An Example-based Learning Approach
M. Gestal, D. Rivero, J. R. Rabuñal, J. Dorado and A. Pazos
Information and Communications Technologies Department, University of A Coruña, Spain
Keywords: Design patterns, Modeling, Web Applications, Case-Based Reasoning
Abstract: Traditionally, a great number of business applications were developed using the J2EE framework. This fact
has led to the emergence of a multitude of tools, manuals, etc. that explain the different alternatives or
features needed to implement them. The development of .NET Framework has resulted in a strong demand
for the implementation of applications using this kind of architecture. However, the quantity or quality of
the documentation available is far from the one available for J2EE. This detail is especially worrying when
the main objective set is to reveal the concepts of framework from a teaching point of view. This paper
describes the teaching approach followed to achieve the abovementioned aim, based mainly on a set of
simple tutorials that show the technology basics and two complete applications (miniportal and minibank) in
which the application of design patterns when dealing with a business application is presented.
The subject of "Systems Integration" is a core
subject in the 5th year of Computer Engineering. It
lasts one year, comprising 15 credits.
Out of these, half of them correspond to teaching
J2EE concepts and the other half to teaching .NET
concepts (Cooper, 2002) (Gamma et al, 1995).
The subject examines both the technology and
the most notable design techniques. During its
development, a series of tutorials on the concepts
necessary to put it into practice is taught: software
model, patterns, technology, development
environment, and so on. Moreover, a series of web
applications are developed and made available to the
students, as tutorials, in which the implementation of
different concepts previously shown are detailed:
user authentication, data validation, transaction
management, etc.
This subject is essentially practical. Its
assessment is determined by carrying out two web
applications (one using J2EE technology and the
other .NET), although it is also required to obtain a
minimum grade in a multiple-choice test which
verifies the proper assimilation of the concepts
needed to carry out the practice tasks.
The subject of "System Integration" focuses on the
design and implementation of web applications with
Java POJO and .NET technologies, with particular
emphasis on the development of Web applications
(Jacobson et al, 1999).
During the teaching period, practice tasks are
developed, consisting of two Web applications, one
implemented using J2EE and another using .NET.
Both applications interact (through web services that
return information in XML format) Thus, the .NET
application can communicate and interact with the
functionality exposed by the Java EE application.
This work is the application in a real application
(although clearly limited in terms of functionality
due to time constraints) to the concepts shown
during the teaching period.
The successful carrying out of the practice tasks
allows the student to achieve targets set for the
Knowing the basics of programming using
J2EE and .NET technology.
Knowing the fundamental architectural
principles of business applications.
Gestal M., Rivero D., R. Rabuñal J., Dorado J. and Pazos A. (2010).
BASICS OF WEB APPLICATION DESIGN - An Example-based Learning Approach.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 481-484
DOI: 10.5220/0002858504810484
Knowing the basics of the interoperability of
Knowing design techniques in order to develop
business applications (especially concerning Web
applications) through a layered architecture.
In spite of having only practical credits, during the
development of the subject, we also make use of
lecture sessions. They consist of theoretical basic
concepts, necessary to carry out the practice tasks.
Thus, special emphasis is placed on database access
technologies or software patterns used for the
development of the model layers, view and
controller of business applications.
Each part of the subject involves carrying out a
practice task, to be conducted in groups. Each task
tries to mimic the generic performance of known
Web applications (Betandwin, Amazon, etc.),
although obviously with fewer features due to the
limited time available for its completion.
For each application two iterations or deadlines
are defined. In the first iteration, which does not
entail a grade, the initial part is implemented. The
objective of this first iteration is to try to guarantee
that the students focus on its development. To this
end, the teacher tries to detect significant errors, and
if there is any, the students are guided towards their
solution. In the second iteration, the students correct
the errors identified in the first one and add the other
As discussed above, the second application uses
the functionality provided by the first one. In this
way, the students will be helped to go in depth into
the aspects relating to the interoperability of
applications, one of the objectives of the subject.
Due to the extent of the practice task, the
division of iterations to be handed in makes easier
that a larger number of students reach the agreed
deadlines and giving up occurs less often.
A very important part in the progress of the subject
consists of the development and giving of a series of
examples to students. These examples allow to
observe the implementation of the theoretically
explained concepts. This makes it possible to reduce
the student's learning curve, as they can check the
concepts required subsequently to perform practice
tasks using functional examples.
The development of examples also facilitates the
practical implementation since the example code is
taken as a starting point for their progress. Thus, the
students finally develop a complex (and perfectly
usable) web application, without having to encode it
Two complete web applications are also
provided (MiniPortal and MiniBank), in which the
emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of business
web application development. These applications
involve different aspects (layering, authentication,
transaction management, etc.) that subsequently, the
students should apply for the completion of the
practice tasks. Both applications are completed using
.NET and Java.
As follows, a brief description of each of these
materials is performed.
4.1 Tutorials
First, a series of short tutorials programs are
developed and made available to students. These
tutorials are intended to be seen as a set of examples,
each of which shows the operation or performance
of a particular aspect.
The tutorials are implemented considering they
would be used as a technology learning guide,
leaving aside issues such as efficiency or correctness
of design. This approach comes from the fact that
most of the technologies are new to the student, so
we try to provide them in a way to be understood as
far as possible. The tutorial sessions are organized as
a set of examples, each focusing on the use of a
particular aspect. All examples are thoroughly
documented in order to facilitate their assimilation.
Regarding Java technology, students are given
various examples of access to databases using
JDBC, ORM Hibernate, as well as Tapestry
Concerning the .NET technology, a similar
approach is followed. Thus, a number of examples
are given, which initially show basics of C#
programming language (structures, exception
handling, etc.). The tutorial session also includes
examples of connection to databases through
ADO.NET (on line and off line environment) and
ORM Entity Framework.
4.2 MiniPortal
As discussed above, the MiniPortal application is a
complete web application. Specifically, it is a portal
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
that allows registration and authentication of users,
(see in Figure 1, the main business objects). This
will be one of the requirements that the practice
tasks of students must enclose, so that the example
provided can be reused, with minimal changes.
Figure 1: Domain objects in MiniPortal Example.
In the MiniPortal the students are shown in a
practical way the division of a layered application
(model-view-controller), and the use of certain
design patterns (Session Facade, Business Delegate,
Factory, etc.). The use cases (operations supported
by the application) are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Facade with MiniPortal use-case’s.
When implementing the model part, a special
emphasis is placed on the management of data
stored during the session (data to be accessed on
different pages). Moreover, it is shown how to
perform the test development (to this end, JUnit is
used in the example developed in Java and a
TestProject is used in the example developed in
.NET), employment of externally adjustable
parameters, etc.
On the website, several aspects are displayed:
navigability between pages (see Figure 3), profile
management, internationalization, passing
parameters between pages, the model method calls,
Figure 3: MiniPortal web interface: example of interaction
with user registration.
4.3 MiniBank
The other fully developed example is aimed at
showing the students how to simplify the bank
account management (see in Figure 4 the main
business objects).
Figure 4: Domain objects in MiniBank Example.
MiniBank provides simpler (and more common)
operations that can be performed on a bank account:
creation, search, cash deposits and withdrawals or
transfers between accounts (see Figure 4).
Figure 5: Facade with MiniBank use-case’s.
Figure 6: MiniBank web interface: example of interaction
with account search operation and pagination results.
This example is intended to involve aspects not
contemplated in the MiniPortal and that the students
have to use when carrying out the practice task. In
this way, aspects relating to the automatic generation
of identifiers for storage in databases, transaction
management or Page-by-Page iterator pattern
(allowing the pagination of results when these are
too high to be displayed at once) are shown.
BASICS OF WEB APPLICATION DESIGN - An Example-based Learning Approach
In this example, the web interface is a bit
simpler in the sense that the concepts already shown
on the MiniPortal are highlighted. However,
everything regarding the pagination of results is new
(see fig. 6), as discussed above.
As mentioned earlier, the subject (in terms of
allocation of credits) is fully practical. therefore, its
evaluation has to be obviously based on its practical
aspects. To this end, after the delivery of each of the
two practice tasks, their correction is proceeded to.
this correction is carried out by the group through
the defense of the presented practice task. this
defense includes verifying the correct
implementation of the practice task (therefore, a
series of critical points are checked) as well as the
group's proper understanding of the concepts used
for the development of the practice task. according
to the gravity of the errors detected, if there is any,
each web application is assessed by a grade ranging
from 0 to 5.
Additionally, two multiple choice examinations
will be performed, one for Java POJO and another
for .NET. The objective of multiple choice
examinations is to verify whether the student has
assimilated the concepts correctly. Each multiple-
choice test consists of a set of questions with several
possible answers, out of which only one is correct.
No grade is awarded for unanswered questions, and
one grade is deduced for each question answered
Requirements for passing the course: (1) having
passed each of the two Web applications and (2) get
at least 4.5 points (out of 10) in each of the two
multiple-choice test. In principle, the final grade of a
student who meets these two conditions is the one
obtained as a result of the practice tasks (which is
obtained as the sum of the grades of the two Web
applications performed). However, the test grades
may vary up or down from the grades to Web
applications (although never to fail).
According to surveys on students, the subject is
among the most valued of the degree. And this
occurs despite (or precisely due to it) of being one of
the subjects in which the workload is higher. From
our viewpoint, this is due to the fact that the
students, since they carry out a real web application
(although with reduced functionality) can see the
fruit of their labor constantly, obtaining an
application with which they are able to interact.
Concerning the examples carried out, we could
say that their success is great because, when
analyzing the logs located in the web servers, we can
observe that the students’ queries are only a small
proportion of all the existing ones.
Cooper, J.W. (2002). C# Design Patterns: A Tutorial.
Boston; Addison-Wesley.
Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., and Vlissides, J.
(1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-
Oriented Software. Toronto: Addisson-Wesley.
Jacobson, I., Booch, G., and Rumbaugh, J. (1999). The
Unified Software Development Process, Boston:
Web Resources Available at
Computer Science School. University of A Coruña.
Subject Contents and Samples (.NET contents).
Subject Contents and Samples (Java contents).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education