Carlos González, Pascual Castelló, Miguel Chover
Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas
Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain
Keywords: Mesh Simplification, Texture Preservation.
Abstract: This paper proposes a viewpoint-driven simplification method for textured triangle meshes. Models used in
interactive applications are usually composed of geometric meshes with textures. Thus, textures play an
important role in the final aspect of the simplified models. This method considers the texture shape in the
error metric. Entropy, a concept from Information Theory, is used in this error metric. We show in the
experiments that this method produces simplifications that preserve textures better than the methods that do
not take them into account. Therefore, great distortions when applying the textures are avoided.
Models used in interactive applications, like games,
are usually composed of geometric meshes with
textures. Nowadays, 3D scenes tend to present
models composed of a great number of polygons.
But in this kind of application the time required to
process the scene is a crucial point. And the graphic
hardware cannot always handle all this geometry
with a high frame-rate.
One of the solutions presented was the use of
simplification methods. Simplification methods
allow us to avoid storing and processing all the
geometry of the objects in the scene. This introduced
a great advance in interactive applications. The
result of simplifying an object is another object with
less geometry. This fact reduces the GPU load.
Simplification methods try to produce simplified
objects with a similar appearance to the original
We can distinguish between different
simplification methods, depending on their
simplification criteria. A survey of polygonal
simplification algorithms can be found in (Luebke,
2001). Many simplification methods are only based
on the geometry of the objects. These methods try to
generate good geometric results on the simplified
object (for example, criteria based on co-planarity).
Other methods are based on the visual appearance.
These methods try to produce not only good
geometry results, but also realistic results for the
viewer, by, for example, removing first parts of the
object that are not visible for the user
Not only final geometry is important in the
simplified objects. Models used in interactive
applications usually have additional attributes to
their geometry, such as textures. This kind of mesh
needs to present the simplified models with a good
aspect. Textures play an important role on their
appearance. Therefore, good textured models must
be presented in the scene.
A simplification method makes use of an error
metric and a simplification operation. The error
metric will establish the order in which the
simplifications steps will be performed. And the
simplification operation will define how the
geometry of the models will be simplified. There are
not many simplification methods that consider
texture information in the error metric. If texture
information is not taken into account in the error
metric, the order of the simplification steps will be
established without considering the texture of the
model. Therefore, simplified objects can present a
great distortion when the texture is applied. This will
produce unsuitable simplified models to be shown in
interactive applications.
González C., Castelló P., Chover M., Sbert M. and Feixas M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 30-37
DOI: 10.5220/0002820800300037
A solution to this problem is presented in this
paper. Here we present a new simplification method
for triangle meshes that takes texture shapes into
account in its error metric.
The presented method is a viewpoint-driven
simplification method and uses edge collapse
operation. An edge collapse is a simplification
operation that removes edges by merging the
vertices of the edges. The final vertex can be placed
at one of the original vertices (half-edge collapse) or
can be moved to other spatial coordinates. Figure 1
shows an example of a half-edge collapse operation.
Figure 1: The half-edge collapse operation.
Our method is a viewpoint-driven simplification
method. Therefore, we use some cameras around the
object in order to obtain the cost associated to each
edge. These associated costs will give us the
simplification order. In order to take the texture
information into account, we use an image
segmentation method. This will produce another
image with different colored regions. Considering
texture information, edge collapses that produce a
great change in the texture will have a high
associated cost. Therefore, we penalize those edges
that their collapse can produce great distortions in
the final aspect of the model.
The main steps of this method are:
The segmentation of the texture image,
generating a new image with some colored
The calculation of the initial costs associated to
the edges of the model. This will take into
account the information obtained after the
segmentation step.
The simplification algorithm. After each
simplification step, some costs will be recalcu-
lated. This will also consider the segmentation
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2 we describe the background to this
research. In Section 3 we explain the method in
detail. Section 4 shows some results and in Section 5
we discuss the conclusions.
During the last years, a lot of simplification methods
have been developed. Automatic simplification
methods avoid designers to perform elaborate
reduction processes. A survey of simplification
methods for polygonal models can be found in
(Luebke, 2001). Some works on user-assisted
simplifications can also be found in the literature
((Kho and Garland, 2003), (González et al., 2009)).
But there are not many simplifications methods that
produce good textured results. A background of
simplification methods for triangular meshes that
consider attributes, like textures, is exposed here.
Cohen et al. (1998) presented a method that
parameterises the model in order to obtain the texels,
obtaining some patches of the surface. Texture
deviation metric is used to calculate the cost of the
pairs. At each simplification step this metric is
calculated for the modified faces. It also preserves
the boundaries.
Garland and Heckbert (1998) improved their
method (Garland and Herbert, 1997) by extending
the quadrics, taking into account the properties of
the model. It also preserves the boundaries, a high
collapse cost being assigned to these edges.
Hoppe (1999) introduced a new quadric metric
for simplifying meshes while taking attributes into
Lindstrom and Turk (2000) introduced a pure
image-based metric. The main advantage of this
image metric is that it allows the texture attributes to
be taken into account, while also measuring the error
made in edge collapse.
Luebke and Hallen (2001) presented a method
for performing a view-dependent polygonal
simplification using perceptual metrics. These
metrics derive from a measure of low-level
perceptibility of visual stimuli in humans. Later
Williams et al. (2003) extended this work for lit and
textured meshes.
Sander et al. (2001) presented a method that
extended the work introduced in (Hoppe, 1996).
This method subdivides the surface into patches, on
the grounds of its coplanarity. It then generates a
parameterisation by minimizing the stretch
deviation. It calculates an adequate size for each
object in the texture domain and simplifies the mesh
by minimising the texture deviation (Cohen et al.,
1998) and preserving the boundaries. Finally, it
optimizes the parameterization with a different
objective function and regroups all the patches
Zhang and Turk (2002) proposed a new
algorithm that takes visibility into account. Their
approach defined a visibility function between the
surfaces of a model and a surrounding sphere of
cameras. In order to guide the simplification process,
they combined their visibility measure with the
quadric measure introduced by Garland and
Heckbert (1997).
Shao et al. (2004) presented a method that takes
geometric and texture information into account in
the error metric. Thus, the edge cost is defined as a
combination of the geometric error metric and the
texture error metric.
Lee et al. (2005) introduced the idea of mesh
saliency as a measure of regional importance for
graphics meshes. Basically, their approach consists
in generating a saliency map and then simplifying by
using this map in the QSlim algorithm as in (Zhang
and Turk, 2002). The new edge collapse cost is that
of the quadric multiplied by the saliency of this
Garland and Zhou (2005) presented a method for
simplifying simplicial complexes of any type
embedded in Euclidean spaces of any dimension.
Both the geometry of the object and also the
texture frequencies were considered in (Xu et al.,
2005). To make the method more precise, pixels are
subdivided into subpixels.
The method presented in (Chen and Chuang,
2006) recalculates a new texture for each
simplification step, an indexing map being used to
avoid loss of precision.
González et al. (2007) presented an error metric
extension to take texture information into account in
those methods that do not consider it. This extension
is based on the calculation of the borders of the
texture. Then, the cost of those edges that intersect
these borders is modified, by adding the relative area
of the triangles that share this edge. This way, edges
that cross any particular border in the texture are
penalized, and they will be simplified later than
before applying the extension.
González et al. (2008) proposed a simplification
method that considers the possibility of duplicated
vertices in meshes usually used in interactive
The simplification method is a viewpoint-driven
simplification method based on edge collapse
operation. Its metric makes use of the texture
segmentation information to assign the cost
associated to each edge of the model.
The main parts of the method are the
segmentation of the texture image, the initial
computation of edge costs and the iterative
simplification process. A general workflow of the
method is shown in Figure 2. In this figure, it can be
seen that we first perform the segmentation of the
texture image of the model. After this, we calculate
the cost associated to edge by using viewpoint
entropy as the error metric. And finally, we perform
the iterative simplification process, recalculating the
costs of some specific edges in the affected regions.
Figure 2: General workflow of the method.
The process is explained in detail in the next
subsections (3.1, 3.2 and 3.3).
3.1 Texture Regions
The presented method considers texture shape in its
metric. The algorithm of simplification will produce
simplified models considering the shape of the
texture applied on them. This way, great dis-
tortions in the applied texture of simplified models
will be avoided.
We divide the textures into regions. To do this,
we perform a segmentation of the texture image. We
use the method presented in (Felzenszwalb and
Huttenlocher, 2004). With this method, a new image
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
with the different regions of the texture colored is
obtained. Additionally, we have modified the color
selection in order to have a different color for each
region. Therefore, we can identify each region with
a unique color.
Figure 3 shows the segmentation of a texture
image. This method accept different parameters,
such as
(parameter of a Gaussian distribution
used in the segmentation process) and
k (useful to
compute a defined threshold function). Depending
on the value of these parameters, we will obtain
different segmentation results (see (Felzenszwalb
and Huttenlocher, 2004)).
Figure 3: Original texture of a toonturtle model (left) and
the image after the segmentation process (right).
3.2 Error Metric
3.2.1 Entropy
During the last years some authors have combined
the idea of some mathematical measures of
similarity with simplification methods ((Lindstrom
and Turk, 2000), (Castelló et al., 2008)). The results
presented in (Castelló et al., 2007) proved that this
kind of measure can be used with efficiency in the
context of polygonal simplification.
The entropy is a measure of information that
measures the uncertainty associated with a random
variable. That is, the entropy represents the average
information content missed when the value of the
random variable is unknown. This concept was
introduced by Shannon (1948). Mathematically, the
)(XH of a discrete random variable
with values in the set
21 n
xxxS is
defined as:
where the base of the logarithm is 2 (entropy is
expressed in bits),
n is the number of elements,
xXp Pr for
ni ,...,1
and )0log(0
is taken to be
0 .
The situation of the maximum uncertainty is
produced when all the possible values have the same
probability. For example, if we have
n possible
values for a variable the maximum uncertainty is
given when all of these values have an associated
probability of
Some properties of the entropy are:
)log()(0 nXH
XH if and only if all the probabilities
except one are zero and this exception has a
value of unity, i.e., when we are certain of the
)log()( nXH
when all the probabilities are
equal. This is the most uncertain situation.
If we equalize the probabilities, entropy
increases, that is, the maximum entropy is
reached when all probabilities are equal and their
value is
3.2.2 Viewpoint Entropy
Viewpoint entropy was defined in (Vázquez, 2001)
from the relative area of the polygons projected over
the sphere of directions centered at viewpoint
Thus, viewpoint entropy was defined by:
N is the number of polygons of the
a is the area of the polygon i projected over
the sphere,
a represents the projected area of the
background in open scenes, and
is the
total area of the sphere. Maximum entropy is
obtained when a certain viewpoint can see all the
polygons with the same projected area. The best
viewpoint is defined as the one that has maximum
3.2.3 Region Entropy
By applying the image obtained after the
segmentation process to the object, we can calculate
the relative area of the regions projected over the
sphere of directions centered at viewpoint
v .
Therefore, region viewpoint entropy is defined by:
N is the number of regions in the
segmentation image,
ar is the area of the region i
projected over the sphere,
ar represents the
projected area of the background in open scenes, and
is the total area of the sphere.
Maximum entropy is obtained when a certain
viewpoint can see all the regions with the same
projected area. The best viewpoint is defined as the
one that has maximum entropy.
3.3 Simplification Steps
The simplification process is divided into two main
steps: the initial edge cost computation (Subsection
3.3.1) and the iterative simplification process
(Subsection 3.3.2).
3.3.1 Initial Edge Cost Computation
We perform an initial edge cost computation in
order to assign a cost to each edge. This will
establish the order of the edge collapse operations.
The associated cost of an edge represents how the
regions are going to change after the collapse of this
edge. The edges with high associated costs will be
collapsed in the last simplification steps. Therefore,
the edges collapsed first will be those that will
produce less change in the texture regions. This way,
the method collapses first the edges that will
produce less distortion in the texture aspect in the
simplified model.
The background is considered as another region.
Thus, models will also maintain their external
geometric appearance by giving high costs to those
edges that their collapse will produce a great
distortion in the silhouette of the model. We use a
histogram to calculate the projected area of
each region for each camera.
We consider the error produced in all the
cameras in order to compute the edge costs.
Therefore, we define the cost associated to each
edge as the sum of the differences before
simplifying and after simplifying of the region
viewpoint entropies. That is,
In order to assign the initial cost associated to
each edge, the method works as follows:
Step 1. Locate some cameras around the object.
The distribution of these cameras is based on
platonic solids. That is, we place a camera to one
of the vertices of the selected platonic solid (for
example, an icosahedron will produce 12
cameras and a dodecahedron will produce 20
cameras). The cameras will look at the center of
the sphere formed by the solid. We have used 20
cameras. This number of cameras has been used
in methods in the literature ((Lindstrom and
Turk, 2000), (Castelló et al., 2008)).
Step 2. Render the model in the center of the
sphere. The texture image obtained after the
segmentation process is applied on it. See Figure
Step 3. Calculate the initial
H for the model
textured with the segmented texture image.
Step 4. Perform an edge collapse without an
associated cost (initially, there is no edge with an
associated cost).
Step 5. Calculate the actual
H and assign the
difference with the original
H to the collapsed
Step 6. Undo the edge collapse.
Step 7. Until all the edges have an associated
initial cost, go to Step 4.
Figure 4 shows an example of a model textured
with the image obtained after the segmentation of its
texture. Some cameras are located around the model.
Figure 4: Model textured with the segmented texture
image and cameras around it.
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
3.3.2 Iterative Simplification Process
After assigning the initial collapse costs to all the
edges in the model, the method will perform an
iterative simplification process.
Normally, the level of simplification is indicated
as the number of desired final faces. The method has
a count of the faces in the model at each moment.
Therefore, the simplification process will be
performed until the desired level of simplification is
Edges are collapsed in the order given by their
associated cost. Edges with a low associated cost
will be collapsed before than edges with a high
associated cost.
After collapsing an edge, the cost of some edges
must be recalculated. These edges are the ones that
are adjacent to the vertices adjacent to the vertex
resulting from a collapse. This is because the regions
of the texture applied on the model, may change
when the geometry is altered. To do this, we create a
viewport from each camera in order to analyze only
these edges. Therefore, we avoid recalculating the
cost of all the edges in the model again.
The iterative simplification process works as
Step 1. Extract the edge
with the lowest
associated cost.
Step 2. Perform collapse of
Step 3. Retriangulate the affected faces.
Step 4. Recalculate cost of the affected faces.
Step 5. While the number of faces if greater than
the desired number of faces, go to Step 1.
Several models have been tested with the presented
method. Some results are now depicted and
commented. We present the results compared to
another simplification method (Castelló et al., 2007)
that works similar, but without taking textures into
account. The method presented by Castelló et al.
(2007) is a viewpoint-driven simplification method
that uses the entropy concept with the distribution of
the projected areas of the polygons of the model.
The main difference is that the presented method
works with the distribution of the regions obtained
in the texture images.
Some simplifications of three models are exposed in
Figures 5, 6 and 7. We compare our simplification
results with the simplifications obtained by the
method presented in (Castelló et al., 2007). Figure 5
Figure 5: Original tank model (subfigure a), tank model
simplified to 10% without considering textures (subfigure
b) and tank model simplified to 10% with our method
(subfigure c).
Figure 6: Original head model (a), simplifications of the
head model to 70%, 50% and 25% without considering
textures (b, c and d) and with our method (e, f and g).
Figure 7: Original swimmer model (subfigure a) and simplifications to 35% without considering textures (subfigure b) and
with our method (subfigure c).
shows two different simplifications (to 10% and
5%) of the tank model (2,991 triangles). Three
different simplifications (to 70%, 50% and 25% of
the original geometry) of the head model (2,872
triangles) are depicted in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows
a simplification to 35% of the swimmer model
(4,130 triangles). It can be seen that our method
preserves textures more accurate than the methods
that do not take texture information into account.
The temporal cost of this method is similar to
the temporal cost obtained in other viewpoint-
driven simplification methods. We state this
because the main difference is the way of
computing the error metric, which is the
calculation of simple mathematical operations.
Moreover, the texture image segmentation is a fast
process. It depends on the resolution of the texture
and it can be considered as a pre-process.
We have presented a new viewpoint entropy-
driven simplification method for textured triangle
meshes. Interactive applications, like games, tend
to present models with a well-textured appearance.
Therefore, textures play an important role in this
kind of application.
Simplification methods allow the applications
to present models with less geometry, reducing the
GPU load. There are not many simplification
methods that consider texture information during
the simplification process. If this information is not
taken into account, simplified models with great
distortions in their texture appearance can be
produced. This method considers texture
information in its error metric. This allows
presenting simplified models with a more accurate
texture appearance than with simplification
methods that do not consider this information.
Moreover, a well-known mathematical concept
(entropy) has been used to formulate the error
The exposed results show the improvement in
the texture appearance of the simplified models
using this method, compared with the methods that
do not consider texture information for simplifying
the objects.
This method presents similar temporal costs
than other viewpoint-driven simplification methods
in the literature.
This work has been supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science (TIN2007-
68066-C04-02, TIN2007-68066-C04-01), Caja
Castellón-Bancaja Foundation (P1-1B2007-56)
and the Jaume I University (PREDOC/2005/12).
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