Takehiko Murakawa, Hitoshi Fukuoka
Daichi Noda and Masaru Nakagawa
Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Japan
Digital library, Ancient document, Web service, Version control.
We report the data management system and the interface for reading the shot image and the text of a Buddhist
sutra written in Chinese and modifying the text so that it may be the same as the image in terms of content.
By using Subversion we maintain the text files efficiently and obtain the difference of the contents between
any two points of time easily. To make sure that the system can be employed as a multiuser transcription
support tool, we present the working model and deliver the experiment where the workers used the system and
we found revision markings on which two workers or more made. Furthermore we propose the method for
piecing together the workers’ respective outcomes to produce the integrated text file.
Tens of thousands of Buddhist sutras which were tran-
scribed by hand around 1,000 years ago are existent
in Japan now. Through the literature assessment, it
became evident that those sutras reflect the earlier
Buddhist canons in Chinese, in comparison to the set
of sutras by woodblock printing after the 10th cen-
tury. To prevent such monumental documents while
the further research is permitted, a project was orga-
nized and has received the subsidy from the govern-
ment of Japan to enable the researchers to comput-
erize the materials and manage them with databases.
The authors have worked on the project with a view to
providing the database system together with service-
able interfaces (Tanaka et al., 2006; Fukuoka et al.,
When bending our eyes on the activities outside
Japan, the conservation of ancient documents includ-
ing transcribed Buddhist sutras has a close connec-
tion to the cultural heritage. European countries seem
to be more active than the United States and Asian
nations. For example, the report of EPOCH (Euro-
pean Research Network of Excellence in Processing
Open Cultural Heritage) (EPOCH, 2005) insists on
the importance of the prevention of historical mate-
rials in various languages, although the report mainly
describes the maintenance of building structures and
remains. Various documentation and reading support-
ing systems were actually constructed (Chen et al.,
2007; Ribeiro et al., 2007; Alshuhri, 2008).
There exist temples in Japan say Kongoji Temple
and Nanatsudera Temple which possess lots of Bud-
dhist sutras in good condition. The experts of digi-
tization have had the approval of the head priests to
use the rooms in the temples, brought photograph-
ing equipments including high-resolution digital cam-
eras, photography platforms and lighting apparatus,
and taken the pictures. Most sutras of Kongoji Tem-
ple have been taken, and the amount of the file size
rose above 1 terabyte.
During the photo shoot, the lighting and the avoid-
ance of distortion were sufficiently taken into consid-
eration. In addition, we developed tools for combin-
ing the shot images of the sutra, as well as the Web
application which allows one to browse the sutra im-
ages and move the viewpoint freely by the drag op-
eration just as Google Maps. The trouble is that he
or she cannot make use of full-text search on those
sutras. The authors attempted to apply several char-
acter recognition applications to the images, but did
not lead to a positive outcome. There is, fortunately,
released a data set of the text on Buddhist sutra in
Chinese. The CD-ROM image file of the text data is
available free of charge, but we had to pay attention
to the fact it was derivedfrom the woodblock-printing
sutras. When looking at the shot image and the corre-
sponding text file for comparison, we detected plenty
of mismatches. If the editing interface is supplied say
by extending the sutra browser mentioned above, then
the user will be able to find the desired sequence of
Chinese characters using the full-text search. More-
Murakawa T., Fukuoka H., Noda D. and Nakagawa M.
DOI: 10.5220/0002846801500155
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
over the information about the mismatches has a po-
tential for the contribution to humanities; it will be
a powerful tool for a comparative analysis between
the transcribed Buddhist sutras and the woodblock-
printing ones.
In this paper, we give an introduction to the devel-
oping support system for making the documents using
the shot images and text files of the sutras, with the aid
of the version control software Subversion. Through
the experiment, we made sure that the system can be
used as a multiuser transcription support tool, but the
problem becomes how to integrate the workers’ re-
sults which might conflicts each other. We then pro-
pose the consolidation method as well as the working
model for resolving this problem.
Kongoji Issaikyo is a collection of thousands of Bud-
dhist sutras which were transcribed nearly 1,000 years
ago and nowpossessed by Kongoji Temple in Japan in
good preservation. It is true that the sutra were written
in Chinese and currently most Japanese people (and
maybe Chinese) who are good command of Chinese
characters cannot understand the passages of the su-
tras, but Buddhism researchers regularly read these
historical materials to make clear the religious cir-
cumstances of those days. Such researchers consider
that the sutras will make a contribution to Buddhist
study or historical science of Japan. Although they
began to survey the documents decade ago, the re-
searchers has been energetically doing the work about
the checkup of the scriptures and the photographing
of all the descriptive content. The authors received a
number of shot images taken with a digital camera,
and since the we have been investigating the auto-
mated method for combining the images and existing
text files of Buddhist sutras.
In order to search the shot images of Buddhist su-
tra for a passage, we need the text document which is
in strict correspondence with the images. The most
established text files of Buddhist sutras are main-
tained by Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Associ-
ation (CBETA, ) now. We refer to the data set as
CBETA texts. The files are based on Taisho Tripi-
taka which is derived from Buddhist sutras by wood-
block printing. The images of Buddhist scriptures and
the CBETA texts in our own hands look largely same,
though, we can easily find the difference by character
between the image and the text. Some of the differ-
ences are due to the transcription error such as a literal
error or an omitted error, but some may be the very
distinctions that the Buddhism researchers for throw-
ing light on, that is, the clue to the propagation of
Buddhist sutras and Buddhism. A goal of our study is
to supply a practical supportsystem for comparingthe
shot images and the relevant texts or for contrasting
the edited texts compatible with the Kongoji Issaikyo.
Based on this problem consciousness together
with the contents in hand, we are developing the data
management system and the interface for enabling a
user to read the shot image and the text all together
and modify the text so that the text may be compat-
ible with the image. By using the system, we will
be able not only to search images through a full-text
search of the text files but to get a foothold for learn-
ing the difference between transcribed Buddhist su-
tras and those of woodblock printing. Note that the
system are not for correcting the shot image, since
we have to show our respect for the historical mate-
rial. In addition we do not intend to send the modified
text to CBETA; we actually attempt to make digital
transcriptions of Kongoji Issaikyo or ancient Japanese
Buddhist sutras efficiently using CBETA texts.
A typical Buddhist sutra consists of a few thou-
sand Chinese letters. Particular two-letter idioms
such as the word meaning bodhisattva appear fre-
quently, and repetitive sequence of letters are often
seen. Whether it is transcribed or wood-block printed,
the number of letters in line is basically fixed and the
characters are arranged in a methodical fashion ver-
tically and horizontally. These properties of the doc-
uments imply that it is impossible only for a single
worker to finish the absolutely perfect text file. To en-
sure a quality of the text, we should pay attention to
the multiple users’ operations.
For supporting the multiple-user modification and
management of the documents, we put in use the ver-
sion control software Subversion (SVN, ) in our sys-
tem. Subversion was originally intended for the ver-
sion management of source files of software. The tool
tells us the difference of the contents between any two
points of time, which is suitable for managing and
displaying the distinction of the modified text files of
Buddhist sutras.
We are introducing several terms around Subver-
sion. A group of files maintained in a server for ver-
sion control is a repository, while a working copy is a
unit of file manipulation associated with a repository.
Note that the repository and the working copy have a
one-to-many relationship. An update means the oper-
ation where the latest version is sent from a repository
to a working copy. Conversely the action to transmit
the modification within a working copy to the repos-
itory is called a commit (used as a noun as well as a
verb). In doing a commit, the user, committer, can
leave a message which is commonly called a com-
mit log, which will inform the co-workers of why and
how the committer went over the files. The change
of repository is controlled by a serial number named
a revision. After a commit, the revision increases by
just one.
Subversion is often abbreviated as SVN, while the
lower-case word
is a command name for various
operations. When executing
svn diff
together with
the option about two revisions, we will obtain the line-
at-a-time difference of the file between the specified
points of time. The file of this output is called a diff
file. Figure 1 is an example of a diff file, as the result
of comparison between revisions 249 and 270. The
line with a single minus sign preceding Chinese let-
ters is the one which the text file of revision 249 in-
cludes but that of revision 270 does not, and the plus
sign means the reverse. The three lines before or after
them show the common context. It is easy to know the
difference by character, not only with our eyes, but in
an automatic way by writing a program.
Figure 1: Example of diff file.
The typical file management using Subversion
separates the disk storage for the repository from the
working copies. Various tools for the servers and for
the clients are available while the hosting services of
the repositories (for example (Unfuddle, )) are offered
on the Web. In contrast, our system puts both data in
a Web server and invokes the
command within
it. Therefore the user can enjoy the services using his
or her favorite browser without regard to the working
copy and other notions of Subversion.
We briefly explain how to use our system. A user
gains access to the top page with a favorite browser,
and logs in by entering the user name and the pass-
word. If it proves successful, then there is displayed a
page for selecting the sutra to read and edit. After that,
he or she sees a shot image and a text side by side. On
either one of the components, the user can carry out
the drag operation so that the both portions of the im-
age and the text may move according to the operation
by pixel. Note that the selection using the drag on
the text part is prohibited but the smooth scrolling is
available instead. There are found several button on
the page for jump the display position quickly. Af-
ter finding a mismatch, he or she can push the button
for switching the review mode and the edit mode; in
the edit mode, a text form for the horizontal writing
is provided to modify the line (Fig. 2). The modi-
fied line is highlighted on the text portion (Fig. 3; The
second vertical line to the right of the text part grows
down a bit.) but the commit is not done yet. When
the button for commit is pressed, the modifications
are transmitted to the server, and he or she looks at
the review mode where there is no highlighted line.
Figure 2: Screenshot before modification.
Figure 3: Screenshot after modification.
The following two ways of making use of the sys-
tem are inside the scope of the assumption.
Auxiliary Function of Review Tool. A user ordinar-
ily enjoys our service as a digital book of Buddhist
sutras, but if the divergent characters are found,
then he or she can correct the text.
Transcription Support Tool. A worker observes the
shot image and the text of a sutra to resolve the
mismatch by modifying the text. His or her goal is
to make a document where the text is completely
coincident with the sutra images.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
We performed laboratory experiments to verify the
usefulness of our system. Five college students put
the system in use to make a text file which coincides
with the shot image of Kongoji Issaikyo. We got two
sutras ready for edit. Any of the sutras has about
450 lines while each line mostly holds 17 Chinese
letters. With consideration for the enlisters’ health,
each person read and edited a sutra for three quarter
hour. Prior to the performance, we prepared the text
file where the region which does not appear in the cor-
responding shot image is deleted and the positions of
newline character were fitted in with the image.
We would like to discuss how to judge whether
each modification is valid or not, under the assump-
tion that there does not exist a correct text which is
completely the same as the shot images with regard to
the content. A simple way is that users edit a text file
simultaneously or during separate intervals. However
this naive method has at least two defects. First, when
a collision arises, i.e. an attempt of commit overlaps
the previously approved commit, it is harder to re-
solve the collision than a standard file management
using Subversion, since the user cannot directly con-
tact with the working copy in our system. The other
reason is as to the inequality. For example, after a
pioneer finds lots of mismatches and changes them,
other co-workers recognize much less discrepancies.
In this case, the first worker apparently operate harder
according to the commit record. Another possibility
attaches importance to later changes; earlier changes
might be rewritten again although the last commit will
not be examined by the others. Some of the troubles
described adobe may be resolved through some sort of
control out of our system, but such a constraint might
provide an awkward execution environment.
In our experiments, each worker began with the
text file which is common if the referred sutra is the
same. Actually after a worker ended the reading and
the edit, the revision was wound back to that of ini-
tial state. (But it is obvious that the rewind would
not blot out the previous commits.) It is true that
the time-multiplexed operation like this seems inef-
fective with regard to the experiment and practical
use, but we are improving the system so as to permit
the concurrent use for a common sutra by introducing
branches which are broadly accepted in Subversion-
based file managements. After all the operation were
finished, we invoked the
svn diff
command to ob-
tain the diff files. As the result of reading the mod-
ified contents, we decided that the modified position
where at least two persons rewrote is adopted. Fur-
thermore we delivered the adoption judgment for all
the modifications by comparing each diff file with the
consolidated one.
After the workers had rewritten the mismatched
characters using our system for three quarter hour per
sutra, we processed their achievements by means of
the above procedure. As seen in Table 1 (Fukuoka
et al., 2009), the number of examined lines ranged 33
to 109, the number of modification 8 to 26, and the
number of contribution 3 to 11. There does not exist
any collision having need of choice where a character
is replaced by different ones. When we cast a spot-
light on the consolidated text files, there were found
41 and 43 modifications in the respective sutras which
someone had made, and 28 and 14 modifications were
done by two workers or more.
Table 1: Workers’ activities.
Sutra Worker Lines Mods Adopts
1 A 70 8 4
1 B 50 18 11
1 C 69 13 4
1 D 36 14 5
1 E 38 9 4
2 A 109 26 10
2 B 64 10 5
2 C 75 8 6
2 D 33 16 3
2 E 96 9 8
Lines: Number of examined lines.
Mods: Number of modifications.
Adopts: Number of adoptions.
In this section, we formulate the process where the
consolidated version of text is constructed out of the
diff files of the workers.
In advance, an unrevised text file is split into char-
acters to which identification codes are assigned re-
spectively. The straightforwardway would be to num-
ber the characters serially, and the rest of this paper
adopts it. We can instead use a pair of the line num-
ber and the position of the line, as long as the values
are ordered along with the order of characters. For a
valid integer p, the character which correspondsto the
number p according to the above numbering is called
“the character at p”. By using this coding, we formu-
late the modification of a worker.
If a worker insert a character α just after the char-
acter at p, then the action is denoted as p+ α. In the
case of prepending a character α to the text, 0 + α is
the code. Putting a string say α
in right after
the character at p is associated with p + α
·· ·α
The deletion of the character at p is written as p.
We present the form of the substitution as well,
instead of combining the insertion and the dele-
tion. If the character at p is replaced by a sequence
·· ·β
, then the code is p!β
·· ·β
. Typically
the substituted character is only one say β, and then
p!β is the desired word. The instruction where the
string of n characters is replaced by that of m charac-
ters is represented as a replacement word and m 1
deletion words. Moreover we define a correction
word in terms of the word formed by a number, a
symbol which is one of the plus sign, the minus sign
or the exclamation mark, and a string which is empty
following the minus sign.
A given diff file is transformed into the sequence
of the correction words. To cope with complicated
differences, we may deploy the algorithm for calcu-
lating the Levenshtein distance (Gusfield, 1997). All
the correction words are sorted by the position, the
operator and the trailing string. Once extracting the
list which is called the correction array, we can make
the resulting text file of a worker from the original
text file and the correction array; all we have to do is
to apply each correction word of the array in reverse.
Finally the correction array is the essence of the dif-
ferential with regard to the character, whereas the diff
file indicates the information of lines.
Now we explain how to consolidate the workers’
fruits through their correction arrays (see Fig. 4). Let
N be the number of the workers, and W
stand for the
correction array for the i-th worker. The next step is
to configure the arrayW by sorting the union ofW
all 1 i N. Assume that W
and W can be regarded
both as the sets and as the arrays, i.e. the judgment
of belongingness and the random access with an in-
dex are available to the discrete or consolidated cor-
rection array. However W should not be the set that
we would like to obtain, since W may include inad-
equate instructions. In addition, there might exist a
pair of correction words (called collision words) with
a common position and different instructions of in-
sertion, deletion or displacement, in W, although W
does not hold such a couple. We denote #W to rep-
resent the number of correction words in W and W[ j]
(1 j #W) to mean the j-th word of the array W.
The matrix A is composed which has N rows and
#W columns. The component A
is determined by
comparing W with W
, that is:
= 1 if W[ j] W
. (1)
= 0 if W[ j] 6∈ W
. (2)
By definition, each column has at least one 1 compo-
nent. If the number of ones is larger than a thresh-
Figure 4: Workflow of integrating workers’ modification.
old which may be a constant or a half of the workers,
then the modification corresponding to the column is
accepted. When a small threshold is employed, col-
lision words may be accepted, and then either one
should be selected in some fashion. Finally we can
obtain the matrix A
whose columns are the accepted
ones and the valid correction array W
composed of
the accepted correction words.
When applying the correction word of W
versely to the text file before modification, we will
get hold of the text file where the workers’ results are
We can quantify the i-th worker’s contribution by
comparing W
with W
. In concrete terms, #(W
means the number of worker is modifications which
are instrumental in making the resulting text file, or
the adoption number. The rejection number is derived
by #(W
) where the minus sign denotes the set
subtraction. These numberscan convert into the ratios
using the division by #W
, which may be more suitable
for evaluating the worker’s performance.
To make sure that this formulation works well, we
apply it to a simplified example of a string manipu-
lation. Let T
be “japanese”, and assume that
three workers have changed the sequence of charac-
ters into “jopan´es”, “japon´es” and “japonese” respec-
tively. The values of the strings, arrays and matrices
according to the above formulation are as follows:
= “japanese”. (3)
= “jopan´es”. (4)
= “japon´es”. (5)
= “japonese”. (6)
are omitted since they are no use in this case.)
= {2!o, 6!´e, 8−}. (7)
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
= {4!o, 6!´e, 8−}. (8)
= {4!o}. (9)
W = {2!o, 4!o, 6!´e, 8−}. (10)
A =
1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0
. (11)
0 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 0
. (12)
= {4!o, 6!´e, 8}. (13)
By applying the correction words in W
to T
reverse, via “japanes” and “japan´es”, we finally ob-
tain the string “japon´es” which is assigned to T
Let the contribution be the number of ones of the
row of A
which corresponds to the worker (equal to
the adoption number), then:
= 2. (14)
= 3. (15)
= 1. (16)
In the case of evaluation experiment in the previ-
ous section, the column of Adopts in Table 1 is equal
to the contribution mentioned just above. When di-
viding the values by that in the column of Mods re-
spectively, we can obtain the ratios of adoption. The
ratios varied from 3/16 to 8/9.
In the anterior half of this paper, we have introduced
the documentation support system which utilizes Sub-
version and enables one to read the shot image and the
text at a time. The second half was devoted to provide
the workflow of consolidating text file from the sep-
arated achievements of the workers. The more work-
ers are engaged in the revision, the more mismatches
will be detected, but we have no idea of the quantita-
tive relationship among the numbers of workers, mis-
matches, and what should be corrected. We will have
to conduct experiments from this viewpoint, as well
as continue to improve the interface for practical use
by the researchers of Buddhism or historical science.
This application is able to manage text files by
comparing the files with the image files of copytext,
no matter what language the copytext was written in.
We request that the text should consist of Unicode
characters, since the system is obliged to output diff
files where UTF-8 is used as the character code. If
you would like to express the character outside this
encoding, then it should be specified as a string which
is regarded as a character in going for the correction
word, using some sort of escape sequence.
We developed the documentation support system
under the assumption that the text files which resem-
ble the shot images of sutra in content are available.
For applying to other sorts of materials, it would be
one way to make T
with a character sensing
equipment which may not be accurate enough.
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