Building an Optical Tracking System for Head Motion Compensation in MRI
Martin Hoßbach
Department Cognitive Computing and Medical Imaging
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research (IGD), Darmstadt, Germany
Optical tracking, Head motion tracking, MRI-compatible.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), in spite of its potential in medical diagnosis, has one major drawback:
Image acquisition is a slow process, requiring the patient to not move for several minutes. This renders MRI
useless in a number of cases. In the case of MR Imaging of the Head, optical motion tracking can be used for
motion compensation, thereby greatly improving image quality. In this paper, an MR-compatible approach of
tracking the patient’s head is presented which does not require his or her cooperation, based on stereo-optical
marker tracking. It is adapted to work in the MRI scanner, does not influence the MR image acquisition and is
easily integrated into clinical routine.
Quite similar to the way a photograph gets blurred
when the person in front of the camera moves, many
medical imaging modalities suffer from motion arti-
facts when the patient is moving during image acqui-
sition. This is normally dealt with by asking the pa-
tient not to move or by sedating him or her. In some
cases, however, the patient will move, and sedating
is impossible. When dealing with medical imaging of
the human head (which is the focus of this paper), one
solution is to track the patient’s head motion, enabling
compensation of the head motion for these cases.
Among the imaging modalities suffering from pa-
tient head movement, positron emission tomography
(PET) is probably easiest to cope with: standard mo-
tion tracking equipment can be used since neither
spatial nor environmental restrictions (like magnetic
fields in MRI) apply. Langner tracked infrared mark-
ers mounted to a pair of ski goggles to track the head
motion (Langner, 2008). Ma et al. reconstructed the
patients head motion using a stereo camera system
outside a PET scanner using SIFT feature tracking
(Ma et al., 2008).
Dold et al. proved the concept of MRI head mo-
tion compensation by head motion tracking with stan-
dard IR tracking of a marker, held by the patient with
his or her teeth (Dold et al., 2006). This marker is a
major drawback of Dolds approach: Non-cooperative
patients will not keep it between their teeth. However,
Dold et al. showed that image quality can be greatly
improved by motion compensation, even in the case
of a cooperative patient.
This paper concentrates on head motion tracking
for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and shows
how to build a motion tracking system that is fully
MR compatible, requiring no patient cooperation
whatsoever. Particularly, the patient does not have
to hold a marker between his or her teeth or wear
marker-goggles. In section 2 the hardware setup is ex-
plained, as well as the difficulties resulting from that
choice and how they were solved. In section 3 the sys-
tem’s performance is analyzed. Section 4 concludes
the paper.
2.1 Hardware
The basic idea is to build an optical tracking system
with two cameras that fits into the MR tomographs
bore. To achieve MR compatibility, the system and its
Hoßbach M. (2010).
MR COMPATIBLE OPTICAL MOTION TRACKING - Building an Optical Tracking System for Head Motion Compensation in MRI.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 453-456
DOI: 10.5220/0002830004530456
Figure 1: MR compatible camera built by MRC Systems,
Heidelberg. Coin as size reference.
Figure 2: Camera mounting on top of Siemens Trio Head
components have to be designed such that they do not
affect the MR image acquisition and that the tracking
is not influenced by the MRI scanner. Spatial condi-
tions in the bore and of the head coil need to be taken
into consideration.
As a result, MR compatible cameras like those
built by MRC Systems (Figure 1) are used, which
achieve a decent image quality even under poor light-
ing conditions. The cameras provide a standard PAL
video signal of 768 ×576 pixels at 25 fps. With a spe-
cial mounting, two of these cameras are attached to
the head coil with the patient’s forehead in their field
of view.
The camera mounting is designed so that it can be
removed from the head coil and later be reattached
without changing the position and orientation of the
cameras in relation to the head coil, thus preserving
camera and stereo camera system calibration (Figure
The two cameras are then calibrated using a
Figure 3: SURF-Features in an image acquired by the
MR compatible cameras described in section 2.1. SURF-
Features are found mainly in areas that can move indepen-
dent from the skull, thus rendering them useless for head
motion tracking.
checkerboard calibration pattern and the stereo cam-
era calibration functions found in the OpenCV li-
2.2 Tracking Approach
Motion tracking can be performed using a marker-
less or a markerbased approach. Although integrat-
ing markerless tracking methods into the MRI scan-
ning procedure is much easier, since only little opera-
tor intervention is necessary, a markerbased approach
has been chosen: Feature tracking methods like SIFT,
SURF or the “good features to track” work fine in var-
ious environments for the inverse problem of ego mo-
tion estimation (Se et al., 2001). However, these fea-
tures performed poorly with the images provided by
the MR compatible cameras mentioned in section 2.1
(Figure 3). Features are found mainly in facial areas
that can move independently from the skull, thereby
rendering the estimated motion unusable for head mo-
tion tracking.
In this scenario, it is essential that only the mo-
tion of the patients skull is tracked. For this reason,
a different approach using fiducial markers has been
chosen. However, a marker like the one used by Dold
et al. can obviously not be used, because the patient
has to hold it with his or her teeth. A non-cooperative
patient will not do this, but nonetheless may be mov-
ing, thus prohibiting the acquisition of MR images.
Standard marker-based tracking techniques can
still be used if markers of a special color are attached
to the patients forehead. This color should normally
not be found in the human face. Blue circular paper
The OpenCV library: http://opencv.
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Image of volunteer with blue markers on his fore-
head (left), and the result of transforming the image to the
HSV color model and thresholding the H-channel (right).
stickers, similar to those used in (Ohayon and Rivlin,
2006), turned out to work nicely: After transform-
ing the image to the HSV color model, they can be
segmented with simple image processing operations
(see Figure 4). Segments are checked for plausibil-
ity. Then, the center of gravity is calculated for each
2.3 Stereo Matching
Extracting the feature points (the centers of the blue
markers) in each image results in a 2D feature list for
each image. Now the corresponding feature points
have to be found. Features are matched using two
separate approaches, both relying only on the epipo-
lar constraint: Let F be the fundamental matrix of
the camera system, such that x
= 0 for one point
in space X with image positions x
and x
. Let f
, x
, x
, . . . , x
be a set of feature points in the
left camera image and f
, x
, x
, . . . , x
set of feature points in the right camera image. A
matching M f
× f
needs to be found that contains
each feature point once or not at all and that has a
minimal epipolar error
c(M) =
Matching is basically a minimization problem.
The Kuhn-Munkres-Algorithm (Munkres, 1957) can
be used to accomplish this. It does, however, match
all feature points, and therefore also matches points,
like misdetected markers, that clearly should not be
matched. This can be resolved by removing all
matches with an epipolar distance exceeding a certain
During image acquisition (when the MRI scan-
ner is actually working), mismatches must not occur.
Therefore, a second, more conservative and therefore
more robust matching approach has been developed.
It requires knowledge of the feature points and the
matches from the last set of images:
First, from all 2D feature points all points are
matched that should obviously be matched because
there are no other feature points on the same epipo-
lar plane. Using the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, the
2D feature points from the current set of images are
matched to the 2D feature points from the previous set
of images. Then we can tell if a certain pair of 2D fea-
ture points in the current set of images was matched in
the last set of images. From the remaining 2D feature
points, those that were matched in the previous set of
images are also matched in the current set of images.
All remaining 2D feature points are ignored.
Having matched the 2D feature points, the 3D po-
sition of the feature points are reconstructed in rela-
tion to the cameras by triangulation. An appropri-
ate method can be found in (Hartley and Zisserman,
2.4 Model Tracking
The two matching strategies are used in different
phases of tracking: The Kuhn-Munkres-Approach is
used in preparation, when the operator is still able to
change the marker setup, and ask the patient to move
his head if mismatches occur. Once the matching
looks fine, a click on a button ends preparation phase,
and two things happen: First, the matching strategy
is changed to the conservative strategy and secondly
the current set of 2D feature points is triangulated.
The resulting 3D positions are stored as reference for
the tracking. From that point on, after matching of
the feature points, the 3D positions of the respective
markers is calculated.
Now the rigid transformation needs to be found
that transforms the initial marker positions into the
current ones. This is complicated assuming that both
point clouds may be incomplete, noisy and contain
outliers. A two-step-approach is used:
1. for each three element subset of the reference
point cloud and each three element subset of the
current point cloud, calculate the euclidean dis-
tances between the three points. If distances are
similar enough (below a certain threshold), use
these three correspondences to calculate a trans-
formation. How many points of the two point
clouds match if this transformation is applied?
Find the transformation maximizing this number
and therefore minimizing the average displace-
2. Using the best transformation found in step 1,
transform the reference point cloud, and calculate
MR COMPATIBLE OPTICAL MOTION TRACKING - Building an Optical Tracking System for Head Motion
Compensation in MRI
a refined transformation, this time using not only
three points but all matching points.
This approach is similar to the RANSAC algo-
rithm. However, considering the small size of the
point sets, an exhaustive search can be performed
without any significant performance drawback.
The transformations are smoothed with a Kalman-
filter: The head is considered a rigid body. The
current position and rotation (using versor represen-
tation) are both 3D vectors x, r R
. The kalman
state vector considers two derivatives, being therefore
(x, r, ˙x, ˙r, ¨x, ¨r) R
Then, the transformations are passed on to the
MRI scanner via ethernet.
The system described in section 2 has been imple-
mented in C
. All image processing was done on
the graphics board using the CUDA API. An overall
frame rate of approximately 40 fps has been achieved
(which is enough to analyze all frames coming from
the cameras) and a latency of 0.05 s. The follow-
ing experiments were made to illustrate the systems
performance with MR compatible cameras, but un-
der better lighting conditions than usually found in-
side the MR scanner.
3.1 Accuracy
One major problem in feature detection is that pro-
jective transformations transform circles into shapes
similar to ellipses. In most cases, the circle center
are not projected onto the center of gravity of the el-
lipse. A blue circular marker with a small black dot
in its center was used to measure the distance. Under
extreme angles the displacement can be as much as
10% of the circle radius.
To evaluate the accuracy of the center of gravity,
a static scene has been constructed containing only
a single circular marker. The experiment shows that
under good lighting conditions, the center of gravity
of a marker is detected with an accuracy of roughly
0.5 pixels.
To evaluate the accuracy of the triangulated 3D
position of a single marker, the same setup has been
used. Thus, stereo matching always works correctly
and the triangulated 3D position should be exact. The
reconstructed 3D positions have a standard deviation
of 0.015 mm for the x- and y-axis, and 0.08 mm for
the z-axis.
A method to build an optical tracking system that can
be used for head motion compensation in MRI has
been presented. To achieve MRI compatibility, cer-
tain drawbacks had to be accepted: MR compatible
cameras are used that provide images with standard
TV resolution. As a result, markerless tracking ap-
proaches cannot be used. Instead, an approach track-
ing circular blue markers sticking to the patients fore-
head has been chosen.
Because of the image resolution provided by the
cameras, tracking accuracy of this approach is not
as good as it would have been with standard indus-
trial cameras with a much higher resolution and frame
rate. Furthermore, the stereo feature matching and the
model tracking algorithms had to be able to cope with
noisy feature positions.
Thus, an MR compatible tracking system has been
built that can be used with non-cooperative patients.
In contrast to other approaches, the system is com-
pletely MR compatible. It uses markers that do not
require the patients cooperation
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications