Sang Min Yoon and Arjan Kuijper
GRIS TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer IGD & TU Darmstadt, Fraunhoferstrasse 5, Darmstadt, 64283, Germany
Diffusion tensor fields, Sketch query based image retrieval.
Sketches drawn by users are one of the most intuitive forms of Human Computer Interaction. Users can easily
express their intention by sketching simple hand-drawn lines.
In this paper, we consider the problem of target object detection and retrieval from a query by a sketch which
is not in the database. Our novel approach consists of three steps: (1) Preprocessing to extract the skele-
tal features from a sketched query using size normalization, labelling, and binarization, (2) Skeletal feature
extraction of query and data images in the space of diffusion tensor fields, and (3) Similarity measure us-
ing tensorial information between sketched query and database to retrieve the most similar target object in
Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of our methodology, which shows to be an efficient
and mature retrieval system.
There is a growing interest in new Human Computer
Interaction techniques on tablet PCs, touch phones,
and multi-touch screens (Han, 2006; Kim et al.,
2007). Interaction using one or two fingers on these
devices enable users to easily generate and retrieve
multimedia items in databases. However, real HCI
within these devices is still lacking in terms of un-
derstanding freehand input and low level interactive
visualization of content. Among numerous interac-
tion methodologies for detecting and retrieving the
various images in database, we propose a freehand
sketch which is the informal drawing of a shape us-
ing lines and curves as a natural interaction technique
(Hassouna and Farg, 2007). Especially, the sketch
image is very perceptive to human vision and a fast
representation of important features of target objects
for humans at all ages. Although a sketch is com-
posed of few lines, it is a coarse but detailed pic-
ture including its key features. For instance, if we
ask the people to draw objects like a human, a car,
or a cup without any further information, most peo-
ple intend to sketch the objects as shown in Figure 1.
These sketches are passive and cannot be directly sim-
ulated or analyzed using computational engineering
tools. Computers cannot understand the sketched im-
ages which have various viewpoints and non-textual
information, even though users can easily understand
(a) Example images in the database (b) Sketches of
target objects by several persons.
Figure 1: Comparison of the images <human, car, cup> in
a database and in sketches. The sketched images are quickly
drawn and easily created to visualize their shape, but they
are different from user to user.
their characteristics and classify the images into cate-
gories. Therefore, the sketched query image needs to
be transformed into a computer-suited representation.
Then robust features can be extracted that relate to the
intention of the user.
In this paper, we develop a query-by-sketch-based
Min Yoon S. and Kuijper A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 292-299
DOI: 10.5220/0002818702920299
Our approach is composed of tree steps: i) sketched query
image transformation for size normalization, and
binarization, ii) skeletal feature extraction using NGVF,
and iii) similarity measuring to correctly detect and retrieve
the images in database.
Figure 2: Structure of our proposed query-by-sketch based
target object retrieval system.
target object detection and retrieval system by un-
derstanding the sketched query image, extracting the
skeletal features of query image and database images,
and measuring the similarity to correctly detect or re-
trieve the most similar object in database.
Figure 2 shows our methodology which we will
explain in detail further on. First, the query-by-sketch
image needs to be normalized to extract the efficient
features by transforming the roughly sketched query
image. We then extract the skeleton from binarized
sketched image by using a novel topological analy-
sis in the space of Normalized Gradient Vector Flow
(NGVF) fields within a given image. Lastly, we re-
trieve the most similar object by measuring their ten-
sorial feature characteristics.
Our proposed methodology has the following ad-
vantages compared to previous vector field based
skeleton extraction and object retrieval technique:
(1) There is no need to determine a priori-
information from images in the database or the sketch
query image to detect the target objects.
(2) Our proposed methodology shows an im-
proved skeleton extraction from a sketch image that
includes a singular region.
(3) We can easily detect and retrieve the images in
a database by its skeletal characteristics.
Our query-by-sketch based image retrieval approach
is based on some computer vision and image pro-
cessing techniques. In this section, we briefly sur-
vey the previous work which is closely related to our
approach, like sketch based image retrieval systems,
skeletal feature extraction and its similarity measures,
and diffusion tensor based object representations.
2.1 Sketch based Image Retrieval
Research on image retrieval has been carried out in
several fields such as computer vision, computational
geometry, CAD/CAM, and molecular biology. Con-
tent based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems allow
users to search images in media databases in order
to derive meaningful features, as well as to measure
the dissimilarity of visual objects by distance func-
tions (Maree07, Veltkamp01). Sketch based Image
Retrieval (SBIR) systems have been developed as one
of part of CBIR.
SBIR systems started from 2D image retrieval and
were recently extended to 3D model retrieval and edit-
ing methods (Ip et al., 2001; Matusiak et al. 1998;
Yang and Xiao, 2008). SBIR was developed to over-
come the limitations of previously well-known ap-
proaches such as keyword or query-by-example based
image retrieval. (Funkhouser et al., 2003) introduce
a web-based search engine that has query images
based on 2D or 3D sketches using a spherical har-
monics shape descriptor. Hou et al. (Hou and Ra-
mani, 2007) also presented a 3D model retrieval sys-
tem using view-dependent 3D shape descriptors. The
obvious advantage of this method is its ease for users
to generate and retrieve the images. However, the
boundary contours of each target object from different
view directions, or information on incomplete shapes
are needed and have to be prepared during a prepro-
cessing phase. Fourier descriptors and Zernike Mo-
ments can also be used to match the sketched query
image on retrieved images from a database (Hou and
Ramani, 2007).
2.2 Skeleton Extraction
Previous skeleton computing methodologies can be
roughly classified into three categories according to
their approach: i) topological thinning, ii) distance
transform based skeleton extraction, and iii) geomet-
ric modelling from the work of Blum (Blum, 1976),
who defined the skeleton using the Medial Axis
Transform (MAT). However, existing skeleton extrac-
tion methodologies are still weak because of their
high computational complexity, noise sensitivity, cen-
teredness inside the underlying complex shape, and
partial occlusion or artifacts within a singular region
2.3 Diffusion Tensor Fields
Most CBIR and skeleton extraction systems are based
on vector fields which are generated from a given im-
age by different physical properties. Few work are in-
vestigated to extract the features in the space of diffu-
sion tensor fields. Diffusion tensor fields (with a focus
on symmetric, second order ones) are useful in many
medical, mechanical, and physical applications such
as fluid dynamics, meteorology, molecular dynam-
ics, biology, astrophysics, mechanics, material sci-
ence and earth science. (Basser et al., 1994) presented
their work on diffusion tensor magnetic resonance
imaging (DT-MRI). Using this new MRI modality, it
was possible to qualify anisotropic properties of the
imaged tissue by characterizing the water diffusion.
In this section, we will explain our proposed approach
for target object detection and retrieval using query-
by-sketch image. It is composed of the three steps; i)
sketched query based image transformation, ii) skele-
tal feature extraction using Normalized Gradient Vec-
tor Flow in the space of diffusion tensor fields, and
iii) similarity measuring between a query image and
an image dataset or target images.
3.1 Sketched Query Image
For sketch images which are drawn by users it is very
difficult to understand their characteristics, because
users sometimes omit important features or draw in
detail with noisy lines. We therefore first transform
the sketched query image to a simplified one in order
to easily search and measure the similarity within a
database. We transform the sketched image by using
size normalization, labelling, and binarization meth-
The imported query-by-sketch image which is
usually a rough and simple black hand-drawn figure
with draft lines is firstly normalized to a size of 50 ×
50 pixels. Then, we label the sketched query image
(black / white). Separation of foreground and back-
ground of the sketched image is as follows: First, we
(a) Examples of user drawn sketched images.
(b) Transformed sketch images for skeletal feature
Figure 3: Sketch image transformation for skeleton extrac-
recognize the labels which neighbor the background
as foreground (that is, the black sketched parts). From
the foreground labels, we iteratively check the label’s
connectivity with neighbor labels and separate back-
ground and foreground by adding background (white)
labels to foreground when they are inside the object.
Figure 3 shows the binarized query images that follow
our proposed size normalization, labeling, and bina-
rization scheme.
3.2 Skeletal Representation in Tensor
In this section, we will explain how we extract the
skeletal features for measuring the similarity between
query and database. It has been shown in literature
that the skeletal feature based image retrieval systems
are more efficient than shape based image retrieval
systems (Zhang07). This is basically because skeletal
features of a given image reduce data, while keeping
its characteristics and being robust in singularities and
under partial occlusion.
3.2.1 NGVF Fields from a Given Image
The Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) is a vector diffusion
approach using Partial Differential Equations (PDEs).
It converges towards the object boundary when it is
very near to the boundary, but it varies smoothly over
homogeneous image regions extending the image bor-
der. Originally, GVF fields were proposed to solve the
problem of initialization and poor convergence to the
boundaries of concave objects yielding a traditional
snake form (Xu and Prince, 1998). The main advan-
tage of GVF fields is that it is able to capture a snake
over a long range and to force it into concave regions
(Hassouna and Farg, 2007). Mathematically defined,
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
the GVF is the vector field v that minimizes the fol-
lowing energy functional:
ε =
)+|| f ||
||v f ||
Here v = [u(x, y), v(x, y)], and the initial value of
v(x,y) is determined by f (x, y). f (x,y) is the gra-
dient image derived from a given image. µ is a reg-
ularization parameter that is to be set based on noise
present in image. Minimizing this energy will force
v(x, y) to be nearly equal to the gradient of the edge
map, where || f (x, y)|| is large. Nevertheless, the
general GVF method cannot efficiently extract the
medial axis, since a weak vector has very little impact
on its neighbors that have much stronger magnitudes.
A Normalized Gradient Vector Flow (NGVF) can
tremendously affect a strong vector, both in magni-
tude and in orientation by normalizing the vectors
over the image domain during each diffusion iteration
(Yu and Bajaj, 2002).
The traditional GVF has difficulty preventing the vec-
tors on the boundary from being significantly influ-
enced by the nearby boundaries and thus cause a prob-
lem such that the ”snake” may move out of the bound-
ary gap. NGVF avoids this problem by normalizing
its direction and magnitude (Yoon et al, 2009).
3.2.2 Skeleton Extraction with Diffusion Tensor
Previous skeleton extraction and structural analysis
techniques are computed in a vector fields and their
topologies are obtained by locating critical points and
displaying the set of their connecting streamlines.
When it comes to representing and analyzing the di-
rections of NGVF from a given image, tensor fields
provides more information than vector fields. The
tensor field is defined as a symmetric, second-order
matrix at each point as follows:
T ( ¯x) =
(x, y) T
(x, y)
(x, y) T
(x, y)
T ( ¯x) is can be expressed using its eigensystem as
T ( ¯x) ¯e
( ¯x) = λ
( ¯x) ¯e
( ¯x), (3)
where i=1,2, λ
( ¯x) are the eigenvalues of T (¯x), and
( ¯x) define the eigenvectors. Details of the skele-
ton extraction and ellipsoidal representation from a
binalized target object can be found in e.g. (Yoon
and Graf, 2009). The scale and orientation of each
ellipse at each pixel are determined by its eigenval-
ues and eigenvectors. Figure 4 is a conceptual repre-
sentation of an edge image with extracted eigenvalues
Figure 4: Each pixel of image can be represented as ex-
tracted eigenvalues and eigenvectors which are extracted
from tensorial properties. In a given image, we separate
the edge and other pixels using edge detection. Edge pixels
are expressed as ellipsoid with their eigenvalues and eigen-
vectors and other pixels are shown as circles.
and eigenvectors. The ratio between eigenvalues de-
termines the shape of the ellipsoids, their sum defines
their scale and its principal eigenvector direction de-
fines the rotation of the ellipsoid. Using these tenso-
rial elements in each pixel, we can reduce the pixels
of the images within a database and the query image
to an ellipsoidal representation.
Figure 6a shows the skeletons of images which
are extracted by analyzing the tensorial features and
Figure 6b displays the skeletal characteristics with
ellipsoidal representation using the eigenvectors and
eigenvalues which are calculated from the tensor ele-
3.3 Similarity Measure between Sketch
and Database Images
Before measuring the similarity, we separate the ex-
tracted skeleton into several branches. Thus, we can
express the skeletal features from the sketched query
image, I
, and the image in database I
, as
= { f
, f
, ..., f
, f
= { f
, f
, ..., f
, f
where p and q are the number of branches in I
, respectively. Figure 6 shows the F
and F
ing example images and their skeletal features. The
scale and rotation of each branch are represented its
averaged eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The tensorial
elements and eigen-features of F
and F
are used to
measure the similarity measure between images.
(a) Skeleton extraction from binarized sketched and
database images.
(b) Ellipsoidal representation of the extracted
skeleton of the target objects.
Figure 5: Skeleton extraction and the ellipsoidal represen-
tation of target objects using their tensorial properties.
The score matrix of many to many matching of
skeletal features can be expressed as:
i j
i j
··· s
i j
i j
i j
··· s
i j
. ··· ···
i j
i j
··· s
i j
, (4)
where N is a normalization factor. Since the score
matrix in tensorial analysis is the proper choice of the
similarity measure to be used, we will explain in the
following how to extract the s
i j
Given two tensorial elements, T
, and T
most simple comparison between two tensor quan-
tities is the tensor dot product (Delarcelle and Hes-
selink, 1994):
Figure 6: Ellipsoidal representation of branches by using
averaged eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The similarity mea-
sure between image is determined by characteristic of F
and F
, T
) = λ
1, j
· e
1, j
+ λ
2, j
· e
2, j
One such example is the tensor Euclidean distance ob-
tained by using the Frobenius norm (Alexander99).
Due to its simplicity, tensor Euclidean distance
has been used extensively in DTI restoration.
, T
) =
). (6)
From various similarity measure methods, we mea-
sure the similarity measure as the multiplication of
Eqs. (5-6):
i j
= d
, T
) ·d
, T
). (7)
This combines the properties of the two similarity
measures, namely the difference in scale and the dif-
ference in angle of elliptical tensorial elements.
The score matrix s
i j
is merged to each labeled
branch and we can recalculate the similarity measure
between the labels. The final score is determined by
combining the minimum similarity values from each
We performed experiments in order to extract the
skeleton of query by sketch images using our pro-
posed approach. As we explained in section 3, the
imported sketch images are converted to a binary for-
mat with a 50 × 50 pixel size to correctly detect and
retrieve the target objects in the database. Afterwards,
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Classification of target objects in LEMS 99 image
dataset using our proposed similarity measure. The images
are the representative image in each class which is painted
by different color.
we measure the similarity between a query image and
the database images.
Before search the most similar target object in the
LEMS 99 image dataset, we classify the target ob-
jects using our proposed skeletal feature extraction
and similarity measure methodology shown in Fig-
ure 7. One can see that the two degree of freedom
correctly clustered the images. Figure 8 shows the
sketched and some retrieved objects with their simi-
larity measure in a matrix showing the query images
and some images from the LEMS 99 image dataset.
The red box shows the highest score of a sketched
query image and the found image from the dataset.
We only showed a selection with the best scores form
the LEMS data base for visualization purposes.
Figure 9 shows the extracted silhouettes given one
sketched query image. The test image is composed
of various human body objects and others including
cars. We first labeled each object and measured the
similarity between the query image and the various
target objects in image. The target objects which are
painted with a red box are the detected objects from
the simply sketched query image. Figure 9 also shows
that our approach is very robust in partial occlusion
and pose transform of human body object. Obviously,
adding more sketch input images with different topo-
logical properties would increase the number of posi-
tive detections - like persons with both arms and legs
occluded / coinciding, etc. However, given only one
general query image we were already able to detect
most of the humans.
We also tested our proposed method on various
users to see how our system performs on input query
images that differ from user to user. We asked user
to draw a chair and searched for the closed hits in a
chair data base. Figure 10 shows the retrieved ”chair”
images from 5 different users. As we asked them to
draw the chair without specifying further information,
the drawn sketch images differ from case to case. The
score value and ordering is different according to the
Figure 8: Similarity measure evaluation test using one
sketched image. The red box highlights the highest scored
target object in the database.
Figure 9: Extraction of matched silhouettes from one given
image. The red box highlights target objects that are de-
tected from this given sketched query image.
similarity measure. Especially, the best scores of the
retrieved images for user 4 are lower than the others
retrieved top ranked images, because the database in
the chair class does not have similar pictures.
The query-by-sketch based image retrieval system is
a very efficient method to express users’ intension
for Human Computer Interaction. The performance
Figure 10: Image retrieval for a sketched ”chair” image
from various users.
of SBIR systems is very dependent on the nature of
complex image data, on the extraction of meaningful
features from complex images, and on the similarity
measure determined by a roughly sketched image.
In this paper, we have presented our approach for
extraction of tensorial features and the measurement
of similarities, as well as enhanced image classifica-
tion techniques. The essential idea is based on an
analysis of a tensor topology in order to extract the
ellipsoidal characteristics of features. We have also
shown that our methodology is very efficient in re-
trieving the most similar images from a large reposi-
tory in a short time. It is scalable due to the addition
of new images into the database.
Our proposed sketch based image retrieval system
is not limited to 2D image search and retrieval. We
are currently working on extending our methodology
to understanding of 2D/3D motions of target objects.
Especially, we are focusing on a 3D structural analy-
sis of objects in the space of tensor fields.
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