The aim of this paper was to evaluate the
performance of a number of statistical and signal
processing texture analysis techniques when applied
to image segmentation. The techniques evaluated in
this study are: the LBP/C operators, multi-channel
texture decomposition based on Gabor filter banks
and a recently proposed texture analysis technique
based on the evaluation of the image orientation at
micro and macro-level. The main novelty associated
with this work resides in the evaluation of the
analysed texture descriptors in a multi-resolution
framework offered by the proposed texture
segmentation algorithm and in the evaluation of the
experimental results when the parameters associated
with these techniques are varied. Our experiments
show that the method based on texture
decomposition using Gabor filters marginally
outperformed the other analysed techniques. The
experimental data reinforced the concept that texture
is an important attribute of digital images and it also
indicates that the local orientation is the dominant
feature that provides the primary discrimination
between textures.
This work was funded in part by the HEA PRTLI IV
National Biophotonics & Imaging Platform Ireland
(NBIPI) and the Science Foundation Ireland
(Research Frontiers Programme).
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications