Taner Danisman, Marius Bilasco, Nacim Ihaddadene and Chabane Djeraba
LIFL - UMR CNRS 8022, University of Science and Technology of Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Keywords: Facial Feature Detection, Emotion Recognition, Eye Detection, Mouth Corner Detection.
Abstract: This paper presents a real-time automatic facial feature point detection method for facial expression
recognition. The system is capable of detecting seven facial feature points (eyebrows, pupils, nose, and
corners of mouth) in grayscale images extracted from a given video. Extracted feature points then used for
facial expression recognition. Neutral, happiness and surprise emotions have been studied on the Bosphorus
dataset and tested on FG-NET video dataset using OpenCV. We compared our results with previous studies
on this dataset. Our experiments showed that proposed method has the advantage of locating facial feature
points automatically and accurately in real-time.
Over the last quarter century, there is an increased
body of research on detection of facial feature points
(e.g. locations of eye, eyebrow, and mouth) on
different domains including face recognition, facial
expression recognition, facial animation, head pose
estimation etc. All of these application domains need
efficient, accurate and fast detection of facial
features. On the other hand, there are many factors
that effects desired functionality including different
lighting and illumination conditions, background
changes in outer boundaries, high variation in static
and dynamic parts in face and shadows.
In literature, research on facial feature detection
can be grouped into color intensity based, projection
based, segmentation based, classifier based (Neural
Networks, Support Vector Machines, Bayesian
Classifiers) and deformable template based
approaches. Intensity and projection based
approaches use a specific color model to get benefit
from the intensity changes in facial area. Usually
vertical and horizontal integral projection applied to
get peak and/or valley points which presents the
availability of facial features. These methods assume
that skin color in facial area is homogeneous.
However, lighting, illumination and pose changes
affect the outputs of this approach in a negative way.
Segmentation based approaches also use the
intensity values either in color or grayscale formats.
Majority of the studies focus on skin color based
segmentation of facial features especially for the
mouth. In these approaches domain knowledge
about the skin color is used. According to the mouth
and lip segmentation studies, lip area includes more
reddish colors than bluish colors. For this reason,
researchers use nonlinear transformations to get
benefit from this property. Unfortunately, this
feature is not available all the time and previously
mentioned problems still exists for this approach.
Classifier based approaches needs large training
sets to learn facial features from extracted feature
vectors. Huge amount of annotated data is need for
better classification. Popular classifiers are neural
networks, support vector machines and Bayesian
Deformable template based approaches like
Snakes (Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos, 1987) and
Active Appearance Models (Cootes, Edwards and
Taylor, 1998) use an initial template object and
deform it until reaching to the desired shape.
Although these methods provide robust results, their
operations are computationally complex to use in
real time applications. In general, all of these
approaches have advantages and disadvantages. This
observation motivated us to use a hybrid approach to
detect facial feature points.
In this study we used combination of image
processing techniques (contrast enhancement,
adaptive thresholding and quantization) and artificial
neural networks to detect facial feature points in
Danisman T., Bilasco M., Ihaddadene N. and Djeraba C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 407-412
DOI: 10.5220/0002838404070412
grayscale images extracted from a given video. Our
proposed system automatically detects the faces in a
given video using tuned Viola-Jones face detector
(Viola and Jones, 2001), then it detects the pupil
positions using Neural Network based eye detector
(Rowley, Baluja and Kanade, 1998) and estimates
the orientation of the face according to the vertical
position of left and right pupil. After correcting the
orientation, it detects position of eyebrows and nose
using adaptive-thresholding and finally left and right
corners of mouth is detected using a trained
Artificial Neural Network. Finally, we used the ratio
of geometrical distance measures between corners of
mouth and inter-pupillary distance (IPD) to detect
the availability of an emotion. For our experimental
study we considered neutral, happy and surprise
- For training, we used Bosphorus image dataset
(Savran et al., 2008)
- For testing, we extracted images from FG-NET
Wallhoff (2006) video dataset and compared our
results with previous studies achieved on this
- Our approach uses both neural networks and
adaptive thresholding for the facial feature
- We considered eyebrows, center of pupils, nose
and corners of mouth as facial feature points.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section two, we explained our methodology used in
this study. Section three presents the experimental
results performed on FG-NET dataset. Finally
section four concludes the study.
Our hybrid approach consists of a set of independent
but hierarchically dependent detection components
shown in Figure 1 that works on different region of
interests (ROI) of the image.
Figure 1: Dependency figure for our hybrid approach.
We start with the detection of the face using
Viola-Jones face detector available in OpenCV
library. We selected the scale factor 1.2, minimum
neighbors 3 and set the flag
the best speed and performance.
After that we used the neural network based eye
detector Rowley (1998) available in STASM
(Milborrow and Nicolls, 2008) library to locate the
positions of pupils. STASM is a variation of Active
Shape Model of Coote’s implementation. STASM
works on frontal views of upright faces with neutral
expressions. Although it is highly robust on neutral
expressions, it is not suitable for facial feature
detection on faces with emotions. In addition,
because of the high computational needs it is not
suitable to use with real time applications. Therefore
we derived only Rowley’s eye detection code from
the library which is a group of neural networks that
provides eye positions. We did not use the Rowley
face detection because of the speed constraints.
Figure 2 shows original and superimposed images
after the detection process.
Figure 2: Face and facial feature detection (Sample from
FG-NET database).
After the eye detection, we estimated the
orientation of the face using the vertical positions of
the two eyes. If they are not in the same position
then we compute the angle between these two pupil
points and simply corrected the orientation by
setting the face center as origin point and we rotated
the whole frame in opposite direction. In this way
we guaranteed the frontal upright position of the
face up to ±30 degree in both sideways.
2.1 Eyebrow and Nose Localization
For eyebrow and nose localization we performed
adaptive thresholding technique. First we
determined three ROI’s that shows approximate
positions of the two eyebrows and nose. After that,
we performed contrast stretching. To do that first we
find the low and high limit pixel values to contrast
stretch image. In order to calculate these values first
we compute the cumulative histogram of the
detected face. After that we searched within the
cumulative histogram to find index values that is
Face Detection
Eye Detection
Nose Localization
MouthCorner Detection
Emotion Detection
Emotion Detection
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
closest to the 1% of all image pixels. More clearly, if
the face size is 200200 then total pixel values is
40,000 and 1% of it is 400. Thus, in the cumulative
histogram we search for the number 400 from the
top to find the low limit (low
) and we search the
number 40,000400=39,600 from the bottom to find
the high limit (high
). Let this numbers be the 20
and 230
index elements in the cumulative
histogram. Then simply normalize these values by
dividing them to 255 to get approximate intensity
values in 8-bit scale which is ~0.07 and ~0.90
respectively. Finally, these numbers are then used to
map desired scale which is 0 to 1. The following
function is applied to the all pixels within the face.
value specifies the shape of the curve during
the intensity mapping process where if it is greater
than 1 then it produces dark values and if it is less
than 1 it produces brighter values. During our
experiments we used the
value as 1 which means
that our mapping is linear. Figure 3 shows the
intensity transformation.
Figure 3: Intensity transformation.
Example output of this method is compared with
the standard histogram equalization method in
Figure 4. From the left to the right, original low
contrast image, intensity transformed image and
histogram equalized image is shown.
Figure 4: Original, intensity transformed and histogram
equalized images (left to right order).
After the intensity transform, we got samples
from the mid of forehead region and we compute the
mean and variance values. Width and height of the
forehead region is set to the quarter of the IPD.
Center of this region (x1, y1) is represented by the
center of the line between two eyes and quarter of
inter-pupillary distance (IPD) above the vertical eye
position. In order to detect the eyebrow and nose
locations we compute the horizontal integral
projections in previously selected ROI’s as seen in
Figure 5. We start searching position from top to
bottom thus avoiding possible false positives. We
use threshold value as
xσ where x represents the
mean and
σ represents the variance for each search
region. ROI window sizes for eyebrows are set to
the quarter of the IPD and a tenth of the IPD for
nose ROI.
Figure 5: ROI areas for eyebrow and nose localization.
2.2 Mouth Corner Detection
Mouth is the most dynamic part of the face as its
shape and size dynamically changes when we speak
or show a facial expression. Research works (Ekman
and Friesen, 1982) showed that there is a direct
relation between happy emotion and the shape of the
mouth. Therefore, detection of corners of mouth has
an important role in emotion recognition. We used
mouth corners for the detection of the “happy”
emotion only. In order to detect corners we used
artificial neural network based system having two
hidden layers as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: The structure of the neural network used for the
detection of mouth.
Detection of mouth in neutral facial expression is
easy. The simplest way is to use the integral
Pixel fre quency
16 neurons
4x4 blocks
10 neurons 5 neurons 3 neurons
- left corner
-right corner
- background
projections. On the other hand, for real world
situations where there is an emotion or person is
speaking then this method does not provide robust
results. In our study, we considered emotion
invariant mouth corner detection which is much
more difficult problem than traditional detection
methods which considers only neutral faces with
closed mouth. Therefore we used 2 hidden layers
with more neurons than traditional approaches use in
order to handle the variety of mouth shapes. The
input layer has 16 neurons, first hidden layer has 10,
second hidden layer has 5 and output layer has 3
neurons. We used sigmoid activation function.
We used 2D landmark files to extract corners of
mouth from Bosphorus dataset (Savran et al., 2008)
as our training set which consists of 2D and 3D
facial coordinates of 105 subjects (61 male, 44
female). As the number of subjects is small, we
ignored 16 beard men which have negative effect on
training process. In addition, for each subject we
ignored YR (Yaw rotation), O_EYE (Eye
occlusion), O_MOUTH (Mouth occlusion),
O_HAIR (Hair occlusion), CR_RD (Right
Downwards), CR_RU (Right Upwards).
As our NN classifier is based on intensity values,
each subject image in Bosphorus set have been
converted to grayscale and then reduced to 250250
pixels. Finally we crop 6060 samples from these
images before the feature extraction.
As our output layer has 3 neurons, one for the
left mouth corner, one for the right mouth corner and
third neuron is for the background. We used 2,000
positive samples for mouth left corner, 2,000
samples for mouth right corner and 40,000 samples
for the background. Background samples selected
from the near mouth corner area to eliminate
possible false positives. Figure 7 shows samples for
each class. First row includes samples from the
mouth left corner, second row shows samples from
the mouth right corner and last row shows
background samples.
Figure 7: Samples from our training set (Left corner, right
corner and background samples in each row).
Each sample is preprocessed to enhance the
contrast as described in section 2.1. After that we
compute the average image from the 2,000 positive
samples as shown in Figure 8. According to the gray
level properties of the average image, we manually
set the gray-level threshold value50. Then,
each image is converted to binary image using this
threshold value.
Figure 8: Average and segmented images for mouth
corners from Bosphorus dataset.
Finally we divided these binary images into 44
sub blocks and for each block we compute the
cumulative value. As a result we get a feature vector
from each sample having 16 bins which is then used
as an input for the input layer. After that we trained
our NN model using sigmoid activation function.
Prior to testing, we need to preprocess captured
frames so that they are processed in the same way
that we used in training. As the frame size in our test
set is not equal in Bosphorus dataset, we have to
scale both detected face and sample size in the test
frame. In Bosphorus dataset we have faces of size
250250 and sample size of 6060. On the other
hand Viola-Jones face detector gives different face
sizes. For this reason we resized the detected faces
to 100100 pixels and we used 2424 pixels for the
sample size by holding the aspect ratio.
One of the problems with neural network based
classification approach is that searching each pixel
increases the computation time. Therefore we set
two ROI for the left and right mouth corner. Position
of these regions depends on the vertical location of
detected nose and IPD distance. Let the position of
this ROI is represented by x, y, w, h. Vertical
position y is set to the nose position plus 6% of face
height. Horizontal position x is set to 10% of the
face width for the left ROI and 45% of the face
width for the right ROI. Width of the ROI w is set to
23% of face width and height h is set to 50% of the
IPD distance. Figure 9 shows coarse coordinates of
candidate mouth corners.
Figure 9: Example mouth search ROI image from
FG-NET video dataset.
In order to classify mouth corners, we need to get
samples from these ROI’s. If there is more than one
candidate exists for the corner points then we select
the point with the maximum network output .
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
2.3 Facial Expression Recognition
Facial expression recognition is simply a
classification of a human face according to
predefined emotional classes. We created static
rules that consider facial geometry for classifying
different emotions. In this research, we used
happiness, surprise and neutral classes for the
classification. We examined the following
measurements for emotion classification of a face;
 
In this approach it is possible to assign more than
one emotion class per frame. In order to classify a
given face, we measured the ratio of facial features
to the IPD value. If it exceeds the threshold values
then we label the face with the corresponding
emotion class. Threshold value for the happy
emotion is computed by manually examining the
samples from the Bosphorus dataset and for surprise
emotion, by manually examining our faces.
In our research study, we used FG-NET (IST-2000-
26434) dataset for testing purposes. It consists of 7
different emotions from 18 subjects where each
subject repeats each emotional expression three
times. As we selected to study on three classes then
we used only 543=162 videos. Figure 10 shows
sample frame sequence for happiness emotion from
FG-NET dataset. In FG-NET dataset, minimum
annotated unit is the video itself. Thus, our
evaluation on this dataset is based on number of
videos that correctly classified.
Figure 10: Sample cropped happiness frame sequence
from FG-NET dataset.
These videos usually start with neutral face and
in general the emotion appears in the middle of the
video. As a result, there are many neutral faces exist
in each video. To solve this labeling problem, we
assigned a single emotion label for each frame and
we compute the emotion histogram per video. Then
we selected the emotion from the histogram with the
second biggest histogram value. Because the top
value in histogram shows the neutral emotion. In
addition, we used a threshold value for the minimum
number of frames that must be reached to classify a
video which is 10% of total frames in the video. It
means that if the video has 120 frames then, the
second biggest value in the emotion histogram must
be greater than or equal to the threshold value which
is 12 frames. If there is no such emotion exists then
it is classified as neutral emotion. More formally;
 
where 2 
and  is the total frames in. Table 1
shows the confusion matrix and accuracy obtained
from our experimentations using FG-NET dataset.
Table 1: Confusion matrix for FG-NET dataset.
Accuracy in %
Happy Surprise Neutral
Happy 74,1 11,1 14,8
Surprise 68,5 22,2 9,3
Neutral 3,7 7,4 88,9
Experiments showed that there is a clear
confusion between surprise and happy emotions
which also supports previous studies. This is
because of the fact that subjects show happy
emotion while expressing surprise emotion when
they see a surprising event. This is a general human
behavior where a surprise event is turned out to be
happy emotion as expressed in Izard, (1991).
Moreover, some of the happy videos are classified as
surprise videos. When we look at to these
misclassified videos we see that there is a hair
occlusion on forehead region which creates false
positive results for eyebrow localization. In a similar
way some of the neutral videos misclassified as
surprise emotions because of the hair occlusion as
seen in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Example false positive detections for eyebrows
due to hair occlusions.
We compared our results with Cerezo and
Hupont, (2006). They used 10 characteristic MPEG4
feature points to extract emotional information to
detect six basic emotions. They worked on static
images and manually selected facial points. They
tested Hammal’s method (Hammal, Couvreur,
Caplier and Rombaut, 2005) on FG-NET dataset.
Although the evaluation criteria and feature
extraction method are not the same (manual vs.
automatic), Table 2 shows general information about
results achieved on FG-NET dataset.
Table 2: Previous studies on FG-NET dataset.
Accuracy in %
Happy Surprise Neutral
Hammal’s method Man. 87,2 84,4 88,0
Cerezo and
36,8 57,8 100,0
Our method Auto 74,1 22,2 88,9
In terms of speed, our hybrid approach runs at
28fps on Intel Core2Duo 2.8 GHz laptop for 26fps
mpeg sized videos. In addition current prototype
delivers 24.5fps for webcam video frames of size
640×480. Therefore the suggested approach is
suitable for real-time processing.
In this paper, we proposed a hybrid approach for
facial feature detection for emotion recognition in
video. Our system is detects seven facial feature
points (eyebrows, pupils, nose, and corners of
mouth) from grayscale images.
Experimental results showed that our system
works well on faces with no occlusions thus we get
acceptable emotion recognition results. On the other
hand, different occlusions on facial area slightly
affect the performance of the system.
As future work, we are planning to detect finer
locations for eyebrows and radius of the pupillary
area in terms of feature extraction and planning to
work on hard cases (hair occlusion, etc.). In case of
eyebrows, the shape of the eyebrow will give useful
information about different emotion.
This study is supported by the Multimodal Interfaces
for Disabled and Ageing Society (MIDAS) ITEA 2
– 07008 project.
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