Rui Liu and Burkhard W¨unsche
Graphics Group, Department of Computer Science
University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Hand tracking, Hand segmentation, Feature detection, Perceptual-based colour space.
Applications for home-based care are rapidly increasing in importance due to spiraling health care and elderly
care costs. An important aspect of home-based care is exercises for rehabilitation and improving general
health. However, without caregivers supervising these exercises it is difficult to monitor them, i.e., to determine
whether the exercises have been performed correctly and for the prescribed duration.
In this paper we present the first steps toward a computer-based tool for monitoring hand exercises. Hand
exercises are important for various diseases such as Parkinson disease. While many algorithms exist for
gesture recognition, most of them do require special set-ups and are difficult to use for very inexperienced
users in home-based environments. In this paper we present a robust hand region segmentation method which
represents the first step toward a hand-tracking algorithm. Our solution requires no calibration and is easily
set-up. We evaluate its robustness with regard to complex backgrounds, changes in illuminations, and different
hand colours. Our results indicate that the robust hand region segmentation provides a solid foundation for
monitoring hand exercises.
Injuries and diseases such as inflammatory and
autoimmune diseases (arthritis), degenerative mus-
cle diseases (Welander distal myopathy), overuse
syndromes and neurological damage and diseases
(stroke, Parkinson’s disease) may cause reduced or
complete loss of control of hand and fingers which
would be a catastrophic event for patients. For many
of the above diseases surgical or drug treatment does
not exist, is expensive, or only partially effective.
Finger and hand exercises have been shown to be
a very effective alternative or complementary treat-
ment (Wessel, 2004).
A major problem with exercise training is the
lack of supervision by qualified instructors over time.
While patients are encouraged to exercise at home,
many patients lack motivation without monitoring
and evaluation of their performance. The popular-
ization of personal computers and web-cams offers a
solution to this problem. We can use existing hard-
ware in combination with animation technology to
teach patients the correct exercises and to use web-
cam based gesture recognition technology to evaluate
the correctness of the exercises, to give instructions
for improvement, and to monitor the success of the
exercise program over time. Such home-based care
applications are rapidly increasing in importance due
to spiraling healthcare and elderly care costs and are
becoming an integral part of government health poli-
cies (UK Department of Health, 2009).
Our goal is to provide an affordable platform for
novice users and patients to set up their own exercise
environmenteasily. With the help of a region-growing
approach and a perception-based colour space, a
calibration-free application is presented based on
web-cam input.
A large variety of hand tracking algorithms have been
proposed. A good survey is given in (Mahmoudi and
Parviz, 2006). Two important categories are marker-
based and marker-less methods.
2.1 Marker-based Tracking Methods
Marker-based hand tracking algorithms require the
user to wear point or area markers such as LED-
Liu R. and Wuensche B. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 263-266
DOI: 10.5220/0002850002630266
gloves and colour coded markers. An example is
the inexpensive 3D articulated hand tracking system
by (Wang and Popovi´c, 2009). The hand position and
motion of the users are tracked by wearing a glove
with a custom colour pattern. Robustness and interac-
tive speed are illustrated by applications such as driv-
ing an animated character using finger motion.
Marker-based tracking applications can provide
highly accurate results, but the need for auxiliary de-
vices (markers, gloves) can be inconvenient for the
user and often requires some type of calibration.
Our preliminary studies and interviews with
healthcare and geriatrics specialists suggest that pa-
tients and elderly prefer a marker-less application. In
order to make current marker-based methods accept-
able the marker devices must become cheaper, more
readily available, and more flexible and easier to use.
2.2 Marker-less Tracking Methods
Without the use of markers, alternative techniques
must be employed in order to identify a hand on the
camera image and determine its 3D position.
The easiest way to identify (potential) hand shapes
is by using a skin colour classifier. A large amount of
literature exist on this topic. Some of the more re-
cent surveys and comparative studies include (Kaku-
manu et al., 2007; Vassili et al., 2003). Re-
cently a perception-based colour space has been pro-
posed (Chong et al., 2008) which can be used to make
image processing techniques more robust to different
lighting conditions.
By using a 3D hand model and searching for a
mapping (Stenger et al., 2001), the (potential) hand
shape can be verified and its 3D position and orien-
tation can be determined. An opposite approach can
also be taken by matching a hand image to a set of
hand templates (Stenger et al., 2006).
Due to its robustness to noise and lighting
changes, Haar-like features are also widely used to
achieve fast matching and rapid elimination of wrong
candidates (Chen et al., 2007).
The results of the review in the previous section
demonstrate that with the current limitations a mark-
erless method using a monocular web cam is the most
appropriate set-up for home-based healthcare applica-
tions. Designing such a system requires three steps:
1. A robust way for detecting the hand image (it
should work for different backgrounds, different
illuminations and different skin colours)
2. Pose estimation
3. Hand tracking
In this paper we only describe the first step, i.e., a
robust way for detecting hand images using a low-cost
3.1 Overview
Our hand region segmentation algorithm utilizes a
pixel-based region-growing technique. A seed point
is obtained by displaying a target (e.g., hand template)
in the center of the screen and requiring the user to
move their hand until it matches the target. This type
of initialization does not require technical know-how
and can be accomplished by anyone able to do hand
exercises. The seed point is added to the currently de-
tected hand region and all its neighbours are stored in
a queue data structure. In each iteration we now re-
move a pixel from the queue, test whether it belongs
to the hand region, and if yes add its not yet tested
neighbours to the queue. In order to decide whether a
pixel belongs to the hand region we use a perception-
based colour space and compute the current pixel’s
colour distance to the mean value of the hand region
detected so far. Only pixels with a distance below a
given threshold are added. The algorithm continues
until the queue is empty.
3.2 Classification Criteria
Two pixels are considered to belong to the same re-
gion if their colour distance is within a given thresh-
old. The colour distance is computed using the
norm and transformation function F which converts a
pixel’s colour into the perception-based colour space
from (Chong et al., 2008). The perceptual colour dis-
tance d between two colours~x and~x
is hence:
) = kF(~x) F(~x
)k (1)
Therefore, if
<= d(~x,~x
) (2)
the pixel is classified as a point within the region in
which the seed point belongs to, otherwise the next
pixel will be tested.
Finding a suitable value for thresholding is dif-
ficult. Making the inclusion of pixels only depen-
dents on comparison with its direct neighbours is er-
ror prone because of “colour leaking” (a continuous
change of colours from hand regions to other regions
due to shadows, highlights and other influences). Gra-
dient based methods are common in other segmen-
tation applications, but work unsatisfactory because
of strong local illumination changes over the hand
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
surface. We used instead a mixed approach com-
bining a colour distance criteria with edge detection.
The colour distance is computed by using the mean
colour value of the current hand region for compari-
son. We apply thresholding to the
-norm of colour
differences in the perception-based colour space. We
also experimented with applying thresholding to each
channel separately, but we were unable to find a con-
sistently superior combination and hence decided to
keep using the
-norm. In order to avoid “colour
leaking” over object boundaries we compute image
edges using a Canny edge detector. New pixels are
only accepted if they do not lie on an edge.
We implemented our algorithm in C/C++ using the
Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV) library.
The following results were obtained using an iMac
(Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8335 2.66GHz,
3.00GB RAM) with an inbuilt 640×480-pixel VGA
resolution iSight camera and a laptop (Intel(R) Cen-
trino CPU 1.60GHz, 1.00GB RAM) with a low qual-
ity external web-cam of unknown brand and with
320×240 resolution.
We tested our algorithm using web cam input and AVI
video clips and in all experiments processing was per-
formed in real time (i.e., 20 frames/second). We have
not yet determined the maximum speed possible.
We compared our algorithm with segmentation re-
sults obtained by using different skin classifiers using
different colour spaces (RGB, YCbCr and CIE XYZ).
In all cases the results were inferior to our method as
illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the results of testing our segmen-
tation method under different lighting conditions. The
identification of the hand region works similarly well
in both examples. However, under dim light the skin
region around the wrist is missing.
We tested different backgrounds including a tex-
tured desk chair, a computer lab, and the user’s face
(figure 3). Surprisingly the algorithm works well even
when the hand covers the face, which seems to be
a much harder segmentation task. The results indi-
cate that the algorithm is robust, but requires some
fine tuning and modifications might be necessary for
highly saturated image regions.
Figure 3 (right) demonstrates the robustness of
our algorithm when applied to different skin colours.
Figure 1: Comparison of the hand detection and segmen-
tation results using our region growing technique (bottom-
right) and the skin classifiers from (Hsu et al., 2002) (top-
left), (Yang et al., 1998; Stauffer and Grimson, 1999) (top-
right) and (Kovac et al., 2003) (bottom-left).
Figure 2: Segmentation results under indoor conditions
with daylight and fluorescent ceiling lamps (first row) and
dim environment without fluorescent ceiling lamps (second
We used users from three different ethnic groups and
found that the algorithm worked similarly well in all
Section 3 described our region growing algorithm
and explained that the testing of candidate pixels is
performed by computing their colour distance to the
mean colour of the current hand segment. An alterna-
tive application is to only consider the neighbours of
the candidate pixels which are within the segmented
region. We found that using the mean constraint re-
sults in better segmentation for the wrist region, but
causes one artifact in the finger region. Overall we
Figure 3: Evaluation of the sensitivity of our hand segmen-
tation algorithm to different backgrounds and skin colours.
found that using the mean value gives visually more
pleasing and consistent results. A quantitative study
is necessary to confirm this observation.
We have presented a novel region-growingmethod for
hand segmentation. The main difference to previous
methods is the use of a perception-based colour space
and a classification function using edge detection in-
formation in combination with mean colour values
rather than neighborhood information.
We have compared our method with traditional
skin classifiers and demonstrated that it is superior.
While the comparison has to be treated with caution
due to the lack of edge information when using the
skin classifiers, we believethat the results still demon-
strate the usefulness of our method as a starting point
for hand tracking applications.
We evaluated our method for different illumina-
tion conditions, backgrounds and skin colours, and
found that it is sufficiently stable and forms a suitable
foundation for low-cost hand tracking applications.
We have started to experiment with active contour
models, but found less improvement than expected
due to the high curvature of the hand silhouette.
The next steps for our application are to estimate 3D
motion of the hand by using a 3D hand model with
kinematic constraints. In order to resolve ambigui-
ties in the mapping process we plan to use simplified
markers, e.g., stickers, coloured rubber bands or lip-
stick marks. This type of markers gives less reliable
results than traditional markers and we can not expect
users to place them correctly - however, such markers
are easy to use, cost effective, do not constrain mo-
bility, and can be used even if the patient suffers from
conditions such as swellings and sores on the hand.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications