Using an Immersive and Adaptive Environment
Leonidas Anthopoulos, Vasilis Gerogiannis, Panos Fitsilis
Project Management Department, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Larissa, TEI of Larissa,Larissa, Greece
Achilleas Kameas
Hellenic Open University (HOU), Patras, Greece
DAISy group, Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI), Patras, Greece
Keywords: Domain Application, Information Systems Support Learning, Diplomats, Profiling, Vocational Training,
Immersive, Adaptive, Virtual Learning Environments.
Abstract: The aim of the proposed position paper is to identify an information system that can support the lifelong
training of various types of demanding learners who have to transact and to do business with “unknown”
people, in unfamiliar environments. Three types of learners are chosen as potential groups that comply with
these characteristics: a) diplomatic staff, b) security staff and c) business experts (who work for multilateral
companies). An environment that will provide engaging and motivating educational experiences to these
learner targets is useful for these target groups, since it (a) utilizes a rich knowledge base of appropriately
coded experience in negotiation methods, crisis management, decision making and legal affairs, (b) employs
immersive interfaces to provide trainees with a first person learning experience, (c) takes into account the
personal profile and background of each trainee in order to achieve deep learning, (d) is based on the
pedagogical principles of socio-constructivist theories to achieve long-time knowledge retention, (e)
incorporates methods of information retrieval for automatic profile extraction and (g) utilizes social
networking analysis for automatic team creation. The presented system can be built by exploiting recent
relevant research on knowledge representation, learner modelling, adaptive hypermedia systems, immersive
applications, text mining and automatic profile extraction, and social networking technology.-
The purpose of this position paper is to deal with the
following problem: “Professionals especially from
Foreign Ministries (but also from Security Agencies
and from international organizations) have to
undertake significant procedures concerning
negotiation and crisis management in unfamiliar
environments with unfamiliar people”.
In order to prepare these professionals properly,
we consider that information and communications
technology (ICT) immersive environments can train
them accurately and familiarize them with the
conditions that they will probably face in their
professional missions. Additionally, immersive
applications can strengthen their skills concerning
negotiation in virtual environments and profile
construction of unfamiliar participants.
A training (e-learning) immersive environment
can contribute to fulfil the following major
Strengthen significant target groups of
professionals about their future difficult
missions. Their missions concern crisis
management, negotiation with people they do not
know and they have to approach, and work on
services and skills that they do not hold. These
missions are, in particular, very critical for the
staff of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, who have
to respond appropriately in various situations,
ranging from the management of political crisis
to the service of people requiring dispatching in
different countries.
Anthopoulos L., Gerogiannis V., Fitsilis P. and Kameas A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 347-352
DOI: 10.5220/0002859803470352
Similar challenges face also other professionals,
such as security officers (e.g. policemen who
have to negotiate with foreign security
authorities in third countries or to talk with and
secure evidence about suspects for terrorism) and
executives of international companies who have
to negotiate about selling products in foreign
Serve contemporary challenges concerning i)
foreign affairs by improving skills of diplomatic
staff in doing negotiations abroad), ii) virtual
diplomacy by improving diplomatic efficiency in
operating in virtual worlds (these worlds already
exist in social networks such as the Second Life,
the FaceBook and the mySpace environment),
iii) security by improving security staff in
terrorism prediction and avoidance and iv)
external trade by offering tools that support
European companies in international trade.
All of the above target groups are examples of
professionals which have to strengthen their skills in
negotiation and crisis management in unfamiliar
environments. Such skills can hardly be learnt
through the practices of a traditional formal
education system, which, by its nature, can only
involve trainees in third person experiences of short
duration. For example, diplomats study and analyze
episodes of international diplomacy and use them as
reference cases upon which they accumulate their
experience. Security officers usually watch their
colleagues apply in practice the principles of
psychology and effective communication they have
learnt during their training and learn by evaluating
these outcomes. Commercial representatives analyze
data about their clients or competitors and usually
learn negotiation skills “the hard way”. In all these
cases, the cost to be paid for any kind of failure (i.e.
breach of protocol, ignorance of culture, cultural
clash, inability to negotiate effectively with
criminals, inadequate profiling of competitors, etc)
is high and more than often it cannot be tolerated.
The first section presents the principles of the
potential information system. The next section
combines various technologies required for the
development of this system. The final section
summarizes on the contribution and the outcomes of
this system.
We propose an adaptive and immersive information
system to deal with the improvement of professional
skills on negotiation and crisis management, which
for the purposes of this paper is called the
NEGOTIATOR. Its principles can be summarized to
the following: (a) Authentic experiences’ provision.
Such experiences allow learners to transfer
knowledge from formal education to practice, and so
provide opportunities for meaningful learning
(Grabinger, 1994). Authentic learning activities are
based on the hypothesis that learning outcomes will
be enhanced if the activities students engage in more
directly reflect contexts of their actual practice
(Dewey, 1966).
(b) Socio-constructive: Jonassen (1999) argues that
the inclusion of cases in a socio-constructivist
learning environment provides learners with access
to experiences that they have not previously
encountered. Furthermore a case-based approach
which combines engagement with meaningful real-
world tasks and expert coaching can provide deeper
insights into processes and practices (Jonassen et.
al., 1993). Experts differ from novices in that they
have a richer base of knowledge, are able to
recognize and analyze patterns, and are fluent in
applying knowledge and solving problems in
practical situations (Rubin and Alvermann, 1990).
(c) Case-based learning: Case-studies are
descriptions of a pragmatic activity, event, or
problem, drawn from the real world of professional
practice. They provide models of practice to learners
and novice practitioners. They seek to engage the
learner in the context of a real situation. Case-studies
can support authentic learning experiences by
presenting episodes of real professional practice.
Research has provided evidence that case-based
learning promotes key meta-cognitive skills,
including cognitive elaboration, error management,
reflection, self-regulation, and transfer of knowledge
(Carroll & Rosson 2005).
(d) Multimedia training: Multimedia training
case-studies intrinsically posses a great potential for
higher professional training because they can be
used to situate the content by highlighting situations
from authentic professional settings, promote
cognitive flexibility by exposing novices to the ill-
structured nature of the case, and finally, they
encourage reflection.
(e) Collaborative learning: the NEGOTIATOR
can be an e-learning environment deeply grounded
in the socio-constructive pedagogical stream
(Sancho, Fuentes-Fernández and Fernández-Manjón,
2007), (Vygotsky, 1978). In NEGOTIATOR, active
and collaborative learning procedures can take place
in the scenario (case study) of a virtual world
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
presented in the format of a 3D videogame.
NEGOTIATOR will take the learners (represented
by avatars) into a futurist case-study where they will
have to solve a mission, working in collaboration
with other learners inside a team. In this context,
learners gain knowledge during Problem Solving
Procedures and Collaboration procedures.
Therefore, NEGOTIATOR can combine the
Problem Based Learning (PBL) (Savery and Duffy,
1996) and the Computer Supported Collaborative
Learning (CSCL) (Koschman, 1994) approaches in a
framework that uses a multiplayer role videogame as
the delivery format.
An implicit assumption in collaborative learning
is that learners learn one from another. Therefore,
the way in which learners are grouped has a strong
impact on the results of the learning process. A
positive learning experience might turn into a
negative one depending on the group composition.
Even so, for CSCL and PBL to be effective, the
learners need some guidance through the different
stages. In lack of adequate guidance and help,
students may easily lose focus and get frustrated
(He, Kinshuk, and Patel, 2002). This means a
considerable increase of the workload for teachers.
They not only have to change their role from
knowledge transmitters to some sort of expert co-
learners who give hints and guidance but, moreover,
they also have to track the progress of a number of
small learners’ groups.
The NEGOTIATOR system can address these
pedagogical concepts by means of an adaptation
model that will rely on Vermunt’s conception and
classification of learning styles (Vermunt, 1992).
The Vermunt’s “Inventory of Learning Styles” will
be implemented to distinguish the learners that need
a more intensive guidance through the learning
process, from those who are more capable of driving
alone their own learning experience. By grouping
learners, we presume that the most autonomous and
capable learners will assume part of the tutor’s job in
leading and guiding the group. At the same time, the
effectiveness of the collaboration process within a
team will improve by joining tutors with
complementary learning strategies. For this purpose,
the learning strategies in NEGOTIATOR can be
implemented by using de-facto standards for
educational modelling (such as the IMS-LD
specification (IMS Global Consortium, 2005). The
main objective will be to support a high-level of
adaptation of the instructional strategies to the
learning styles as well as to support collaborative
approaches to learning.
This section presents the state-of-the-art (SOTA)
technologies relevant to technology enhanced
learning area that are combined in the
NEGOTIATOR: a) Ontologies and semantic
integration; b) Technology-enhanced learning; c)
Virtual Learning and Collaborative Environments;
d) E-learning system architectures; e) Discovering
Similarity in Social Networks using Graph Mining;
and f) Text Mining
3.1 Ontologies and Semantic
Currently, there are two major standardization
efforts in the ontology domain, carried out by IEEE
and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The
former is concerned with a standard for upper
ontology, and due to its general approach is likely to
have only a limited impact. The proposal of W3C
and its ontology task group concerns the ontology
language OWL (Web Ontology Language), which is
the evolution of DAML+OIL. Both the OWL and
the DAML+OIL are based on a branch of logics
called Description Logics (DL). These logics are a
subset of First Order Logic (FOL) that are well
suited to expressing terminology and instance
information, with efficient and decidable inference
characteristics. The OWL language provides support
for merging of ontologies, through the use of
language features which enable importing other
ontologies and enable expression of conceptual
equivalence and disjunction. This establishes distinct
ontology development, refinement and re-use.
3.2 Technology Enhanced Learning
The NEGOTIATOR can incorporate the experiences
and the outcomes of various research projects such
as the KALEIDOSCOPE (http://www.noe- results on using ICT to support
learning processes; the ProLearn
( integrates the key
areas of research most relevant to professional
learning; the iClass ( that
developed the Self-Regulated Personalised Learning
Model; and the Integrated Project ELeGI
( promotes learning as a
knowledge construction process that combines
experiential, contextualized and collaborative
approaches in a personalized and adaptive way.
3.3 Virtual Learning and Collaborative
People used to have virtual experiences without the
involvement of technology: watching a film, reading
a book, listening to music, or being caught up in a
reverie or a conversation. What gives such virtual
experiences this quality of immersion? Four
interrelated factors have been defined to measure
virtual experience (Heim, 1993): interest,
involvement, imagination, and interaction. However,
Virtual Reality (VR) is strongly interrelated with
computers and today it has many applications: a)
engineering and urban design, b) training (e.g. flight
simulators), c) health, d) education (Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE) and Virtual Learning and
Collaborating Environments (VLEC)), f)
environmental simulation, g) computer science, h)
robotics, i) gaming etc.
When people transact with virtual environments
and worlds, change occur in how they inhabit the
virtual space (Turkle, 1995); often by constructing
online identities (‘avatars’) that are different –
sometimes dramatically different;
The notion of a learning activity in VLEs refers
to something richer than in individual courseware,
closer to the notion of NEGOTIATOR. The
difference between other constructivist
environments and what virtual environments
potentially offer can be described as making students
not only active, but also actors, i.e. members and
contributors of the social and information space.
3.4 e-Learning System Architectures
The architecture of the information system that can
host the NEGOTIATOR (presented in Fig. 1) will
follow a complete web services structure, with full
abstraction of the end user interfaces from the
resources it uses. The whole architecture will have a
storage unit for all content items, with a heavily
extensible metadata suitable for education, IEEE
LOM (Learning Objects Metadata) variation.
The system can contain a Fedora Commons layer
for storage of the learning objects, small and large in
order to secure: a) the complete independence of the
data objects, not being restricted as to type, size or
scope, b) the preservation and version control
available, c) the collection nature of the data, and
connectiveness of the fox_xml , d) the abstraction of
this content from any of the services, scenarios that
front end / end users applications may involve, e) the
learning scenarios are objects in this system, just the
same as individual learning resources are.
One of the key aspects of the abstraction would be
the web service interfaces to the content and
metadata. Context based search and semantic and
traditional relevance search can be layered onto this,
to provide front end applications with restful
interfaces and other APIs to deliver the content
outwards. These also facilitate faceted browsing of
the content which will aid in the inclusion of content
objects into scenarios.
Overall, the front end can be a range of
applications, but should be based on newer light
technologies such as PHP or Python where possible,
using an easy to use templating & theme concept.
This can facilitate rebranding/repurposing of the
scenarios for different interfaces, be it a desktop
based or mobile web browser, touch screens or other
applications such as immersive 3D environments or
applications on phones and PDAs.
A "curriculum" management interface that
manages the underlying content, metadata and
learning objectives/scenarios is necessary. This
interface can be web based to facilitate easy
management, and structuring.
Different components can be integrated with a
software application supporting the creation of 3D
worlds in the resulted architecture. Some of the
available solutions, with their advantages and
disadvantages are the following:
Open Croquet ( is
open source and its communication protocol is
available. However, the graphical engine
performs poorly, and it is developed using a very
uncommon programming language (small talks),
which could affect negatively in terms of cost
and time of development.
Multiverse ( contains
tools for creating and exporting graphical
elements, and it consists of communication
protocol and interfaces for the interconnection
with databases. However, it is commercial and it
does not offer tools for user collaboration over
Project Wonderland (https://lg3d- is a novel product, and
it has been developed by Sun under an open
source licence. Its communication protocol is
already implemented, it offers tools documents’
collaboration, and it transacts with various
databases. Moreover, tt uses JMonkey as
graphical engine, a quite mature and stable
RealXTend ( is quite
mature technology, developed on open source
products. It offers the opportunity to integrate the
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
virtual worlds with Skype and development can
be based on a Python scripting language. It
is compatible with Second Life and it uses
Ogre3D as graphical engine.
SecondLife ( is a mature
technology and its virtual worlds are populated
with thousands of users. However, it is not a
private network costs for island ownership are
necessary in the existing worlds.
3.5 Discovering Similarity in Social
Networks using Graph Mining
Graph mining algorithms that discover patterns in
social networks can be useful in learning negotiation
skills. Moreover, relationships that exist in social
networks, web sites and documents can be organized
with the use of graphs in order to formulate the
interaction among the various elements. Similarity
analysis can be applied (a) in tree-like structures to
discover similar organizations of components and
(b) in more complicated network structures
(attributed graphs) to find subtrees or subgraphs of
components (e.g., actions) that can be potentially
used in various situations of negotiations.
Traditional methods, as well as more recent
graph indexing methods, focus strictly on matching
graph structure and do not utilize attributes. Other
work focuses mostly on exact matching and will
return no answer when an exact instance of a pattern
does not exist. Some work has been done on inexact
pattern matching in large attributed graphs (e.g., G-
Ray). One way to model the existing knowledge
would be using probabilistic networks that model
interactions among nodes using probabilities.
3.6 Text Mining
Text mining has been studied extensively in
information retrieval (Berry, 2003), (Weiss et al,
2004). The connection between information filtering
and information retrieval has been addressed in
(Belkin and Croft, 1992). Latent semantic indexing
(LSI) (Deerwester, et. al, 1993) is one of the most
popular methods for document dimensionality
reduction that has been used in document similarity
analysis. The probabilistic latent semantic indexing
(PLSI) (Hofmann, 1998) is similar to LSI and
reduces dimensionality using a probabilistic mixture
model. It has been used quite successfully in
document clustering (Hofmann, 1998). Other
researchers have studied methods for mining
association rules in text databases. A nice overview
of text classification is given in (Sebastiani, 2002).
The outcome of the NEGOTIATOR is expected to
contribute to the faster and more effective
acquisition of knowledge, competences and skills by
the target learner groups, increased productivity
based on richer and more effective knowledge
transfer, as well as to the establishment of more
efficient organizational learning processes. The
NEGOTIATOR can deliver:
Pedagogical socio-productive framework for
training the target groups in, profiling,
negotiation, crisis management, e-government
and service delivery, virtual and public
diplomacy, and project management.
A web based training platform, implemented on
open source training platforms (such as Sun
Wonderland Project, Moodle, DSpace etc.) or
with the combination of commercial products
(e.g. the Multiverse )
A multi-layered ontology encoding knowledge
on negotiation, crisis management, foreign
affairs, law, e-government and service delivery,
virtual and public diplomacy, protocol and
cultural affairs skills.
A language for describing training scenarios in
the form of scripts.
A text mining tool to retrieve and deliver data
from web sites and social networks to the
training platform.
A software engine that generates profiles for
avatars and groups of avatars automatically,
relative to the mining data.
Educational content and at least three proof-of-
concept training scenarios.
The expected impact of the NEGOTIATOR can be
summarized to the following: (a) the proposition of
an advanced, pedagogically sound system in the
areas of e-learning environments, using gaming and
desktop VR technologies. (b) The enhancement of
both individual and collaborating skills of the
learner-groups by focusing on new demands in
negotiation and crisis management. (c) The
development of diplomatic skills in particular virtual
and public diplomacy, and the support of activities
in virtual spaces where third countries participate
(e.g. the U.S.A., Maldives, etc.).
In this position paper we documented the
requirements of skills in negotiation and crisis
management by various groups of professionals.
These requirements can be covered with the
application of adaptive and immersive e-learning
environments, which follow major e-learning
principles identified in this paper. We suggested an
information system -called the NEGOTIATOR- that
follows these principles and combines various state-
of-the-art technologies. This information system has
been recently proposed as a project under the last
ICT call of the European FP7, and it is expected –in
case that it will be selected for implementation- to
compose a significant case study for the e-learning
We have to thank Pillar Sancho Thomas of the
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, for her
contribution on the e-learning domain analysis under
the NEGOTIATOR FP7 proposal preparation, some
of which is contained in this position paper.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education