In the Origami Simulator (Chang et al, 2009) a
virtual piece of paper can be moved and folded using
two-touch interactions analogous to the art of paper
folding known as Origami. Results from user
evaluations on this application suggest that multi-
touch interaction can be intuitive, enjoyable and
useful for interacting with 3D environments. It was
from this concept we decided to explore a more
general 3D modeling interaction.
Previous sketch based tools for 3D modeling
have used rapid and rough sketches with simple
interfaces for fast modeling. For example, in Teddy
(Igarashi et al, 1999) sketched 2D shapes are inflated
to produce 3D shapes – it is suggested that about ten
minutes of practice is required to be able to make
fairly interesting shapes. However editing of the
resulting object is limited.
Alternative input devices have used bimanual
interaction to increase the available degrees of
freedom for 3D environment interaction. In 3-Draw
(Sachs et al, 1991) a remote control-like device is
held in each hand. The 3D motion of the devices
provides 3D input to generate models. This
transcends the limitations of 2D motion of mice,
however, is still limited by 2D display. Virtual
surface models are also bimanually controlled in the
Polygon Surface Design (Shaw & Greeen, 1994)
tool. These tools require special devices which are
less readily available than multi-touch screens.
In the Profile Driven Sketch tool (Bartolo et al,
2008) the profile sketch of an object is annotated
with cross-section views at various points which are
used to generate a wireframe model. However direct
interactin with the wireframe is not provided.
Commercial modeling tools such as AutoCAD
(Autodesk Inc., 2010) provide lofting algorithms
that interpolate surfaces through cross sections.
These rely on fixed position mouse slices.
This section covers the early design phase of our
project. It describes the requirements of the project
and key factors considered for the solution design.
The focus of this research was to explore the use
of multi-touch and sketch to develop a simpler and
more intuitive interface for 3D modeling. In the first
stage of our research we created a set of
requirements for the application based on
observations, evaluation of previous work, and
informal interviews. The key usability requirements
derived were a minimal interface and intuitiveness.
The interface should have fewer items on screen,
which is achieved by transferring functionality from
buttons and menus into touch gestures. This allows
more room for model display. For the application to
be intuitive the touch actions must be analogous to
real life actions.
In terms of functional requirements, the key
factors are 2D to 3D mapping, flexibility, simplicity
and shape predictability. Considering the touch
screen provides two spatial dimensions it is
necessary to have a mechanism to provide input for
a third spatial dimension yet have the flexibility to
model a range of objects. Lastly the application
should accurately infer the shape the user wants to
3.1 Solution Design
From the above requirements we designed a cross-
section based solution where the user manipulates
the shape by editing slices of the shape. Cross
sections are a common 3D design approach. They
can be used to provide 2D to 3D mapping because
the orientation of the slice plane (the plane on which
the cross-section rests) and the slice profile (the
profile seen on the cross-section) provides three
spatial dimensions of information.
With a cross-section approach the lofting method
must be chosen: how will a 3D shape be generated
from the cross-sections? The three methods
considered were Morphing, Edge-Minimisation and
Radial Basis Function Interpolation; the later was
choosen as the best balance between flexibility,
simplicity and shape predictability. It would enable a
greater range of objects to be modeled because
unlike the other two, it naturally deals with cross-
sections in arbitrary orientations. And because it
produces curved surfaces based on the idea of
bending energy minimization it better reflects the
curvature of natural objects. As a drawback the
method does not allow straight edges or corners.
However, we felt that users would be more
interested in modeling objects with curves rather
than flat faces. And although we hypothesized that
the other methods may be more understandable, the
flexibility provided by it was more important.
Other investigated design methods were
discarded because they did not meet the
requirements. For example, direct manipulation of
vertices, edges and faces is a common operation,
however, would pose greater challenges in terms of
2D to 3D mapping despite providing more
BUBBLEWORLD BUILDER - 3D Modeling using Two-touch and Sketch Interaction