Figure 10: Image retrieval for a sketched ”chair” image
from various users.
of SBIR systems is very dependent on the nature of
complex image data, on the extraction of meaningful
features from complex images, and on the similarity
measure determined by a roughly sketched image.
In this paper, we have presented our approach for
extraction of tensorial features and the measurement
of similarities, as well as enhanced image classifica-
tion techniques. The essential idea is based on an
analysis of a tensor topology in order to extract the
ellipsoidal characteristics of features. We have also
shown that our methodology is very efficient in re-
trieving the most similar images from a large reposi-
tory in a short time. It is scalable due to the addition
of new images into the database.
Our proposed sketch based image retrieval system
is not limited to 2D image search and retrieval. We
are currently working on extending our methodology
to understanding of 2D/3D motions of target objects.
Especially, we are focusing on a 3D structural analy-
sis of objects in the space of tensor fields.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications