An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Network Security Properties
Miroslav Sveda, Ondrej Rysavy, Petr Matousek, Jaroslav Rab and Rudolf Cejka
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Bozetechova 2, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Intranet Topology, Dynamic Routing, State-based Reachability, Security, Bounded Model Checking, SAT.
Abstract: This paper deals with an approach to security analysis of TCP/IP-based computer networks. The method
developed stems from a formal model of network topology with changing link states, and deploys bounded
model checking of network security properties supported by SAT-based decision procedure. Its
implementation consists of a set of tools that provide automatic analysis of router configurations, network
topologies, and states with respect to checked properties. While the paper aims at supporting a real practice,
its form strives to be exact enough to explain the principles of the method in more detail.
The paper focuses on the area of automatic analysis
of a network that consists of L3 devices (hosts,
routers, firewalls etc.) connected by links and,
optionally, with firewall rules applied on them.
Based on the network configuration and considering
dynamic behavior of the network, we can ask
questions like “Is this network protected against P2P
connections?”, “What packets can be delivered to
the given host?”, or “Is this WWW service
accessible under every configuration of the
Of course, those questions can be partially
answered by scanning and testing tools (ping,
nmap), or vulnerability assessment tools (Nessus).
However, testing can analyze the network only in
immediate state, which means in practice: for a fixed
configuration. When the topology is changed, the
response of the network can be different. In our
work we explore how security and safety properties
can be verified under every network configuration
using model checking (Clarke et al. 1999). The
model checking is a technique that explores all
reachable states and verifies if the properties are
satisfied over each possible path to those states.
Model checking requires specification of a model
and properties to be verified. In our case, the model
of network consists of hosts, links, routing
information and access control lists. After reviewing
state of the art in section 2, the specification of
network model is laid down in section 3. The next
section deals with network security properties that
are expressed in the form of modal logics formulas
as constraints over states and execution paths. If a
property is not satisfied, the model checker
generates a counterexample that reveals the state of
the network, which violates the property. If the
property is proved, it means that the property is valid
in every state of the system. Those items are
discussed in sections 5 and 6.
This paper primarily focuses on the automatic
analysis of network security properties of the
network. The challenges addressed in the paper
include: (a) automatic generation of the network
model using routers configuration files, (b) creating
templates for specification of network security
properties and (c) a combination of tools that verify
given properties over the model by model checking.
Research in the area of network security and
vulnerability detection has been conducted since the
beginning of the Internet. Many papers concentrate
on detection of vulnerabilities of hosts and their
protection against the network attack, see e,g,
(Tidwell, et al., 2001), (Zakeri, et al., 2005), or
(Shahriari and Jalili, 2005). Most work follows the
similar scheme: (i) Network is modeled as an entity
that includes hosts, connections, user privileges, OS
Sveda M., Rysavy O., Matousek P., Rab J. and Cejka R. (2010).
SECURITY ANALYSIS OF TCP/IP NETWORKS - An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Network Security Properties.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication Systems, pages 5-11
DOI: 10.5220/0002838300050011
types, running services, and individual
vulnerabilities of hosts; (ii) Host vulnerabilities are
revealed by external automatic tools like Nessus, or
by OVAL scanner (Ou, et al., 2005). Then, detected
vulnerabilities are expressed in the language of pre-
condition and post-condition assertions, or rules; (iii)
An important step is to determine threat tucker goal,
i.e. security violation (e.g. root access on the web
server), and in this case the goal is often expressed
by a predicate; (iv) Having these, vulnerability
analysis follows: it includes an application of
derivation rules based on the initial assumptions
(i.e., network configuration) in order to prove a
predicate (i.e., security violation) if the predicate is
true, then the deduction path corresponds to the
possible attack scenario.
Despite the statement of authors in (Shahriari
and Jalili, 2005) that “this model lets automatically
verify and prove network safety and vulnerability
against the attack,” the method of logic deduction
and proving requires good knowledge of logics and
deductive systems, since the proof is constructive
and it is made by human.
In (Ou, et al., 2005), an automatic deduction of
network security executed in Prolog is introduced.
The authors define reasoning rules that express
semantics of different kinds of exploits. The rules
are automatically extracted from OVAL scanner and
CVE database (Mitre, 2008).
Another approach is an automatic generation of
network protection in the form of firewall rules as
shown in (Bartal, et al., 1999). The security policy is
modeled using Model Definition Language as the
first step. Then, the model of a network topology is
translated into firewall-specific configurations.
These configuration files are loaded into real devices
Ritchey and Ammann in (Ritchey and Ammann,
2000) explain how model checking can be used to
analyze network vulnerabilities. They build a
network security model of hosts, connections,
attackers and exploits to be misused by the attacker.
Security properties are described by temporal logics
and verified using SMV model checker. However,
their goal is different from ours. They verify if hosts
on the stable network are vulnerable to attacks. In
our case we concentrate on dynamically changing
networks and reachability of their nodes.
Our approach is close to the work of G. Xie (Xie,
et al., 2005), and J. Burns (Burns et al. 2001). Unlike
these works we build a model that includes both
static and dynamic behavior, i.e. firewall rules and
routing information, see (Matousek, et al,, 2008). In
this model, the verification of reachability properties
can be made. In comparison to Ritchey’s work
(Ritchey and Ammann, 2000) we do not focus on
hosts vulnerability and their resistance to attacks but
on stability of services in dynamic networks. Main
contributions of this paper consists of (i) the creation
of a network transition system that models dynamic
behavior of the network, (ii) the definition of
security properties using modal logics, and (iii) the
algorithm for verification of specified properties
using bounded model checking and SAT-solver.
The aim of this section is to restate a formal model
of a network topology that allows specifying a set of
attributes for security analysis, which was originally
defined formerly and published in (Matousek, et al,,
2008). For the rest of the paper we refer to the
example of the network topology as given in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of network topology.
The abstract model of the network dealing with
routing processes and packet filtering stems from a
combination of techniques introduced in (Xie, et al.,
2005) and (Christiansen and Fleury, 2004). The
network, see Figure 2, is regarded as a directed
graph where vertices are routing devices and edges
are communication channels that form abstractions
of communication links. Each communication link is
modeled by a pair of unidirectional communication
channels. In real networks there are other network
device then routers. However, every end-point
device, such as PC or Web server, can be
represented using a router with only one interface,
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
and one outgoing filtering rule representing routing
all traffic to default gateway.
Formally, network model, see Figure 2, is a tuple
N = ‹R
, L
, F
›, where
is a finite set of network devices,
is a finite set of links between
routers, such that for every physical link
between R
, R
there is a pair of channels l
, R
›, l
= ‹R
, R
›, and
= {f : P {true, false}} is a finite set of
filtering predicates and P is a set of all possible
A filtering predicate f(p) F
is able to determine
whether a packet p is allowed to be send. This
function is defined so that it uniformly represents the
interpretation of Access Control List (ACL) and
routing table information adequate to link l. A
simple example is a filter f (p)
f (p) = ¬(p.proto = Tcp p.dstPort = 80)
that turns down all web traffic, i.e. TCP packets with
destination port 80. Note that dot notation is used to
refer to attributes of the current packet. Both ACL
and routing information of a network node can be
translated to a filtering predicate.
From the ideas mentioned above the following
conclusions can be summarized: (1) The model of a
network includes specification of hosts, their
configurations, network topology and description of
vulnerabilities; (2) The list of host vulnerabilities
and network threats can be downloaded from open
databases, or specified manually; (3) Analysis can
be made manually or automatically, based on
deductive systems or by model checkers,
respectively; (4) Results of the analysis can either
show specific vulnerabilities that require
intervention of an administrator, generate a new safe
configuration for network devices, or prove that the
property is valid under every condition of the
Many papers in this area deal with static network
configuration. If network configuration or topology
changes, a model of the network has to be rebuilt.
Our approach deals with networks with dynamic
behavior. Dynamics is modeled by routing
protocols, e.g. RIP or OSPF. Our goal is to
automatically verify network security properties in a
network model. The network model is constructed
with respect to the configuration files of network
devices and the network topology.
Geoffrey G.Xie et al. in (Xie, et al., 2005) show
that routing information can be added to the static
model of the network using additional filtering rules.
These filtering rules can be changed as the state of
links is changed, so the filtering rules depend on the
actual state of the network.
Hence, the introduced formal model can be
derived automatically from configuration files of
routers. It deals only with IP addressing, and routing
and filtering rules. Other parameters and settings are
abstracted away for the sake of simplicity.
Figure 2: Network model for the example topology.
Description of network security properties is related
to the classification of threats and intrusion. There
are plenty of different network security problems,
such as HTTP attacks, spam, TCP flooding, DoS
attacks, Web server misuse, spoofing and sniffing
For instance, Kumar in (Kumar, 1995) offers
classification of abstract signatures. Neumann and
Parker (Neuman and Parker, 1989) propose nine
categories of misuse techniques (external misuse,
hardware misuse, masquerading, etc.). Lindquist and
Jonsson (Lindqvist and Jonsson, 1997) describe
intrusion in two dimensions – intrusion technique
and intrusion result. On-line databases of
vulnerabilities have their own categories: CVE
(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) (Mitre,
2008) defines many categories like buffer errors,
code injection, configuration, credentials, cross-site
scripting, etc. Intrusion detection database Snort
(Snort, 2008) classifies violation rules mostly with
respect to applications – chat, nntp, mysql, pop,
icmp, imap, web, etc.
Our network model deals only with IP addresses
and services or ports. Therefore, the analysis does
not reflect hardware or OS attacks. We also don’t
examine the contents of TCP/UDP packets. Our
SECURITY ANALYSIS OF TCP/IP NETWORKS - An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Network Security Properties
primary goal is safety or resistance of the network
with respect to dynamic behavior of the network.
Therefore, our classification includes only basic
categories of network security properties. Since it
can utilize typical fields from IP, TCP, or UDP
headers, namely source/destination IP address and
service/port (Matousek, et al,, 2008), it allows to
specify wide range of different communications to
be analyzed in the network.
5.1 Principles of Implementation
In this subsection, a framework suitable for
implementation of a model-checking algorithm
based on the interpretation of a dynamic network as
a state system with transitions induced by changes of
link conditions is described. The employed
description language is based on propositional
modal logic (Stirling, 1992). For the computation of
the model and evaluation of properties in this model,
a representation of ACLs and routing rules in the
form of filtering predicates F
for network N is
We define state predicates that can be interpreted
in each state of the model and state functions that
can be evaluated in each state of the model. In our
case, we use NetReach
(R) function that determines
a set of routers reachable from router R under packet
property φ. Evaluating this function in network
states s
, s
can give different results because
dynamic routing information varies with network
Putting restrictions on the path between two
routers enables, e.g., to verify if there exists a path
between two routers for Web traffic. This is called
network path under packet property. It restricts the
set of possible paths between routers to those paths
where packet property φ is satisfied on every link of
the path in network state s.
Network reachability under packet property on
the network N in network state s, NetReachs
(R), is
a set of routers reachable from router R for packet
satisfying property φ considering network state s. It
can be computed by a least fixed-point algorithm.
We use a language of modal logic to express
security properties. Modal logic allows us to reason
with validity of packet properties (protocol = TCP,
port = 80) in different network states.
A formula of modal language is interpreted in
network transition system T
. For non-modal
fragments we need to interpret atomic sentences. For
model checking analysis we define a modal model
on the network transition system T
as a pair M
, V
› where V
is a valuation assigning a subset
of T
’s states to each atomic sentence Q. Truth at a
state s of an arbitrary formula ψ under M
inductively defined using Kripke semantics.
5.2 Decision Procedure
This subsection briefly explains how to construct a
general decision procedure for modal model in realm
of the network transition system T
. The small
modal property, ψ, of the logic guarantees the
decidability of the procedure that tests the
satisfiability of a formula. We adopted bounded
model checking (Biere, 2003) that limits state space
by reachability diameter. In this case, the
reachability diameter equals to the number of links
that we consider in the analysis. It means that we are
interested in checking whether the given property
holds in the given set of network states which are
limited by their distance to some initial state, e.g. we
accept at most three link failures in the analysis. The
problem of performing a full analysis, which means
to check network state for any combination of link
states (
2 ), rises exponentially with the size of the
network (number of links). Using bounded model
checking with a diameter k we can get the most
interesting results quickly as we limit the size of the
problem for a network with n links to
nk states that needs to be visited. This is
based on practical consideration because for most of
the time the network is assumed to be in the normal
state, for which we consider that all links in a
network are functioning properly and in the case of a
failure occurs it affects only a small number of
network links. Also depending on a network
topology, a larger number of link failures can lead to
a situation that some network parts will be
inaccessible. If these parts are crucial with respect to
network reachability then we can conclude without
additional computation that the property cannot be
satisfied in this state of the network. One can also
find that if even more links fail then reachability is
not resumed. From this consideration we may
conclude, that for many network properties there
exist such states in network transition system, which
allows us to reduce a state space that needs to be
explored by the variant of the method presented in
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
1 2
Figure 3: Example of (a) network transition system, network model in (b) state s1, and (c) state s5.
this paper that would provide an exhaustive analysis
of network reachability under packet property.
In the following, the translation of the model-
checking problem to SAT based problem is exposed.
For a modal-model M
and a modal-formula ψ,
the bound k is given by the total number of links that
may change their state. As shown above, expression
(R) can be evaluated in every state s. In
this case, the SAT-based decision procedure
evaluates propositional formula [[M
, ψ]]
consists of a propositional representation of
transition system T
and network property ψ with
standard modal interpretation:
, ψ]]
5.3 Example
Assume the network model drawn in Figure 2,
network transition system shown in Figure 3 and
routing rules that generate filtering predicates. Then
the decision procedure that evaluates property ψ as
defined in this section works as follow. Using
Kleene’s Algorithm (see e.g. Gross and Yellen,
2004, p.66), the reachability matrix for the network
at any given state is computed. Each cell of the
reachability matrix defines a formula consisting of
filtering predicates. The formula specifies overall
filtering predicate for the whole path. Therefore, the
WWW NetReach
is translated to
The network transition system is translated into the
following propositional formula:
, R
) (R
, R
) (R
, R
) (R
, R
M s
where e.g. (R
, R
) means that the connection from
R1 to R2 changed its state from connected to
disconnected; hence, it is no longer available.
SAT solver takes a boolean proposition and
attempts to find a valuation of the boolean variables
such that the formula is satisfied. To allow
application of SAT solver, the predicates need to be
represented as boolean variables.
This example cannot be run without exploiting at
least a prototype model checker implemented as a
SAT-based decision procedure, and without
converters or handwork that can convert a concrete
network model and a verified property expressed as
a modal formula into the input formats required by
the employed model checker. The other possibility is
development of special tools briefly described in the
next section.
This demonstration example is discussed in more
detail in (Cejka et al., 2008).
The first step of implementation phase, currently
realized, consisted in transforming the methods
mentioned above into the prototypes of ensuing
software tools. These prototypes enabled us to
perform case studies in order to measure and analyze
attributes of the proposed verification method. To
shorten the design phases as much as possible the
SECURITY ANALYSIS OF TCP/IP NETWORKS - An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Network Security Properties
free software libraries implementing verification
procedures were exploited including high-level
programming techniques because the short run-time
and a small footprint of the tools were not the
primary concerns at that phase. Instead, the rapid
development of tools allowing us to carry out
experiments with the methods proposed was main
apprehension. The resulting set of tools can provide
automatic analysis of router configurations, network
topologies and states with respect to checked
Evaluation of the project will be based on the
outputs from the experiments with the computer
tools developed in the previous phase. The
experiments are considered to be an inevitable part
of the project. The evaluation can be split into the
following steps:
1. Capability of the proposed methods will be
2. The comparison of methods based on simulation
with methods based on verification in the domain
of network analysis will be given.
3. Analysis performed on case studies will reveal
how the methods can be applied in real
Note that several different methods may be suitable
for modeling and analysis of the environment and
properties in the domain of interest. Most often, the
combination of several methods leads to better
results. The emphasis of the project’s research is put
on the formal verification methods, but other
methods are certainly worthwhile to explore as well.
The other methods may be orthogonal with formal
verification, or they may support the formal
In particular, monitoring may provide a fruitful
data for classification and definition of security-
related properties based on the real traffic.
Simulation serves as a useful tool to specify and
replay possible dangerous scenarios found by the
formal verification. Therefore, simulators and
monitors are seen as supporting tools for the
network-wide analysis. Their study brings added-
value insight with respect to the main research topic
of the project. We plan to determine relative
positions of all these methods and tools in the next
evaluation report.
In this paper, we demonstrate the problem of
automatic security analysis of TCP/IP based
computer networks. The presented verification
method aims at validating network design against
the absence of security and configuration flaws. The
network model allows describing effects of static
and dynamic routing and access control lists
configured on the network devices. The verification
technique based on the bounded model checking
supported by SAT-based decision procedure counts
for varying link conditions’ checks whether a given
property holds in the network model. It was shown
that the method is able to deal with various classes
of properties, namely availability, safety and
security. In all cases, a language of modal logic was
used to express the property formally while serving
as an input to the model checking algorithm.
Although not validated, we believe the application
of this technique is feasible for a large class of
network models and properties.
It was shown that bounded model checking is a
useful method in this area. The developed
experimental tools provided reasonable data
convincing us that the method is applicable in
practice. Nevertheless, the experiments with real-
size models are still in progress and further analysis
is required to fully evaluate the method. There are
also various possible extensions to the method. First,
the specification language is rather minimalist and it
is challenging to show whether all important security
properties can be specified in it. In case of negative
answer the further work should be focused on
refining classification of properties and proposing an
adequate extension of the language and the
verification procedure. Second, a lot can be done in
the area of optimization of the method. It requires
deeper understanding of the relation of dynamic
routing protocols behavior to the network transition
system. Finally, for conducting practical
experiments it is necessary to implement reliable and
effective tools that would improve and extend the
current experimental tools that need to be sometimes
manually supported.
We believe that currently appearing papers in
some sense inspired by, or at least referencing and/or
developing our approach to modeling of dynamic
networks for security analysis, see e.g. (Jeffrey and
Samak, 2009), (Bera, Ghosh and Dasgupta, 2009),
(Bera, Ghosh and Dasgupta, 2009a) or (Holloway,
2009) can demonstrate usefulness of the presented
This project has been carried out with a financial
support from the Czech Republic state budget
through the CEZ MMT project no.
DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
MSM0021630528: Security-Oriented Research in
Information Technology, by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic through the grant no. GACR
102/08/1429: Safety and Security of Networked
Embedded System Applications, and by the Brno
University of Technology, Faculty of Information
Technology through the specific research grant no.
FIT-10-S-1: Secured, Reliable and Adaptive
Computer Systems. Also, the first co-author was
supported by the grant no. FR-TI1/037 of Ministry
of Industry and Trade: Automatic Attack Processing.
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SECURITY ANALYSIS OF TCP/IP NETWORKS - An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Network Security Properties