Cosmin Ancuti, Codruta Orniana Ancuti and Philippe Bekaert
Hasselt University - tUL -IBBT, Expertise Center for Digital Media, Belgium
Local feature points, Matching, SIFT, Color, Wide-baseline.
Matching images is a crucial step in many computer vision applications. In this paper we present an alternative
strategy built on the SIFT operator to solve the problem of wide-baseline matching. We first show how to add
the color information to the SIFT descriptors of extracted keypoints. Practically, the SIFT descriptor vector
is blended with the main parameters (contrast, correlation and energy) of the color co-occurrence histogram
computed in the same image patch. Afterward, in order to better improve the matching results of images taken
under large variations of the camera viewpoint angle, the valid matches obtained by the previous strategy are
employed to estimate the geometry between patches of corresponding keypoints. This overcomes the lack of
affine invariance of the existing operators (including SIFT), allowing to use a more appropriate region shape
where descriptors will be calculated for better preciseness. In our experiments the proposed method shows
a substantial improvement of the matching results compared with the results obtained by the original local
Matching images that represent projections of the
same 3D scene/object is a fundamental task in com-
puter vision. Several important applications such as
3D reconstruction, camera calibration, panoramic im-
ages, texture and object classifying, image retrieval,
robot localization rely on the accuracy of this task.
The problem of image matching is in general solved
base on local feature points. The feature points (key-
points, interest points) are those locations where the
image has significant variation in at least two direc-
tions. First, a certain number of local feature points
are extracted independently in both images. For effi-
ciency, these locations are filtered by employing an
invariant detector in order to extract feature points
with a high repeatability ratio. Secondly, the ex-
tracted feature points are described as distinctive as
possible based on the information contained by their
neighbor regions. Finally, the corresponding feature
points are found by computing different distance cri-
teria (e.g. Euclidean, Mahalanobis) between descrip-
tors vectors.
There has been much research in image match-
ing in the last decades. Apparently, the most known
detector was introduced by Harris (C.G.Harris and
Stephens, 1988). This basic detector is invariant
only to rotation and translation and fails for more
complex geometric transformations like modification
of the scale or truly affine. Lindeberg solved the
scale invariance of the detectors introducing the auto-
matic scale selection principle (Lindeberg, 1999). He
searched for 3D maxima in the Laplacian of Gaus-
sian (LoG) scale space. Lowe (Lowe, 2004) approx-
imates the LoG scale space through Difference of
Gaussian (DoG). Recently (Mikolajczyk and Schmid,
2004b) the basic Harris and Hessian detectors have
been adapted to scale and affine spaces.
In order to find correct matches of images of the
same scene the feature points have to be described
as distinctive as possible. The simplest method is
to compute cross correlation between vectors of pix-
els from certain regions. Unfortunately this approach
fails in real cases when the similar patches of the
images are related by complex geometric transfor-
mations. Different approaches (Freeman and Adel-
son, 1991; Belongie et al., 2002; Mikolajczyk and
Schmid, 2004a; Lowe, 2004) of descriptors have been
introduced in the literature. SIFT (Lowe, 2004) com-
putes a histogram of gradient locations and orienta-
tions and has been shown to outperform the other de-
scriptors (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2004a). More re-
Ancuti C., Orniana Ancuti C. and Bekaert P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 475-479
DOI: 10.5220/0002843004750479
cently, SURF (Bay et al., 2006) uses Hessian matrix
and Haar wavelets response combined with the prop-
erties of integral images in order to speed up the pro-
cessing time.
The most challenging problem is to match im-
ages of the same scene taken under significant vari-
ation of the camera viewpoint position. The region-
based methods (Tuytelaars and Gool, 2000; Matas
et al., 2002; Tuytelaars and Gool, 2004; Forss´en and
Lowe, 2007) identifies salient corresponding image
regions. In general the local feature-point based ap-
proaches (Pritchett and Zisserman, 1998; Baumberg,
2000; Xiao and Shah, 2003) are more robust to oc-
clusions and cluttering, finding a higher number of
correct matches but also being characterized by less
processing time than region-based methods.
Recent studies (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2004a;
Moreels and Perona, 2007) disclosed that none of the
existing operators is fully invariant to affine changes.
Moreles and Perona (Moreels and Perona, 2007) ob-
served that when the difference between camera view-
point angles is significant (higher than 25-30
) the
state of the art detectors/descriptors fail. This is due
to the clasped region shape where the descriptors are
This paper presents an alternative strategy built
on the local feature points that aims to improve the
matching results for extreme cases where the differ-
ence between camera viewpoint angles varies signif-
icantly. Our approach is built on the well-known
SIFT operator. Since SIFT has been designed only
for grayscale images and neglects the color, we first
show how to add effectively the color information in
order to increase the descriptor distinctness. Addi-
tionally, to increase the affine invariance of the local
feature points, after extracting several valid matches,
an approximate geometry is computed between their
neighbor patches. The estimated geometric parame-
ters are used in order to define a new shape of the
region where descriptors vectors will be computed.
The method has the advantage that does not em-
ploy expensiverefinements (e.g Ransac, epipolar con-
straints). Moreover, the method is general being pos-
sible to be used in combination with other operators,
too. The comparative results demonstrates the utility
of our method that is able to find a considerable addi-
tional number of correct matches.
The reminder of the paper is organized as follow-
ing. In the next section is presented the strategy to add
effectively the color information to the SIFT descrip-
tors. Then, we show how the geometry that relates
the corresponding patches of valid matches can be es-
timated. Finally, before concluding, we presents and
discuss several comparative results.
Figure 1: Adding color to SIFT descriptor. In the top part
of the figure are shown the results obtained by SIFT (13
valid matches) while by adding the color (bottom part of
the figure) we obtained 19 valid matches.
The recent studies (Mikolajczyk et al., 2005; Moreels
and Perona, 2007) proved that the most effective lo-
cal operator to match images is SIFT (Scale Invari-
ant Feature Transform) (Lowe, 2004). Several at-
tempts (Ke and Sukthankar, 2004; Abdel-Hakim and
Farag, 2006) tried to improve some parts of the orig-
inal implementation but the original version still re-
mains the most reliable. In the following we give a
brief presentation of how this operator is computed.
The feature points are scale invariant and are searched
in the DoG (Difference of Gaussian) scale space. The
DoG is built by subtracting images that previously
have been convolved (blurred) with a Gaussian func-
tion with a standard deviation that increases mono-
tonically. A keypoint is extracted only if its value is
greater or smaller than all its 26 neighbors. Addition-
ally, the keypoints with strong response to edges and
low contrast are rejected.
The signature (descriptor) computation is based
on the image gradient magnitudes and orientations
calculated in the circular neighbor regions of the fea-
ture points. The image pyramid level is determined
by the computed characteristic scale of the respective
feature point. For every feature point a 4x4 orien-
tation histogram is constructed on a 4x4 sub-region
of the feature point computed from a 16x16 centered
region. Each histogram has 8 bins corresponding to
every 45
However, the SIFT was designed only for
grayscale images neglecting the important informa-
tion of color. Therefore, in this section we describe a
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
strategy to increase the distinctness of the local fea-
ture points descriptors by color. Our approach is
built on the color co-occurrence histogram (Chang
and Krumm, 1999), an extension in the color space
of the well known co-occurrence matrix (Haralick
et al., 1973) that estimates the spatial gray level de-
pendencies of the pixels. Given a color pixel p
the image, the color co-occurrence histogram (CCH)
counts the number of occurrences of the color pixel
pair (p
, p
), with p
representing an adjacent color
pixel located at the distance d = (x, y). The color
co-occurrence histogram can be seen as a function
of the color pixel values and the displacement vec-
tor between them. For a given image patch P of
the size N×N the CCH value is counting the num-
ber of times when the pixel pair (p
) matches the
the color combination (c
, c
CCH(x, y, c
, c
) =
(x, y)
(x+ x, y+y)
where represents the number of pixels located at
the distance (x, y) while the function Ψ is given by
the following expression:
(x, y) =
1 , c(x, y) = c
0 , otherwise
where c(x, y) is the color level of the pixel located at
(x, y) and c
is a color level. We compute the CCH in
the same neighbor patches of the extracted keypoints.
In our experiments the number of color levels is re-
duced by a standard k-mean quantization to a value
of n
= 256 while the CCH is computed only for an
offset distance d = (1, 1).
After the color co-occurrence histogram matrix is
normalized its elements are referred as P
i, j
. We com-
pute its main parameters: contrastC =
i, j
i, j
(i j)
correlation Cor =
i, j
(1 µ
)(1 µ
i, j
and en-
ergy E =
i, j
i, j
in order to built the new descrip-
tor vector that blends the SIFT descriptor and the
three parameters of the CCH computed in the same
surrounding region of the filtered keypoints. In our
experiments we consider that the original SIFT de-
scriptor has a weight impact of 0.7 while each of the
CCH parameters contributein the final descriptor vec-
tor with a weight factor of 0.1. To find the valid
matches we use the same strategy as Lowe (Lowe,
2004) by evaluating the distance computed between
the first best match and the second best match.
As observed in our experiments and shown in figure 1
by adding the color information to the SIFT descrip-
tors the matching results are only partially improved.
In order to find a more important additional number of
valid matches we adopt the following method. Sup-
posing that several correct corresponding points have
been filtered by the previously presented strategy, in
order to find the optimal shape region where descrip-
tors are computed we estimate the geometry that re-
lates the patches of two corresponding feature points.
In the worst scenario when no valid corresponding
points have been found two corresponding locations
in the input images are selected manually.
Limiting the geometry only up to affine the rela-
tion between the surrounding regions P
, P
of two
corresponding keypoints is expressed as following:
(A x+ d)+ η = P
(x) (3)
where A is a 2D affine matrix, d is the translation vec-
tor, γ is the reflection angle of the light source while
η represents the camera gain. Since in our experi-
ments we consider only small photometric variations
between images the last two parameters ( γ, η) are ap-
proximated to the unit value.
Finding the optimal geometric transformation of
the corresponding patches can be seen as minimiza-
tion problem. In order to find the optimal parameters
the following energy function is minimized:
E = kP
A (α, s, h
, h2) P
where the parameters of the affine transformation are
represented by the rotation angle α, scale ratio s,
shearing h
and stretching h
. The process of con-
vergence is very sensitive and for decent output re-
sults the initial values of the affine matrix parameters
need to be as close as possible from their real val-
ues. The camera rotation is contained by the matrix
R (α), the isotropic scale S is specified by the pa-
rameter s and the shearing and stretching matrix Γ is
expressed by an expansion factor in a considered di-
rection and a contraction factor on a perpendicular di-
rection. In our approach the initial value, from where
the minimization process starts, is approximated by
= R (α
)S (s
The initial value of the scale s
is determined
based on the automatic scale selection principle (Lin-
deberg, 1999). Lindeberg postulates that in the ab-
sence of additional evidence, the selected scale (char-
acteristic scale) is the scale where a function of some
combinations of normalized derivatives attains a lo-
cal maximum. Due to the fact that we extract fea-
Figure 2: Comparative results. From left to right: Graffiti - SIFT found only 13 valid matches (yellow circle) while our
approach found 52 correct matches (green crosses), Wall - SIFT found only 17 valid matches (yellow circle) while our
approach found 44 correct matches (green crosses), Wadham College - SIFT found only 20 valid matches (yellow circle)
while our approach found 60 correct matches (green crosses).
ture points using DoG, that is also based on the au-
tomatic scale selection principle, every keypoint has
attached a characteristic scale value. Therefore, the
initial value of the scale between images is computed
as an average of the ratio between characteristic scales
of all the matched keypoints.
The initial value of the rotation angle parameter
, we rely on the distribution of the image gradient
orientation and magnitude. An orientation histogram
is built in the surroundingsof each feature points, with
every bin counting the contribution of the point gra-
dient orientation weighted by its gradient magnitude
and by a gaussian-weighted circular window of the
respective region. The dominant orientation is deter-
mined by the highest peak of the histogram (Lowe,
2004). We estimate the initial state of the rotation pa-
rameter α
by averaging the ratio of the dominant ori-
entation of the correspondent feature points.
Practically, in our approach the estimated param-
eters determine the new shape of the region where the
descriptors will be computed. The same procedure
of computing the descriptor as presented in the previ-
ous section is repeated but employing the new shape
of the neighbor regions around feature points that is
determined based on the estimated geometry.
We tested our method for real images with the related
geometry being precomputed. Our approach is com-
pared with the original SIFT using the well known
database but also several other images taken
under large variation of the camera viewpoint angle.
To evaluate our method we assume that we know the
geometry that relates the tested pairs of images. The
evaluation of the results is done using repeatability
criteria for the planar scenes. This criterion intro-
duced by Schmid et al. (Schmid et al., 2000) takes
into account locations as well as detected scales of
the points. The score of repeatability for a pair of im-
ages represents the ratio between the number of point-
to-point matches and the minimum number of points
detected in images.
In the left side of the Figure 2 is presented the
matching results for graffiti images. In this case the
difference of the camera viewpoint angle is approx-
imately 50
. Note that our method is able to find
52 valid matches while SIFT is able to find only 13
correct matches. By only adding the color we ob-
tained 19 valid matches (not shown). In the middle
of the Figure 2 are shown two images of the wall IN-
RIA data set when the difference of the angle is 60
Again our method outperforms SIFT finding 44 valid
http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/ vgg/research/affine/
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
matches against only 17 found by SIFT.
In the right side of the Figure 2 are presented two
images of the Wadham College 3D model of the Ox-
ford data set. In this case to validate the matching re-
sults the criteria based on the homography is not valid
anymore. Instead, we make use of the fundamental
matrix that characterizes the geometry between the
views. As can be observed again our method outper-
forms SIFT finding a considerable additional number
of correct matches.
This paper introduces an alternative strategy for wide-
baseline image matching. The method is built on the
widely-used SIFT operator. We first show how the
distinctness of the SIFT descriptor vectors can be in-
creased by adding the color information. Then, by
estimating the geometry that relates patches of corre-
sponding feature points found in the previous stage
we are able to define a new shape of the regions
where descriptors are computed more accurately. Our
framework demonstrates to improve considerable the
matching results compared with the results obtained
by the original SIFT operator. For future work we
would like to take into consideration more impor-
tant photometric variations between images but also
to demonstrates the utility of the method for several
practical computer vision applications.
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