These results can be explained by two doubt states
that appear frequently: the doubt between Fear and
Surprise and the doubt between Sadness and Anger
expressions. Interestingly, these expressions are also
notoriously difficult to discriminate for human
observers (Roy et al., 2007). Compared to the model
of Hammal et al., 2007 the introduction of the
temporal modeling of all the facial features
information leads to an average increase of 12% of
the performances. To better evaluate the quality of
the obtained results, the model performances are
compared with those of human observers on the
same data. 15 human observers were asked to
discriminate between the six basic facial expressions
on 80 videos randomly interleaved in 4 separate
blocks. Figure 11 reports the human performances
(grey bars). The human and model performances are
not significantly different (two-way ANOVA,
The current paper proposes a model combining a
holistic and a feature-based processing for the
automatic recognition of facial expressions dealing
with asynchronous facial feature deformations and
multi-expression sequences. Compared to the static
results, the introduction of the transient features and
the temporal modeling of the facial features increase
the performances by 12% and compare favorably to
human observers. This opens promising perspectives
for the development of the model. For example,
preliminary results on spontaneous pain expression
recognition proved its suitability to generalize to
non-prototypic facial expressions
. A future direction
would be the synchronization of the facial and the
vocal modalities inside each detected emotional
segment and the definition of a fusion process
towards a bimodal model for multi-expression
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