Christian Baumann, Paul Peitz
SAP Research CEC, Karlsruhe, Germany
Oliver Raabe, Richard Wacker
Institute of Information Law, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Formalization of law, Legal assessment, Semantic technologies, Composite services, Internet of services.
As with the advancement in Web-based infrastructures applications can be composed of services by different
providers across the Internet, it is not possible to foresee legal requirements for every situation. Therefore,
new legal challenges arise for modular applications in an Internet of Services. However, since such service
based systems become more and more self describing by using sophisticated description schemas, we propose
to apply standard legal methodology on this situation.
By formalizing legal norms and the process of legal assessment to obtain legal rights and obligations we
envision an autarchic system which can subsume service description facts under the terms of legal regulations
in order to obtain legal consequences.
This paper contributes the scientific concept to transfer legal methodology, as known in the offline world for
decades, to a distributed and modular online business world, which composes its applications dynamically
with services from different providers.
The advancement in Web-based infrastructures
itates utilization of service based systems for business
as well as consumer applications. This development
fosters modularization of functionality across differ-
ent providers using the Internet as a distribution plat-
form. By combining simple services to more com-
plex services applications can dynamically be com-
posed and serve special needs, therewith generating
new economic value (Blau et al., 2009). This new
phenomena is described through the notion of the In-
ternet of Services (IoS) (Janiesch et al., 2008) (Heuser
et al., 2008, S. 100), which already indicates the up-
coming trading of services like conventional goods in
the Internet.
However, service development, composition and
consumption occur in an open and distributed envi-
ronment, the Internet, resulting in new legal chal-
lenges for real world applications.
German lighthouse project TEXO, for example,
aims at developing such an Internet-based infrastructure
During service composition or consumption legal
relationships between legal entities are established,
thus, the need for agreements pertaining to private law
arises. This is in particular true for composed ser-
vices involving several service providers which, for
example, should clarify liability questions in case of
claims. Also copyright issues concerning the compat-
ibility of different licenses (J
ager, 2008) during ser-
vice composition of a complex application is such an
aspect. (Baumann, 2008)
Moreover, composed services reduce the trans-
parency of the usage of personal data of service users,
and, thus, stronger privacy precautions are required
to protect the customers. Even if personal data is
collected with reason, the consumer may not be able
to control who else receives this information in the
complex and distributed environment. The aforemen-
tioned examples are even multiplied for ad hoc ser-
vice composition, a paradigm the IoS states.
Addressing these issues is a critical requirement
for the success of such composed and distributed ap-
plications. Otherwise legal uncertainty and the lack of
trustworthiness threaten to hinder commercial appli-
Baumann C., Peitz P., Raabe O. and Wacker R.
DOI: 10.5220/0002868003670371
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ance. Unfortunately, the modular character of com-
posed services makes it difficult to foresee legal re-
quirements when designing an atomic service.
However, from a legal perspective the technical
foundation for service based systems provides a sig-
nificant advantage. The “find and combine” paradigm
requires a comprehensive service description, not
only in a technical but also in an economical way. For
instance a technical interface description in WSDL
provides information of data input and output, and
such description schemas like USDL
or Ontologies
(Staab and Studer, 2004) even extend the descriptions
with non-functional requirements or formalized usage
These descriptions present formalized informa-
tion for a legal assessment. Thus, facts for an assess-
ment under private or public law have not necessar-
ily to be extracted from raw text or obtained by other
sources, but structured service and process descrip-
tions can be used as a starting point.
Moreover, in continental Europe laws are codi-
fied in a comprehensive and systematic way, similar
to an ontology structure, and also including rules for
legal consequences. This provides the opportunity to
model legal norms and the procedure of the legal as-
In fact, the legal assessment can in turn also be
considered as a service during service development,
composition and runtime, which can identify legal
obligations and requirements. That is, regarding the
aforementioned examples, a suggestion of a suitable
contract to guarantee an adequate balance of interests
for the participating service provider. In the case of
copyright infringement license incompatibilities can
be disclosed to facilitate legal certainty. Also obliga-
tions arising from privacy laws can be considered.
However, for such a technical legal assessment
based on formal descriptions there is a need to sub-
sume the facts describing a service under the terms
used in codified law.
In Sec. 2 we propose a separation of the techni-
cal application and the legal model. This has the ad-
vantage to not statically include legal regulations in
services or composed applications, but to reuse the
formalized legal rules. In consequence we outline in
Sec. 3 the principles to subsume both worlds to obtain
legal consequences for a specific situation. Section 4
provides the conclusion and indicates further direc-
tions for the research area.
See USDL Information Sheet: http://internet-of-
The possibility to compose applications from atomic
services raises the problem, that not every situation
and its legal requirements can be foreseen. Therefore,
we argue to use the self describing services and its
information for a legal assessment. The legal assess-
ment, in turn, can be kept in its own system, just sub-
suming the collected information for obtaining legal
In the section at hand we first discuss sources to
obtain information about service based systems for a
legal assessment. Following, we explain the princi-
ples of our approach to formalize legal norms.
2.1 Self Describing Service based
Service descriptions have evolved over the past
years from simple interface descriptions like WSDL
to comprehensive semantic service descriptions that
cover functional as well as non-functional aspects.
Examples for such service description approaches
are WSMO
or the novel Service Ontolo-
gie (Oberle et al., 2009) developed in the THE-
SEUS/TEXO program
The main reason for the introduction of these on-
tology based service descriptions was the need for
richer information about services beyond the purely
technical descriptions of input and output parameters.
Ontologies provide a way to describe the actual se-
mantic of a service, including non-functional aspects
like the pricing schema or quality of service (QoS)
parameter. The main use case for this rich service de-
scriptions is the service discovery, where a service de-
mand is matched against all available services. In our
work, we propose to use these service descriptions as
basis for an automated legal subsumtion, where com-
prehensive descriptions are needed to match terms in
codified law.
In addition to the service description extra infor-
mation is given through the context of a service. In
many real world scenarios services are used to exe-
cute parts of business processes. These are typically
modeled using BPMN
, but semantic approaches are
developed for this area as well (Hepp et al., 2005).
The context information provides an additional source
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of semantic information that can be used in our ap-
2.2 Formalizing Legal Norms
Our approach in formalizing legal norms is driven
by the basic idea to reproduce the legal methodology
used by legal practitioners in continental Europe. This
ensures the appliance of a standard methodology to
solve a case.
2.2.1 Legal Methodology
Legal practitioners apply a standard methodology to
solve a case. In essence, the circumstances of a situ-
ation are identified and subsumed under the abstract
facts of the case of a norm. If all abstract facts of the
case are fulfilled by the situation, the corresponding
norm rules the specific legal consequence.
The concrete circumstances of a situation are ba-
sically the information described in Sec. 2.1, the facts
of the case are codified in legal text. The subsumtion
process itself guarantees an objective, reproducible
and justifiable result. These characteristics are of crit-
ical importance because the result of a legal examina-
tion is only valid, if the justification is reproducible
and based on a valid path of legal argumentation. For
instance the legal text might mention the fact “natural
person” under which the concrete circumstance “John
Smith” can be subsumed, but not “Smith Corp.”. If
the fact “natural person”, alongside with other re-
quirements, is fulfilled, data protection laws for per-
sonal data might rule special requirements for the ap-
plication processing this information.
2.2.2 Formalizing Legal Norms
To formalize legal norms two tasks have to be
achieved. First, the abstract legal terms (concepts)
have to be represented in a taxonomy. For this pur-
pose we can create an ontology of legal terms, the
structure of ontologies are similar to laws. Second,
there is need to build rules to obtain conclusions.
For building these rules the formerly defined ontol-
ogy of legal terms can be utilized. Having rules is
one prerequisite to obtain legal consequences stated
by norms.
Additional characteristics arising from interde-
pendencies of legal regulations are in particular the
Legal terms have to be connected con- or disjunc-
In this paper we apply a widely accepted methodology
described in (Larenz, 1983).
Identity: A norm uses a concept, which is defined
in the conclusion of another norm.
Hierarchy: A norm using a concept on an upper
level of abstraction affects all norms that consist
of a concept on a lower level.
Exception or extension: An exception reduces the
set of real world situations covered by a norm, an
extension increases this set.
: The conclusion of a general norm is
overwritten by the result of a more specialized
These characteristics result in certain require-
ments for a modeling language as follows:
a formal language for logic rules, that supports the
operators conjunction, disjunction and negation
legal concepts have to be defined as predicate
symbols in a controlled vocabulary
support of modeling sub-superconcept relation-
In addition, a reasoning engine to evaluate the rules
and compute legal consequences is required. Our
research indicates that F-Logic (Kifer et al., 1995)
meets the requirements, and is also supported by ma-
ture modeling environments. An example modeling
and implementation can be found at (Raabe et al.,
2010). A promising alternative for the future is ELP,
tractable rules for OWL 2 (Kr
otzsch et al., 2008).
However, at present the tool support is hardly given.
In the previous section we motivated the separation of
the (semantic) service description and formalized law.
With this separation a gap is opened between the el-
ements of legal rules and the elements of the service
description, thus, (static) connections are not estab-
lished between the two models. To apply formalized
law on a given service description we have to bridge
this gap and find the matching definitions given in the
ontology of law for the service description elements.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the mapping problem.
This mapping is usually solved by legal practitioners
using legal subsumtion as introduced in Sec. 2.2.1.
Below we elaborate on the process of legal subsum-
tion in more detail and present a concept for an auto-
mated subsumtion using semantic techniques.
This case can be treated as a special case of exception.
Law (Rules)
Figure 1: Mapping Overview.
3.1 Legal Subsumtion
As the rules given in law have to cover all possible
situations, abstract terms and definitions are used to
cover a wide range of concrete cases. Some of these
terms are further defined in other paragraphs, so the
first step of the subsumtion is to recursively resolve
all terms to find a complete legal prerequisite.
On the other hand we have the concrete circum-
stances of the situation, which, in our work, are the
service description elements, the run time data and
the context information. These elements can now be
subsumed under the abstract definitions in the law. In
this subsumtion process it is important to consider the
semantic of the elements, which is typically trivial for
a human, but hard to achieve for a computer.
3.2 A Concept for Implementation
Our concept uses the ontologies introduced in Sec. 2
to automate the subsumtion process by using a rea-
soner, but keeping the process as close as possible to
the legal methodology as normally applied by a legal
When designing an automated algorithm to imple-
ment legal subsumtion we have to consider the con-
straints that are given by the legal methodology: our
results have to be reproducible and tractable. We use
the information that is stored in the ontologies, at
foremost the knowledge about the hierarchical rela-
tions between the elements of the service description
and the classes of the service ontology. This hierar-
chy can be used to find more abstract terms for the
service instances. An example would be the element
“provider”, which is a subclass of “company”, thus it
is not a natural person.
In the first step of the algorithm we gather all in-
formation of the service: from the service descrip-
tion we get the functional parameter (inputs and out-
puts) and the non-functional aspects. The second data
source is the run-time data that is passed to and re-
turned from the service during an actual service call.
Finally, we utilize additional context information like
a business process model in which the service call
takes place.
For each of these data elements we try to get the
information that is encoded in the ontologies, like
the subclass hierarchy or the relation to other classes.
These enriched elements are the basis for the actual
mapping where they are compared with the elements
of the formalized law.
As tool support we already work on an realiza-
tion based on NeOn toolkit
which integrates the
API reasoning engine, including support
for F-Logic.
In this paper we pictured the legal challenges rising
with the development of modular applications built
upon atomic services. As applications can be com-
posed of services by different providers across the In-
ternet, we argue, that it is not possible to foresee legal
requirements for every situation.
To address this issue we propose to apply standard
legal methodology when formalizing legal norms and
the legal assessment to obtain legal rights and obli-
gations for a specific situation. Upon this foundation
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
an autarchic system which can subsume service de-
scription facts under the terms of legal text in order
to obtain legal consequences can be build. The key is
not to merge both worlds, but to keep them separated
for flexibility and progress reasons exactly the way
legal norms are utilized for real world situations in the
offline world.
We gave an outlook to a possible concept for im-
plementing such a subsumtion. Formal service de-
scriptions and formalized legal norms including rules
to obtain legal consequences can be found in recent
The subject-matter of this research area is highly
topical, as distributed and ad hoc service development
as well as usage becomes more and more common for
economical applications. In the area of copyright the
formal description of content, which is basically the
same as the description of usage policies for appli-
cations (licenses), is already common. For instance
the Creative Commons
project provides formalized
license attribution, which have already been picked
up by other applications such as browsers to analyse
the usage permission. This is a simple example, how-
ever, the inter-connectivity increases and next steps
will have to be more professional assessments on the
compliance of such disclosed legal information under
(national) laws.
In our opinion the next most critical upcoming le-
gal area will be data privacy. The rising integration
of applications, and therewith also (user) data, across
companies and the “open” Internet, will challenge
composed service based systems – e.g. the social net-
work platform Facebook is already integrated with the
microblocking platform Twitter
. This simple exam-
ple indicates first data privacy issues for application
integration. It is easy to think ahead to apply such in-
tegrations in commercial as well as non-commercial
web information systems. This phenomena requires
advanced applications to assist in legal issues for all
involved parties: developers, providers, users etc.
The project was funded by means of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economy and Technology under the
promotional reference 01MQ07012. The authors take
the responsibility for the contents.
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