Hui Xu, Feng Zhao and Ran Ju
School of Microelectronics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, China
Hardware, Object detection, AdaBoost algorithm.
This paper implements a hardware architecture for object detection based on AdaBoost learning algorithm and
Haar-like features. To increase detection speed and reduce hardware consumption, an integral image calcu-
lation array with pipelined feature data flow are introduced. Input images are scanned by sub-windows and
detected by cascade classifiers. Moreover, special design is made to enhance the parallelism of the architec-
ture. In comparison with the original design, detection speed is improved by three, with only 5% increase in
hardware consumption. The final hardware detection system, implemented on Xilinx V2pro FPGA platform,
reaches the detection speed of 80f ps and consumes 91% resources of the platform.
Cascade AdaBoost object detection algorithm, first
proposed by Viola and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2001;
Viola and Jones, 2004), is widely used in object detec-
tion. The algorithm builds a strong classifier by taking
in a set of training images and assigning weights to a
series of weak classifiers based on Haar-like features.
As long as the system is well-trained, detection can
be made for all concerning objects afterward. Sev-
eral software realizations of the algorithm already ex-
ist, including an open-source library, OpenCV(Intel,
2009), for general development. However, due to the
prevailing trend of real-time object detection, soft-
ware realization cannot catch up with the requirement
on detection speed. Thus embedded system with fast
performance becomes an alternative. To construct an
efficient embedded system for object detection, two
problems should be solved. First, a reasonable map-
ping from software algorithm to hardware architec-
ture with high parallelism is needed. Second, the con-
sumption of hardware resources should be affordable
to the platform. Usually, trade-off needs to be made
between these two aspects.
As one of the major fields of object detection, face
detection based on hardware implementation is re-
ported in serval literatures (T. Theocharides and Ir-
win, 2006; H.-C. Lai and Chen, 2007; M. Hiromoto
and Miyamoto, 2009). A pipelined module of fea-
ture calculation was first introduced in (H.-C. Lai and
Chen, 2007). Paper (M. Hiromoto and Miyamoto,
2009) discussed the parallelism of feature calcula-
tion. However, the hardware data flow in (M. Hiro-
moto and Miyamoto, 2009) was stillsoftware-like and
the logic consumption was large. A CDTU (Collec-
tion and Data Transfer Unit) array was proposed in
(T. Theocharides and Irwin, 2006) to speed up the in-
tegral image calculation, but the architecture is full-
graph based (i.e., data of whole graph need to be
stored and manipulated in the array), which is unre-
alistic to most hardware system due to the large re-
source consumption.
Recently, Shi et al. (Y. Shi and Zhang, 2008) pro-
posed an architecture with fast integral image calcu-
lation and sub-window based feature detection. Elec-
tronic system level (ESL) simulation showed that the
pipelined architecture was quite efficient and the sub-
window based architecture avoided large hardware
consumption. In this paper, based on this novel ar-
chitecture, a hardware face detection system is im-
plemented on Xilinx V2pro FPGA platform. Special
design is made to enhance the parallelism of the ar-
chitecture. The parameters of classifiers used in our
system originate from Intel OpenCV Library (Intel,
2009). Testing on 16000 face pictures, same accu-
racy is achieved in comparison with OpenCV, mean-
while the hardware detection speed reaches 80 frames
per second at 100MHz clock frequency, 4 times faster
than OpenCV running on a PC with 2.0GHz CPU.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 will
review the architecture in (Y. Shi and Zhang, 2008)
and discuss the hardware implementation. Then fur-
Xu H., Zhao F. and Ju R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 420-424
DOI: 10.5220/0002841204200424