Fabien Lavigne
TCTS laboratory, University of Mons, Belgium
Fan Chen
Tele laboratory, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Xavier Desurmont
Image Department, Multitel, Mons, Belgium
Sport team video broadcasting, Clip segmentation, View type detection, Ball detection, Region of interest
This paper presents a general framework to adapt the size of a sport team video extracted from TV to a
small device screen. We use a soccer game context to describe the four main steps of our video processing
framework: (1) A view type detector helps to decide whether the current frame of the video has to be resized
or not. (2) If the camera point of view is far, a ball detector localizes the interesting area of the scene. (3)
Then, the current frame is resized and centred on the ball, taking into account some parameters, such as the
ball position and its speed. (4) At the end of the process, the score banner is detected and removed by an
inpainting method.
Last years, the number of applications developed on
smart phones increased dramatically and more and
more multimedia content is proposed on these de-
vices. At the same time, a lot of topics emerged in
video processing, especially in sport events broad-
casting context, as reviewed by (Yu and Farin, 2005).
For example, (Yu et al., 2009) presented a camera cal-
ibration method in order to insert 3D virtual content in
a tennis game scene and (Takahashi et al., 2005) pro-
posed a method to create summaries of soccer videos.
However, before adding virtual information or
summarizing a sport game for a mobile phone, it is
necessary to adapt the content, usually extracted from
TV broadcasting, because of the small size of a phone
screen. In this context, (Knoche et al., 2007) con-
ducted two studies on 84 participants in order to eval-
uate the effect of zoom on human perception. They
extracted from their statistics a function computing
the optimal zoom for an extra large shot, depending
on the target display size. While it provides the opti-
mal size of the zoom, it does not locate the region of
interest (ROI) where the zoom has to be applied. In a
same way, (Ariki et al., 2006) built a system based on
recognition rules, which chooses the best zoom value
and locates it on the ROI of the scene. Their method
is interesting, but the new camera point of view gen-
erated by their algorithm does not evolve seamlessly.
In other words, the camera point of view changes to
follow ball and players but does not follow action as
a pan-tilt zoom camera could do.
In this paper, we propose a general framework in
order to adapt a sport team TV video to a small device
screen. A complete implementation of each block
of the method is detailed in the context of a soccer
game filmed by a multi pan-tilt-zoom camera system.
The remaining of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 briefly presents an overview of the system
and defines some notations used in the paper. Sec-
tion 3 explains the clip segmentation and classifica-
tion methods. Results of these processes are used to
decide if it is necessary to apply the zooming algo-
rithm on a given clip. Section 4 describes the ball
Lavigne F., Chen F. and Desurmont X. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theor y and Applications, pages 157-163
DOI: 10.5220/0002830101570163
Figure 1: Overview of the system. Process (a) splits video into a set of clips. Each clip is described by its camera point of view
(far, medium, close) and whether it is a replay or not. Processes (b) and (c) can be ran in parallel. Process (b) detects the ball
and estimates parameters of zoom (position and factor). Process (c) detects the banner and applies an inpainting algorithm to
remove it. The last process (d) generates a new video from inpainting video and zoomming parameters.
detection process, implemented in order to locate the
ROI of the scene. Section 5 focuses on estimating
zooming frame parameters from which a new camera
point of view is generated. Section 6 shows an ad-
ditional process which detects the score banner and
removes it using inpainting in order to improve the
final video rendering. Section 7 shows some quali-
tative results while section 8 concludes and discusses
on future perspectives.
This part presents an overviewof the system (see Fig-
ure 1) and defines some notations used in the paper.
The system is divided into four main processes. The
first one extracts a set of clips from the whole video. It
also detects whether a clip is a replay or not and clas-
sifies the camera point of view into three categories:
far, medium, and close. If the camera point of view
is far and the clip is not a replay we applied the two
following processes in parallel.
In a second process, we compute, for each frame
of the original video, parameters of a zooming frame
(see Figure 2). The first parameter is the zoom
factor Z
. The size of the zooming frame is com-
puted with the following expression
= (1 Z
], Z
[0,1[. S
is the size of
the original frame and
is the size of the zooming
frame. The zoom factor is initialized at a defined
value Z
. The second parameter is the zooming frame
position C
= (C
). We detect the ball position
= (B
) in the current frame i to locate the ROI
of the scene. The ball position is used to estimate
the new position of the zooming frame. As we will
discuss in the section 5, we use also the frame rate
FPS (frame/s) and the ball motion V
= B
parameters of the process. When zooming parame-
ters are estimated, we detect the banner where score
and time of game are displayed and we remove it us-
ing an inpainting method. At last, we use inpainted
frame and zooming frame parameters to generate a
new video adapted to a small screen.
Figure 2: Inside the black border, the original frame. Inside
the white border, the zooming frame.
Compared to general videos, sport team videos usu-
ally have well-organized structures of shots, based on
several elemental view types of cameraworks. For
each shot, the cameraman can either give a far view
for describing the complexity of the team sports,
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
show more details of the action in a local area with
a medium view, or zoom into a close-up view for
enhancing the emotional involvement of the audi-
ence. Furthermore, sudden view switching during
the evolving of a tight game action is suppressed in
order to avoid the distraction of audience attention
from the current game. Hence, by first dividing the
video into a sequence of clip shots and dealing with
each clip with different strategies according to its
view type, we obtain a semantically reasonable and
computationally efficient base for further processing.
Especially, the preprocessing for clip segmentation
and view-type classification has three major subtasks,
as shown in the workflow in Figure 1.
1) Detection of Replay. The two major methods
for detecting replays are detection of replay-logos,
and detection of slow-motions (Pan et al., 2001).
Although replay-logos are producer-specific, we
follow this approach, because we think that it is
easier and more accurate to detect replay logos than
to detect slow-motions, due to the fact that the view
angle in the replay might change a lot from the
normal play.
2) Detection of Shot-boundary. A difficult
problem in shot boundary detection is to deal with
special effects supporting smooth transition between
two scenes, e.g., fade-in fade-out. Using histogram
as features, we notice that histogram is gradually
varying along with this smooth scene switching, as
shown in Figure 3. Hence, shot-boundary detectors
based on difference of histograms between two
successive frames, as proposed in (Delannay et al.,
2003), are not efficient in this case. Therefore, we
propose an improved shot-boundary detector based
on the difference between the average histogram of
its left and right neighborhoods.
Figure 3: Varying Histogram during Smooth Shot Transi-
3) Detection of View-type. A simple but efficient
method for view-type classification in soccer context
has been proposed by (Ekin et al., 2003). For scenes
having a large portion of grass area, the non-grass
blobs within the grass area reflects objects in the soc-
cer field. The basic idea in (Ekin et al., 2003) is
to evaluate the ratio of grass area to non grass area
in each subdivision of the scene to identify the view
type. In order to locate grass regions we convert RGB
images to HSL and only pick up pixels within the fol-
lowing color range (H: 40 - 120 (of 0 - 255) - S: 7
- 170 (of 0 - 255) - L: 25 - 180 (of 0 - 255), which
covers green colors with different brightness, and is
robust against illumination and shadow. Based on
the results, we further use closing operator to con-
nect neighbouring parts and then use labelling to fil-
ter out small blocks. Scenes with few or even with-
out grass region could be either a public view or a
game view. All public views will be omitted in our
work. A game view without grass area usually gives
a quite close view of the scene, even though it is a
medium view, e.g., a scene focusing on the foot ac-
tions of players. Therefore, it is safe to treat all these
scenes without grass area as close-up views. Based
on the method in (Ekin et al., 2003), we further pre-
classify the scene type before classification according
to the percentage of overall grass ratio, and use sup-
port vector machine to replace the linear classifier for
better classification performance, as shown in Figure
4. Extra robustness is achieved by running the view-
type classification over all frames within the shot and
making the final decision by taking a majority vote.
The results of this process are then used to decide
if the following zooming process is applied. Indeed,
we applied the zooming algorithm only if the camera
view type is far and there is no replay in the concerned
shot. Moreover, if a shot-boundary is detected, the
parameters of the zooming frame are reinitialized.
In a soccer game, the ball represents the central ele-
ment of the scene. Indeed, players react according to
the ball position. Consequently, a ball detection en-
ables a ROI focusing. This problem is discussed in
various studies as in (Yu et al., 2003) wherein the best
ball candidate is detected with a modified version of
the directional circle Hough transform. Then, the de-
tection is validated with a neural network classifier. In
our case, we rely on a generic image processing chain.
This chain is composed of five blocks including fil-
tering, segmentation, objects labelization, objects de-
scription and objects recognition. We use a structural
representation of the scene to specify how to imple-
ment and choose input parameters of each operator
of the process chain. A soccer game is represented
Figure 4: View Type Classification based on Grass Region
by a set of entities (ball, players, bleachers ...) and
each entity is described by a set of features (shape,
color...). The existing spatial relations between these
entities are also described (the ball is on the soccer
field, the bleachers border the soccer field...). This
problem formulation allows us to elaborate the fol-
lowing ball detection chain:
Preprocessing. We apply a Gaussian filter to re-
duce the noise from original image.
Segmentation. Using color components, we se-
lect non-green pixels to separate the soccer field
to other entities. Then a morphological operator
of closure is applied to delete small artifacts and
to merge sparse clusters of pixels belonging to the
same object (players´ legs for example). We as-
sume that the ball have a minimum size in order
to not erase it during the morphologicaloperation.
Object Description and Recognition. We build
a label map from the segmented image and ex-
tract features of each object necessaries during the
recognition process (size, shape, bounding box
...). At this step, we have to select the ball from a
set of objects. Bleachers and players are removed
using their size and white lines using their shape.
We delete artifacts (non existing entities) using the
ratio between width and height of their bounding
box and their color.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5: Ball detection process: (a) Input image. (b) Soc-
cer field segmentation. (c) Label map after closure. (d) Ball
bounding box in red.
While this method is simple and efficient, it can
reveal some problems when the ball is connected to
players. A smoothing term in the zooming parameters
estimation will help us to fix it (See Section 5).
The final purpose of our system is to adapt a soc-
cer game video to small screens highlighting ROIs.
Therefore, we compute a new point of view when the
camera is far from the ground. We define a zoom-
ing frame from which the new point of view is gen-
erated. This frame has to be centered on the ball and
close enough to the ground to allow the watcher un-
derstanding what happens in the scene. Both aspects
are controlled by parameters of position and zoom
factor. Key elements to compute these parameters are
Ball Position. Ball position indicates where the
action takes place. This value, given by the algo-
rithm detailed in section 4, is used to compute the
position of the zooming frame.
Ball Motion. Ball motion is used to update the
zoom factor. If the movement of the ball is
small between two consecutive frames, zoom fac-
tor increases because the area of interest position
evolves slowly. It happens when the ball and cam-
era do not move but also when the camera follows
the ball trajectory at the same speed. If the ball
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: The zooming frame in blue. In the center of the
rectangle, the zooming frame displacement.
moves fast, the zoom has to be small because it is
easier for the zooming frame to follow action with
a small zoom.
Frame Rate. Higher is the frame rate, slower
zooming parameters have to evolve between two
consecutive frames. Taking into account the
frame rate allows us to process videos with dif-
ferent frame rates.
Resolution of the Target Screen. We use the
ratio between resolution of input video and reso-
lution of target screen to initialize minimal zoom
value Z
, maximal zoom value Z
and initial
zoom value Z
Visual Rendering. Our system has to provide
a pleasant video to watch. Therefore, we have
to avoid visual artifacts such as jumping of the
zooming frame position and zooming and de-
zooming effects. Thus we added a smoothing
term to control zooming frame trajectory and
zoom variation. In addition, it is necessary to con-
sider false alarms and non detections the system
can generate. If no ball is detected in the current
frame, the zoom value decreases to avoid zoom-
ing on a non interesting area. In this case, ball
position is defined as the center of the original im-
age. In the case of a false alarm, we noticed that
ball position varies extensively between consecu-
tive frames. Consequently this case is taken into
account by the ball motion. A high motion de-
creases the zoom value.
Taking into account all these aspects, we compute
the zoom factor and the zooming frame position with
the following expressions:
= Z
(1 α) f(i) + α(Z
= C
) (2)
f(i) =
, if θ
and V
< s, (ρ
, if θ
and V
s, (ρ
, otherwise, (ρ
is true if a ball has been detected by the sys-
tem. s is a threshold for the speed of the ball V
The terms α and β are smoothing factors, the higher
these factors are, the smoother the evolution of the
zooming frame is. The ball position B
is defined
as the center of the original video if no ball is de-
tected. Some defined thresholds limit zoom factor and
zoom position values: i N
] and
i N
k < D
. It is also obvious that the
zooming frame cannot be out of the original frame.
In a sportive video, other graphic elements, such as a
banner with score and time of the game, are incrusted
in the initial video.
Figure 7: Incoherent resized image. In the top left corner, a
piece of the banner can be seen.
(a) (b)
Figure 8: (a) Original score banner. (b) Banner is inpainted.
(c) Rectified incoherent image.
If we apply directly our algorithm of zooming, the
position and the size of such element can become in-
Figure 9: Left column shows processings (ball detection, banner inpainting and zooming box). Middle column shows original
images resized to the target screen. Right column shows images resized to the target screen.
(a) (b)
Figure 10: Two problematic situations for our algorithm. (a) The ball is followed at the right of the original image but the
ROI is located at left where a player has been hurt. (b) The ball is lost because of a sudden big shot.
consistent. To cope with such element, we add an-
other process which detects and removes the score
banner. After deleting the banner, we create a small
banner video and the user can decide when he wants
to display it on the screen. He can also choose its
position and its size on the screen. The banner con-
taining score and time of game is always displayed at
the same position its size does not vary. This banner
can be divided in two parts: the one where the graphi-
cal elements can change (time and score) and the one
with no change (border). To detect the presence of the
banner, we create a mask with the part of the banner
which never changes. Using this mask, we detect the
banner using a simple frame differencing approach.
When the banner is detected, we remove it using an
inpainting algorithm developed in the GREYCstora-
tion library and published in (Tschumperl´e, 2006).
The inpainting method is implemented as a two-
step algorithm. First, image isophotes in missing data
regions are reconstructed using multi-valued PDEs
that perform anisotropic smoothing.
Then, missing texture are synthetize therein using
a smart bloc matching scheme.
Our proposed method has been tested on a 2 hours
soccer video with a 25fps frame rate. The resolu-
tion of the original video is 800x600 and the reso-
lution of the target screen is 360x640. We used the
following configuration: β = 15, α = 0.3, ρ
= 0.03,
= 0.03, ρ
= 0.03 and n = 10. These values
have been choosen after few visual tests. Then each
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
parameter have been hard-coded (fixed for all con-
texts). Some results are shown in Figure 9. We re-
alized a visual subjective evaluation, comparing the
video generated by our system and a video created by
resizing the original video to the target screen resolu-
tion. The new video is more pleasant to watch and it
is easier to understand what happens in the scene.
However, as we shown on Figure 10, some im-
provements are needed. Indeed, some situations are
not optimal for our algorithm. The first one is when
the ball is alone and no player follows it (the ball
goes in touch for example). In this case, following
the players could be more interesting than following
the ball. But this situation happens rarely and does
not last a long time. The second one is more prob-
lematic, it happens when the ball moves slowly dur-
ing few times and then a player makes suddenly a big
shot. It is difficult with a smooth motion to follow the
ball when its speed changes suddenly. In this case,
several frames are necessary to refocus the zooming
frame on the ball.
This paper presented a general framework to adapt the
size of a sport team video extracted from the TV to a
small device screen. Based on this framework, we
implemented a specific application for soccer game
videos filmed by a multi-ptz camera network. The re-
sults are visually efficient and show the relevancy of
our method. New ways have to be explored in order
to improve our system. First of all, we could take
into account the players and use the results to make a
compromise between zooming on the ball and includ-
ing most of the players in the zooming frame. It also
could be very interesting in a near future to evaluate
the performance of our system with a subjective as-
sessment method proposed by International Telecom-
munication Union (ITU) in the report (ITU-R, 2009).
Such evaluation will allow us to measure the impact
of our system on human perception but also to se-
lect optimal input parameters. To conclude, we are
about to integrate this system in a real-time streaming
server/client architecture based on the one proposed
by (Bomcke and Vleeschouwer, 2009).
This work has been funded by the Wallon region
in the framework of WALCOMO and 3DMEDIA
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