Kamal Nasrollahi and Thomas B. Moeslund
Computer Vision and Media Technology (CVMT) Lab, Aalborg University, Niels Jernes Vej 14, Aalborg, Denmark
Keywords: Face Quality Measures, Super Resolution, Face Logs.
Abstract: Using faces of small sizes and low qualities in surveillance videos without utilizing some super resolution
algorithms for their enhancement is almost impossible. But these algorithms themselves need some kind of
assumptions like having only slight motions between low resolution observations, which is not the case in
real situations. Thus a very fast and reliable method based on the face quality assessment has been proposed
in this paper for choosing low resolution observations for any super resolution algorithm. The proposed
method has been tested using real video sequences.
Due to freedom of movement, changing in
lightening and large distance between objects and
cameras in surveillance situations faces are usually
blurred, noisy, small and low quality. These face
images aren’t useful without some techniques for
improving their resolution and quality. Super
resolution image reconstruction is one of these
techniques that attempts to estimate a higher quality
and resolution image from a sequence of
geometrically warped, aliased, noisy, and under-
sampled low-resolution images.
Super resolution mainly consists of two
important steps: registration of low resolution
images and reconstruction of the high resolution
image (Baker, 2000, Bannore, 2009, Chaudhuri,
2002, Chaudhuri, 2005). Registration is of critical
importance. Most of the reported super resolution
algorithms are highly sensitive to the errors in
registration. Irani and Peleg are using an iterative
method for registration under some assumptions
which are only valid for small displacements
between the low resolution input images (Irani,
Peleg, 1991). A real one minute surveillance video
capturing by a camera at 30 frp consists of 1800
frames. Due to the movement of objects usually
there are large displacements between the first and
last appearance of the objects in this kind of videos.
It means that Irani and Peleg method as well as most
of the other super resolution algorithms is not
applicable to real video sequences if they are used
blindly the same for still images and video
sequences. Instead of applying the super resolution
algorithm to all the images of a given sequence we
apply this algorithm to face logs (Nasrollahi,
Moeslund, 2009) of the video sequence. There are
small displacements between successive faces in the
face logs which are constructed based on the Face
Quality Assessment.
As any other inverse problem reconstruction step
in super resolution is highly sensitive to even small
perturbations of the input data, i.e. it is an ill-
conditioned problem. There are many published
system aiming dealing with this problem and
increasing the reliability of the reconstruction step.
But there has not been that much attention to
computational efficiency and real time applicability
of super resolution. It is, thus, desirable to develop
algorithms that maintain a proper balance between
computational performance and the fidelity of the
reconstruction (Bannore, 2009). Providing such a
balance by proposing a very fast framework for
super resolution image reconstruction working with
video sequences is the contribution of this paper. By
using a face quality assessment algorithm we reduce
the number of inputs to the super resolution
algorithm and by generating face logs in a specific
way we force the inputs to have slight motions as is
desired for the super resolution.
The block diagram of the proposed system is
shown in Figure 1. In the first block, having a
survelliance video faces and some of the facial
Nasrollahi K. and B. Moeslund T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 124-129
DOI: 10.5220/0002846601240129
components are first detected. Some of the important
features of face and facial components are then
extracted and normalized for using them in face
quality assessment. In the second block, using a
fuzzy inference engine a quality curve is first
plotted for the input video sequence based on the
quality scores from the previous step, then for each
peak in the quality curve a face log containing m-
best face images is generated and finally a super
resolved image is generated for each of these face
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed system.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Next section, data preparation, describes breifly face
and facial components detection, features
extractions, converting features values into quality
scores and their normalization. Section 3 presents
the fuzzy inference engine and face log generation
from the quality curve. Section 4 descibes the
employed super resolution algorithm. Section 5
discusses the experimental results and Section 6
concludes the paper.
Having a surveillance video sequence as the input to
the system, the required processes from detecting
faces in the video to representing each facial feature
by a quality score are described in the following
2.1 Face and Facial Components
The Vila & Jones (Viola, Jones, 2004) face detector
which uses Haar-like features is employed for real
time face detection. Inside each detected face, the
same idea of using Haar-like features is then utilized
for finding some of the facial components, i.e. eyes
and mouth.
2.2 Feature Extraction
The extracted features for detected faces are: Face
Yaw, Face Roll, Sharpness, Brightness and
Resolution. Since faces in surveillance videos are
usually of small sizes it is not easy to detect facial
components and extract their features so wherever
they are extractable they will be used as marginal
information for improving the reliability of the
system. The employed features for the facial
components are the openness of the eyes and
closedness of the mouth.
2.2.1 Facial Features
Extraction and normalization of the involved
features of detected faces for any given sequences
are as follows.
Face Yaw:
The head yaw is defined (Nasrollahi,
2008) as the difference between the center of mass
of the skin pixels and the center of the bounding box
of the face. For calculating the center of mass, the
skin pixels inside the face region should be
segmented from the non-skin ones. Then using the
following equation the yaw value is estimated:
where, 
is the estimated value of the yaw of the
ith face image in the sequence, (
is the
center of mass of the skin pixels and (
is the
center of the bounding box of the face. Since the
biggest score for this feature should be assigned to
the least rotated face, Equation (2) is used to
normalize the scores of this feature for all the faces
in the sequence:
where, 
is the minimum value for the yaw in
the given sequence.
Face Roll: The cosine of the angle of the line
connecting the center of mass of both eyes is
considered as face roll. Having extracted the values
of this feature for all the faces in the sequence the
following equation is used to normalize them:
Face Roll:
The cosine of the angle of the line
connecting the center of mass of both eyes is
considered as face roll. Having extracted the values
of this feature for all the faces in the sequence the
following equation is used to normalize them:
Face and Facial Components Detection
Facial Feature Extraction
Face Quality Assessment
Face Log Generation
Super Resolution
Sharpness: Following (Weber, 2006) the sharpness
is defined as the average of the pixels of the absolute
value of the difference between the image and its
low passed version:
. 
Then Equation (5) is used to normalize the sharpness
values for the faces in the sequence:
where, 
is the maximum value of the
sharpness in the given sequence.
Brightness: Brightness is defined as the mean of the
luminance component of the face images in the
 color space and Equation (6) is used to
normalize this feature.
where, 
is the brightness of the ith
image in the sequence and 
is the
maximum value of brightness in that.
Resolution: Facial components are usually more
visible in images with higher resolution, so these
images are preferred over lower resolution ones.
Equation (7) is used for normalization of this
where, 
is the resolution value of the
current image and 
is the maximum
value of the resolution in the given sequence.
2.2.2 Facial Components’ Features
Extraction and normalization of the involved
features of the eyes and mouth of the detected faces
are as follows.
Eye Openness: The aspect ratio of the eye, the ratio
of the eye’s height to its width, is used as a
straightforward method for determining its
openness. The eyes are detected first by Haar
features, and then converted into binary images to
have a good estimation of eye boundaries. For
improving this estimation and noise removal, an
opening operation is applied to the obtained binary
image. From this new image, the height of the eye is
determined using the highest and the lowest pixels
and the width using the rightmost and the leftmost
pixels. Equation (8) is then used for the
normalization of this feature in a given sequence:
is the openness score of the left eye,
is the same for the right eye, 
is the value
of this feature for the current eye for the ith image
and 
is the maximum value of this
feature for the current eye in the given sequence.
The value of these two features is initially set to zero
and after the above process they are averaged using
the following equation:
  
Mouth Closedness: The aspect ratio of mouth
which is defined as the ratio of the mouth height to
its width, increases as the mouth opens. The
following equation is used to normalize this feature:
 
 
where, 
is the minimum value of
this feature in the sequence and 
the value of this feature for the current mouth.
In order to assign a quality score to each face in the
given video sequence, all the above mentioned
normalized scores are combined using a Mamdani
Fuzzy Inference Engine (FIS). This FIE has seven
inputs each corresponding to one of the above
features and one output indicating the quality of the
current face image. Each input of the FIE has two
membership functions and the output has three.
Figure 2 shows the rules used in this FIE. In this
table Fi, Ri, P, G and Avg. stand for ith feature, ith
rule, poor, good, and average, respectively. For more
details about this FIE the reader is motivated to see
(Nasrollahi and Moeslund, 2009).
Using this fuzzy interpretation similar face
images get similar quality scores and they can be
classified easily in classes of quality corresponding
to the local maxima of the quality curve as is
explained in the next section.
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: FIE’s employed rules (abbreviations in the text).
In order to prepare quality based classified data to
the super resolution algorithm a quality curve is
generated based on the output of the FIE for any
input video sequence. The peaks of this quality
curve are found and a face log is generated for each
of them. Usually building m (m=3-5) face logs
corresponding to the m highest peaks suffices. But
theoretically number of the face logs can be equal to
the number of local maxima in the quality curve.
Each face log contains all the images located on
a specific local maximum.
The face quality curve for a video sequence
containing 57 frames is shown in Figure 3. The face
logs corresponding to the three highest peaks of this
curve are shown in Figure 4 (a)-(c). Each local
maximum contains images which are more or less
similar in terms of quality. These images are
temporally close to each other, i.e. rather than
similarity in quality except some small variations in
motion, lightening, rotation and scales they resemble
each other closely and so the compensation between
them can be done more easily and accurately which
makes the super resolution algorithm more robust
and fast.
By this way of face log constructing one can be
sure that useless images which are the source for
most of the errors in registration step of super
resolution are ignored and faces with more spatial
similarity are considered together. This spatial
similarity dose not prevents images of having slight
differences in rotation, scale, brightness, and motion
which are necessary for super resolution.
Figure 3: Quality curve for a given sequence (quality vs.
frame number).
The employed super resolution algorithm in this
system is the one developed by Zomet and Peleg
(Zomet, Peleg, 2001). They have followed (Elad,
Feuer, 1999) for formulating the imaging formation
is the nth low resolution image, D is
decimation matrix,
is the blurring matrix,
the warping matrix,
is the high resolution image
is the normally distributed additive noise in
the nth image.
Stacking the above vector equations from all low
resolution images:
The maximum likelihood solution is then found by
The minimization is done by taking the derivative of
E with respect to
and setting the gradient to zero:
Figure 4: Face logs corresponding to the three highest peaks of the quality curve in Figure 3.
Figure 5: Results of applying the super resolution to a) first, b) second, c) third face log of the sequence of Figure 4. d)
Result of the algorithm applied to all the faces in that sequence.
Since D is sub-sampling,
is up-sampling
without interpolation, i.e. zero padding. If b is the
convolution kernel for the blurring operator
blurring kernel for
such that
for all i and j.
is implemented by backward
warping so
is forward warping of the inverse
motion. Following (Zomet, Peleg, 2001), the
simplest implementation for this framework using
Richardson (Kelley, 1995) iteration is used:
Since super resolution is an ill-posed problem a
regularization term is usually considered to convert
the problem into a well-posed one. The used
regularization term here is the smoothness of the
high resolution response. For more details regarding
the super resolution algorithm, motion compensation
and blurring considerations the reader is motivated
to see (Chaudhuri, 2002), (Irani, Peleg, 1991) and
(Rav-Acha, Peleg., 2005 and Chiang, Boult, 1997),
For experimental results 50 video sequences
pictured by a Logitech camera are used. The average
number of images in each sequence is about 300.
Two tests have been performed for each of these
sequences: first applying the super resolution
algorithm to the face logs generated by the above
mentioned method and second applying the super
resolution algorithm directly to the video sequences.
Figure 5 shows the results of the both tests for
the sequence given in Figure 4. As can be seen from
this figure applying the super resolution to the face
logs generates much better results than applying it
directly to the video sequences. It means that the
qualities of the images generated by the first method
are much better than their counterparts generated by
the second method. First images reveal more details
of the face and obviously are more useful than the
ones generated by the second method. The reason is
that compensating for the changes inside a face log
is much easier with fewer errors than doing that for
the whole sequence.
In addition to the higher quality of each of the
super resolved images of the first method over the
results of the second method there is one more
possibility for applying the super resolution
a b c d
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
algorithm one more time to the super resolved
images of the first method. For this purpose these
super resolved images are first resized to the same
size as the largest one using the bi-cubic
interpolation and then the second round of the super
resolution algorithm is applied. The result of this
second application of the algorithm for the face logs
of Figure 4 is shown in Figure 6. It is obvious that
the super resolution algorithm for the case of the
face logs is much faster. Because the number of the
low resolution observations is not excessive.
Figure 6: Results of applying the second round of super
resolution to the super resolved results of the face logs in
Figure 4.
Super resolution algorithms have difficulties in the
registration of low resolution observations. If the
motion between low resolution observations be more
than some specific limits these algorithms fail to
compensate for the motion and blurring. Thus
extending super resolution algorithms which work
with still images to real video sequences without
some kind of intermediate step for ignoring useless
images in the sequence and classifying them based
on their similarity in motion and quality is not
possible. In this paper a face log generation method
specifically for face super resolution has been
developed and tested using real video sequences to
fill the gap between the super resolution algorithms
which work with still images and their application to
the real video sequences. The proposed system has
been tested using 50 real sequences pictured by a
Logitech camera and the results are promising.
This work is funded by the BigBrother project
(Danish National Research Councils-FTP).
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