its efficiency, our method improves its efficiency until
a threshold of 0.9 (≈ 24 matches), where it actually
performs optimally. On the other hand, it is clear that
the enhancement introduced by the Graph Transfor-
mation Matching is, as expected, based on the rejec-
tion of the SIFT outliers.
We have presented a new attributed graph matching
algorithm that combines the local texture information
of the SIFT descriptors with the higher level informa-
tion of the graph structure to derive a set of matches.
Unlike the SIFT enhancements based on outlier rejec-
tion, our approach aims to both eliminate erroneous
matches and add new useful ones. We have evaluated
three different approaches to image-feature matching
in a pose recovery application: our method, SIFT
matching (Lowe, 2004), and a graph-based outlier re-
jector run on the positive SIFT matches (Aguilar et al.,
2009). In the methods that use graphs, we have used
the 3-Dimensional positional information attached to
each feature to build the K-nn SIFT graphs.
In the position estimation experiments, our ap-
proach has been superior than the others. With a
higher number of correspondences than SIFT match-
ing, our method gets even a lower positional error
than the outlier rejector. In conclusion, our method
gets more and better matches.
On the other hand, both our method and the outlier
rejector perform worse than SIFT matching in orien-
tation recovery. This seems contradictory since both
methods are designed as an enhancement of SIFT
matching. We therefore need to further study this fact.
We want to acknowledge Juan Andrade-Cetto and
Viorela Ila for providing us with the stereo images
from the robot route, the code for triangulating the
3D feature positions and the ground truth poses used
to compute the errors.
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solider Ingenio 2010, project CSD2007-00018, by the
CICYT project DPI 2007-61452 and by the Universi-
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications