an autarchic system which can subsume service de-
scription facts under the terms of legal text in order
to obtain legal consequences can be build. The key is
not to merge both worlds, but to keep them separated
for flexibility and progress reasons – exactly the way
legal norms are utilized for real world situations in the
offline world.
We gave an outlook to a possible concept for im-
plementing such a subsumtion. Formal service de-
scriptions and formalized legal norms including rules
to obtain legal consequences can be found in recent
The subject-matter of this research area is highly
topical, as distributed and ad hoc service development
as well as usage becomes more and more common for
economical applications. In the area of copyright the
formal description of content, which is basically the
same as the description of usage policies for appli-
cations (licenses), is already common. For instance
the Creative Commons
project provides formalized
license attribution, which have already been picked
up by other applications such as browsers to analyse
the usage permission. This is a simple example, how-
ever, the inter-connectivity increases and next steps
will have to be more professional assessments on the
compliance of such disclosed legal information under
(national) laws.
In our opinion the next most critical upcoming le-
gal area will be data privacy. The rising integration
of applications, and therewith also (user) data, across
companies and the “open” Internet, will challenge
composed service based systems – e.g. the social net-
work platform Facebook is already integrated with the
microblocking platform Twitter
. This simple exam-
ple indicates first data privacy issues for application
integration. It is easy to think ahead to apply such in-
tegrations in commercial as well as non-commercial
web information systems. This phenomena requires
advanced applications to assist in legal issues for all
involved parties: developers, providers, users etc.
The project was funded by means of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economy and Technology under the
promotional reference 01MQ07012. The authors take
the responsibility for the contents.
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