business acquisition, investment, nomination, prod-
uct release, ownership/stake; divestment/reduction of
For Requirement 3, the BPaaS-Hub architecture
includes components for creating ontology libraries.
We use the TermFactory
application for allowing ter-
minologists to define extracted keywords that enter
ontology libraries for respective Hub-application con-
texts. The matching component in the Hub architec-
ture satisfies Requirement 4. Currently we implement
an application for realizing the matching heuristics
in (Eshuis and Norta, 2009).
For Requirement 5, the Hub architecture includes
logging components for several stages of user interac-
tion and a social mining component for the extraction
of business intelligence, e.g., ProM
. Many options
exist for the Enact component, e.g., ActiveBPEL
In this paper we explore the characteristics of B2B
collaboration and present a framework for automating
the matching of service offers and service requests.
Based on extracted requirements for service match-
ing in the setting of business-to-business collabora-
tion, we present a Hub architecture for brokering busi-
ness processes as services. The Hub permits busi-
ness managers to explore with free text service offers
and requests, their issuing organizations and service-
managing persons. Ontology engines resolve ambi-
guity issues in the text and to establish trust and ex-
plore the reputation of services and their affiliated or-
ganizations and persons, Hub users employ mashups
comprising news feeds, blogs, wikis, and so on.
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tified applications for implementing the Hub architec-
ture and plan to conduct case studies with industry
using the Hub for discovery and matching of service
offers and requests. Furthermore, we explore Hub ex-
tensions for integrating a service-tendering procedure
that allows users to place negotiable bids.
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A HUB ARCHITECTURE FOR SERVICE ECOSYSTEMS - Towards Business-to-Business Automation with an
Ontology-enabled Collaboration Platform