(a) Original image. (b) Sample frame.
(c) LSA segmentation. (d) Estimated Joint.
Figure 11: The second experiment setup. The images show:
a) a sample frame, b) a reconstructed frames, c) the segmen-
tation result and d) the estimated rotational joint (red).
In this work we address the problem of the 3D mo-
tion segmentation of a non-rigid pair of bodies (a hu-
man arm and forearm) connected by a rotational joint.
In such regard we develop all the stages of the mo-
tion segmentation procedure from the acquisition to
the joint parameters estimation. The main novelty of
the presented approach resides in the 3D point match-
ing stage which has to cope with soft tissue artifacts
in the data. The multi camera facility is able to esti-
mate the position in 3D space of each marker with an
accuracy of about 0.5mm and a maximum resolution
of 5 markers per square centimeter. The 95% ellipse
of uncertainty associated with each marker location
is estimated taking into account both the setup intrin-
sic/extrinsic parameters and the accuracy of the mark-
ers acquired images. We also carried out an evalua-
tion of standard motion segmentation algorithm in the
case of articulated bodies which present soft-tissue
artifacts. The LSA approach is the best performing
method for the test case showed in this work but more
experimental evidence is required to asses the algo-
rithms with different body parts.
To evaluate the localization of the joint we used
both the human arm sequence and the sequence of
two bodies constrained by a rotational joint. In the
latter case the outcome was an accurate estimation of
the joint location. In the first case we performed two
relative motions between arm and forearm. When the
wrist rotates together with the elbow the joint estima-
tion as a single degree of freedom constraint failed to
estimate the correct location of the elbow. This can
be easily explained due to the complex relative mo-
tion involving at least two degrees of freedom. When
the wrist is held at a constant attitude with respect to
the elbow the joint was correctly estimated.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications