hicles being spatially close together even if the corre-
sponding regions in the disparity map are intercon-
nected. The method breaks such a horizontal link
apart and present vehicles are extracted in combina-
tion with the road profile. The combination of these
two iterative stages has shown to be an excellent de-
tection technique.
These algorithms were tested on both stereo vi-
sion systems in urban traffic and autobahn scenarios.
The stereo sensor B has shown a better performance,
which goes back to the larger baseline. The smaller
baseline of the system A would demand a more ag-
gressive filtering stage for outlier removal due to the
depth resolution of the stereo configuration. This
eliminates important feature points which makes ve-
hicle detection unreliable for the automotive usage.
The baseline of the system B is variable and was cho-
sen as twice the size of system A. This enabled a reli-
able detection and depth reconstruction of up to 30m
and vehicles could even be identified at higher dis-
tances, but with inaccurate dimensions. The vehicle
recognition quality was steady over the speed range
30 km/h - 130 km/h. This approach produces suitable
output for a vision-based ACC application. Parts of
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications