quence is shown with the dotted line). To judge the
dependency of the denoising quality on the amount of
movements in the sequence also the mean motion en-
ergy E
= 1/P
is plotted. With increasing
motion energy the denoising quality decreases. Fig-
ure 7 shows another denoising example with a detail
for better visual inspection of the results. Although,
the variance of the noise varies between 14 − 16 and
the motion energy increases, the denoising quality
follows quite stable.
We would like to mention that if the number of
intra-time iterations n ≥ 1 is increased it is likely
that the MRF- result could surpass the accuracy of
the DBN but with the disadvantage of increasing the
computing time n-times. Further on, more temporal
neighbors could be used in the MRF, a choice that is
also likely to improve the quality of the MRF-result
but again leads to additional computing time.
We introduce a special 3D DBN topology with an effi-
cient class of transition probabilities as a basic frame-
work for low level vision applications suited for ac-
tive vision systems. It provides promising results in
terms of memory amount, computational costs, and
robustness. Applications for image denoising show
that for static scenes with static noise the proposed
approximate BP achieves similar or better accuracy
for denoising than standard BP in 2D MRFs. For
dynamic scenes an efficient spatiotemporal node con-
nection for a DBN topology is introduced that allows
for fast BP with less memory load than standard 3D
MRF approaches and more accurate denoising results
on noisy real world image sequences.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications