ibration toolbox, we display our recovery results in
blue and the extrinsic calibration results in red.
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have validated our method using simulated data and
real images captured by perspective and fisheye cam-
eras. To recovery the transformations among central
camera views, we first estimate the rotations using
vanishing points of parallel line bundles and then the
translations from known rotations and line correspon-
dences by a linear algorithm. Using the unified pro-
jection model, this approach can be applied to a hy-
brid camera network built up from any kind of SVP
cameras. Moreover, using line feature for both rota-
tion and translation estimations, the proposed method
promises a fast transformation recovery. We have ap-
plied this method to dissimilar types of SVP cameras
and obtained very satisfied results. This would be a
good initial solution for a later non-linear phase such
as bundle adjustment to complete the reconstruction.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications