Florian Holz
, Sven Teresniak
, Gerhard Heyer
and Gerik Scheuermann
Natural Language Processing Group,
Image and Signal Processing Group
Institute of Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Visual analytics, Document collection summarization, Browsing document collections, Topic detection,
Change of meaning, Volatility, Time-sliced corpora.
Large digital diachronic document collections are a central source of information in science, business, and for
the general public. One challenge for the efficient visualization of these collections is the automatic calculation
and visualization of the main topics. These topics can then serve as the basis for an overview of the content and
any subsequent interactive visual analysis. We introduce the new language processing concept of volatility of
terms measured as the change of the context of terms. We demonstrate that volatility can serve as an excellent
basis for the visual overview of large collections using two different examples.
Large collections of digital diachronic text such as the
New York Times corpus and other newspaper or jour-
nal archives in many ways contain temporal informa-
tion related to events, stories and topics. Therefore, a
good starting point for any visual analysis of such col-
lections is a visual representation of contained topics.
To detect the appearance of new topics and tracking
the reappearance and evolution of them is the goal of
topic detection and tracking (Allan et al., 1998; Al-
lan, 2002). For a collection of documents, relevant
terms need to be identified and related to a particu-
lar time-span, or known events, and vice versa, time-
spans need to be related to relevant terms.
However, topics not only depict events in time,
they also mirror an author’s, or society’s, view on the
events described. And this view can change over time.
In language, the relevance of things happening is con-
stantly rated and evaluated. In our view, therefore,
topics represent a conceptualization of events and sto-
ries that is not statically related to a certain period of
time, but can itself change over time. Tracking these
changes of topics over time is highly useful for mon-
itoring changes of public opinion and preferences as
well as tracing historical developments. In addition to
This research has been funded in part by DFG Focus
Project Nr. 1335 Scalable Visual Analytics under DFG
number SCHE 663/4-1.
term frequency, we consider a term’s global context
(see below) as a second dimension for analyzing its
relevance and temporal extension and argue that the
global context of a term may be taken to represent its
meaning(s). We use these two dimensions as the basis
of our visual overview of the topics in the collection.
Changes over time in the global context of a term
indicate a change of meaning. The rate of change
is indicative of how much the “opinion stakeholders”
agree on the meaning of a term. Fixing the meaning
of a term can thus be compared to fixing the price of
a stock. Likewise the analysis of the volatility of a
term’s global contexts can be employed to detect top-
ics and their change over time. Therefore, we offer
the user to study frequency and volatility of a selected
topic over time to let him find time spans of inter-
est with respect to the topic. We first explain the ba-
sic notions and assumptions of our approach and then
present first experimental results.
Following (Heyer et al., 2008), we take a term to
mean the inflected type of a word, where the notion
of a word is taken to mean an equivalence class of in-
flected forms of a base form. Likewise we take the no-
tion of a topic to mean an equivalence class of words
describing an event (as computed by the global con-
Holz F., Teresniak S., Heyer G. and Scheuermann G. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory
and Applications, pages 153-156
DOI: 10.5220/0002836701530156
Table 1: The 30 most significant co-occurrences and its sig-
nificance value (cut to 3 digits) in the global context of “abu
ghraib” on May 10, 2004.
prisoners 0.346, abuse 0.346, secretary 0.259, abu ghraib
prison 0.259, iraqi 0.247, rumsfeld 0.221, military 0.218,
prison 0.218, bush 0.210. prisoner 0.200, photographs
0.183, donald 0.183, secretary of defense 0.174, pris-
ons 0.174, photos 0.174, the scandal 0.174, interrogation
0.163, naked 0.163, mistreatment 0.163, under 0.162, sol-
dier 0.154, saddam 0.154, armed 0.154, defense 0.143, the
bush 0.140, senate 0.140, videos 0.130, torture 0.130, arab
0.130, captured 0.130
text of the topic’s name), and the notion of a concept
to mean an equivalence class of semantically related
words. The global context of a topic’s name is the set
of all its statistically significant co-occurrences within
a corpus. We compute a term’s set of co-occurrences
on the basis of the term’s joint appearance with its co-
occurring terms within a predefined text window tak-
ing an appropriate measure for statistically significant
co-occurrence. The significance values are computed
using the log-likelihood measure following (Dunning,
1993) and afterwards normalized according to the ac-
tual corpus size. These significance values only serve
for sorting the co-occurrence terms; their absolute
values are not considered at all. Table 1 exempli-
fies the global context computed for the term “abu
ghraib” based on the New York Times corpus of May
10, 2004. The numbers in parenthesis behind a term
indicate its statistical significance (normalized to the
corpus size and multiplied by 10
), which are used to
rank the co-occurring terms (cf. Fig. 1).
The processing of large and very large document col-
lections has several difficulties which make it hard
to provide substantial help for an user who wants to
access certain documents, especially when the exact
item or its position is unknown to the user. The state-
of-the-art interfaces for accessing large document col-
lections are indeces like google and other search en-
gines, which rely mainly on indexing all or statisti-
cally relevant terms, and structured catalogues like
(web) opacs, which need annotated metadata for each
document and use these for filtering.
The most hampering aspect is the large amount
of data itself and the complexity of its analysis. For
instance computing the global contexts of terms in
a corpus has a time and space complexity of O(n
where n = number of types is about 1,000,000 to
10,000,000. Therefore it is difficult to compute and
even to define appropriate and use- and meaningful
measures describing terms and their relations. Thus
most analyses rely on term frequency, which is effi-
ciently computeable, and e. g. often relevance mea-
sures comparing local term frequency in a document
to the total frequency in a reference corpus.
We aim for a new paradigm in interacting with
large time-related corpora. Obviously, it is impossi-
ble to present information about every document in a
large collection at once, because if there are for in-
stance 1.6 Mio documents like in the New York Time
corpus (cf. Sect. 6), there are only about 0.82 pixels
per document for visualization, aasuming a standard
screen with 1 280 × 1024 pixels. So an aggregated
view on the content is necessary, and this view should
enable a visualization-based interactive exploration of
the collection which is driven by the users attention
and intent by providing him details on demand.
Therefore we want to identify the most relevant
terms in the sense that these terms are related to the
most considerable developments over the time span
of the corpus. We establish the measure of volatility
of a term (see next section) to cover the change of its
global context which indicates a change of usage of
the term. So we can provide an overview over the
most evolving topics as an entrance into the whole
The basis of our analysis is a set of time slice cor-
pora. These are corpora belonging to a certain pe-
riod of time, e. g. all newspaper articles of the same
day. The assessment of change of meaning of a term
is done by comparing the term’s global contexts of the
different time slice corpora.
The measure of the change of meaning is volati-
lity. It is derived from the widely used risk measure in
econometrics and finance
, and based on the sequence
of the significant co-occurrences in the global con-
text sorted according to their significance values (see
Sect. 2) and measures the change of the sequences
over different time slices. This is because the change
of meaning of a certain term leads to a change of the
usage of this term together with other terms and there-
fore to a (maybe slight) change of its co-occurrences
and their significance values in the time-slice-specific
global context of the term. The exact algorithm to ob-
tain the volatility of a certain term is shown in Fig. 1.
For the detailed natural language processing back-
ground see (Holz and Teresniak, 2010).
But it is calculated differently and not based on widely
used gain/loss measures. For an overview over miscella-
neous approaches to volatility see (Taylor, 2007).
IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
1. Build a corpus where all time slices are joined together.
2. Compute for this overall corpus all significant co-
occurrences C(t) for every term t.
3. Compute all significant co-occurrences C
(t) for every
time slice t
for every term t.
4. For every co-occurrence term c
t, j
C(t) compute the
series of ranks rank
t, j
(i) variing i which represents the
ranks of c
t, j
in the different global contexts of t for ev-
ery time slice t
5. Compute the coefficient of variation of the rank series
t, j
(i)) for every co-occurrence term in c
t, j
6. Compute the average of the coefficients of variation of
all co-occurences terms C(t) to obtain the volatility of
term t
Vol(t) = avg
t, j
Figure 1: Computing the volatility.
The visual overview is a 2D plot where every term’s
position is given by the term’s absolute frequency and
the term’s volatility variance computed as the vari-
ance all per-day volatilities (cf. Sect. 6). The x-axis
comprises of the rank of the term in the frequency-
sorted term list while the y-axis indicates the volatility
of the term. Thus the overview depicts the relation be-
tween how present a term was in the shown time span
and how much the related topic evolved over it. The
overview provides a simple and intuitive aggregation
of the document collection. Figure 2 shows such an
(zoomed) overview computed for all articles of the
New York Times corpus in 2004. The high-frequent
terms are on the right side, the low-frequent ones on
the left. The x-axis is displayed logarithmic. Accord-
ing to the power law distribution of term frequencies
in natural language (cf. Zipfs law), the logarithmic
view leads to a concentration of the most terms in
the middle of the x-axis which would in a linear view
mostly to be found indistinguishably right next to the
This represenation allows the user to get an direct
overview over the most evolving topics covered in the
processed documents. In an interactive application
the user can explore more and less evolving aspects
of the covered time span by zooming into certain ar-
eas. If the user finds an interesting term, it’s easy to
provide him the curve of the volatility of this term
showing the term’s development over the time span
like shown in Fig. 3 (cf. Sect. 6). Using the signifi-
cant co-occurrences the user can be provided the most
related terms as well.
100 1000
aggregated view of volatile concepts for 2004
log(word frequency) in 2004
barack obama
republican convention
democratic convention
subject to change
abu ghraib prison
bronze medal
smarty jones
joseph i
moral values
fourth of july
the oscar
colin powell
democratic national convention
the capture
iowa caucuses
college football
same-sex couples
the gold medal
popular vote
chain of command
the reach
christmas eve
the rings
league championship series
yasir arafat
gold medal
the christmas
first album
Figure 2: Variance of volatility according to word frequency
for 2004, zoomed.
Jan 03
Apr 03
Jul 03
Oct 03
Jan 04
Apr 04
Jul 04
Oct 04
Jan 05
Apr 05
Jul 05
Oct 05
Jan 06
Apr 06
Jul 06
Oct 06
Jan 07
Term Frequency
Volatility 'abu ghraib'
Frequency 'abu ghraib'
Figure 3: 30-day volatility of “abu ghraib” from 2003 to
2006 based on the NYT corpus.
In what follows, we present results of experiments
that were carried out on the basis of data based on the
New York Times Annotated Corpus (NYT)
. Table 2
lists some general characteristics of this corpus.
Figure 3 shows the development of the volatility
of “abu ghaib” from January 2004 to December 2006.
The volatility was computed per day with a window
of 30 days, i. e. for the volatility for a certain day
the last 30 days before were taken into account (cf.
Fig. 1). The daily frequency of “abu ghraib” is also
shown in Fig. 3 as a 30-day average over the last 30
days, too. The clearly outstanding peaks of the vola-
tility are easily connectable to certain events and their
related media coverage. The first peak beginning in
May 2004 is caused by the initial discussion about the
torture pictures and videos taken in the prison in Abu
Ghraib (cf. Tab. 1).
The volatility does not generally correlate with the
word frequency as e. g. the volatility peak in April
2005 shows. It’s caused by the news coverage of a
suicide attack at the prison on April 5. The new as-
pect and topic shift does not lead to an extended cov-
erage in the New York Times but is measureable as
a change of context. The peak in November and De-
cember 2005 is related to an exhibition where pictures
from Abu Ghraib have been shown together with oth-
ers from the Weimarer Republic and World War II.
The event also does not cause a more frequent usage
of “abu ghraib” in the New York Times, but is nev-
ertheless detectable by the related change of context.
Table 3 shows this for the November 20, when the
reporting about the exhibition started.
Once established as a symbol, the Abu Ghraib cri-
sis is stressed controversely in many contexts and thus
remains high-volatile at least until November of 2006,
even though the absolute frequency of “abu ghraib”
is quiet low (cf. Fig. 3). For previous experiments
and more detailed examples see (Holz and Teresniak,
In this paper, we have presented a new approach to
the analysis of large diachronic document collections.
We proposed to analyze the change of topics over time
by considering changes in the gobal contexts of terms
as indicative of a change of meaning. Measuring this
change it is possible to visualize a substantial amount
of a large time-related data volume concentrating on
the most evolving topics and to provide a simple and
intuitive overview over the wohle document collec-
tion. First experiments, carried out using data from
contemporary news corpora for German and English,
indicate the validity of the approach. In particular,
it could be shown that the proposed measure of a
term’s volatility is highly independent from a term’s
This overview is planned to be the basis of an ad-
vanced interactive exploration application. So in a
next step we plan to combine the the overview and
term-specific analysis within one user interface which
provides also zooming and filtering options. There-
fore the user is planned to be able to select a cer-
tain term or set of terms to get the volatility devel-
Table 2: Characteristics of the used corpus NYT.
language english
time span Jan 87 – Jun 07
no. time slices 7 475
no. document 1.65 mil.
no. tokens 1 200 mil.
no. types 3.6 mil.
no. sig. co-occurrences 29 500 mil.
size (plain text) 5.7 GB
Table 3: The 30 most significant co-occurrences in the
global context of “abu ghraib” on November 20, 2005.
disasters, hook, grosz, international center, finalized,
weighty, inkling, complement, partnerships, guggenheim
museum, collaborative, the big city, easel, reaped, hudson
river museum, blockbuster, enlarging, goya, weimar, art
museums, eras, inconvenient, negatives, golub, poughkeep-
sie, griswold, big city, impressionist, staging, neuberger
opment within an selectable time frame and to have
access to the most prominent documents of this time
frame which have high impact on the volatility of the
term(s). It is also intended to provide access to such
terms which are most heavily changing the global
context of the previously chosen term indicating into
which direction its meaning and usage changes within
the selected time frame. Combining those overviews
of subsequent time spans, it is possible to show the
terms’ developments as a trajectories for every term.
So, rising or declining topics can be identified by hav-
ing the according terms moving along the x-axis while
they gain or loose variance of volatility in contrast to
other concepts which may stay in their area over the
different overview representations.
Allan, J. (2002). Introduction to topic detection and track-
ing, pages 1–16. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Nor-
well, MA, USA.
Allan, J. et al. (1998). Topic detection and tracking pilot
study final report. In Proc. DARPA Broadcast News
Transcription and Understanding Workshop, pages
Dunning, T. E. (1993). Accurate methods for the statistics
of surprise and coincidence. Computational Linguis-
tics, 19(1):61–74.
Heyer, G., Quasthoff, U., and Wittig, T. (2008). Text Min-
ing: Wissensrohstoff Text Konzepte, Algorithmen,
Ergebnisse. W3L-Verlag, 2nd edition.
Holz, F. and Teresniak, S. (2010). Towards automatic de-
tection and tracking of topic change. In Gelbukh, A.,
editor, Proc. CICLing 2010: Conference on Intelli-
gent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics,
LNCS 6008. Springer LNCS.
Taylor, S. J. (2007). Introduction to asset price dynam-
ics, volatility, and prediction. In Asset Price Dynam-
ics, Volatility, and Prediction, Introductory Chapters.
Princeton University Press.
IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications