Giving Education a Second Life
Mohammed J. AlGhamdi
Umm-AlQura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Debbie Richards
Department of Computing, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia
Keywords: Virtual Worlds, Virtual Environments, Learning, Second Life, e-Learning.
Abstract: The potential of 3D virtual worlds to introduce a new educational medium which can serve all types of
learning as well as enhance the experience of both the instructor and learner appropriate to the 21
classroom has been recognised and explored in previous studies. While participants report enjoyment and
even improved learning outcomes, it is unclear what role the technology has played in achieving these
benefits. Furthermore, e-learning, with its many forms, has been criticized due to the inability of the
technology to provide the means which allows e-learning to become an equivalent alternative to traditional
face-to-face learning particularly in terms of effectiveness and quality. The proposed study will examine
explore these issues by assessing new alternatives, namely the use of Second Life, to traditional face-to-face
While the use of technology in education is often
viewed as a silver bullet, from an economic point of
view it is often difficult to find any evidence of the
benefits of technology (Landauer 1995). However,
when there is “a good fit between a particular
learning situation and specific technical solution”
striking positive results can be found (Draper,
Cargill and Cutts 2002). Due to the high levels of
engagement and fun which they can afford, three
dimensional virtual worlds have gained much
attention over the past few years with respect to the
potential they may have to revolutionise learning
and transform the traditional educational classroom,
Advances in technology, coupled with lower
prices and higher performance capabilities of
personal computers have enabled the adoption of 3D
virtual worlds by different categories of users. Ever
since its introduction, 3D virtual worlds have been
slowly gaining exposure among individual users as
well as corporations (Shen & Eder, 2009). 3D virtual
worlds are often Three-dimensional Multi User
Virtual Environments (MUVE) (Warburton, 2009).
MUVE’s were first widely used by gaming software
to enable a large number of players to engage in an
online collaborative or one on one gaming
experience known as Multi-User Dungeons (MUD)
and Massively Multi-payer Online Games (MMO)
(Warburton, 2009). MUVEs allowed for a number of
users to get together online and perform activities
made possible by the environments. Designers of
these environments make the choice on the type of
functions and activities available to their users
(Robbins & Butler, 2009). As time and technology
progressed, MUVEs have become more
sophisticated and very popular (Warburton, 2009).
Today, there are many MUVEs which consist of
advanced 3D technology as well as advanced
capabilities which allow users to customize their
It has been suggested that “current education
systems are failing to meet the needs of individuals
and society in the 21st century” (Twining, 2009, p.
496). This is primarily due to the advances in
J. AlGhamdi M. and Richards D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 477-480
DOI: 10.5220/0002852304770480
technology and the corporate need for higher skill
levels from their employees and the lack of an
educational system to adapt such needs (Twining,
Although both the potential of 3D virtual worlds
as a learning environment and the need for such an
environment have been studied (e.g. Dickey, 2005,
Piccoli, Ahmad, & Ives, 2001, Robbins & Butler,
2009, Salmon, 2009, Shen & Eder, 2009,
Warburton, 2009, Winn, 1993), there is a lack of
research on the true effectiveness of 3D virtual
worlds with regards to student performance as well
as the effectiveness of 3D virtual worlds as an
alternative to face-to-face learning. Inspired by this
notion, as well as the ability of technologies
available today, the proposed study will examine the
effectiveness of three-dimensional virtual worlds as
a medium for electronic learning. The proposed
study will also examine the potential of this medium
to be as effective as the face-to-face learning
experience. More specifically, the proposed study
will examine how three-dimensional virtual worlds,
when used as a medium for e-learning, can enhance
the learning experience for higher degree candidates.
The study will answer the following question:
How do students who are taught using a 3D virtual
world perform in comparison with students who are
taught in a traditional face-to-face environment?
Three-dimensional virtual worlds are “software
which enables its users to interact with each other
and with the software within a video-game like
environment” (Robbins & Butler, 2009, p. 199).
Users utilize avatars, which are 2D or 3D graphical
representations of themselves, to be present in a
virtual world environment. The environment differs
from one software package to another. Specialized
virtual worlds exist for a specific purpose and limit
the freedom which comes with a multi-purpose
virtual world such as Second Life (SL) (Robbins &
Butler, 2009). Second Life is by far the most popular
multi-purpose 3D virtual world available today.
Trends and statistics analyzed by many different
researchers have found that the 3D virtual world is
growing in popularity as well as potential (Salmon,
2009). Gartner predicts that 80% of internet users as
well as corporations will have some kind of
interaction with a 3D virtual world by 2011
(Gartner, 2007). Gartner adds:
The collaborative and community-related aspects of
these environments will dominate in the future… the
majority of active internet users and the major enterprises
will find value in participating in this area in the coming
years. (Gartner, 2007).
The Metaverse Roadmap study, which forecasts
the future of the 3D virtual web, finds that 3D
virtual worlds have the capability to change the web
and how we interact with it (Smart, Cascio, &
Paffendorf, 2007). Other data from educational
consulting firms such as Eduventures suggest that
the majority of adult learners surveyed that are
planning to pursue a higher degree prefer the
courses they enroll in to be delivered using an
online mode of delivery rather than attending an
actual face-to-face lecture at the educational
institution or at least some kind of blended mode of
delivery (Eduventures, 2007).
In addition to trends and statistics, researchers
have found that great potential exists through the use
of 3D virtual worlds in education. A study by
Yuanqiong Wang and James Braman conducted to
evaluate the use of SL as an extension to the
classroom shows that “activities performed in SL
have a positive impact on students’ learning
experience” (Wang & Braman, 2009, p. 243). This
study used SL as an extension to the classroom
where students can meet to engage in discussions,
completion of labs and exercises, and also be able to
receive feedback on the work performed by students
(Wang & Braman, 2009). The study found that
students were excited and attracted to discuss
classroom material with other students, as well as
engage in activities with each other so as to have a
reciprocated learning environment. By being able to
collaborate and receive feedback almost
instantaneously, students were enabled to become
active learners (Wang & Braman, 2009). The results
of the study also showed that students who
participated in SL to complete projects as well as
engage in discussions found the learning experience
to be more enjoyable. The students also showed
higher motivation for learning (Wang & Braman,
In addition to the advantage of greater
collaboration and instant feedback, 3D virtual
worlds offer students and teachers the ability to
implement different ways in which students can
enhance their learning process as well as teachers
demonstrating more effective results. The different
types of 3D virtual worlds enable the teacher to
choose the best 3D virtual world to support the
teaching process (Robbins & Butler, 2009). Russell
Robbins and Brian Butler suggest in their
publication “Selecting a Virtual Platform for
Learning”, which examined the different platforms
of 3D virtual environments and how they can be
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
used to enhance the learning experience for students,
that the key to choosing the right type of 3D virtual
world for learning has to begin with declaring the
learning objectives that teachers seek, then mapping
those objectives to the different types of 3D virtual
environments (Robbins & Butler, 2009). For
example, first-person simulation worlds enable the
teacher and student to engage in experiments and
receive fast yet realistic feedback without bearing
the expenses and dangers associated with
performing such activities in real world (Robbins &
Butler, 2009). For instance, the use of flight
simulators has been adopted by almost all the pilot
training programs across the world. The software is
also available to allow any person to learn the basics
of flying such as Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Robbins and Butler breakdown the different 3D
virtual environments platforms and how educators
can go about choosing the right type of 3D virtual
environment to best suit their educational need
(Robbins & Butler, 2009). For example, a task-
oriented VW “supports students practicing
responding to ill-structured virtual situations”
(Robbins & Butler, 2009, p. 204).
By understanding the learning objectives and the
different 3D virtual environment platforms
available, teachers can choose the best platform to
help achieve their identified learning objectives.
A 3D virtual world also offers an environment
which can be used to implement multiple learning
models. “Research in educational VR reveals that
3D interactive environments provide support for
constructivist-based learning activities by allowing
learners to interact directly with information from a
first-person perspective” (Dickey, 2005, p. 440).
Moreover, constructivist-based learning relies on the
notion that immersion is a better method of learning
in such cases where knowledge needs to be
assembled from experience rather than from another
person’s description of the experience (Winn, 1993).
3D virtual worlds enable students to participate in
active learning where they “actively process and
apply information to learn as opposed to passive
listening” (Wang & Braman, 2009, p. 244).
Currently, there are many examples of
universities who have adopted a 3D virtual world
environment to offer courses, seminars, lectures, etc.
Moreover, organizations have also undertaken
initiatives to research new educational systems
tailored for the information age. Harvard, MIT,
Princeton, along with many other prestigious
universities in the U.S. and overseas have in one way
or another embraced the 3D virtual environment as a
possible educational tool which can enhance the
learning experience (Lamont, 2007) (
( MIT, Princeton and Harvard have
Islands in Second Life where lectures, meetings, and
other educational related activities can take place
(Lamont, 2007) ( (
SCHOME, an initiative which is dedicated to
radically rethink the current educational system, has
identified virtual worlds to be the best “vehicle for
providing people with such lived experiences of
radically different models of education” (Twining,
2009, p. 498). The Schome Park Programme (SPP)
was developed to be an environment where radical
new ideas for educational systems can be tested and
researched in depth in a virtual world (Twining,
2009). SCHOME chose to pursue the virtual world,
specifically Second Life, because “they allow you to
do things which it would be difficult or impossible
to do in the physical world—both literally and
pragmatically,” (Twining, 2009, p. 498) and the fact
that virtual worlds “are spaces which encourage
playfulness and testing of boundaries” (Twining,
2009, p. 498).
The proposed research topic will adopt a quantitative
research methodology. The study will “ask specific,
narrow questions; collect quantifiable data from
participants; analyzes these numbers using statistics;
and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective
manner” (Creswell, 2008, p. 46). Similar research
conducted on learning and virtual worlds was
conducted using a quantitative methodology
(Piccoli, Ahmad, & Ives, 2001, Dickey, 2005, Wang
& Braman, 2009, Warburton, 2009).
Specifically, the proposed research topic will use
an experimental design. According to Creswell,
“experimental designs are procedures in quantitative
research in which the investigator determines
whether an activity or materials make difference in
results for participants” (Creswell, 2008, p. 60). An
experimental design is the best approach for this
study because we propose to study two different
groups while attempting to “control all variables that
influence the outcome except of the independent
variable” (Creswell, 2008, p. 299).
The proposed study will look at two major
groups to test the following hypotheses:
Null Hypothesis: There is no difference between students
who are taught through 3D virtual worlds and students
who are taught through a traditional face-to-face
environment in terms of student performance on test
Hypothesis 1:
Students who are taught using a 3D virtual
world will have higher test scores than students who are
taught using a traditional face-to-face environment.
Hypothesis 2:
Students who are taught using a 3D virtual
Giving Education a Second Life
world will have lower test scores than students who are
taught using a traditional face-to-face environment.
Group one will be taught through a traditional face-
to-face environment. Group two will be taught using
a 3D virtual world with no traditional face-to-face
interaction in the physical world. The research
population will consist of undergraduate students in
a specific course. Models will be implemented to
assess the effectiveness of each method and how
each method directly relates to the results students
achieve at the end of the study. The proposed study
will adopt Second Life as its 3D virtual world
learning platform. With an estimated 13 million
registered users (, SL is considered
to have the largest number of registered users as well
as the most mature 3D virtual world available to
users all over the world.
The examined literature has made a compelling case
for the potential and ability of 3D virtual worlds to
introduce a new educational medium which can
serve all types of learning as well as enhance the
experience of both the instructor and learner. The
literature has also shown the need for a new
educational environment which can match the
quality of traditional educational approaches as well
as incorporates the needs of today’s students in the
information age. Trends, statistics, as well as the
potential impact of 3D virtual world on education
have been made clear by various scholars in this
field. What is needed is a study on whether this new
environment is effective in the educational field and
if so, how effective is it. Technology has the
potential to educate societies and communities all
over the world at a fraction of the cost in comparison
to traditional educational program. Nevertheless, e-
learning, with its many forms, has always been
criticized due to the inability of the technology to
provide the means which allows e-learning to
become an equivalent alternative to traditional face-
to-face learning. Issues such as effectiveness and
quality have always been associated with e-learning.
It is believed that the proposed study will contribute
to the literature considered to examine new
alternatives to traditional face-to-face education.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education