Figure 4: segmentation result using proposed method for
some slices of a patient.
This paper proposed an automatic method for the
segmentation of uterine fibroid in MR images. Using
Chan-Vese method initial segmentation obtained. In
second step segmentation refined by applying prior
shape model based on Bresson et al, method and
ellipses model. The quantitative results illustrate the
good performance of this method according to
nonhomogeneity region and missing boundary in
these types of fibroids. By uterine fibroid
segmentation in the future works we can analyze
fibroid properties like infarcted or calcified percent
region. This task has essential features in diagnosis
and treatment of uterine fibroids.
The authors would like to thank Dr A.Jalali and Dr
M.Shakiba of the Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology Research Center (ADIR) for supplying all
patient images.
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