An Argument in Favor of its Use in Computer Science Courses
Carlos Cotta
ETSI Inform
atica (3.2.49), Universidad de M
alaga, Campus de Teatinos, 29071 M
alaga, Spain
Web-based strategies, Wikipedia, Collaborative work, Sophomore programming, Computer science.
Edition of Wikipedia articles has been recently proposed as a learning assignment. I argue it ideally suits
Computer Science courses, due to the intrinsic mathematical nature of the concepts and structures considered
in this field. It also provides benefits in terms of autonomous research and team-working, as well as a valuable
legacy for future years’ students. This view is supported by a two-year experience in sophomore programming
subjects in the University of M
alaga, Spain.
It is out of question that the younger generations of
students perceive issues such as socialization, net-
working, and access to information in a fundamen-
tally different way than older generations, cf. (Rosen,
2004; Zook, 2007). They routinely utilize the web
not just as an integral tool in their quest for informa-
tion on any topic, but as a form of self-expression: as
(Dye, 2007) points out, digital creation is the stan-
dard outlet for their creative urges. They are used
to, and lively seek, playing an active role in content
management, evolution, or annotation e.g., (Tuc-
cillo, 2007). This means that in addition to creating
content from scratch, other forms of interaction such
as commenting, tagging, etc. are widespread. This
behavioral pattern is very well suited to collaborative
initiatives such as social news websites, wikis, etc.
(Bundy et al., 2007). Regarding the latter, they offer a
great opportunity to canalize this content-production
pulsion, fostering as well other valuable educational
skills, such as team-working among others.
I specifically consider here the case of Wikipedia.
Born in early 2001 as a small collaborative project,
Wikipedia has become a huge multilingual, collabora-
tive encyclopedia whose contents are often the prime
source when it comes to search for basic information
on certain topics. Indeed, several studies (Giles, 2005;
Rosenzweig, 2006) have shown that the factual ac-
curacy of Wikipedia article is comparable to reputed
commercial encyclopedias.
Quite interestingly, scientific areas in general, and
computer science (CS) in particular, are typically very
reliable in the Wikipedia (Read, 2006) (such fields
usually rest on mathematical foundations, and are less
prone to biased editing). This firstly implies that
Wikipedia constitutes a valuable resource to CS stu-
dents looking for complementary information. It can
be secondly inferred that a well-informed group of
editors and administrators exists for this field. This
turns out to be important as a quality filter for a teach-
ing strategy that uses the edition of Wikipedia articles
as a student assignment. Such a strategy was semi-
nally proposed by M. Groom (Brockhaus and Groom,
2007) in the context of environmental courses.
This paper argues in favor of this strategy in CS
courses, which constitute an ideal context for its de-
velopment (due to both the nature of the topics treated
and the skills of the students). This is backed up
by a two year experience in sophomore programming
courses in the University of M
alaga (UMA), Spain.
As subsidiary benefits of this strategy one can cite au-
tonomous research, team-working, and critical sense
(benefits arising from the use of the tool). The pri-
mary benefits are the knowledge acquired by students
on the topics treated and the valuable legacy for future
years’ students (benefits arising form the contents de-
An experience has been carried out in two subjects
taught in sophomore CS courses in the UMA. These
Cotta C. (2010).
KEEPING THE BALL ROLLING: TEACHING STRATEGIES USING WIKIPEDIA - An Argument in Favor of its Use in Computer Science Courses.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 337-340
DOI: 10.5220/0002859303370340
subjects are Abstract Data Types (ADT) and Analysis
and Design of Algorithms (ADA), two core subjects
in the three CS degrees imparted in the UMA:
ADT is a subject that focuses on the character-
ization and formal specification of abstract data
types. The goal is having the students acquiring
an adequate knowledge of the properties and spec-
ification of most usual ADTs (stack, queues, trees,
etc.) as well as being capable of specifying new
ADTs, either de novo or by extending pre-existing
ADTs. Formal specification is done using Maude,
an interpretable language for algebraic specifica-
tion based on equational logic.
ADA focuses on the study of techniques for algo-
rithmic design (e.g., divide and conquer, greedy
methods, dynamic programming, etc.), providing
the students the means for reasoning about their
applicability and suitability for specific problems,
as well as for actually applying them. The stu-
dent should be also capable of analyzing the so-
constructed algorithms in terms of their computa-
tional complexity in space and time, as well as as-
certaining the intrinsic complexity of solving spe-
cific problems.
As it can be seen, both subjects deal with topics
of a strong mathematical foundation, thus naturally
adapting to a neutral approach based on mathematical
structures and rigorous constructs.
It must be also mentioned that Spanish univer-
sities –and the UMA is no exception– are now in-
volved in the process of adapting to the European
Space for Higher Education following the guidelines
of the Bologna Declaration
. While the new structure
of CS degrees has been delineated but not yet applied
(it will be in successive years starting in the 2010-11
academic year), new teaching methodologies adapted
to the philosophy of the European Credit Transfer
System (ECTS) –in which the satisfactory completion
of a subject amounts to successfully acquiring cer-
tain skills and competencies– are already being put
in practice (Cotta, 2010). These teaching strategies
are student-centric and try to boost autonomous (in-
dividual and in group) work by the students. The
competence-based structure of subjects lends itself
very well to a continuous assessment strategy. Thus,
the grade is obtained by the outcome of numerous ac-
tivities during the semester, including the Wikipedia
The experience has been carried out during academic
courses 2007-08 and 2008-09. It has been approached
as a team-working activity, and hence students were
firstly arranged in groups of two up to four stu-
dents (the size of the group was later taken into ac-
count when assigning topics for edition). The par-
ticular composition of groups was a matter of self-
organization, since the students grouped according to
their own personal affinity and interests.
After groups were organized, a bidding phase
was arranged. I selected a list of topics for which
Wikipedia entries in Spanish were non-existent or
very incomplete. Having focused on the Span-
ish Wikipedia is due to practical considerations: in
general Spanish sophomore students are not fluent
enough in English so as to embark on full-scale edit-
ing of the English Wikipedia; forcing them to do so
would have place an unnecessary burden on them.
Also related to this, the legacy of the experience is
going to be much more useful for future students who
will find the information in their native tongue. Note
also that the topics chosen for edition were intimately
related to the contents of the ADT and ADA. Table 1
outlines the articles that were considered.
The assignment of topics to groups was done on
the basis of each group’s preferences, prioritizing
smaller groups on some topics, and breaking ties us-
ing a FIFO policy. The due date for completing the as-
signment was the end of the corresponding semester,
and students were given some guidelines on how to
approach the task:
A goal was having the Spanish entry of the cor-
responding article as complete as the English ver-
Bibliographical research on textbooks and Inter-
net was encouraged. A warning was also given
with respect to the use of copyrighted material.
Articles did not need being edited at once, but it
was necessary to check carefully (both presenta-
tion and correctness) the new material before pub-
lishing it.
Related to the previous issue, spelling, punctua-
tion and writing style had to be carefully revised.
Crosslinking other articles was essential. In some
cases linked articles would not exist in the Spanish
Wikipedia. Depending on the case, a stub could
be created, or even a reasonable edition of the re-
lated article could be attempted.
No specific indications had to be given regarding
the actual use of the editor front-end of the Wikipedia,
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Some topics considered in the experience.
2-3 and 2-3-4 trees Amortized analysis
AVL trees Backtracking
B trees Bellman-Ford algorithm
Binary trees Boruvka algorithm
Binary search tree Branch and bound
Fibonacci heaps Cryptography and complexity
Graphs Divide and Conquer
Heaps Dynamic Programming
Linked lists Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Maude Johnson algorithm
Queues Karatsuba algorithm
Red-Black trees P vs NP
Sets and bags PSPACE
Splay trees Recurrence relations
Stacks Shortest path problem
Strassen algorithm
and the students had no problem when researching
their way through the editing procedure.
The outcome of the experience can be regarded as
very positive. The Spanish version of the Wikipedia
is now very complete on the topics mentioned, consti-
tuting a very valuable resource for Spanish-speaking
students all over the world. No major problems were
observed during the realization of the activity with re-
gard to the administrators. In several cases, edited ar-
ticles departed somewhat from the standard encyclo-
pedic style, being excessively technical and/or direct.
In these cases the corresponding entries were tagged
as in need of “wikification” according to style con-
As mentioned before, lack of fluency in English
was one of the reasons why we focused on the Spanish
Wikipedia. However, while written expression in ac-
ceptable English is somewhat difficult for an average
student, their reading skills have been shown in gen-
eral good enough to be able to adopt material from the
English Wikipedia or from other sources. Note also
that with some exceptions in which Spanish entries
were non-existent, in many cases there was a base ar-
ticle (even if very incomplete) to start working with.
This means that a straight translation of a non-Spanish
article was not an option in general. On the contrary,
a more selective approach to detect missing informa-
tion or relevant gaps in the Spanish article was neces-
sary. Students were somewhat framed by the context
of ADT and ADA courses as well, implying that they
Figure 1: Academic results in the last years.
also added some new material of their own, regard-
ing specific topics (e.g., some Maude specification for
certain ADTs).
Figure 1 shows academic results during the last
three years (2006 is being used as control). In the
case of ADT, the test group (comprising +60 to +70
students depending on the year) is one out of five
groups (comprising a total number of between +200
and +300 students) belonging to technical engineer-
ing (3-year) degrees. These five groups are course-
wise coordinated, down to sharing the same final
exam, and hence a comparison is made between the
average of these five groups and the test group. In
the case of ADA, the test group is the unique group
(comprising +30 to +60 students) in the engineering
(5-year) degree, and therefore the comparison is done
with respect to the same group in 2006. Average
marks are computed according to 5 different grades
(0=fail, 1=pass, 2=good, 3=superior, 4=outstanding).
Notice that ECTS teaching strategies were implanted
in 2007-08, and it seems to have resulted in an overall
improvement of grades (even if just slightly in some
cases). The group that followed this experience ob-
tained remarkably better average gradings. A point
of caution is nevertheless required since it cannot be
Computer Science Courses
Table 2: Confusion matrix relating completion of the
Wikipedia assignment to successfully passing the course.
yes no subtotal
pass 69.6% 10.1% 79.7%
fail 11.6% 8.7% 20.3%
subtotal 81.2% 18.8%
yes no subtotal
pass 57.7% 9.9% 67.6%
fail 21.1% 11.3% 32.4%
subtotal 78.9% 21.1%
ruled out that other factors (e.g., different teachers
provide different approaches to certain topics, moti-
vation can differ, etc.) take part in the observed distri-
bution of grades.
To obtain a better perspective of the results, Table
2 shows the cross-distribution of passing percentages
and completion of the Wikipedia assignment. Follow-
ing this distribution, we compute the probability of
passing the course conditioned to having completed
the Wikipedia assignment
P(pass|Wiki) =
P(pass Wiki)
Similarly, we compute P(passWiki), the probabil-
ity of passing conditioned to not having completed the
assignment. We obtain that among students doing the
assignment, 85.7% pass ADT and 73.2% pass ADA.
Conversely, among those who do not complete the
assignment these percentages are 53.8% and 46.7%,
much lower values.
Wikipedia is a prime example of a content provider
based on crowdsourcing. It is also one of the most
popular references from which basic information is
sought at an undergraduate level. Actively using this
resource not just as an information source but as a ve-
hicle for canalizing academic content creation is thus
a form of positive feedback. It constitutes a way of
keeping the ball rolling, contributing to the global in-
formation pool. More importantly as to which ed-
ucation concerns, it is an excellent way of promot-
ing self-study of selected topics. The need of com-
municating academic information in a sensible way
(and in an self-organized environment with its own
control and self-repairing mechanisms) stimulates the
student to comprehend the topic at hand. This is par-
ticularly well-suited to subjects in which these top-
ics have a mathematical foundation, or at least rest
on rigorous facts and/or procedures, since they rely
more on factual accuracy and understanding on the
underlying math, than on contextual interpretation or
personal bias of the student.
The author is supported by MICINN under project
NEMESIS (TIN2008-05941). Thanks are due to the
reviewers for useful comments.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education