Rodney Obien and Jeffrey Monseau
Wallace E. Mason Library, Keene State College, 229 Main Street, Keene, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
College Archives, Springfield College, 263 Alden Street, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Keywords: Digital Surrogates, Digital Libraries, Digital Preservation, Manuscript Collections, PDF/A.
Abstract: Digital surrogates provide a non-invasive means to study old manuscript documents that are often too
fragile and valuable for wide public access. These surrogates are generated from web-accessible derivatives
made from high-resolution archival masters; these masters serve as long-term digital preservation copies.
What if there was a file format that combined the functions of digital surrogate, web-accessible derivate,
and archival master? This paper considers the notion of the archival file format PDF/A (ISO: 19005-1) as
digital archival surrogate or DAS that combines the functions of surrogate, derivative, and master. The
paper discusses, furthermore, the versatility of PDF/A in dealing with the complex nature of old
manuscripts, and the possible implications of adapting PDF/A as a DAS standard.
Digital surrogacy unlocks many options for studying
rare and fragile cultural artifacts. Often, surrogates
provide the only feasible access to the originals.
Surrogates allow for the “virtual viewing” of an
artifact -- enabling detailed analysis (Nichols, 2007).
They also allow cultural institutions to virtually
bring together materials, “re-construct wholes from
parts and make resources both visible and
convenient for researchers to use” (Butler, 2009).
Nowhere are digital surrogates more valuable
than in the study of old manuscripts. Manuscripts,
like medieval illuminated text, musical scores,
letters, and diaries, offer researchers and scholars a
rich source of historical documentary material.
These handwritten documents are complex, multi-
page objects, bound and unbound, and often too
fragile and valuable for wide public access. Digital
surrogates afford a non-invasive means of providing
access to these unique complex materials.
Several digitization projects have focused on
creating high-quality digital surrogates for
manuscript collections. The British Library
for example, is making its manuscript collections
available through the “elegant” Turning the Pages
system, developed by the Armadillo Corporation.
The Internet Archive project
(http://www.archive.org) is committed to digitizing
manuscripts, making them accessible through
document viewers like Djvu (AT&T) and PDF
The standard process of creating a surrogate is
by first digitizing the “original” manuscript and
creating archival masters, such as TIFF or
JPEG2000 files, and then high-quality web-
deliverable derivates, whether JPEGs, GIFFs, or
PDFs, are made from the masters which then
constitutes the surrogate. This process also follows
the standard two-tier digital preservation model of
master and derivate practiced in the library and
archival professions. Creating, storing and retrieving
these derivatives, though, is a complex and
cumbersome process that often requires expansive
resources and a high level of expertise that can be
daunting to small or large institutions a like.
What if there was a way to simplify this process?
What if there was a means to combine the functions
of an archival master, derivative, and digital
surrogate? What if there was only need for one file
format. And what if this file format existed already
as a digital archival standard, recognized by the
International Standards Organization (ISO)? Such a
file format does indeed exist in PDF/A.
The PDF/A file Standard (ISO: 19005-1) could
Obien R. and Monseau J.
DOI: 10.5220/0002843702340239
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be the solution to simplifying this multi-tiered
process. PDF/A has the potential for electronically
preserving manuscripts and providing high-
resolution, web-deliverable digital replicas.
Effectively, PDF/A could be used as a “true” digital
archival surrogate (DAS) for long-term digital
preservation and high-quality access to digital
manuscript collections.
The PDF/A file standard (ISO: 19005-1) was
developed to archive and preserve Portable
Document Files (PDFs) and digitally-born
documents, such as word-processing and publication
files. PDF/A has grown quickly into an industry
standard for preserving textual documents and is
used in many companies, libraries and archives.
PDF/A is a versatile format. Like its cousin PDF,
PDF/A can preserve the structure, layout, and visual
appearance of a document, has the ability to embed
metadata, and is designed to work with multi-page
documents. The difference is that, unlike normal
PDF, it has the added benefit of backward
compatibility and is completely self-contained.
These attributes gives PDF/A the capacity to deal
with the complex nature of manuscripts, and hence,
the potentially serve as a true digital archival
This paper considers the notion of PDF/A as a
digital archival surrogate (DAS) for digital
manuscript collections. The paper will discuss (1)
complexities associated with old manuscripts; (2)
provide an overview of the PDF/A standard; and (3)
discuss the adaptation of PDF/A as a DAS and its
Manuscripts vary in form and appearance. They can
include letters, diaries, illuminated text, musical
scores, scientific notations, financial ledgers, or legal
documents, such as this 1727 “Oath to King George
II of England” (Figure 1). They can be bound,
unbound, or rolled like a scroll. However, what they
share in common is they are generally handwritten,
manually produced, and page-oriented documents.
When digitizing manuscripts, one must consider
their inherent complexities.
First, the value in a manuscript is not only
informational but also visual. Manuscripts are
considered textual documents, since their purpose is
to be read. Yet, because of their handwritten nature,
they can be classified equally as visual (see Figure
1). Therefore, manuscripts hold a “dual nature”; they
are both “purely textual” and “purely graphical
(Nicolas, 2009).
Second, manuscripts require a means to preserve
the context and meaning of a document. This
requires a means of maintaining a visual relationship
between pages. This is no different than a book or a
newspaper. Context and meaning is lost if the
sequential continuity is not maintained between the
pages. An orchestra, for example, will be lost if a
page in a musical score is misplaced or missing.
Figure 1: Handwritten Oath to King George II of England
(1727) with multiple signatures. The figure represents a
four-page document. It is simultaneously textual and
visual (courtesy of Keene State College).
Figure 2: Detail of the Oath to King George II (1727)
(courtesy of Keene State College).
Third, researchers need not only to be able to
read the manuscript but also have a means to closely
examine the handwriting, notations, and other
aesthetic and tactile features of the manuscript. In
effect, the manuscript is not merely viewed as text
but also artifact. It is not sufficient to solely provide
a transcription of the text. The visual appearance of
the manuscript is imbued with meaning (see Figure
2). For example, the researcher may want to study
the quality of the signature to determine attributions
or authenticity.
Fourth, non-linear navigation between pages is
essential. We assume that documents are read
linearly, left to right (or vice versa), and page-by-
page. Consider if the document’s author intends for
the reader to “jump” forward or backward in a
manuscript. A common example is a coda or repeat
symbol in a musical score, directing a musician to
move forward or backward in a piece.
These complexities necessitate different
techniques to allow a digital surrogate to honestly
portray a manuscript. Text must be able to be read,
but the quality of that text must be able to be
evaluated. This requires high resolution and the
ability to effectively view these documents. Page
sequence must be able to be maintained while being
able to be navigated in non-linear ways. This
requires complex methods to ensure that the
document can be navigated.
PDF/A-1 or part 1 was approved as an open standard
in May 2005 and published by ISO in September
2005. Developed by the working group ISO/TC 171
SC2, Document Imaging Application, Application
issues, for which Association for Information and
Image Management (AIIM), or The Enterprise
Content Management Association as it has been
renamed, acts as secretariat, the official standard is
listed as “ISO 19005-1:2005. Document
management – Electronic document file format for
long-term preservation – Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4
(PDF/A-1)” (pdf-tools, 3).
PDF/A is based on PDF Reference, Third
Edition, version 1.4. This means its files can be read
with Adobe Reader Version 5.0 or higher. Not all
the parameters outlined in version 1.4 are used in the
PDF/A standard. Some things have been excluded,
such as transparency, sound, and movie actions.
The purpose of the exclusion is to make sure that
the digital material can be preserved. Most of the
exclusions are simply unable to be included due to
their nature. The use of multi-media: Audio and
Video or JavaScript or other executable files that are
external are examples of this. Anything that lies
outside of the document and is dependent on
existing technological standards would limit the
preservation life of the document. Encryption is also
prohibited since it depends on a key that may be lost
or forgotten. LZW Compression (a lossless data
compression) is excluded because it is proprietary
and therefore dependent on the whims of a company.
PDF/A-1 also mandates that the file follow
certain rules. Again, these are to ensure that
preservation of the digital material is ensured.
Foremost, all fonts are to be embedded within the
document, and that they must be legally (some fonts
are not in the common domain) able to be embedded
for universal rendering. Color spaces are also to be
specified in a device-independent manner and
PDF/A requires the use of Metadata about the
document structure, creation and provenance. This
includes basic metadata entries like title, author,
creation date, modification date, subject, etc. For this
purpose PDF/A uses Extensible Metadata Platform
(XMP), though other metadata standards such as
Dublin Core can be used if they are embedded
within the XMP framework. In fact, Dublin Core
elements are automatically created in Acrobat,
Adobe’s PDF software, when a PDF is made. XMP
is a subset of Resource Description Framework
(RFD), the language created by the World Wide
Web Consortium for the development of the
semantic web. The metadata can then be used by
content management systems to tie documents
together and to provide search capabilities.
3.1 PDF/A-1a & 1b
The PDF/A standard comes in two different
compliance types, PDF/A-1a & 1b. PDF/A –1a
adheres to all requirements as outlined in the
standard. It is also known as a “tagged” PDF/A. It
ensures preservation of a document’s logical
structure and content in natural reading order.
Advantage to this level of compliance is that it can
be read with basic text editing tools such as MS
Notepad. PDF/A – 1b is for minimal compliance to
the standard. It ensures that the text can be correctly
displayed, but does not guarantee that extracted text
will be legible or comprehensible.
3.2 PDF/A-2
The development of the PDF/A standard is not done.
There is a new version of the PDF/A standard under
development based on PDF Reference versions 1.5 –
1.7. It will be called PDF/A-2. All PDF/A-1
documents will be compatible with PDF/A-2, though
PDF/A-2 documents may not be completely
compatible with PDF/A-1 due to the added features.
PDF/A-2 plans on the inclusion of JPEG 2000 image
compression, more sophisticated digital signature
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
support, OpenType fonts, 3D graphics, audio/video
content, and consistency with other PDF file formats
like PDF/X (printing), PDF/E (engineering) and
PDF/UA (universal accessibility). PDF/A-2 is set to
be released in late 2009 or early 2010 (Fluckinger).
A digital archival surrogate (or DAS) is a hybrid of
archival master and high-quality digital surrogate.
PDF/A has the potential of acting as a true DAS that
can deal with the inherent complexities of
manuscript material. PDF/A can preserve the
structure, layout, and visual appearance of a
manuscript. The manuscript can be read as a textual
document or viewed as a visual object.
PDF/A, via Adobe Acrobat Reader, provides for
a variety of ways to view the document – single,
multi-page, and/or side-by-side. This eliminates or
greatly reduces any potential loss of context or
The Acrobat Reader browser allows for non-
linear navigation. The Reader makes it simple to
page forward or back, or jump to a selected page.
The thumbnail function also allows for a simple
means to navigate quickly between several pages.
The magnification function of Acrobat Reader
allows for close, detailed examination of the
document. The high-resolution of the images offer a
high-quality replication.
PDF/A offers a means to embed documentary
information regarding the original manuscript using
Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) functionality.
Essentially any metadata standard, such as Dublin-
Core, could be used to create a record containing
information on the creator, date, description, format,
identifier, language, publisher, relation, rights,
source, subject, and title or any other data that was
4.1 Concerns Regarding Adaptation
The potential obstacles to PDF/A acceptance as a
DAS are file size and efficiency as a web-
deliverable surrogate, and questions of conversion
and migration. Another concern, albeit minor, is the
limitations caused by the complexities of manuscript
material in what sub-class of PDF/A can be used for
4.1.1 Web Deliverability
PDF/A files are web-deliverable and can be read
with Adobe Acrobat Reader or a plug-in version of
the reader for a web browser. Since PDF/A is
backward compatible, it provides an added
advantage if a user is without the latest version of
Adobe Acrobat Reader. The problem for the use of
PDF/A, though, is that some of the files can be quite
large, which can make it hard for their transfer over
the web.
With the proliferation of high-speed, broadband
Internet access, file size is less of an issue. Once a
100MB+ document would be a daunting task to
deliver via the Web, this, though, has changed over
the past few years. The substantial increases in
electronic transfer rates, sending megabytes per
second, have made large document delivery,
although not instantaneous, quite tolerable.
The next generation of PDF/A, PDF/A-2, will go
further to change attitudes towards web delivery
with its use of JPEG2000 technology. JPEG 2000 is
an ISO standard that has been published as ISO/IEC
15444. JPEG2000 allows for LZW (lossless)
compression of large, high-resolution images.
Compression will reduce file size significantly,
which in turn will exponentially increase the
efficiency of web delivery for PDF/A files.
4.1.2 Future Conversion & Migration
When adapting a new file standard, questions of
future conversion and migration need to be asked.
PDF/A is an ISO standard with a requirement for
backward compatibility. It will be readable and
accessible by future versions of Acrobat Reader or
other PDF viewers.
PDF/A files can be converted to other formats,
like TIFF, using commercial software programs like
Adobe Acrobat or freeware such as MyMorph
[http://docmorph.nlm.nih.gov/docmorph/] developed
by the United States National Library of Medicine.
Pages from a multi-page PDF/A can also be
abstracted and converted using available software.
Future conversion and migration of PDF/A, if
needed, will not be an issue as long as PDF/A
continues to be an ISO standard, and as long as long
as PDF technology continues to be an industry-wide
4.1.3 Use of PDF/A-1b as DAS
The strong visual nature of manuscript material
would make the sub-class PDF/A-1b the only
current option for DAS since text attraction (via
OCR) would be made difficult due to the
handwritten characters. Handwritten text, currently,
is very difficult to convert using any standard OCR
capture program. PDF/A-1b, of course, meets all the
minimal but important standards for the format.
4.2 New Digital Preservation Model
The adaptation of PDF/A as a DAS standard has the
potential of shifting the current digital preservation
model. The current model, as espoused by many
leading institutions, calls for a two-tier system. The
top tier directs for the creation of archival masters.
The widely accepted standard is TIFF or JPEG2000,
and some instances for PDF/A for text-based
documents. Reference versions, the lower tier,
include JPEG or GIFF for visual material, plain text
in ASCII or UTF-8 character encoding, XML, PDF,
or PDF/A for text or textual documents (CSU
Tier 1
Tier 2
Web Derivate
Visual Materials TIFF
Figure 3: Two-Tier Digital Preservation Model.
PDF/A can eliminate the two-tier system by
creating a single tier. PDF/A, as DAS, serves as
both preservation and derivative. This has great
implications for file management requirements and
would eliminate complicated file-naming
A single manuscript document may consist of
several pages. Each page requires an individual
archival master and a corresponding web-access
derivative. Each file will also require a unique file
name and a means to document the structure of the
original manuscript.
Consider a manuscript collection of 1000 letters.
Each letter consists of four pages. Each manuscript
has a unique filename, individual file folders with
separate sub-folders for archival masters and
derivates. The collection would generate 4000
individual archival masters and 4000 derivates for a
total of 8000 individual files. There would be a total
of 1000 folders and 2000 sub-folders.
The DAS model would create a single four-page
file. Each DAS would have one unique file name
and no folder. Each DAS would contain descriptive
data, unlike the previous model.
The model changes even more if PDF/A-2 is
adapted. Not only will there be a reduction in file
management requirements, one would also see a
significant reduction in file storage requirements if
compression is brought into the equation. This
could have major impact on storage cost. JPEG2000
technology has a 1:50 compression ration. For
example, in our 1000 manuscript digital library, each
DAS averages 160MB in file size. The entire library
would total 160GB. The use PDF/A-2 with LZW
compression would reduce the library to 80GB. That
is a significant reduction in storage and a potential
savings in storage cost.
Figure 4: Two-Tier System.
Figure 5: DAS Single-Tier System.
PDF/A has the promise of serving as the standard for
a digital archival surrogate (DAS) for old manuscript
collections. It has the versatility to deal with the
complexities of manuscript material, allowing for
navigation within in a manuscript while easily
maintaining page integrity. In addition, it has the
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
added advantage of allowing researchers to being to
drill down into the image and study the manuscript’s
meaning as an artifact. PDF/A is able to accomplish
this without the expertise and expensive software
that causes large and small institutions to question
the worth of digitizing manuscript material.
The next stage of research requires testing of
PDF/A as a DAS through case studies using
manuscript materials. The materials should consist
of a wide-berth of document types, including, but
not limited to, illuminated text, musical scores,
handwritten letters, and personal diaries. Section 4
of this paper offers a useful model for PDF/A to be
tested and compared against current digital
preservation and access standards for efficiency and
effectiveness in file management, organization, and
storage, web deliverability, and usability,
particularly in regards to researchers and scholars.
These tests should help verify PDF/A’s viability
as a true digital archival surrogate. Adaptation of
PDF/A as DAS would have a major impact on
digital preservation policies by simplifying the
digital preservation model and creating a new
standard that would ensure the tong-term
preservation and digital access to the world’s
precious manuscript collections.
Butler, S 2009. “Exploiting special collections: using
digital methods to enhance their research and learning
potential.” SCONFUL Focus, 45, p. 81-86.
Colorado State University Libraries 2009. CSU Digital
Repository Preservation Format Support Policy.
Colorado State University Libraries, viewed 21
October, 2009, <http://lib.colostate.edu/repository/
preservation. html>.
Fluckinger, D 2009. PDF/A Takes Root as Digital
Archiving Standard (4 April 2009), PDFzone, viewed,
21 October 2009, <http://www.pdfzone.com>.
Nichols, SG 2007. “An Artifact by Any Other Name:
Digital Surrogates of Medieval Manuscripts.” In
Archives, Documentation and Institutions of
Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar.
edited by Francis X. Blouin, Jr. and William G.
Rosenberg. University of Michigan Press.
Nicolas, S, T Pacquet and L Huttle 2003. “Digitizing
Cultural Heritage Manuscripts: the Bovary Project.”
From ACM Symposium on Document Engineering,
p. 55-57.
PDF-Tools.com, 2007. “White Paper: PDF/A – The
Basics.” Understanding PDF White Papers, v. 2.0
(January 22, 2007): p. 1-9, pdf-tools.com, viewed 21
October, 2009, <http://www.pdf-