Germ´an Arroyo and Domingo Mart´ın
Dep. Lenguajes y Sistemas Inform´aticos, University of Granada
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, 18071, Granada, Spain
Rendering, Non-photorealistic rendering, Painting-like rendering, Drawing.
Nowadays, non-photorealistic rendering is an area that not only focuses on simulates what artist do or the tools
they use, but also on generates new expressive tools for digital art. In this paper we present a new algorithm
to generate beautiful stippling illustrations with felt-tipped colour pen from a photograph or an image. This
technique is not actually used by artists because technical limitations, therefore this new algorithm might be
helpful. We introduce a novel stochastic approach to place coloured dots in a specific order based on the
information of the contrast, borders and histogram of the input image. The system is able to generate an
unlimited number of non regular synthetic colour dots without the necessity of being scanned. These dots will
be composed in a specific order to generate the final illustration.
Stippling is the technique of drawing using dots,
which are composed of pigment in a single colour ap-
plied with a pen or a brush, changing the density to
obtain different shades. The stippling technique can
be altered to use colours. This technique must not be
confused with pointillism, which uses small distinct
dots of colour to create the impression of a wide se-
lection of other colours and blending. The technique
of coloured stippling overlaps the dots to shade the
illustration whereas it is not allowed in pointillism.
Several problems happen when an artist try to stip-
ple an illustration using felt-tip pens. The first prob-
lem is that the number of different colours of these
pens are very limitted. A second problem is that the
amount of ink and the porosity of the tip makes expen-
sive to stipple a complete illustration, specially with
medium-tip markers. The paper is also a problem be-
cause a thin paper cannot admit a large amount of ink,
and it brokes; on the other hand, a thick paper spread
out the ink too much, in such a way that the shapes
become blurred and undefined.
This paper is structured as follows: In Section 2
we discuss related work. Section 3 we present an
overview of our system. In Section 4 we explain the
algorithms in detail. Section 5 discusses the results of
our approach. The paper is concluded in Section 6.
Abstract representation of still images was intro-
duced by Haeberli(Haeberly, 1990) using image color
gradient and user interactivity for painting. Hertz-
mann(Hertzmann, 1998) places curved brush strokes
of multiple sizes on images for painterly rendering.
The technique fills color by using big strokes in the
middle of a region and uses progressively smaller
strokes as one approaches the edges of the region.
Shiraishi and Yamaguchi(Shiraishi and Yamaguchi,
2000) improves the performance of above method
by approximating the continuous strokes by place-
ment of rectangular strokes discreetly along the edges
to create painterly appearance. Santella and De-
Carlo(Santella and DeCarlo, 2002) uses eye track-
ing data to get points of focus on images and cre-
ate painterly rendering with focus information. There
good works for painting terrains(Coconu et al., 2006;
Bhattacharjee and Narayanan, 2008), but they do
not work with general models. Rudolf el al. pro-
poses a physically-inspired model to simulate wax
crayons(Rudolf et al., 2003). All these techniques
work well on single images but do not simulate colour
Arroyo G. and Martín D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 263-266
DOI: 10.5220/0002821002630266
Most of the related research on stippling is fo-
cused on generating dots according to the shading
of a photograph, paying almost no attention to the
shape of dots or the techniques that artists use(Secord
et al., 2002). Some methods propose using cir-
cles instead of realistic dots(Mould, 2007)(Gooch and
Gooch, 2001)(Schlechtweg et al., 2005)(Yuan et al.,
)(Lu et al., 2003). This differs noticeably from the
illustrations created by artists because natural dots
have a gradient. Other methods focus on distribut-
ing the dots correctly along a surface according to the
shading(Secord, 2002)(Pastor et al., 2004). In these
cases, the use of Central Voronoy diagrams produce
easily recognisable patterns. Renderbots is based on
the idea of particles but the results, when they simu-
late stippling, have the same problems with patterns
too(Schlechtweg et al., 2005). None of them uses
coloured dots because it is a less usual technique.
In the next Section, we will expose our solution to
stipple with simulated felt-tip pens.
First, we will discuss the proposed system. It
is based on the scheme presented in Figure 1.
As we can see, the algorithm has the following
1: The information is obtained from the input image.
2: A matrix with probability is generated from this
3: The algorithm enters in a loop:
4: loop
5: The new place and size of the dot is computed.
6: A new dot is generated with a simplified colour
of the region.
7: The dot is composed in the output image.
8: end loop
This algorithm finishes when the stop condition is
reached or the user stops it. A matrix of probability
will guide all the process to place the dots, in such a
way that the order of the dots placement is determined
by it.
The algorithm can be divided in several subalgorithms
that takes an input and returns an output to the next
step. These algorithms are explained in the following
Figure 1: An overview of the algorithm.
4.1 Obtaining Information
First of all, it is necessary to filter the photograph
to obtain relevant information before using the algo-
rithm to place dots. This filtering process is based
on what artists do before they draw a stipple illustra-
tion. The process may vary from artist to artist, but
in general, they begin marking silhouettes and stip-
pling them. The next step is to stipple on the darkest
areas of the image. It is also important to stipple in
areas where details can be enhanced and where there
are different or relevant elements of the photograph.
The background is usually irrelevant, so, the most re-
peated tone in the photograph is ignored by the artist.
Colour stippling is not an exception to this rule.
4.2 Generating the Function of
A discrete representation of a probability density
function (PDF) is constructed with the information
obtained in the previous step. The user adjusts the
relevance of the histogram, the contrasted image and
the borders in the PDF by hand. Hence, a 2d array
with the values of the PDF is initialized.
Once the array has been generated, the next step
is iterate until all the dots have placed.
GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
4.3 Algorithm for Positioning Dots
The algorithm for dots placement removes the pat-
terns in the final image. We use a method that is also
based on a stchocastic algorithm but including some
parameters that are controlled by the user. These pa-
rameters handle the number of placed dots and the
size of the dots.
The algorithm places the dot randomly according
to the valuesof the array 2d, in such a waythat highest
values has more probability of being chosed to place
a dot.
The dots can be placed in the output image using
the following formula for every pixel of the dot:
= (1 A) ·C
+ (A) ·C
Where C
is the colour destiny, C
is the colour
source, and A is the value of the intensity of the dot.
4.4 Algorithm for Generating Colour
The automatic generation of dots removes the artifi-
cial appearance of the illustration. Before generating
a dot, the algorithm must decide what the colour will
be for all the colour. We must take in consideration
that each individual dot cannot contain more than one
The colour is determined by a simple equation:
· 3.0
.red +C
This normalization of the colour produces a flat-
tening and a reduction of the brightness, which is used
in computer vision algorithms to simplify the illumi-
nation of the scene(Finlayson et al., 1998). Addition-
aly if the colour is almost black, the luminosity can
be increased, specially if the intention is to print the
image. The gray colours are substituted by only two
tones of grey. The reason is that grey colours do not
contribute with too much detail to the scenery and can
be obtained easily by stippling on the same place re-
The problem is reduced to generate a grey scaled
dot, and then multiply the obtained colour by the lev-
els of intensity of the dot. White values are not a prob-
lem because if a white colour is found, the algorithm
does not stipple there.
The proposed algorithm to obtain grey dots is
based on Monte Carlo methods. In these kinds of
methods the algorithms decide at every step when the
solution is false, but do not know when the solution is
true. Therefore, the algorithm iterates a certain num-
ber of steps until it reaches an approximate solution.
The algorithm is as follows:
1: Create a matrix (P) of local probabilities
2: Create a matrix (I) of intensity values
3: Create a matrix (A) of absorption values
4: Generate a seed
5: for i = 0 to i < N DROPS do
6: F
(n) returns a position (p
, p
7: Deposit the ink in the returned position
8: end for
9: Apply a Gaussian filter to smooth the result
N DROPS is the number of iterations of the algo-
rithm, it can be estimated from the desired size of the
dot. The size of the matrices P, I and A is the double
of the size of the dot. The matrix P is a probability
density function (PDF). I is the final image of inten-
sities, whereas A is the abosorption of the paper, and
it can be obtained from a gradient image.
The seed can be simply a small circle, this circle
writes the matrix I at its center with a dark value. The
matrix P satisfies the discrete condition
i, j
P(i, j) =
1 because it is a PDF. Therefore, the values of the
matrix P are initialized to 0 but in the places where
is the seed. These cells are initialized to an uniform
value scaled according to the number of used cells.
The final dot is used in the algorithm described at
previous Section.
The algorithm produces a stippling illustration with
felt-tip pens that degrade the colours in an aesthetic
way. The algorithm also can detect how many dots
place in the final illustration by using the information
of the contrasted image. If the background of the im-
age is more or less plain, it is detected and removed
from the photograph. The algorithm can also take as
input a rendered image from a 3D scene or painted il-
lustrations, it also works with complex photographies,
as shown in Figure2. It can be appreciated how the al-
gorithm produce good results even with very compex
images or photograph because the shape and colour
of the dots.
All these images has been generated with felt-tip
pens between 40mm and 60mm.
We have presented an algorithm to automatically
draw coloured illustrations and simulates felt-tip stip-
pling. We have developed a fast and direct equilibra-
Figure 2: A illustration generated by our algorithm.
tion technique that is based on a probabilistic model.
This algorithm draws the dots in a natural order, just
like artists do. We have introduced an automatic con-
trol to stop the algorithm detecting when the illustra-
tion is finished. Our system provides both interactiv-
ity and high-quality output. It can take as input both
photographs, 3D rendered images and illustrations.
Future research is proposed into how more artistic
knowledge can be included automatically within the
application. A study of how to print this kind of im-
ages should be also interesting. Another important is-
sue of future work is the introduction of temporal co-
herence when applied to frames in a video, specially
when try to use the same colours when objects which
are moving in a scene.
We thank the Ministerio de Educaci´on y Ciencia of
Spain for funding part of this work under the project
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GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications