Haider Ali
University of Leoben
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Object classification, Object hierarchies, ImageNet, Object detection and Domain Ontologies.
We present a binary tree based object classification method in this paper. The binary tree builds a group of
classes using ImageNet domain ontologies. A binary decision function is introduced in the root node of the
decision tree using the positive samples of the first group for training. The decision function continues dividing
the groups in sub-sequent groups when approaching the leaf nodes and provides positive and negative samples
for multi-class problems. We have tested our method on the PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2006
(VOC2006) dataset and have achieved comparable accuracy for group classification. The results show that the
proposed method is a powerful class binarization technique for hierarchical objects group classification.
The recent approaches in object classification sys-
tems shows that Support Vector Machines provides
better recognition rates as compare to the other exist-
ing approaches. We introduce an object classification
method using hierarchical object class structure using
ImageNet domain ontologies. We have introduced a
conceptual ontology based phenomena to group ob-
ject class hierarchies. For example mammal was in-
troduced as a group having two member groups carni-
vore and ungulate hoofed mammal. These two groups
have some association to the mammal group based on
their characteristics. The root nodes of each subgroup
are defined as classes have common relationship to
the subgroup. This is new way out for training group
level classifier using the group labels instead of train-
ing directly root nodes. The prediction score gener-
ated by the group level classifier is used to choose the
sub-group training samples. A base-level classifier is
trained using the minimum positive samples identi-
fied by the group/sub-group level classifier prediction
scores. We have tested our approach on a publicly
available well known dataset provided for VOC chal-
lenge in 2006. The results we provide shows that the
group classifier performs significantly better than the
individual classifiers.
This paper is organized as following. The next
section describes the related work including the de-
scription and how we differ as compared to other ap-
proaches. Section 3 will provide our approach and
how we build a decision function providing the ex-
periments and our results. The last section provides
error analysis and continues with future work.
1.1 Related Work
Madzarov et al. (G. et al., 2009) has introduced a
novel architecture using binary decision tree for solv-
ing multiclass problem. They have introduced a clus-
tering based method to training binary decision func-
tions using SVM. They claims that their method per-
form faster than single class one-against-one and for
multi-class one-against-all available methods and pro-
vides better recognition rates. A popular approach is
introduced by Marcin et al. (Marszałek and Schmid,
2007) using lexical semantic networks for the object
recognition task. They introduce the concept of visual
appearance based learning by defining the inter-class
relationship using semantic hierarchy of discrimina-
tive classifiers. A higher level layered object cate-
gorization architecture has been proposed by Lei et
al. (Cheng, 2009) for object categorization using hier-
archical category information. The object categories
are built with bottom-up and top-down approaches us-
ing cognitive rules using inter-category relationship at
higher level concepts.
Mailot et al. (Maillot et al., 2004) carried out a
Ali H. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 534-536
DOI: 10.5220/0002851905340536
similar work using machine learning and knowledge
representation techniques using visual concept on-
tology. They introduced visual concept ontological
concepts(spatial, color and texture concepts and re-
lations) as an intermediate relations using machine
learning and knowledge domain. We have used the
domain ontological concept defined in the work of
Jia Deng et al. (Deng et al., 2009). They combined
the image datasets using WordNet hierarchy utilizing
subtrees and synsets of millions of images. We car-
ried our working using ImageNet domain ontologies
to generalize the task due to its strong logical group-
The hierarchical classification structure contains the
group having all the sub-sequent nodes. The Root
node is trained with all training examples and there-
after test with the test data. Individual classifiers are
trained on training data selected by the group clas-
sifier. The process continues until we reach from a
group to class level classifier training. The idea is to
use the reduced training examples based on the pre-
diction score of the group level classifier. The global
workflow of the system is presented in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Pipeline for hierarchical object classification sys-
tem using ImageNet Domain ontologies.
We followed a rather simple but powerful ap-
proach to built the histograms using a scale-invariant
feature transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004). We built a
histogram for each image descriptor and concatenate
them for each image. We have chosen SIFT features
because of their invariance to image scale and rotation
as well as robust for illumination, noise, viewpoint
and partial occlusions as well as highly distinctive.
We have chosen N number of groups for a given set
of training examples. These training examples be-
longs to a fixed number of classes C = c
, ..., c
. We
have trained a binary classifier to assign these train-
ing examples to the corresponding correct groups and
classes. The basic algorithm is based on the following
Step 1: Training Examples X := (x
, . . . , x
where X R
Step 2: Classes C := (c
, . . . , c
) where C R
and K N
Step 3: For all given x
Step 4: Group Labels N := (n
, . . . , n
where N R
and T < K
Step 5: Sub Group Labels S
:= (s
, . . . , s
where S
Step 6: x
are assigned to its relevant c
Step 7: Return x
where C
is the corresponding
class of x
In this section we evaluate the hierarchical object
classification method. This section covers the evalu-
ation scheme, SVM parameter selection and dataset
details. We provide an empirical evaluation of the
provided method.
4.1 Evaluation Scheme
We have trained the SVM on the ”train” VOC 2006
dataset. We train SVM classifier for each group and
use to the prediction score to choose the positive sam-
ples for each sub-sequent group. We have chosen full
training data to train the root classifier, although the
individual classifiers are trained on training data se-
lected by the group classifier. We carried out our ex-
periments using SVMlight with the default parame-
ters, although the choice of the C-parameter selection
depends on the average precision on the ”val” dataset.
We did not choose the weight factor because we found
that the ”train” set was normalized and have equal
weight to the positive and negative samples.
4.2 Results
The results we provide show a consistent improve-
ment at each group level. Depending on the prediction
score of each group the choice of positive samples for
each sub-sequent group is quite sensitive task. The
results are quite promising and provide sufficient mo-
tivation to explore and optimize the sub-sequent tree
nodes by improving the decision function. The recog-
nition rate is provided in the Table 1.
Table 1: VOC2006 results - The group scores are obtained
on VAL dataset while the rest are on test dataset.
Groups Wheeled Vehicle Carnivore Hoofed Mammal
83.28 70.24 69.65
Classes Bicycle—53.17 Cow—15.97 Cat—34.61
Bus— 43.07 Horse—11.95 Dog—30.77
Car— 61.06 Sheep—26.36
We have analyzed and found that the proposed algo-
rithm provide a comparable accuracy for classifica-
tion when used to classify a particular group. The ini-
tial idea worked quite well but thereafter need to be
refined to identify the cause of failure when moving
to the sub-group and then to the base classifier. Es-
pecially for those classes where we already have very
few training samples in the whole dataset; if not iden-
tified correctly at root-node fails completely when
reaching down to the base classifier. The available ob-
ject classification datasets for Pascal VOC challenges
contain very few positive examples for some classes
and are not balanced. Although training SVM or
boosting algorithm with very few training examples is
an active area of research for machine learning com-
munity (Hu et al., 2007), (Mutch and Lowe, 2008)
and (Janez Brank and Mladenic, 2003). A compara-
tive study could be carried out using existing learning
techniques like boosting to training the hierarchical
classification tree and to compare them with SVM ap-
This work was supported in part by the Austrian Sci-
ence Fund FWF (S9104-N13 SP4). The research
leading to these results has also received funding from
the European Communitys Seventh Framework Pro-
gramme (FP7/2007- 2013) under grant agreements n
216886 (PASCAL2 Network of Excellence).
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications