also conducted eye-tracking experiments, in order to
investigate how our method can aggressively direct
the visual attention of the viewers. The original and
visually enhanced versions of a natural scene were
displayed in a random sequence with the resolution
of 800x600 pixels. Subjects (8 males and 2 females)
were asked to freely look at each image for 10 seconds
while their gaze movements were recorded with a To-
bii X120 non-intrusive eye tracker. Figure 6 shows
the comparison of the results, which indicates the fact
that we pay more visual attention to the warning signs
on the top right in the enhanced version of the scene.
Careful analysis of the recorded gaze movements also
suggests that the first gaze fixation on the warning
sizes has been reduced from 6.15s to 4.95s in aver-
age due to the DOF effects, while we count the time
as 10.0s in the case that the subject did not notice the
warning signs.
In this paper, we have first introduced the definition
of the importance map, which represents the percep-
tual importance of a visual scene by extraction and
combination of low-level features. Based on this im-
portance map, we enhance the salient features in the
input scene by applying semantic depth of field effects
to naturally guide the visual attention of the viewers.
The whole pipeline can be executed in real time with-
out any user-intervention, and the experiment results
suggest that our method can actually assist people in
rapidly finding significant features in the scene.
We would like to thank Radhakrishna Achanta et al.
for sharing their implementation results of previous
researches, and anonymous reviewers for their valu-
able comments. This work has been partially sup-
ported by Japan Society of the Promotion of Sci-
ence under Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
No. 20300033 and No. 21300033.
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