces such
a driveway and parking spaces, and statements about
the type and size of elements of vegetation, the
presence of a water body, the existence and type of a
fence etc.
A low cost solution seems feasible if one
considers the wealth of aerial image source data
currently being assembled for other applications, not
insignificantly in connection with innovative
location-aware Internet sites such as Google Maps,
Microsoft Bing-Maps and others.
This paper presents a framework for processing
steps that are necessary for a reasonable semantic
interpretation and evaluation of real property using
high resolution aerial images. Our initial focus is on
characterizing individual properties and their
buildings. This paper illustrates a set of work steps
to arrive at a count of floors and windows.
2.1 Geodata for Location-Awareness
A location-aware Internet (Leberl, 2007) has
evolved since about 2005. Internet-search has been a
driving force in the rapid development of detailed 2-
dimensional maps and also 3-dimensional urban
models. “Internet maps” in this context consist of the
street-maps used for car navigation, augmented by
addresses, furthermore the terrain shape in the form
of the Bald Earth and all this being accompanied by
photographic texture from ortho photos. This is what
is available for large areas of the industrialized
World when calling up the websites or, and in
some form, this is also available under, or, as well as from a number of regional
Internet mapping services.
Meixner P. and Leberl F. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 283-291
DOI: 10.5220/0002817602830291
Ubiquitous visibility of Geodata started with the
development of car navigation systems for regular
passenger cars. It signaled for the first time a
transition from experts to everyone. The transition
from being a tool for mere trip planning and address
searches to true real-time navigation needed the GPS
to become available, and that was the case since the
mid 1990’s.
“Urban Models” in 3D have been a topic of
academic research since the early 1990’s (Gruber,
1997). As part of Internet mapping, this came into
being in November 2006 with Microsoft’s
announcement of the availability of Virtual Earth in
3D. The vertical man-made buildings are modeled as
triangulated point clouds and get visually
embellished by photographic texture. Since April
2008, vegetation is being classified and identified,
and computer-generated vegetation is being placed
on top of the Bald Earth.
Figure 1: Typical 3D content in support of an Internet
search. Capitol in Denver (Microsoft’s Bing-Maps).
The 3D urban models still are in their infancy
and are provided over large areas only by the
Microsoft-web site Bing/Maps, with an example
presented in Figure 1. While Internet-search may be
the most visible and also initial driving application,
there of course are others. Often mentioned are city
planning, virtual tourism, disaster preparedness,
military or police training and decision making or
car navigation.
2.2 Interpreted Urban Models
The 3D-data representing the so-called location
awareness of the Internet serve to please the user’s
eye – one could speak of “eye candy” -- but cannot
be used as part of the search itself. This is unlike the
2D content with its street map and address codes that
can be searched. An interpreted urban 3D model
would support searches in the geometry data, not
just in the alphanumeric data. One may be interested
in questions involving intelligent geometry data.
Questions might address the number of buildings
higher than 4 floors in a certain district, or properties
with a built-up floor area in excess of 100 m2, with
impervious areas in excess of 30% of the land area,
or with a window surface in excess of a certain
Such requirements lead towards the
interpretation of the image contents and represent a
challenge for computer vision (Kluckner, Bischof,
While currently driven by “search”, applications
like Bing-Maps or Google Earth have a deeper
justification in light of the emerging opportunities
created by the Internet-of-Things and Ambient
Intelligence. These have a need for location
awareness (O’Reilly & Batelle, 2008).
We start out by conflating (merging) geometric data
from two sources: the aerial imagery and the
cadastral information. Figure 2 is an example for a
400 m x 400 m urban test area in the city of Graz
(Austria). Conflation defines each property as a
separate entity for further analysis. Conflation is part
of a pre-processing workflow and results in all
geometric data to be available per property and in a
single geometric reference system.
We now proceed towards the use of the dense 3D
point clouds associated with the aerial photography
and extracted from it by means of a so-called dense
matcher applied to the triangulated aerial
photographs (Klaus, 2007). First is the extraction of
data per building and per element of vegetation. This
finds the areas occupied by a building as well as its
height. For vegetation we need to find the type, its
location, the height and the crown diameter. The
building footprints get refined vis-à-vis the cadastral
prediction using image segmentation and
classification to define roof lines.
From the building one proceeds to the facades:
building footprints become façade baselines. This
footprint is the basis for an extraction of the façade
in 3D by intersecting it with the elevation data. We
compute the corner points of each façade. These can
then be projected into the block of overlapping aerial
photography. We can search in all aerial images for
the best representation of the façade details; we
prepare for a multi-view process.
What follows is a search for rows and columns
of windows in the redundant photographic imagery.
First of all, this serves to establish the number of
floors. Second, we also are interested in the window
locations themselves, as well as in their size. And
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
finally, we want to take a look at attics and basement
windows to understand whether there is an attic or
Figure 3 summarizes the workflow towards a
property characterization and represents the
framework in which the effort is executed.
While an Internet application exists in the USA
that associates with each property a value
(, this is based on public property
tax records and no information is being extracted
from imagery.
4.1 Many Sources for Geo-Data
The diversity of geo-data is summarized in Table 1.
It associates with each type of data source a
geometric resolution or accuracy.
Table 1: The major sources of urban geo-data and their
typical geometric resolution.
The geometry of large urban areas is defined by
aerial photography. While it may be feasible that a
continuous future stream of perennially fresh
GPS/GNSS-tagged collections of crowd-sourced
imagery will do away with any need for aerial
photography, that time has not yet arrived. A
coordinate reference is thus being established by an
automatically triangulated block of aerial
photographs to within a fraction of a pixel across an
entire urban space. Scholz and Gruber (2009)
presented the triangulation results for the aerial
images in the demo set to be within ± 0.5 pixels or ±
5 cm.
4.2 Aerial Images
In the current application, we process aerial images
taken by the large format digital aerial camera
Figure 2: Left is a True Orthophoto of the city of Graz,
400 m * 400 m, at a ground sampling distance of 10 cm.
Right is a cadastral map of Graz [Courtesy BEV-Austria].
Figure 3: Diagram of the proposed work flow to
characterize real properties from aerial images and
associated cadastral data.
UltraCam-X (Gruber et al., 2008). This, like most
digital aerial cameras, produces images in the 4
colors red, green, blue and near infrared (NIR) and
also collects a separate panchromatic channel. The
images often have ~ 13 bits of radiometric range;
this is encoded into 16 bits per color channel. The
entire administrative area of the city of Graz consists
of 155km² and covers the dense urban core and rural
outlying areas. Of this surface area, a total of 3000
aerial photographs have been flown with an along-
track overlap of 80% and an across-track overlap of
Floor number
AssemblingDataper property
1. Satellite Imagery 0.5 m
2. Aerial Imagery 0.1 m
3. Aerial Laser Scanning (LIDAR) 0.1 m
4. Street Side Imagery from Industrial Systems 0.02 m
5. Street Side Lasers 0.02 m
6. Crowd-Sourced Images (FLICKR, Photosynth) 0.02 m
7. Location Traces from Cell Phones and GNSS/GPS 5 m
8. Cadastral Maps, Parcel Maps 0.1 m
9. Street Maps from Car Navigation 5 m
10. Address codes with geographic coordinates (urban area) 15 m
60%, and the Ground Sampling Distance GSD is at
10cm. It should be noted that this large number of
aerial photographs far exceeds, by an order of
magnitude, what one would have flown with a film
camera for manual processing. The overlaps would
have been at 60% and 20%, and the geometric GSD
would have been selected at 20 cm, in order to keep
the cost for film and for manual processing per film
image at affordable levels.
Standard photogrammetric processing is being
applied to such a block of digital photography using
the UltraMap-AT processing system. Full
automation is achieved first because of the high
image overlaps; a second factor is the use of a very
much larger number of tie-points than traditional
approaches have been using.
4.3 DSM and DTM Data
The Digital Surface Model DSM is created by
“dense matching”. The input consists of the
triangulated aerial photographs. In the process, one
develops point clouds from subsets of the
overlapping images and then merges (fuses) the
separately developed point clouds of a given area.
The process is by Klaus (2007). The postings of the
DSM and DTM are at 2 pixel intervals, thus far
denser than traditional photogrammetry rules would
support. The conversion of the surface model DSM
into a Bald Earth Digital Terrain Model DTM is a
post-process of the dense matching and has been
described by Zebedin et al. (2006).
4.4 True Orthophoto
The DSM is the reference surface onto which each
aerial photograph gets projected. The DSM and its
associated photographic texture are then projected
vertically into the XY-plane and result in what is
denoted as a “true” orthophoto. In this data product,
the buildings are only shown by their roofs, not,
however by their facades. Given the overlaps of the
source images, the orthophoto can get constructed
such that all occlusions are being avoided. Image
detail in the orthophoto is therefore taken from
multiple aerial images in a manner that would not be
customary in traditional film-based
4.5 Image Classification
Any urban area of interest is being covered by
multiple color aerial images. These can be subjected
to an automated classification to develop
information layers about the area. We consider these
to be an input into our characterization procedures.
The classification approach used here has been
described by Zebedin et al. (2006). However,
classification and segmentation methods are topics
of intense research. For example Kluckner, Bischof
(2009) have proposed Random Forests as an
alternative novel method with good results
specifically interpreting urban scenes imaged by the
UltraCam digital aerial camera.
Standard classifications of 4-channel digital
aerial photography typically leads to 7 separate areas
for buildings; grass; trees; sealed surfaces; bare
Earth; water; other objects shown as “unclassified”.
The unclassified areas may show lamp posts, cars,
buses, people etc.
4.6 Cadaster
Since a “property boundary” is a legal concept, it is
not typically visible in the field and from the air
(Fig. 2 right). Also image segmentation algorithms
cannot properly distinguish between buildings when
they are physically attached to one another. It will be
the rare exception that attached buildings can be
separated from aerial imagery, for example if the
roof styles differ, building heights vary or the colors
of the roofing tiles differ. Obviously then, one needs
to introduce the cadastral map.
Figure 4: Street layer from car navigation, also from Bing-
Maps (left). Overlay with orthophoto (right), demo Graz.
The cadastral accuracy is being quoted at ± 15cm
which is at the range of the aerial photography’s
pixel size and thus sufficient for the purpose of
characterizing real properties, in accordance with
legislated standards.
Car navigation has been the driver for the global
development of street maps. As a result, such data
are available everywhere on the Internet. Figure 4
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
illustrates that the street layer does define properties
against the public spaces, and can help in assessing
the traffic issues for a given property.
All source data for the proposed property work
are the result of extensive computation and data
processing, some of it constituting the outcome of
considerable and recent innovations, such as dense
matching and fully automated triangulation.
However, none of that processing is specific to the
property characterization, and therefore is outside
this application.
Much diversity has been and continues being
developed in Geodata sources. There is considerable
discussion about Google’s involvement and its
activities in driving along all roads, even rural ones,
to develop not only a road network but all the
associated addresses. Additionally, there is much
talk about crowd sourced imagery, as typified by
FLICKR, and about information contributed by
users being denoted “neo-geographers”.
5.1 Chamfer-Matching
Most cadastral maps, and so also the Austrian
cadastre, basically present a 2D data base and ignore
the 3rd dimension. This causes issues when relating
the cadastral data to the aerial photography and its
inherently 3D data products. In order to co-register
two 2D data sets, an obvious approach is a match
between the 2D-cadastral map with the 2D-
orthophoto. Once this co-registration is achieved, the
cadastral data are also geometrically aligned with all
the other photo-derived data sets.
A 2-step process serves to match the cadastral
map with its own coordinate system with the
orthophoto in its different coordinate reference. In a
first step, the cadastral point coordinates simply get
converted from their Gauss-Krüger M34 values to
the orthophoto’s Universal Transverse Mercator
UTM- system. In an ideal world, this would solve
the registration problem. It does not. There exist
small projection errors that can be seen in a segment
in Figure 5 taken from the demonstration area.
Local shifts in the range of a few pixels, thus some
tens of centimeters, need to be considered.
5.2 Data per Property
The image classification result is in the same
coordinate system as the orthophoto. Therefore the
cadastral map can be used directly to cut a
Figure 5: Overlaying the cadastral map over the
orthophoto will leave some small errors that need to be
found and removed. Left after step1, right after step 2.
classification map into data per property. Figure 7
illustrates the result.
A second step is thus needed to achieve a fine
alignment of the Cadastre and the Orthophoto. This
adjustment is accomplished by a so-called Chamfer
Match, here implemented after Borgefors (1988);
Figure 6 illustrates the approach. Figure 5 shows
discrepancies are reduced from their previous ± 7
pixels down to a mere ± 3 pixels.
Figure 6: Cadastral raster distance image (left) and edge
image (right) for a chamfer match.
Zebedin et al. (2006) deliver an accuracy of 90%.
This is consistent with the current effort’s
conclusion. A source for discrepancies between
cadastre and image is seen where the cadastral
boundary line coincides with a building façade. One
observes the existence of façade details such as
balconies, or roof extensions in the form of eaves.
Having the cadastre available offers one the option
of changing the segmentation and classification.
5.3 Dense Point Clouds
In the current test area, the DSM/DTM are an
elevation raster in the coordinate system of the
photogrammetric block and at a posting interval of
20 cm. Cutting the large area dense DSM/DTM data
set along property boundaries is trivial and based on
the cadastral data after Chamfer refinement. Figure 7
contains an illustration of the result.
(a) Orthophoto (b) DSM (c) classified buildings (d) classified vegetation
Figure 7: Three separate sample properties and the source
data per property.
Figure 8: Overlay of segmented image and cadastre for
areas in Figure 8. Above is with the discrepancies due to
roof eaves and façade detail, below is a manually cleaned-
up version.
Several descriptions have become available as a
byproduct of conflating the 2D cadastral data with
the 2D imagery. We have not only defined the
properties, but in the process we learned their land
area, also the areas used up by the various object
classes such as building, vegetation, water bodies or
impervious surfaces. These measurements of surface
area have previously been determined to be available
at an accuracy of 90%.
However, we have yet to introduce into the work
the 3rd dimension in the form of the dense point
cloud. This will add the most relevant information
These considerations create the need for methods
to automatically improve the alignment of the
cadastral line work and the segmentation boundaries.
Until such algorithms get developed and
implemented, we perform such improvements by
hand. Figure 8 illustrates the discrepancies and their
The overriding role is associated with the
buildings, and these are in the initial focus of the
effort. All the work being applied is per property.
6.1 Facades Footprint 2D
Vectorizing the Building Contour. The building
objects obtained from the image classification are an
approximation of the intersection of a façade with
the ground. One needs to isolate the contour of each
building object in a given property. Initially, this
contour is in the form of pixels in need of a
vectorization. This is a well developed capability,
one therefore has a choice of approaches. The
Douglas-Peucker algorithm (Douglas, Peucker,
1973) is being used here. The goal is to replace the
contour pixels by straight lines, each line defining a
Vectorizing the Points along the Vertical
Elements in the DSM. Separately, the 3D point
cloud found for a building object also is a source for
façades. Passing over the X-rows and Y-columns of
the point cloud, one finds the building outline from
the first derivative of the z-values – they represent
the tangent to the point cloud and where this is
vertical, a façade is present.
Reconciling the Segmentation Contour with the
DSM Facade Points. The façade footprints from the
image classification are based on color and texture
and need to be reconciled with the footprint based on
the 3D point cloud. One approach is to define the
mean between the two largely independent
A Property Boundary Cutting though two
Connected Buildings. In the special case where a
property boundary cuts through a building or a pair
of connected buildings, one does not have a façade.
Such cases need to be recognized. An approach is
the use of the 3
dimension, as shown below. The
output of this step is a series of straight line
segments representing multiple facades.
Decomposing a Building into Separate Building
Objects. The option exists to fit into the pattern of
façade footprints a series of predefined shapes of
(rectangular) building footprints. In the process one
hopes to develop a set of separate non-overlapping
basic building objects. The 3rd dimension is being
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
considered via roof shapes. Having more than one
local maximum in the roof height is an indication
that the single building should be segmented into
multiple building objects.
6.2 Façades in the 3
Along the footprints of the façade one finds
elevation values in the DSM. These do attach to the
façade a 3rd dimension. Depending on the shape of
the roof, a façade could have a complex shape as
well. However, for use as a descriptor one might be
satisfied with a single elevation value for each
façade. We have now defined a vertical rectangle
for each façade footprint.
A refinement would consist of a consideration of
the change of elevations along the façade footprint.
This could be indicative of a sloping ground, or of a
varying roof line, or a combination of both. The
slope of the ground is known from the DTM. The
variations of the roof line are read off the difference
between the DSM and the DTM.
The issue of connected buildings along a
property line exists. One needs to identify such
façade footprints since they are virtual only. Such
facades can be identified via a look at the dense
point cloud. The elevation values above the Bald
Earth along a façade footprint will be zero at one
side of the footprint. If they are not, then buildings
are connected and this façade is only virtual.
6.3 Building and Roof Heights
A building has multiple façades (see Figure 9), and
each façade represents a value for the height of the
building. However, we have not yet considered the
shape of the roof and therefore may get multiple
building heights, depending on the façade one is
considering. Two elevation numbers are desired to
describe the building at a coarse level: we want to
assign a single building height as well as a single
roof height. The building height is the average of
the façade heights. The roof height is the difference
between the highest point in the building’s point
cloud that the previously computed building height.
6.4 Counting Floors and Windows
Conceptually we are dealing with a three-step
process of analyzing each façade. First, we must
project image content onto each façade rectangle or
other façade shape. Therefore the corner points of a
given façade get projected into each aerial
photograph using the poses of the camera. That will
define in each image a certain number of pixels. The
image area with the highest number of pixels is
likely to produce the best façade image. However, in
the interest of using redundancy, we produce
multiple façade images, one each per aerial
photograph that exceeds a minimum image area to
make sense in the further analysis.
Second, the image segments defined in this
manner will have to be subjected to a floor count.
An edge detector is applied to a given façade image
and the edges are used for the floor count. Therefore
the detected horizontal edge values will be
transformed into a binary format and for each row a
summation of the edge values will be performed. In
a next step all the local maxima are detected and out
of them the floors will be determined (see Figure 9).
Third is the definition of all the windows. This
task has recently received some attention, for
example by Čech and Šára (2007). The window
detection uses the normalized horizontal as well as
vertical gradients. Our approach is taken from Lee
and Nevatia (2004). It extracts windows
automatically via a profile projection method from
each of the single façade images. The Prewitt edges
get projected along the rows and columns of the
façade image and the accumulations of the edges
signify the presence or absence of a window row or
window column. We define straight lines along the
boundary of each accumulation, thereby obtaining
likely candidates for window areas in the 2D plane
of the façade. This method is not very accurate when
there are different shapes of windows in the same
column or line. To refine the window locations a one
dimensional search for the four sides of a window is
performed. Hypothesized lines are generated by
moving the line to its perpendicular direction and
test them. The refined position of the window is
where the hypothesized line has the best score for
the window boundary. Details are available from
Lee and Nevatia (2004).
Figure 10 illustrates the result for the example of
one façade, yet multiple images, and indicates that
the window areas do get defined to within ± 3 pixel
in both the horizontal as well as vertical dimensions,
converting to a value of ± 0.3 m vertically and ± 0.3
m horizontally. In the example shown in Figure 11,
all 33 windows of the façade were found in all 4
aerial images. As one can see in Figure 10 also the 6
basement window openings in every façade could be
detected by evaluating their positions and size in the
image. A door is also detected using its size and
Building 1, Façade 1: (size: 274*100 Pixel) Building 1, Façade 2: (size: 227*100 Pixel)
Building 2, Façade 1: (size: 285*99 Pixel) Building 2, Façade 2: (size: 246*100 Pixel)
Figure 9: One single building has multiple façades.
6.5 Discussion
The approach produces key numbers per building
We also obtain a measure of consistency (a) from
multiple façades for one and the same building and
(b) between the results from multiple overlapping
images (Figure 10). The approach also delivers the
basis for further detail such as shapes and types of
windows, separating façade openings into windows
and doors, defining attic and basement floors. These
key numbers are based on 3D-data about a property
and on the original aerial images showing façade
Initial work indicates that for some sample
properties like those shown in Figure 7, all floors
and all windows have been found automatically in
each façade, delivering a rather robust result.
Much, however, remains to be done to obtain a
good understanding of the accuracy and reliability of
these key numbers, the problems one will have when
parts of a building are occluded, when the geometric
resolution of the source data varies, when buildings
deviate from a standard shape in the event of add-
ons, have complex footprints and roof shapes, when
cadastral detail contradicts image detail etc.
It is the main purpose of this paper to introduce an
application of vast 3D urban Geodata bases to
automatically characterize real properties. This may
be of value in managing location-based decisions
both in commercial and public interest
environments, and to better administrate municipal
resources. This task is made feasible by the rapid
increase in urban 2D- ad 3D-data which in turn are
being produced in growing quantities for new
applications of the Internet. Global Internet search
providers like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Ask all
have developed a mapping infrastructure for
location-aware search systems. They have embarked
on significant efforts to conflate various 2D Geodata
Façade 1: (size: 284*99 Pixel) Façade 2: (size: 285*108 Pixel)
Façade 3: (size 288*125 Pixel) Façade 4: (size: 285*111 Pixel)
Figure 10: One single façade of one single building is
shown four times in overlapping images.
sources, to add business and private address data
bases, parcel data, GNSS and cellular traces and
have started to add the 3rd dimension, both from
aerial as well as street-side images. It is the latter
that is expected to be contributed largely from user-
generated content (UGC). While the initial
battleground for Google and Microsoft is in the
search application, one can already see on the
horizon spatial information as an integral part of the
evolution of the Internet-of-Things (“IoT”) and of
Ambient Intelligence (“AmI”).
To actually succeed in the automated property
description, one will use the original overlapping
aerial images and Geodata derived from the aerial
material. This derived material is in the form of
orthophotos, digital elevation models and pose
information for each aerial photograph. The proposal
presented for an end-to-end property
characterization adds to these data the cadastral
parcel information, and potentially the existing street
Obviously, one can expect the ease and accuracy
of the data extracted for a property to be a function
of the quality of the source material, in particular of
the elevation data and geometric resolution of the
aerial imagery. While the study of the influence of
source data quality will be a topic for ongoing work,
we already have developed indications that counting
floors and windows poses fairly relaxed demands on
the image quality and pixel size. Initial sample data
on but a few, yet typical properties in an urban core
indicate that all floors and all windows could be
counted correctly.
Aerial images, DSM, True Orthophotos and
segmented images were provided by Vexcel
Imaging Graz (Microsoft). Help is greatly
appreciated, as provided by B. Gruber, M. Gruber
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(Microsoft), and by M. Donoser, S. Kluckner and G.
Pacher (ICG-TU Graz).
Borgefors G, 1988: Hierarchical chamfer matching: a
parametric edge matching algorithm, IEEE trans.
Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, vol. 10, no. 6,
pp. 849–865.
Čech J., R. Šára (2007) Windowpane detection based on
maximum aposteriori labeling. Technical Report TR-
CMP-2007-10, Center for Machine Perception,
K13133 FEE Czech Technical University, Prague.
Douglas D., T. Peucker (1973), Algorithms for the
reduction of the number of points required to represent
a digitized line or its caricature, The Canadian
Cartographer pp. 112-122.
Gruber M.(1997) Ein System zur umfassenden Erstellung
und Nutzung dreidimensionaler Stadtmodelle,
Dissertation, Graz Univ. of Technology, 1997.
Gruber M., M. Ponticelli, S. Bernögger, F. Leberl (2008)
UltracamX, the Large Format Digital Aerial Camera
System by Vexcel Imaging / Microsoft. Proceedings
of the Intl. Congress on Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing, Beijing, July 2008
Klaus A. (2007) Object Reconstruction from Image
Sequences. Dissertation, Graz Univ. of Technology,
Kluckner S., H. Bischof (2009) Semantic Classification by
Covariance Descriptors within a Randomized Forest.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision, Workshop on 3D Representation for
Recognition (3dRR-09)
Leberl F. (2007) Die automatische Photogrammtrie für
das Microsoft Virtual Earth Internationale
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