Approaches in the areas of CSCW and eCollabo-
ration focus on the use of information and commu-
nication technologies to support collaboration. For
example in (Lubich, 1995), a CSCW framework for
scientific collaborations in Europe was described.
(Harrer et al., 2007) describes an approach in eCol-
laboration enabling researchers to detect interaction
patterns by utilizing logfiles of user actions captured
by system. (Luzón, 2009) considers the possibility of
using academic weblogs as tools for eCollaboration
to enable better communication among researchers.
The main innovation of the presented approach, in
contrast to the results from CSCW and eCollabora-
tion, is the flexibility and extensibility of the coordi-
nation of collaborations in social networks.
This paper proposes a process-oriented model for the
coordination of research collaborations in social
networks. Other available process-oriented ap-
proaches do not take into account the network (rela-
tionship) development appropriately, so that the
coordination of collaboration cannot take place effi-
Coordination on the basis of the network devel-
opment in combination with Social Network Analy-
sis has the advantage that the activities and human
resources can be applied in an easier and more tar-
geted way for the initiation and execution of a colla-
boration. To organize collaboration the concept of
Community Process was introduced, which coordi-
nates both the individual and collaborative activities
of network members. The collaboration can be ef-
fectively controlled by a network member through a
Community Process because the communication
behavior with partners and the status of execution
are transparent.
Next steps of this work include the formalization
of all concepts of the Community Process in order to
obtain a system-supported execution of Community
Processes. An evaluation will be conducted investi-
gating the system's effectiveness and usability.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies