algorithm one more time to the super resolved
images of the first method. For this purpose these
super resolved images are first resized to the same
size as the largest one using the bi-cubic
interpolation and then the second round of the super
resolution algorithm is applied. The result of this
second application of the algorithm for the face logs
of Figure 4 is shown in Figure 6. It is obvious that
the super resolution algorithm for the case of the
face logs is much faster. Because the number of the
low resolution observations is not excessive.
Figure 6: Results of applying the second round of super
resolution to the super resolved results of the face logs in
Figure 4.
Super resolution algorithms have difficulties in the
registration of low resolution observations. If the
motion between low resolution observations be more
than some specific limits these algorithms fail to
compensate for the motion and blurring. Thus
extending super resolution algorithms which work
with still images to real video sequences without
some kind of intermediate step for ignoring useless
images in the sequence and classifying them based
on their similarity in motion and quality is not
possible. In this paper a face log generation method
specifically for face super resolution has been
developed and tested using real video sequences to
fill the gap between the super resolution algorithms
which work with still images and their application to
the real video sequences. The proposed system has
been tested using 50 real sequences pictured by a
Logitech camera and the results are promising.
This work is funded by the BigBrother project
(Danish National Research Councils-FTP).
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