A Simulated Laboratory Pedagogic Approach
A. D. Jaffar, P. R. J. Campbell and F. Ahmed
College of Information Technology, UAE University, U.A.E.
Keywords: Enterprise systems, Enterprise resource planning, Simulated business enterprise laboratory.
Abstract: Despite various initiatives concerning undergraduate industrial internship, students from the Enterprise
(Information) Systems and E-Commerce tracks (Programs) within the College of Information Technology,
United Arab Emirates University lack sufficient exposure and knowledge of the basic operations within a
typical business enterprise. By and large, their internship programs lack focused activities due to student
insufficient knowledge of enterprise organizational operations. Case studies supporting theoretical
foundation within most enterprise systems or information systems related courses, lack realistic student
learning experiences and therefore fail to impact in-depth concept articulation. While students are aware of
advancement in technology, their appreciation on its extensive application and capabilities leading to
effective organizational competitive advantage is superficial. Rather than mere concept appreciation in
lectures, supported by Microsoft Dynamics Navison business enterprise systems application, students’
practical laboratory simulation of typical enterprise operations provided the much-needed realism in
experiencing real-life enterprise operations. Students’ problem-based active learning experience on core
enterprise operations typified in small-medium size Electronic-Enterprises were initially incorporated within
selected basic courses. Positive student feedbacks on its impact to their learning outcomes encourage further
extension of such initiative to other courses within the program track. An accompanying SWOT analysis on
this approach indicated that the beneficial opportunities outweigh the potential threat of not implementing
this initiative. This paper presents the research approach for identifying the problem in students learning,
soliciting its research hypothesis and the eventual proposed Enterprise Systems Laboratory Framework in
overcoming the identified research problem. It also discussed an overall future program plan as an extension
to the proposed framework. This includes active industrial partnership beyond regular student internship to
enhance further students learning experience as well as preparing them for potential employment.
As a nation very much dependent on its wealth in oil
production, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is
progressively developing into an economic
powerhouse due to its stable and viable nationhood
that supports its growing industries. Within 10 years,
from a mere desert state, the nation’s vision of being
a leading regional hub for countries within the Gulf
Corporation Council in particular, is evolving at a
tremendous speed. This outpaced the norms
experienced by most other developing countries.
This is made possible with the influx of foreign
expertise to facilitate and hasten its progress. A
major drawback though, is in the capabilities and
readiness of its own people (Emirati nationals) to
learn and absorb modern work ethics and
professionalism as practiced in the western and far
eastern part of the world. They are very much
embedded within their own tradition and very much
conservative work practices. Due to the nation
intention in prioritizing it’s nationals employment
status (Emiratization Program), young Emirati
graduates are placed into management positions
without significant exposure to life experiences,
living in a structured yet formalized modernity that
is common within an industrialized society. They
have yet to experience the industrial revolutions of
past eras, which shaped the mentality, and working
attitude that the foreign expertise brings. While it is
arguable for such needs, such mentality and
experiences are essence in the infrastructure and
operations of today’s modern enterprise, worldwide.
These enterprises computerized their operations by
D. Jaffar A., R. J. Campbell P. and Ahmed F. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 513-520
DOI: 10.5220/0002866505130520
optimizing extensive use of advance technology to
achieve globalised competitive advantage.
The local educational system is in the frontline in
facilitating such rapid progress. While technology
can be imported, mental development and work
ethics through education is an evolutionary process
that requires nurturing within the appropriate
environment. Traditional lecturing approaches are
employed within the College of Information
Technology (CIT), United Arab Emirates
University. However, these approaches need to be
reconsidered in order to incorporate the use of
innovative technology, moving away from reliance
on strictly theoretical concept appreciation (Bradford
et.al, 2003; Antonucci et.al, 2004). Western case
studies incorporated in active and collaborative
learning methods without the use of advance
technology is insufficient to equip Emirati graduates
with enterprise operational readiness. Furthermore,
most of the western industrial practices typified
within these case studies have yet to become
commonplace experiences in UAE. There is a need
to better prepare graduates beyond the theoretical
concept by incorporating industrial operational
experiences equipped with application of advance
technology within a simulated classroom
environment (Joseph & George, 2002). Its
effectiveness can be further optimized by
incorporating a direct partnership with local
industries that are using similar technology. While a
generic industrial internship is a practice within
higher educational institutions, such industrial
interaction and collaboration should be based on an
objective specific course learning outcome. Such
outcome is directed at cross appreciation of theories
covered in lecture applied to a simulated scenario
based laboratory environment (Watson & Schneider,
1999; Johnson et.al, 2004). Finally, a more focused
internship of applying what has been learnt through
participation in a guided operation in the industry.
This paper will highlight the findings on
students’ apprehension in working with modern
enterprise, in particular private entities. It also
includes a SWOT analysis justifying the needs for
such changes in the education approach before
introducing the proposed framework to incorporate
simulated business enterprise as part of the core
laboratory learning outcome. This will proceed with
the initial evaluation on the implemented proposal
with a discussion section to project the research
future initiatives
A likert scale based survey that hypothesized
migration of IT skilled work force from foreign
countries into UAE for employment purposes
revealed the feeling of apprehension among majority
of the young Emirati graduating students in securing
employment within the private sector. The findings
highlighted factors favouring their employment
within their government ministries as their
responsibilities there are confined to addressing
domestic organization operational skills. Such an
environment is more accommodating than the
internationally dynamic and complex environment
characterized in typical globalized business
enterprise within the private sector. The surveyed
sample population consisted of graduating students
from the Information Systems and E-Commerce
tracks who are in their final semester. They were
specifically chosen because they form the majority
of student population within the College of
Information Technology who would most probably
find a job in relation to the use of Enterprise
Systems application within typical business
operations. While the survey main intention was to
solicit feedbacks on their preparedness to join the
workforce, among other things, it also revealed
needed improvement in their education system
especially towards assimilating them into privatized
business enterprise. Among the questions relevant to
this research were confined towards how well
students are trained with IT skills and their level of
confidence in using them. The latter focused on
whether their interest or expectation in acquiring IT
skills has changed from before they joined the
College of Information Technology as compared to
at the point of finishing their studies. Their
employment preference was correlated with these
questions to assert definite pattern of behaviour.
Other adjacent influencing factors affecting their
choices were also solicited.
The findings revealed that 61% of the surveyed
population did not believe that the various courses
taught while they were in the college of IT have
converted them to be an IT savvy. They believed
that it will take them at least another 5 years before
they are confident to be at the same level of IT skill
among the “imported” foreign expertise. Among the
population, 68% had a changed of interest in IT due
to various reasons. Among them, 63% of the male
students found difficulties in learning the subjects.
The findings recorded that 37% of the surveyed
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
population blamed extensive lecturing on theoretical
concepts rather than hands-on practical
appreciations. Other accompanying reasons are poor
teaching techniques, lack of proper resources and
29% of the votes cited variety of dissatisfactions that
led to their changed of interest towards IT. A
question on whether IT courses taught will prepare
students for an IT career, revealed a worrying result
where 44% of the population were unsure of the
relevance and appropriateness of these course since
they could not associate the taught theoretical
fundamentals with what being applied in the
industry. Another 18% of the population strongly
agreed that majority of the courses have no
relevance to their choice of career path. The findings
also highlighted that male student could earned
better salary of more than 30% in Engineering and
Business related positions with a correlation of a
better employment career path in these sectors than
In preference towards employment, 84% wanted
to work in their government ministries instead of
private business enterprise. Among the reasons
correlated to the above findings are better salary
scales within the government sectors that have a
stable career path. In addition, such environment
adopts traditionally habituated working ethics
typically practice within Arab society that they can
associate themselves very well. On the contrary, the
private sectors are more prone towards a
cosmopolitan working atmosphere where majority of
the Emirati nationals is not familiar and not
comfortable with. In the age of globalised enterprise,
such former preference is very difficult to
accommodate. Most globalised enterprise would
optimize variety of expertise in a mixed male-female
and cross-culture environment. These have yet to be
well accepted within the UAE society. On another
extreme, cost of labor, particularly employees from
most Arab countries, Indian sub-continent and the
less developed central Asia are very low as
compared to the Western employee. Since much of
the enterprise operations within UAE are still
manually done adjacent to high cost for automation,
large majority of enterprises are less motivated to
fully innovate with advance technology.
These findings highlighted a need to revamp the
current pedagogic approach in preparing young
graduates for employment especially into a more
dynamic and versatile business enterprise
(Seethamraju, 2004a). There is a need to heightened
students appreciation and level of confidence
through extensive practical hands-on in IT
application usage and its capabilities beyond
textbook case studies. By assimilating students into
in-class real life enterprise application simulation of
various business case scenarios typified in local
business operations, would provide the realistic
appreciation and in-depth familiarity that will
facilitate their transition into the real world of
business enterprise. In addition, further alignment
with a focus internship programs, in-line with such
simulated exposure, can only elevate their self-
confidence, informed perceptions of enterprise
working environment as well as potentially achieve
a much effective internship experience. These called
for a new pedagogic approach in providing students
with such applied knowledge to better prepare them
for the real world. There is a need for a simulated
business enterprise laboratory to provide students
with such experiences.
The proposal is to develop a business enterprise
systems laboratory to simulate typical business
enterprise operations. This laboratory will be
equipped with state of the art enterprise business
application suites together with relevant supporting
hardware. The learning outcome will be patterned to
simulate local enterprise business case scenarios for
student easy articulation of the given theoretical
concepts to be covered against its practical
The strength of this proposal is with a supportive
partnership with industries particularly providers of
the business enterprise application as well as
companies that are optimizing such application in
their enterprise operations. In-line with the above
objectives to resolve the identified problems, a full
sponsorship estimated at US$200K from Microsoft
Dynamics (Enterprise software application provider)
and Dynamic Vertical Solutions (Solution
Consultant) for developing this lab were solicited.
Simultaneously, a direct collaboration with
industrial partners who optimizes such application is
necessary to exploit an effective internship
programs. The sponsorship includes
hardware/software with licenses as well as
periodical consultation services to facilitate the lab
and course materials developments. In addition to
our external partner’s strength, the CIT Information
System (IS) track consists of a team of self
motivated teaching faculty members, strategizing
this initiative, its development and eventual
implementation. The potential weakness is without
the consultant facilitation, the development time for
this initiative will be significantly long and
The opportunities benefiting CIT students,
college and university, are not limited to students
exposure to the application of such technology; but
also the immersive learning experience of the
operational electronic-enterprise which compliment
the theoretical concepts. Students will participate
and experience firsthand a typical business
enterprise operation within the core functional areas
of Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Inventory as well as
Information Technology departments. They will be
progressively introduced to the various laboratory
modules that featured the numerous functionalities
within the enterprise application systems as used by
each department. Depth of coverage will be
intensified as student progress from core level
courses into the junior and subsequently senior level
courses. This will be mapped to the various course
learning outcomes as defined within each course
curriculum. The lab will also be progressively
extended to include all courses within IS track.
Potential senior students who have completed
significant number of laboratory modules will be
encouraged to attend free-of-charge professional
workshops and training sessions organized for
sponsors’ industrial partners. This will enhance
further their industrial exposure through networking
with participants from industry. Students will also be
encouraged to enroll for Microsoft Dynamics
certification where ever possible. CIT collaborations
with sponsors will also lead to student internship
with their industrial partners who adopt such
technology within their organizations. Such a
progressive pedagogical approach will also prepare
our students for potential employment with these
industrial partners. These benefits will provide
added value to the college as a whole and act as a
differentiator for the IS track when compared to
similar programs at other establishments.
The threat of not implementing the plan will
mean the above identified stigma will continue and
eventually the Emiratization initiative by the
government will be much longer to achieve. Failure
to implement this proposal may also lead to
continued reduction in student number and interest
in studying courses within the IS track. The long-
term impact, IT professional will remain to be
dominated by foreign talents instead of the local
Emirati workforce.
While it could be claimed that this proposed
pedagogic approach is nothing new, its essence is to
supplement taught IS theories with technical-cum-
hands-on experience for student in preparing them to
be IS specialist. Student learning experience is
categorised into 4 phases of Appreciating Business
Operations & its Application of IS/IT, Appreciating
Integrated E-Enterprise, IT Governance & Systems
Development and finally, Strategic Management of
IS/IT. This didactical design simulates a scenario of
student being employed by a Retail SME IT
department and progressively learning new IS/IT
skills throughout their 3 years studying within the
college. Student will be introduced to SME
functional operations which are aimed at providing
knowledge on how business operates. This includes
introduction to elementary application programming
and databases that typically support a computerised
business operations. Subsequently, an integrated
ERP will extend student appreciation towards an
electronic-Enterprise that optimises state-of-the-art
IS/IT. This is followed by various responsibilities
performed by an IT department in maintaining and
supporting organisation used of IS/IT. It will include
IT governance, analysis and design of user’s new
IS/IT requirements. The final phase emphasised on
how IS/IT can be aligned to support business
competitive advantage through business intelligence
for management purposes.
The developed Microsoft Vertical Enterprise
System Laboratory (MVESL) provided a simulation
environment depicting a typical real-life business
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) operation
within a medium size enterprise [Rosemann &
Watson, 2002; Hawking et.al, 2004). It will be
equipped with advance technology necessary to
operate an electronically integrated retail business.
The initial targeted students are from the
Information Systems and E-Commerce tracks within
the CIT. The lab can also be optimized by students
from the College of Business and Economics,
majoring in Business and Accounting and/or
Management Information systems. Based on guided
role-play, these students will be exposed to a typical
functional business operation simulating a day-to-
day transactional processing for such organization.
In rotation, student will perform scenario-guided
business activities typically done by employees in
various departments. They will optimize various IT
devices supported by Microsoft Dynamics Suite, in
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
particular Dynamic Navison and its related business
applications in running these operations. Dynamics
Navison for retail industry has been chosen due to,
in a larger extend, student familiarity with such
enterprise operations especially whenever they visit
established supermarkets within UAE. This
laboratory could also be extended to include
business intelligence tools for managers to analyze
business information for the purpose of daily
operational as well as short-term decision-making
facilitating organizational strategic initiatives.
Figure 1: Hardware and Software Setup.
The vision of this laboratory, with the direct
support from Microsoft Dynamics and its Gold
Certified partner, Dynamic Vertical Solution Inc., is
to provide a simulated real-life integrated
Electronic-Enterprise business operation. With
guided facilitation from faculty members, students
can apply the various theoretical concepts covered in
lectures into a simulated IS/IT environment
essentially optimizing the full spectrum of Microsoft
Enterprise Resource Planning software and its
related supporting technologies. The targeted
benchmarks are to overcome the research identified
stigma with additional bonus of accrediting students
with specific Microsoft certification programs in-
line with the learning outcomes for this laboratory.
These can be achieved by addressing short-term and
long-term goals. Within the former, apart from
implementing the various supporting hardware and
software equipments (see Fig.1), specific training
sessions with a consultant from Microsoft partner
will train faculty members as trainers as well as help
to prepare laboratory syllabi for students’ practical
lab sessions. These sessions instruct on how various
theoretical concepts can be applied and
demonstrated within the various functionalities
featured in Microsoft Dynamic Navison. The long-
term goal is to revamp, in phases, the lab
components for all of the courses within both tracks
in line with the full spectrum of Microsoft Enterprise
software and related supporting hardware
While the laboratory should not be vendor
driven, exposing student to a specific line of product
suites ease the complexity in different terminologies
and potentially business jargons advocated by
different vendors. The intended outcome is to
emulate an advanced and sophisticated business
environment for student to have a 1
experience on Microsoft lines of products in
supporting business operations. In progression, the
building block (see table 1.) that frame student
learning will be initiated with the introduction of
business operations emphasizing the main roles and
responsibilities of each functional department within
a typical business enterprise setup.
Table 1: Proposed Laboratory Curriculums.
At this foundation level, student will be exposed
to introductory programming skills using Microsoft
.NET. Basic database concepts and the application
system back-end databases will also be introduced.
In addition, students will be exposed to basic
Dynamics Navison navigational GUI to provide
appreciation of typical IS application systems used
in an enterprise. Such combination provided the link
for student to appreciate the programming syntax, its
corresponding logic which supports the running of
the application interfaces that student see as well as
how data is being captured in the system back-end.
The junior level designed as laboratory tutorial, will
guide students with various elementary and
intermediary features and functionalities of the ERP
system as performed by the various departments.
Using the Dynamics Navision, student will be given
various business cases to perform. The tutorial is a
step-by-step walkthrough laboratory exercises for
student to emulate the various business case
transactional activities. Such laboratory activities
will be mapped to the various theoretical concepts
covered in lectures. In their senior level, various
aspects of IT governance will be introduced. The
intention is to expose student to the core operation
within an IT department in maintaining such
systems. This will be followed by project based
system analysis and design to simulate extension of
new ERP functionalities as typically requested by
the various departments. The final phase involves
introducing business intelligence within the syllabi
by emphasizing various management reporting tools
and data mining analysis for tactical management
decision-making process.
Appreciate Basic
Business Ops
1 Lecture
Indv. Customer
Scenario Base
2 Lab Sessns
Convert S/
Receive / Delivery
Acc Receivable
Receive / Delivery
Acc Receivable
Multiple Scenario
Receive / Delivery
Receivable &
P/Order on
Figure 2: Sample Laboratory Details.
The Fig. 2 highlights sample breakdown
coverage for the selected courses that have been
implemented within the simulated laboratory. For
instance in the Elementary ERP module, supported
by business process workflows, student will
walkthrough a typical core business operation. This
will help them to appreciate the various transactional
activities necessary in performing for instance,
completing a sale cycle. Subsequently, in groups,
student will perform a tutorial based step-by-step
business operation with the Dynamic Navison
application software. Starting with simple master
record data-entries, student will progress into
processing sales order, record posting and Inventory
management. This will progress into a much
elaborated multiple scenario business cases at the
intermediary level.
Fig.3 projects the laboratory physical layout
resembling typical departments within a business
enterprise environment. These departments are
separated using office divider to encapsulate sub-
organizational activities that differs from that in
another department.
The lab implementation described above was
implemented during summer 2009 and deployed to
the first cohort of students during the Fall semester
of 2009. The first course to make use of the
laboratory was a senior level ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) course. The course had
previously been delivered in dual lab and lecture
mode, with the main focus being on the theoretical
application of ERP in a business enterprise.
The lab component of the course made use of ERP
vendor developed training material, which provided
a guided tutorial on various elements of ERP
functionality. As identified in literature it is this
process of successfully integrating applications such
as ERP into the curriculum that present the greatest
challenges for faculty and lab engineers [Fedorowicz
et.al, 2004; Seethamraju, 2004b].
The revised approach employed the MVESL to
immerse the students in a simulated business
environment. The cohort, consisting of 20 students
were divided into groups and assigned to initial
functional areas; accounting; sales; purchasing etc.
The students were then given a defined set of tasks,
which exposed them to the typical functions of each
area within the simulated business. During the
semester the students spend three weeks in each of
simulated departments generating data in each
department, which was then used by other groups in
the simulated environment. The immersion in the
virtual business environment allowed the students to
gain a more detailed understanding of how a retail
enterprise functions and to experience how data is
generated, managed and used with such an
Students performed a broad range of tasks
ranging from booking items into inventory, to
invoice matching, sales order processing and
supplier purchasing. Such experience could not have
been gained in a typical classroom setting and woul
have been difficult to achieve with industrial visits
or internship, given the live nature of business and
the inexperience of the students. The laboratory
component of the course was also expanded to cover
2 hours per week rather than the typical 1-hour and
as a result the lecture component of the course was
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Simulated Enterprise Systems Laboratory Layout.
reduced to 1 hour. The change in time division
between lecture and lab was made possible by the
transfer of material from lecture to lab. For example,
the discussion of the sales order process, from
enquiry through to order processing was moved the
lab component and rather then simply describing the
process students had to physically provide details for
a customer enquiry, price the quotation, process the
order and invoice the customer. As a result of this
simulation the students could physically see the
effect of their actions (relating to this sale) on the
enterprises inventory and accounts.
The lecture component of the course was used to
discuss the pure theoretical aspects of ERP and its
evolution. Lectures also provided opportunities for
students to examine case studies, which reinforced
the knowledge, which they had developed during
hands on sessions. A survey was conducted with the
cohort following completion of their studies and the
results indicated that students gained positive
experience in a number of key areas as a direct result
of the changes to the delivery style and
implementation of the MVESL. Table 2 below
shows the responses of students in relation to the
question “I am familiar with the business processes
performed by a typical sales department in a retail
SME setting”, indicating that students who
completed the course using the MVESL approach
felt more comfortable with the basic concepts and
operations of a sales department. These figures
correspond to over 60% of the respondents, who felt
they had a firm grasp of the business processes
involved. This compares to just 20% for students
who had taken the course during the previous two
years (2007-2008). Similar response rates where
recorded for all aspects of the business processes
covered in the ERP course.
Table 2: Sample MVESL Implementation Analysis.
Traditional Lecture
MVESL Approach
Strongly Agree 2 4
Agree 10 13
Neutral 17 5
Disagree 11 2
Strongly Disagree 3 0
43 25
The previous sections of this paper have described
the problems faced in the providing enterprise based
education to students in the College of Information
Technology at the United Arab Emirates University
and the design and implementation of a laboratory to
equip students with an environment in which they
can develop an understanding of how a real
enterprise functions. The first cohort of students
have completed their education within the laboratory
and this section of the paper presents a discussion of
the lessons learnt as a result of this experiment.
Feedback from students indicates that they
gained a significant benefit from a more hands-on
immersive approach to the course and that perhaps
more importantly they enjoyed the process of
learning. Responses to the questionnaires from
2007-2008 students indicated that whilst they
covered the lecture material and were aware of the
issues involved in ERP deployment in an enterprise,
they continued to struggle with the practicalities of
business processes. As educators we are able to
explain through textual and diagrammatic the sales
order process and the functional areas involved and
affected. However, it is only through practical
exposure that students are able to experience and
physically see the wide-ranging interactions within
the organization that a single business process
Students have gained significant insight into the
daily operation of an integrated IS and have
developed a more detailed understand of how
theoretical business processes are practically
implemented. Unlike a semester long internship
program, this approach strictly matched theoretical
coverage with the comprehensive simulated practical
skills acquired in lab throughout 3 years. Internship
program is not comprehensive enough to provide
such intended skills as acquired in the lab.
Furthermore, while some industrial partners
provided limited working exposure, most are
sceptical in students’ ability to perform and
contribute to their minimal level of expected
productivity. Mostly, students are given trivial
responsibilities that do not require much training and
attention yet fulfil the minimal internship
requirements. Henceforth, skills acquisition in such
simulated lab are far extensive than internship
The immediate future will extend the laboratory
usage to include Microsoft certification programs in-
line with the courses offered in Enterprise System as
well as Electronic Commerce (EC) Track throughout
students’ progression into their senior year. This will
prepare students for the necessary Microsoft
certification exams before their graduation. In due
time, we intend to introduce strategies which will
allow students in majors such as Business and
Accounting in the College of Business and
Economics, to avail of the laboratory and the data
which is generated from the lab sessions. This will
also incorporate professional courses for external
entities from industry for training opportunities that
may lead to further certification outcomes.
This paper presented an implementation of a virtual
enterprise in a university setting, with the aim of
equipping UAE National students with the required
level of hands-on skills and business practice
knowledge in order to be confident of their
successful integration into private sector
employment in the UAE. We highlighted the unique
challenges faced by national students when entering
the private sector, focusing on the barriers to their
entry. The design and implementation of the
MVESL was discussed and the initial results from
the first cohort of students studying under the new
conditions were presented. The results of the new
approach are encouraging and the authors believe
that sustained use of the facility will enable
Enterprise Systems students to flourish in the private
sector in subsequent years. The authors would like to
thank Microsoft (Gulf) and Dynamic Vertical
Solutions for their continued support of the MVESL
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education