Table 2: Connectivity results for the Canny edge detector
across a selection of test images shown in Figure 5. Each
result is computed using a connectivity region mask of 5
(con.5),11 (con.11),15 (con.15) and 21 (con.21) pixels.
Connectivity Measurement
Image Canny (Con.5) Canny (Con.11) Canny (Con.15) Canny (con.21)
ma3 0.820 0.663 0.604 0.532
ma4 0.823 0.673 0.618 0.553
ma74 0.804 0.642 0.588 0.529
This paper discussed existing methods for evaluation
of greyscale edge detection and introduced new meth-
ods for edge detector evaluation. Initial results which
compared the common objective methods, showed
ambiguities in the evaluation. The Pixel Comparison
Metric (PCM) and Closest Distance Metric (CDM)
both showed inconsistencies when the edge detected
height is comparable to noise or false edges in the im-
age. It was further shown that if the detected edge
height is the same or a similar value to noise in the im-
age both metrics will give a falsely high performance
measure. Moreover, both the PCM and CDM metrics
were seen to give a greater response to over-detected
edges, than accurately located edges of different grey-
levels. This shows a bias in the results towards the
location of edges over the accuracy of edges.
The Greyscale Figure of Merit (GFOM) (an
adapted form of Pratt’s Figure of Merit) was then in-
troduced. The new GFOM measure can overcome
some of the inconsistencies of the PCM and CDM
metrics therefore allowing a more robust evaluation
of grey-scale edge detection against an ideal ground
truth. All the comparison metrics were found to
favour accurately located edges which were broken of
fragmented over edges that, although accurate, have
slight localisation errors. In this case a greater edge
performance measure could be awarded to an edge
that is accurately located but is badly fragmented,
against a poor response for an edge that is continu-
ous but has slight localisation errors.
To overcome this problem and aid in the evalua-
tion, a novel edge continuity measure was developed
and tested. This measure uses a unique pixel mask
applied to the edge image and assess the angle and
location of edges. The uniformity of the detected
edge pixels is then assessed and the connectivity of
the edge defined. This connectivity measure can be
used independently or in conjunction with the previ-
ously discussed metrics to give a robustness to the re-
sults currently unavailable with any single grey-scale
performance measure.
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