greatest exponent in the Second Life tool
(Bainbridge 2007).
1.2 Community-driven Experience and
Learning in Second Life
Although the concept of Second Life
is not entirely
new, but a modernized version of multi-user text-
based virtual environments developed decades ago
(e.g., MUDs, MOOs), the new 3D worlds can re-
create traditional classrooms where users (instructors
and students in our case), can simulate educational
applications rich in learning opportunities.
Users in Second Life are represented by avatars
(characters designed at will) which can interact with
each other and the world itself, constituting what is
called "a metaverse".
It offers a totally customizable virtual space in
both design and programming, which has led to its
use by the education community. The multimedia
capabilities of this tool make it perfect for engaging
in eminently practical activities from a remote
location as well as being an interesting alternative to
face to face oral meetings or even implementing
practical protocols in almost real environments
(Zhao & Wu 2009).
In addition, Second Life is a tool that encourages
communication between users and groups,
facilitating the development of collective and
collaborative activities. In this sense this virtual
world is already accepted as a more than useful tool
to prepare our students to work together to achieve
1.3 Bots in Second Life: I Spy with My
Virtual Eyes
We can define a bot as a software application that
performs a specific set of tasks automatically.
Traditional examples of bots are standalone content
moderators in chat room service or web analyzers
(crawlers or spiders).
Second Life has an inworld banning policy on
bots that don’t contribute to the user community.
The so-called traffic or camping bots have been
massively used to enhance the visitor statistics for a
particular area and thereby increase their popularity
Some useful and accepted applications for a bot
are gathering information about visitors to your
parcel or even a world traveler that stores and
processes the information it gathers, including the
communication and behavior of other users
(Pelachaud et al. 2007).
Finally, we can create bots that, apart from
retrieving data, could offer useful information to the
user. These are the most appropriate bots to provide
functionality to an educational project by interacting
with the user.
In this article we refer to a bot as a Second Life
avatar who, instead of being handled by a real
person, acts independently as a result of a previously
implemented computer code. Thus, like any other
type of avatars, bots can move about the virtual
world, interactions and role-play can vary according
to situations and contexts and can help to facilitate
learner engagement during computer-mediated
We are going to differentiate between two kinds of
bots. On the one hand there are bots created by
appending LSL (Linden Scripting Language) code to
a Second Life prim (a simple object) or set of prims
composing a human form, and on the other hand, it
is possible to implement a piece of software that
actually handles a real avatar, connecting it to the SL
grid with your username and password and
managing it at will. The code used with the second
option gives us more programming liberty than LSL
(strongly focused on events and states) while
building our automation. The disadvantages are that
we can produce some latency derived from the
communication of entities, although very little with
a regular high speed Internet connection.
We will choose the second option for our
developments because of the ease of integrating
external services to our implemented code in a .NET
platform. In addition, we will have no limit on the
size of the code to compile and its complexity will
not affect virtual world stability in a negative way
because the program will run on our own server. The
communication with Second Life will be limited to
the avatar automatic handle according to the specific
situations we have implemented.
2.1 Technical Resources
To create a Linden Scripting Language bot we just
need to design the 3D appearance of the wearer and
create the associated code to be added, but, if we
intend to use the second kind of bot, the so-called
“Automated avatar”, we will need some additional
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education