An Aspect-based Approach to WS-contract Monitoring
Mario Freitas da Silva, Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes
Departamento de Informática, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo, 5.790, Maringá, PR, Brazil
Marcelo Fantinato
Sistemas de Informação, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua Arlindo Béttio, 1.000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein, 1.251, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Alessandro Fabricio Garcia
Depto. de Informática, Pont. Univ. Católica do Rio de Janeiro, R. Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Keywords: Electronic Contracts, Web services, Quality of Service, Aspects.
Abstract: Contract monitoring is carried out to ensure the Quality of Services (QoS) attributes and levels specified in
an electronic contract throughout a business process enactment. This paper proposes an approach to improve
QoS monitoring based on the aspect-oriented paradigm. Monitoring concerns are encapsulated into aspects
to be executed when specific process points are reached. Differently from other approaches, the proposed
solution requires no instrumentation, uses Web services standards, and provides an integrated infrastructure
for dealing with contract establishment and monitoring. Moreover, a Business Process Management
Execution Environment is designed to automatically support the interaction between customer, provider and
monitor organizations.
Current business competition requires that
companies act quickly not to lose partnerships. The
internet, Business Process Management Systems
(BPMSs) (Weske, 2007) and Service-oriented
Computing (SOC) (Papazoglou et al., 2008) are
major resources towards improving inter-
organizational cooperation.
In the SOC paradigm, electronic services (e-
services) are part of distributed applications that
enable fast software development and cost reduction.
They are autonomous and platform independent
software that can be either atomic or composed from
lower granularity e-services. The Web services
technology, a realization of SOC, allows the
publication, search and discovery of e-service
according to internet standards (WSDL, SOAP and
UDDI). This technology has imposed additional
challenges to the BPM scope. Inter-organizational
cooperation requires proper regulation to ensure the
Quality of Service (QoS) exchanged between
collaborative partners (Fantinato et al., 2009).
Electronic contracts (e-contracts) are means to
represent an agreement between organizations in
such a way that they can be monitored throughout
the business process execution. E-contracts include
information about parties involved in a business
process, activities to be executed as e-services and
respective QoS and constraints. An e-contract life
cycle includes a negotiation phase that defines
contract parameters and an execution phase. In the
latter, the inter-organizational cooperation must be
monitored to ensure contractual clauses.
A reliable inter-organizational cooperation demands
e-contract monitoring. Contract conditions, such as
Freitas da Silva M., Maria de Souza Gimenes I., Fantinato M., Beatriz Felgar de Toledo M. and Fabricio Garcia A. (2010).
ASPECT-MONITOR - An Aspect-based Approach to WS-contract Monitoring.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002863800050012
those related to QoS attributes, have to be constantly
and accurately supervised, for the benefit of every
party involved in the business process. E-contract
monitoring involves supervising the performance of
the provided services and collecting relevant
auditing information so that provider’s commitments
can be assessed and proper penalties can be applied
(Napagao et al., 2007).
Monitoring is not a trivial issue as it requires
process instrumentation either to register service
performance or to take corrective actions. The
aspect-oriented (AO) approach (Filman et al., 2005)
can be used to separate orthogonal concerns in the
BPM domain (Charfi and Mezini, 2004; Braem et
al., 2006). Concerns such as monitoring can be
encapsulated into aspects and executed when well-
defined point cuts are reached in the process.
Nevertheless, conventional aspect mechanisms
cannot be directly applied to contract monitoring.
This paper presents an AO approach to monitor
QoS attributes and levels, named Aspect-Monitor.
An e-contract comprises collaborative partners, an
inter-organizational business process specified in
AO4BPEL and QoS attributes of services in WS-
Agreement. Monitoring aspects are designed to deal
with Web services and their related QoS attributes
and levels. Thus, aspects are not only applied to the
process specification but also to enhance process
execution environment.
In this paper: Section 2 presents e-contracts and
monitoring; Section 3 discusses AO; Section 4
proposes an approach for e-contract monitoring;
Section 5 shows an example of application; Section
6 and 7 present lessons learned and related work;
and Section 8 concludes the paper.
Important e-contracts and monitoring concepts are
discussed in the following subsections.
2.1 Electronic Contracts
A contract is an agreement between two or more
parties interested in establishing a mutual
relationship on business or legal obligations. An e-
contract is an electronic document used to represent
an agreement between partners running business
using the internet (Erl et al., 2008).
Although e-contracts differ regarding their size,
content and complexity, there are usually common
elements within the same domain. The canonical
elements are (Grefen et al., 2001): parties
represent the organizations involved in a business
process; activities
that represent e-services to be
executed; and, contractual
clauses that describe
constraints on the execution of activities.
Contractual clauses can represent three types of
constraints: obligations
that describe what parties
should do; permissions that describe what parties are
allowed to do; and, prohibitions that describe what
parties should not do (Marjanovic and Milosevic,
2001). Obligations may include QoS clauses which
define attributes related to non-functional properties
of e-services. Examples are availability, integrity,
reliability, security, performance and reply time
(Keller and Ludwig, 2003; Menascé, 2002; Sahai et
al., 2002).
Different languages might be used to represent e-
contracts sections. The most recent ones are related
to Web standards. In this context, e-contracts are
called Web services e-contracts (WS-contracts). Our
approach focuses on WS-BPEL and WS-Agreement.
WS-BPEL has been widely used for business
process specification (Barreto et al., 2007). WS-
Agreement, based on WSLA (Keller and Ludwig,
2003), has been used for QoS specification.
2.2 Contract Monitoring
Contract monitoring requires events and information
produced by executing business processes. This
includes checking whether QoS attributes defined in
an e-contract are being obeyed during process
execution. Passive capabilities such as raising alerts
when a certain attribute is not according to specified
levels are not enough; therefore, corrective actions
must also be provided for running processes. Even,
contract renegotiation might be necessary. Thus,
monitoring goals, in the BPM domain, include not
only run-time measurement of QoS attributes and
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) but also
dynamic adaptation to variation in parameters and
application of actions specified in contracts.
According to Benbernou et al. (2008), new
approaches developed for monitoring service-based
applications should come up with holistic and
comprehensive methodologies that:
1. Integrate various monitoring techniques at all
functional service-based application layers;
2. Provide a way to target all the relevant
application aspects and information;
3. Define rich and well-structured modeling and
specification languages capable of representing
these features;
4. Allow for modeling, identifying, and propagating
dependencies and effects of monitored events
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and information across various functional layers
and aspects in order to enable fault diagnosis.
Monitoring can be carried out by the consumer and
provider organizations, or else by a third-party.
Current approaches for e-contract specification used
for monitoring have an excess of instrumentation in
the process, many extra functions to be implemented
in the client and server and lack of available tools.
Our approach aims at reducing the complexity of the
e-contract monitoring mechanism by applying the
AO fundamental concepts. Moreover, it searches for
meeting the requirements set defined by Benbernou
et al. (2008) and presented above.
Systems are usually decomposed into modules to
reduce their complexity. The Structured and Object-
Oriented paradigms have been useful to provide
small units of reuse. However, they do not
adequately treat crosscutting concerns, such as
logging. The aspect-oriented (AO) paradigm aims at
encapsulating crosscutting concerns into isolated
parts of the system – called aspects, thus improving
development, maintenance and reuse (Filman et al.,
AO programming languages require specific
compilers. For example, the AJC compiler converts
an AspectJ program into a Java bytecode program,
which can be executed by any JVM. AO languages
have additional elements (Kiczales et al., 1997)
which include: aspect, join point, pointcut, advice
body and inter-type declaration.
AO4BPEL is a WS-BPEL extension which
introduces AO mechanisms to support e-service
composition (Charfi and Mezini, 2004). AO4BPEL
targets two existent problems in composition
languages: i) modularity specification allowing the
separation of concerns such as access control,
authentication and audit from business models; and,
ii) dynamic service composition. A specification in
AO4BPEL includes two main parts: a business
process in WS-BPEL and its respective aspects.
Aspects comprise PartnerLinks, Variables and
PointcutAndAdvice as illustrated in Figure 1.
PartnerLinks identify partners providing Web
services; Variables are used in the Advice part; and,
PointcutAndAdvice includes Pointcuts described in
Xpath and Advices in WS-BPEL. A Pointcut defines
the point in the process where an aspect should act.
Advices are executed when a Pointcut is identified.
Partner Links
Figure 1: Aspects in AO4BPEL.
Our approach improves the application of the AO
paradigm to business process domain as it
complements AO4BPEL with the association of its
variables with QoS specified in WS-Agreement.
Aspect-Monitor proposes monitoring aspects as an
instance of the AO4BPEL aspects. In addition to be
related to the process, the new aspects are also
associated with QoS attributes and levels specified
in WS-Agreement. They are created to support the
monitoring of services to which they refer to.
This monitoring is part of a wider BPM approach
(Fantinato et al., 2009), including: business process
negotiation, reuse, contract establishment, dynamic
execution environment and the WS-contract
metamodel. In this paper, we focus on the
introduction of aspects concepts and the mechanisms
provided for supervising QoS attributes; no coverage
for aspect-orientation was provided in the previous
works already published by the same authors. Next
sections describe the BPM execution environment,
the introduction of aspects into the e-contract
metamodel and the monitoring mechanism designed.
4.1 The BPM Execution Environment
The execution of a business process and the
monitoring of its Web services require inter-
organizational cooperation and dynamic exchange of
e-services. Figure 2 presents the elements involved
in this execution environment comprising three
parties: Customer Organization; Provider
Organization; and, Monitor Organization (Fantinato
et al., 2009).
The Customer Organization has the most
complex structure, including: i) a structure for WS-
Contract Definition which supports WS-contract
negotiation and establishment; and, ii) a structure for
WS-Contract Execution to support the execution of
ASPECT-MONITOR - An Aspect-based Approach to WS-contract Monitoring
business processes specified in AO4BPEL. A SOC
System is necessary in the customer organization if
its own Web services are required as part of the
processes. In the Provider Organization, the SOC
System controls the Web services subcontracted by
the consumer.
Figure 2: Execution environment architecture.
The Monitor Organization implements the Aspect-
Monitor mechanisms. A third-party – the Monitor
Organization, has a WS-Contract Monitor structure
to control the execution of the process and hence the
composed Web services, by using a set of monitor
Web services and the QoS terms contained in the
WS-contract as a reference. These Monitor Web
services are invoked by the monitoring aspects
executed in the Customer Organization whenever a
join point is reached.
During the execution of a business process, the
customer organization invokes Web services which
can be local or subcontracted. For each invoked Web
service, a set of
Monitoring Aspects is triggered. The
aspects are related to QoS attributes defined to the
Web service. A monitoring aspect triggered during a
process execution invokes correspondent monitor
Web services, which will follow up the respective
services execution to ensure that the contracted QoS
levels are satisfied. If they are not satisfied, actions
can be undertaken according to the contractual
clauses. Those actions may be process cancellation,
penalty application and contract renegotiation.
A prototype for the WS-Contract Monitor
structure has been developed to support the
execution of Web services monitoring according to
the Aspect-Monitor approach.
4.2 WS-Contract Metamodel
A WS-contract metamodel represents rules to create
WS-contracts and supervise them based on aspects
(Figure 3). It includes concepts related to: i) Web
services described by the WSDL language; ii)
business processes involving Web services,
described by the business-part of the AO4BPEL
language; iii) QoS described by WS-Agreement
language; and, iv) monitoring aspects described by
the aspect-part of the AO4BPEL language.
A WS-contract is composed of four sections:
WSDL definitions, BPEL Business Process, WS-
Agreement, and Monitoring Aspects, as follows:
i) WSDL Definitions Section: contains the
primary elements Message Types, Partner Link
Types, Port Types and Operations - the last two
describe the Web services. These elements are
used to form the elements of the next sections;
ii) BPEL Business Process Section: describes
the business process that composes Web
services. It consists of: Variables, Partner
Links, Activities (both Interaction Activities
and Structured Activities types);
iii) WS-Agreement Section: describes the QoS
attributes and levels regarding the Web
services. Attributes and levels are described in
terms of: Service Properties (including
Variables) and Guarantee Terms (including
Service Scope and Service Level Objectives).
The WS-Agreement Name, Context and
Service Description Terms elements are not
included in this metamodel since there are
already similar sections representing this
information in the BPEL Business Process
iv) Monitoring Aspects Section: contains the
aspects related to the Web services monitoring.
Each aspect is described in terms of:
Monitoring Partner Link, Monitoring Variable,
Join point, Pointcut and Advice.
Details about the first three sections are presented by
Fantinato et al. (2008). The fourth section is an
extension of the metamodel defined for the Aspect-
Monitor. The objectives of the Aspect elements as
well as their relationships with other WS-contract
elements are as follows:
Monitoring Aspect: a module encapsulating a
monitoring crosscutting concern. It is composed
of monitoring partner link, monitoring variable,
pointcut and advice. There is a unique
monitoring aspect for each
Provider Organization Customer Organization
Monitor Organization
SOC Syste
Web Services
SOC System
Web Services
WS-Contract Definition
WS-Contract Execution
Web Services
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
1 1
partner link
link type
service level
partner link
join point
Figure 3: WS-contract metamodel.
guaranteed variable and hence for each service
level objective, regarding the WS-Agreement
service properties and guarantee terms.
Monitoring Partner Link: represents the
partners involved in the services monitoring,
which are: a monitoring organization; a
consumer organization; and, a provider
Monitoring Variable: represents variables
related to the process in the advice element.
Join Point: represents a Web service whose
execution must trigger a monitoring aspect,
thereby injecting behavior at the join point
through its advice body.
Pointcut: represents the Operation which
identifies the Join Point – i.e. the Web service –
for which the monitoring aspect must react. In
this approach, the monitoring aspects have only
one join point for each pointcut.
Advice: contains a business process, specified in
AO4BPEL, which must be executed when the
join point (Web service) triggers a pointcut. This
process must be used to invoke Monitoring Web
services. When a join point is reached, the advice
can be executed before, at the same time or after
the join point.
This section presents a practical experiment
undertaken on a pseudo-scenario to evaluate the
application of the Aspect-Monitor approach,
identifying its benefits and drawbacks.
The experiment context involves a travel agency
which uses Web services, from partner organizations
such as airline, car rental and hotel reservations
companies. Each party, in this collaborative business
process, provides a set of Web services to be used by
the other parties. The travel agency system offers
Web services to their customers which therefore
require Web services from its partners. A WS-
contract is established to regulate the business
agreement. An airline company can provide a series
of Web services to a travel agency, such as:
timetable queries, flight booking, ticket purchase,
itinerary changes and seat selection. On the other
hand, a travel agency can also provide some Web
services to the airline company, such as: customer
notification on flight changes and advertisement on
special offers.
As there is not, as yet, an AO4BPEL server
available, a WS-BPEL server – ActiveBPEL
(ActiveVOS, 2010) – was used instead; thus, a
workaround solution has been used, in the execution
environment, to execute aspect-related tasks.
Accordingly, the business process specified in WS-
BPEL (using here ActiveBPEL Designer) had to be
instrumented in order to manually enter in the
pointcuts the excerpt of process regarding the advice
to be executed. Thus, the business process receives
an instrumentation that simulates the use of aspects
which can be performed with the WS-BPEL
technology, using here the ActiveBPEL Engine.
Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 present different excerpts of
the WS-contract in which the relationship between
Web services, business process, QoS attributes and
levels, and monitoring aspects can be observed. In
Figure 4, the Web service provided by the Airline
company (identified by the operation
) is defined.
ASPECT-MONITOR - An Aspect-based Approach to WS-contract Monitoring
<wsdl:portType name="flight-servicesPT">
<wsdl:operation name="flight-bookingOP">
<wsdl:input message="tns:flight-booking-Req"/>
<wsdl:output message="tns:flight-booking-Resp"/>
Figure 4: Excerpt from WSDL definitions.
In Figure 5, the invocation of the Web service is
specified in the WS-BPEL, identified by the
command invoke on the operation flight-bookingOP.
portType=" flight-servicesPT"
Figure 5: Excerpt from WS-BPEL definitions.
In Figure 6, a QoS attribute and its level are defined
for the Web service, identified respectively by the
reply-timeVAR and less than 60 seconds.
In Figure 7, the monitoring aspect related to the Web
service and QoS attribute is specified; when the Web
service whose operation is
flight-bookingOP is
invoked, the respective monitoring aspect is
triggered so that it can invoke a third-party monitor
Web service. The following elements are present:
the pointcut whose name is
book-flight-invoke is
defined for portType flight-servicesPT and operation
flight-bookingOP (Figure 4), which means that this
operation is the join point of this monitoring aspect;
and the advice, of “around” type, whose actions flow
is used to invoke the third-party monitoring Web
service, identified by portType
and operation flight-booking-monitorOP.
Since this monitoring aspect is related to the
, its content is copied to a temporary variable
so that it can be forward to the third-party
monitoring Web service to be invoked. Other
monitoring aspects for
flight-servicesOP regarding
other QoS attributes can exist as well as other ones
reply-timeVAR regarding other Web service
The monitoring aspects, producing the Aspect
definitions section, are generated semi-automatically
based on the information from the other WS-contract
sections: WSDL, WS-BPEL and WS-Agreement.
<wsag:ServiceProperties wsag:Name="flight-
bookingSP" wsag:ServiceName="flight-
<wsag:ServiceScope ServiceName="flight-
Figure 6: Excerpt from WS-Agreement definitions.
<aspect name="Flight-bookingOP_+_reply-timeVAR">
<pointcut name="book-flight-invoke"
<advice type="around">
<bpws:from expression="reply-timeVAR"/>
<bpws:to variable="monitor-request"
Figure 7: Excerpt from Aspect definitions.
This section presents the lessons learned from the
development and the exercising of the aspect-based
approach to WS-contract monitoring. In the
performed analysis, the proposed approach was
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
compared mainly to the pure WSLA, WS-BPEL and
WS-Agreement approaches. Moreover, the
requirements presented by Benbernou et al. (2008)
for new approaches related to e-contract monitoring
were also taken into account.
No Need for Instrumentation. The proposed
approach allows the customer organization to define
its business process without adding extra code for
monitoring. It means that, according to the AO
paradigm, the main concern (i.e. the business
process) was not crosscut by the secondary concern
(i.e. the contract monitoring). Other monitoring
approaches do not perform such separation,
requiring instrumentation of the business process
with monitoring functions.
Simplified Computational Support. The proposed
approach simplifies the computational support
necessary to carry out e-contract monitoring when
compared to other existent approaches for the same
objective. No extra technology needs to be
implemented to support the monitoring functions.
The proposed BPM execution environment aims to
support all the contract life-cycle, including
monitoring, in a unique support environment.
Integrated Solution. The proposed approach
presents an integrated solution in which all the main
parts of a WS-contract are treated together: business
process, QoS attributes and levels, and monitoring
activities. Other monitoring approaches commonly
deal with isolated Web services and do not provide a
solution for composed Web services. This point is
closer related to requirements 1 and 2 from the set
proposed by Benbernou et al. (2008), since the
proposed approach provides a broad integration in
different levels – including different techniques and
Use of Standard Languages. No new language was
defined to compose this approach. Instead, standard
languages, or already existing extensions, are used,
which together are capable of representing the
information related to contract monitoring, as
required by item 3 from the requirements set
proposed by Benbernou et al. (2008).
Several works are related to e-contract monitoring in
a general way, but not involving AO, from which we
can highlight Cremona (Ludwig et al., 2004) – used
as the architectural basis for the development of the
Aspect-Monitor approach. Cremona is an
architecture for the creation, management and
monitoring service-level agreements represented as
WS-Agreement documents. The monitoring module
is not only used to observe and detect contract
violations, but also to predict future violations and to
trigger corrective actions in advance.
There are also some aspect-based works related
to e-contract monitoring, but none of them applies
AO both in a wide and complete BPM approach, and
using specifically the WS-Agreement language as
presented in this paper. Some of these works are
presented as follows.
Singh et al. (2004) proposed a methodology
based on aspects to specify functional and non-
functional characteristics of Web Services. The Web
Services are described in an extended WSDL named
AO-WSDL and published in an extended registry
mechanism named AO-UDDI.
Tomaz et al. (2006) introduced AO concepts to
add non-functional requirements to Web services.
They focus on run-time adaptation of non-functional
characteristics of a composite Web service by
modifying the non-functional characteristics of its
component Web services. They also propose a
language for representing non-functional properties.
Ortiz & Leymann (2006) claim that, although the
encapsulation of non-functional services properties
using aspects are present in other works, aspect
implementation must be combined with WS-Policy
expressing non-functional properties. This proposal
maintains policies separated from the functional
behavior of the service and its main description.
Narendra et al. (2007) proposed run-time
adaptation of non-functional properties of a
composite Web service by modifying the non-
functional properties of its component Web services.
They use AO technology for specifying and relating
non-functional properties of the Web services as
aspects at both levels of component and
composition. WS-Policy and WSLA are used in the
negotiation between Web services.
Bianculli & Ghezzi (2007) proposed an approach
in which the behavior of a service is specified in an
algebraic language and can be checked at run-time.
A BPEL engine is extended, using AspectJ, with
three components: an interceptor, a specification
registry, and a monitor. The monitor is a wrapper for
the evaluation of algebraic specifications, which
keeps a machine-readable description of the state of
the process instances which is updated when the new
information from the interceptor is received. The
symbolic state is then evaluated and compared
against the expected one; and, in case of mismatch,
certain specific actions may be performed.
ASPECT-MONITOR - An Aspect-based Approach to WS-contract Monitoring
This paper presented an infrastructure to define,
execute and monitor WS-contracts. In the proposed
approach, a WS-contract comprises collaborative
partners, business process specified in AO4BPEL
and QoS attributes of services defined with WS-
Agreement. AO technology is used to separate
concerns such as monitoring into aspects. Those
aspects are executed when defined join point are
reached in the process. Compared to other
approaches, the proposed solution requires no
instrumentation, uses Web services standards and
provides an integrated infrastructure for dealing with
contract establishment and monitoring.
Future work includes: i) studying and
incorporating other AO properties to enrich the
proposed approach; ii) concluding the development
of the WS-Contract Monitor structure, from the
BPM execution environment; and, iii) carrying out a
broader experiment of the presented proposal to
evaluate its benefits and its limitations.
This work was supported by The State of São Paulo
Research Foundation (FAPESP) and The National
Council for Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq), Brazil.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems