view in real-time files that are closest in terms of ei-
ther euclidian distance or chisquare distance. Thus,
the user can analyze these files in more detail (see
Figure 3).
One can also select a subset to be clustred and
to be projected. It is also possible to select another
subset from the previous one. Thus, the result of the
computer-based clustering is refined by the user in an
iterative loop (see Figure 3).
4.3 Visualization of the
Pre-post-clustering Relationship
Visualization of the pre-post-clustering allows to
show four cases: files that were in the same In classes
and are in the same Out classes, files that were not
in the same In classes and are not in the same Out
classes, files that were in the same In classes but are
not in the same Out classes, files that were not in the
same In classes and are in the same Out classes.
Specifically, this part allows to visualize files
wrongly classified.
4.4 Information Retrieval
Concerning information retreival, our tool allows to
search documents by specifying a word. To illustrate
the result of the research process, we associated color
to the files containing the specified word. We indicate
to the user the number of files containing the specified
word (see Figure 2). The user can visualize only the
files containing the specified word and thus analyse
in more detail these files. By clicking on one of these
files, one can, for example, visualize the occurrence
of the specified word in the selected file.
In this paper we presented an interactive tool that
combines the clustering and visualization methods for
textual data. The tool allows to identify similar doc-
uments into an unstructured collection. Specifically,
we used the multinomial mixture model to cluster
the documents, and MDSDCA for visualization. The
originality of our approach is to allow the user to in-
teractively refine the clustering process based on vi-
sual analysis of the results of the intermediate steps.
In addition, our tool also offers visual cues in the text
view in order to help the user identify the most rele-
vant words in the document as well as in the whole
class. Tool also shows some enriched views of the
content of documents by allowing the user to include
Figure 3: Clustering and projection of a subset of docu-
a semantic analysis based on personal knowledge to
the computer-based clustering process.
We will illustrate our tool on other real data.
The research work reported in this paper has been
supported by a grant of the National Research Fund
(FNR) of Luxembourg. For this, we thank the FNR.
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IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications