units, and thus is likely not to play a useful role in
the task.
4.2 Pure Error-driven Learning
Figure 4 presents the activation-based receptive field
and projective field analysis for the lower left unit
group in layer V1 when pure error-driven learning
was used for training (no Hebbian injected).
Compared to the previous figure, there are many
units here that have not developed any useful feature
representation, and project equally strongly to a
large number of output units. In addition, quite a few
units are never activated during processing. This is
probably why generalization performance suffered
when Hebbian learning was excluded from the
learning mix (Equation 3; Figures 4).
In this article, we have studied the effect of mixing
error driven and Hebbian learning in bidirectional
hierarchical networks for object recognition. Error
driven learning alone is a powerful learning
mechanism which could solve the task at hand by
learning to relate individual pixels in the input
patterns to desired perceptual categories. However,
handwritten letters are intrinsically noisy as they
contain small variations due to different
handwritings, and this increases the risk for
overfitting—especially so in large networks. Hence,
there is a risk that error-driven learning might not
give optimal generalization performance for these
We run systematic training and generalization
tests on a handwritten letter recognition task using
pure error-driven learning as compared to using a
mixture of error-driven and Hebbian learning. The
simulations indicate that mixing Hebbian and error-
driven learning can be quite successful in terms of
improving the generalization performance of
bidirectional hierarchical networks in cases when
there is much noise in the input, and an increased
risk for overfitting.
Additionally, we also believe that Hebbian
learning can be a good candidate for generic, local
feature extraction for image processing and pattern
recognition tasks. In contrast to pre-wired feature
detectors, for example, Gabor-filters, Hebbian
leaning provides a more flexible means for detecting
the underlying statistical structure of the input
patterns as it has no a priori constraints on the size or
shape of these local features.
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