The disparity map estimation remains an active area
for research in computer vision. More and more mod-
ern applications demand not only accuracy but real-
time operation as well. In this paper, we presented a
disparity map estimation algorithm based on the neu-
ral network and DSI data structure. The disparity map
computing process is divided on to two main steps.
The first one deals with computing the initial dispar-
ity map using a neuronal method and DSI structure.
The second one presents our contribution to refine the
initial disparity map using improved GA and median
filter so an accurate result can be achieved. Experi-
ments results show that the computation time mainly
depends on the image size, window size and the value
of highest disparity in the image. When we imple-
ment some algorithms on FPGA, the processing time
has decreased considerably.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications