Wiebke Schwelgengräber, Ralf Salomon and Ralf Joost
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany
Keywords: Model Railroad, Problem-Based Learning, Tacit Knowledge, Learning Effect, Situated Cognition, Self-
Regulated Learning.
Abstract: Even though neither teachers nor learners are running for tacit knowledge, it is omnipresent even in
engineering disciplines, such as electrical engineering and computer science. This paper is about a problem-
based learning environment, the model railroad project that is being developed at the University of Rostock.
Two case studies, done in the Summer Term 2009, indicate that this problem-based learning environment
can indeed support the students in their studies.
Tacit knowledge is an omnipresent phenomenon in
almost all teaching environments (Gräsel and Mandl
1999a, p. 54). It might come to a little surprise that
this problem is also very present in rather practical
sciences, such as electrical engineering and
microelectronics: even though these disciplines are
about physical entities, knowledge is presented on a
rather theoretical level.
In the fields of electrical engineering and
computer science it can be frequently observed that
students have severe difficulties in applying
theoretically learned knowledge to practical (real-
world) problems. For example, even though the
students know the mathematical model of a simple
DC motor, they cannot explain the underlying
physical working principles nor can they configure
some appropriate controlling circuitry.
Section 2 briefly reviews the pertinent literature
on tacit knowledge. According to this review,
previous research has argued that for the avoidance
of tacit knowledge, it is important to consider both
the learner and its learning context. Previous
research has already proposed the concept of
problem-based learning as a relief to this problem: it
is a learning and teaching environment that
integrates theoretical concepts and practical
applications by its very nature. It thus gives the
learner the opportunity to embed any new theoretical
concepts into practical (real-world) problems. Since
this paper is about a particular problem-based
learning environment, Section 2 summarizes some
of the existing case studies as well as some of its
core principles.
In order to improve the learning efficiency in
electrical engineering and computer science at the
University of Rostock, the authors have instantiated
its own problem-based learning environment, the
model railroad project, which is described in Section
3. Because of its design, this project offers tasks as
diverse as simple wiring, attaching light bulbs,
developing switch controllers, and configuring field-
programmable gate arrays.
Even though the model railroad project is still
under construction, it has already been used in
several teaching activities. Section 4 presents two
case studies that have recently been done. In these
case studies, two groups of students have developed
a wireless train controller as well as an advanced
switch controller board. Both case studies
demonstrate that the model railroad project is
suitable to include all the various stages (activities)
relevant to problem-based learning.
Section 5 presents an evaluation of the two case
studies described in Section 4. This evaluation
suggests that the model railroad project is not
limited to selected teaching topics but suitable as a
platform of rather general interest, since it allows for
the implementation of various teaching concepts and
methods. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper
with a brief discussion.
Schwelgengräber W., Salomon R. and Joost R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 246-251
DOI: 10.5220/0002851702460251
This section discusses the concept of tacit
knowledge and some reasons of its occurrences. As a
working hypothesis, this section adopts the view that
problem-based learning can be very effective for
avoiding tacit knowledge.
Tacit Knowledge is defined as passive, non-
applicable knowledge (CTGV, 1990, p. 2; Gruber
and Renkl, 2000, p. 155; Gruber et al., 2000, pp.
139-140). In other words, tacit knowledge is
something that is sitting in the brain but cannot be
used for anything useful. In that view, tacit
knowledge is a waste of resources: it takes time for
learners and teachers, it occupies nerve cells, and it
gives the illusion of knowledge, even though it
should be considered just noise.
It might come to a surprise to some readers that
tacit knowledge is an issue even in engineering
disciplines, such as computer science and electrical
engineering. These disciplines are on physical
entities that provide a real-word context, which
should help the learner acquire the presented
information. But obviously, a significant amount of
information is presented in terms of symbols,
equations, and definitions without providing any link
to previously acquired knowledge or to specific real-
world problems; particularly real-world problems
would give plenty of opportunities for exercises and
Previous research has provided several
explanation models of how and why tacit knowledge
develops. Among those avenues, these models have
been looking at meta processes, structural deficits,
and situated cognition (Gruber and Renkl, 2000, p.
164; Law 2000, pp. 253-255; Gräsel and Mandl,
1999b, p. 4, Mandl et al. 1994, pp. 170-175).
Situated Cognition is based on instructional
approaches (CTGV, 1990; Gruber and Renkl, 2000,
p. 166) and assumes that learning is a process that
not only depends on the (teaching) input but also on
the learner's context (Gruber and Renkl, 2000, p.
167). In other words, situated cognition also
considers the learner’s activities and interactions as
well as the learner’s environment, which are all very
important to the learning process (Law, 2000, p.
Since the existence of tacit knowledge is not a recent
phenomenon, previous research has also proposed
some reliefs. Among those are inquiry learning,
experimental learning, constructivist learning and
problem-based learning (Kirschner, Sweller, and
Clark, 2006, p. 75), with the latter being the focus of
the remainder of this section.
Problem-based Learning, also known as PBL, is
one of those reliefs proposed against the
development of tacit knowledge. Essentially, a
problem-based learning environment provides
complex and authentic problems to the learners. In
this approach, complexity should help the learner
construct mental models in order to embed
previously learned “facts” into the semantic
networks the learner has already established, and
authenticity should be both motivationally and
emotionally stimulating.
Problem-based learning environments help avoid
the development of tacit knowledge in several ways.
For example, PBL students more often use
resources, such as libraries and literature, and also
appear more competent in investigating and
searching of information than their traditional
learning classmates (Vernon and Blake, 1993, as
referenced in Zumbach, 2003, p. 53), they feel less
stress in self-regulated learning (Moore-West et al.,
1989, as referenced in Zumbach, 2003, pp. 54-55),
and they exhibit better problem-solving strategies
due to their ability to better utilize hypotheses and
background information (Hmelo, 1998, as
referenced in Zumbach, 2003, pp. 62-63).
Furthermore, PBL students put more emphasis on
developing a deeper understanding rather than rote
learning (Coles, 1990; Newble and Clark, 1986, as
referenced in Zumbach, 2003, p. 53).
Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006) interpreted
the studies presented above in a less positive way,
and claim that PBL is actually less inefficient,
because of the minimal guidance during the learning
process. In light of this statement, Strobel and
Barneveld (2009) analyzed several studies in a meta
synthesis according to possible PBL-inefficiencies.
They stated that problem-based learning is more
effective than traditional classrooms with respect to
increasing the transfer of knowledge (Strobel and
Barneveld, 2009, pp. 53-55).
In general, a problem-based learning
environment consists of the following core
principles (Zumbach, 2003, p. 20):
a) The students can learn in authentic situations and
on close-to-reality problems, which initiate the
processes of knowledge elaboration,
b) The students can learn in small groups such that
all members are motivated to discuss problems,
solutions, and methods,
c) Tutors may support the formal organization and
the problem-solving processes, and
d) Resources, such as specialized technical
literature, facts presented by the tutor, and models,
should be available in order to assist the students in
their additional learning processes.
This section presents a brief description of the model
railroad project. It was launched, because the authors
have experienced several instances of tacit
knowledge in many lectures and on all levels. Due to
its origin, the model railroad project is intended to
mainly help computer science and electrical
engineering students.
Because of this intention, the three major design
goals are (technical) functionality, flexibility, and
simplicity. Furnishings, such as landscaping,
tunnels, bridges, mountains, trees, lakes, cars, etc.,
which are a main focus of most home-owned model
railroads, are less important or not suitable, since
they might interfere with the intended technical
Due to space limitations in the laboratories, the
project employs trains and tracks of size N, i.e., a
scale of 1:160. The tracks are mounted on a board of
1m x 3m in size. Figure 1 provides a fairly good
overview of the model. From the figure, it can also
be seen that the model basically consists of two
parallel circles, two main railroad stations, several
side tracks, as well as an elevated plateau. The very
many switches and crossings allow for a large
variety of operational alternatives.
Figure 1: Overview of the model railroad project.
In contrast to most privately owned model railroads,
the present project has employed a digital control
mode of operation by means of the digital command
control (DCC) protocol (NMRA, 2007). The digital
control has the following advantages: every train can
assume its own speed, thus playing is much more
fun, and it allows for several exercises with the
focus in micro electronics. Furthermore, a digitally
controlled model can be connected to a PC, which
offers plenty of software exercises.
To the technically oriented reader, it should be
obvious that the model railroad can be used as a
problem-based learning environment, since it is on
physical entities by its very nature. This
environment offers exercises as diverse as simple
wiring and soldering, designing switch controllers,
designing controller boards based on micro
controllers and/or field-programmable gate arrays,
designing wireless motor controls, developing
communication protocols, and designing graphical
user interfaces.
This section presents two case studies that were
done in the summer term 2009 and in which the
model railroad was used as problem-based learning
environment. According to Zumbach (2003, pp. 22-
23), every case study proceeded in three steps: (1)
problem presentation and discussion, (2) individual
and collaborative learning phases, and (3) final
discussions. It might be mentioned that in both case
studies, the students had to complete a rather
complex task. As a consequence, they had to work in
small teams, i.e., they had to cooperate.
4.1 Case Study 1: Wireless Train
In order to extend the operational capabilities, the
goal of this case study was to develop a wireless
train controller. This task included the development
of a wireless communication (based on ZiggBee),
the actual motor control, a link between the motor
control and the communication, as well as an
appropriate communication protocol.
Three students participated in this case study.
They were all regular electrical engineering students.
Two of these students were of age 22 and in the
forth semester, and the third student was of age 27
and in the seventh semester.
Problem Presentation and Discussion. This case
study started with a kick-off meeting in which the
students were presented with a brief and rough
description of the overall task and its goals. Then,
the students entered a self-managed discussion and
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
brainstorming phase. In this phase, the students first
divided the task into three subtasks, i.e.,
communication, motor control, and speed sensor as
well as project support by means of a Wiki. Then,
they developed a fine-grained specification of the
entire project as well as the sub-projects, and they
arranged educational objectives. This process was
supported by the tutor.
Individual and Collaborative Learning Phase.
During the following eight weeks, the students
frequently switched between individual work and
group meetings. In the latter, they presented their
progress, discussed problems as well as possible
solutions, and organized the subsequent steps.
During that time, the students used the Wiki in order
to document their work and to reflect their learning
Final Discussions. Finally the students discussed,
reflected, and presented results referring to the
problem and the educational objectives in an
assignment paper by using the Wiki and by
participating in a survey. Furthermore, to increase
meta cognitive competencies, the students'
discussion included some reflections about the
individual learning processes to make their learning
strategies and methodical actions aware.
4.2 Case Study 2: Switch Controllers
The second case study was about the development of
an intelligent switch controller. The controller was
expected to offer the following features: (1)
connections to a large number of switches, (2)
advanced control features, such as puls-width
modulation and blinking, and (3) integration of at
least a USB (universal serial bus) communication
Again, this task was too complex in order to be
completed by just one student in the context of a
thesis work. Therefore, two students from the forth
semester and of age 22 worked as a team. Basically,
the students assumed the same procedure as those in
Case Study 1.
Both case studies have been evaluated in two ways:
(1) by informal observations during the meetings
and student works (Subsection 5.1) and (2) by a
rather formal questionnaire that was done after the
projects had been completed (Subsection 5.2).
5.1 Informal Observations
The participating students have shown significant
achievements in various respects. Some examples
The students have learned to work as a team and
to organize the entire team work,
They have developed quite a good understanding
of the actual technical content, and were able to
establish connections to previously learned
And for the team members, it was more than a
natural behavior to help each other, they have
experienced that a group, team-oriented
performance is more than just the sum of the
individual contributions.
5.2 Formal Evaluation
The Questionnaire. The formal evaluation was
done by means of a questionnaire. This
questionnaire contained open and closed questions.
The questions addressed the following three main
targets: (1) motivational aspects, (2) social and
personal development, and (3) the acquisition and
application of new content. This questionnaire was
distributed close to the end of the project and
evaluated the students' expectations they had at the
beginning of the project as well as at the time of
evaluation. These questions focused on the
following two hypotheses: (1) does the model
railroad project increase the students' motivation and
(2) does this problem-based learning environment
support the transfer of knowledge. The interested
reader can download this questionnaire from the web
(Salomon, 2009b).
The Teachers' Expectations. The students
participated in these case studies with good grace
and were highly motivated. The working atmosphere
between the students and teachers was very good
and was characterized by a very good discussion
attitude. Therefore, the project leaders expected that
the students highly sympathize with the two
Motivation. The evaluation of the questionnaires
showed – quite astonishing for the authors – that
most students did not expect any positive effect the
model railroad might have on their learning
motivation. In addition, the students were not aware
of any such effect by the time of evaluation. This
rather surprising result might be interpreted as
follows: the selected students were volunteers and
were thus anyhow interested in extra-curricular
activities as well as in non-mainstream content.
But it might also be the case that these students were
not fully aware of the motivational properties of the
model railroad project on themselves: In several
open questions, they indicated that they have
participated in this project because they expected
fun, can complement theoretical knowledge with
practical experiences, and can realize their own
ideas. Furthermore, the participating students
anticipated an easy-to-handle and casual contact to
the professor-in-charge. Finally, some participating
students have indicated that they have chosen this
project because they might be able to identify their
own interests. In summary, the answers to those
open questions suggest a high motivational spirit of
this project.
Learning Effects. The students expected that at the
end of the project, they can fuse theoretical
knowledge and practical experiences. Even though
the students did not expect a deeper understanding
of the learned theories, they have apparently
experienced a positive learning effect, since they
have applied the theories during the design of the
practical experiments. In other words, the model
railroad learning environment has helped transform
passive knowledge into active knowledge.
This paper has discussed that tacit knowledge is
present even in engineering disciplines, such as
electrical engineering and computer science. As a
possible relief, this paper has presented the model
railroad project, as it is being developed at the
University of Rostock. The main purpose of this
project is to provide a problem-based learning
environment to the faculty's students as well as
engineering students in general.
This paper has also presented two case studies
that have been carried out in the Summer Term
2009. These case studies have been done in the
context of the model railroad project, and indeed
indicate that the model railroad might be an
appropriate approach for the avoidance of tacit
In a survey, the participating students have
testified that the model railroad has increased their
motivation and that it has allowed to appreciate a
self-regulated learning atmosphere. Furthermore, the
evaluation has shown that the chosen learning
environment supports some knowledge transfer.
Future research will be devoted to a more in-depth
analysis of both causes and fulfillments of the
students' expectations. In order to better appreciate
the students' answers, future evaluations will be
focusing on the identification of the students'
individual learning concepts. In addition, future
evaluations will also be considering relevant meta
processes (especially individual learning, group and
motivational processes), the effects of the model
railroad has on knowledge application and structural
The authors gratefully thank the structural
engineering department of the Vocational School of
Rostock for contributing all the wood work, which is
the chassis for all the tracks etc. Particular thanks are
due to the many students (Salomon, 2009a) for
working on selected project. Special thanks are due
to Matthias Hinkfoth, Christian Heyen, Jan
Fuhrmann, Stefan Neumann, Erik Sander, and
Henning Jürß for participating in the case study. Last
but not least, the authors gratefully thank Prof.
Thomas Häcker for his valuable discussions and for
providing his expertise in didactics and education.
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