Juliana de Melo Bezerra, Celso Massaki Hirata and Edna Maria dos Santos
Computer Science Department, Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, S. J. Campos, Brazil
Keywords: Access control, RBAC, Collaborative editing, Massive collaborative editing.
Abstract: The Web has enabled the elaboration of documents, through editing systems, by a large number of users
collaboratively. An access control model is essential to discipline the user access in these systems. We
propose an access control model for massive collaborative edition based on RBAC, which takes into
account workflow, document structure and organizational structure. Workflow is used to coordinate the
collaboration of participants. The document structure allows the parallel edition of parts of the document;
and organizational structure allows easier management of users. We designed and implemented an editing
system based on the model. We show that the model is useful to specify collaborative editing tools and can
be used to categorize and identify collaborative editing systems.
Collaborative editing (CE) systems aim to support a
distributed group of people editing a shared
document collaboratively over a computer network.
The major benefits of CE include reduced task
completion time by taking advantage of parallelism
and improved solution quality by leveraging
collective intelligence. Over the past decades, a large
number of CE systems have been developed in
academia as well as in industry, but most of them
were designed for single group and single shared
The concept of Massive Collaborative Edition
(MCE) is not new. Massive Collaborative Edition is
seen as the task of editing a document by a large
number of users (ECOO); the number of users may
vary from tens to millions. The most well-known
example of a system that employs MCE is
The definition of MCE is starting to be accepted,
and we argue that its access control model should be
more elaborated. In our view, the document can be
structured in a specific manner so that dependencies
of edition between the items of documents may
arise. Similarly, users can be organized in various
groups that can have different roles in the edition of
documents. In a single group, users in general have a
single role related to the edition of the document
(editor role). In some systems users may have other
complementary roles such as reviewers and
coordinators, but they all in general belong to a
single group. Therefore a more complex
organization of users is required. In general, groups
are part of an organization and their relations form
the structure.
Besides, MCE may require a process that can be
defined using workflow. Workflow is the
automation of a business process during which
documents, information or tasks are passed from one
participant to another (WfMC, 2003). So, the access
control model for MCE shall also include workflow.
RBAC (role-based access control) (NIST, 2001)
has been successfully employed in many systems.
We propose an extended RBAC model to take into
account workflow, document structure and users
organizational structure in order to address Massive
Collaborative Edition. Our goal is to provide a
comprehensive model to aid in the construction of
massive collaborative edition tools.
The article is organized as follows. Section 2
discusses MCE, RBAC, workflow, document
structure and users organizational structures. Section
3 presents the model for Massive Collaborative
Editing, and discusses its possible usages. Section 4
presents some related work and Section 5 concludes
our work and discusses future work.
In this section, some concepts are described to
de Melo Bezerra J., Hirata C. and dos Santos E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002868401350140
support the proposed access control model for MCE.
Most of the concepts are originated from well
established subjects such as RBAC, Workflow, and
Organization Structure.
2.1 MCE
The most prominent example of MCE tool is wiki
and, to some extent, Content Management System.
A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and
edition of any number of interlinked Web pages,
using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You
Get) text editor, within the browser. Most wikis
serve a specific purpose and material is promptly
updated by the user community. Such is the case of
the collaborative encyclopaedia Wikipedia. Open
purpose wikis accept all sorts of content without
rigid rules as to how the content should be organized
and who can create and modify the pages.
A content management system (CMS) is a
collection of procedures used to manage work
process in a collaborative environment. The
procedures allow for a large number of people to
access shared data according to user roles. User roles
are used to define what information users can view
or edit.
Wiki can be seen as a web content management
system (WCMS) software, implemented as a Web
application, for creating and managing HTML
content. The software provides authoring (and other)
tools designed to allow users with little knowledge
of programming languages or markup languages to
easily create and manage content.
The two tools, wiki and WCMS, illustrate why
the web is becoming a space where hundreds or
thousands of people share their knowledge and
resources. One of the reasons of the success of these
collaborative tools is that they do not require any
specific skills for publishing and editing. However,
the tools provide limited functionalities for
collaborative authoring of shared documents.
Based on the previous experience in research of
collaborative editing, the ECOO project-team has
been concerned with various issues specific to the
mass collaboration such as consistency maintenance
of structured data, consistency maintenance in peer-
to-peer environments and awareness aspects in large
groups. A research direction adopted by ECOO team
is to use P2P techniques to distribute collaborative
documents. The P2P techniques raise the issues of
supporting collaborative edits, and of maintaining
consistency, over a massive population of users,
shared documents, and sites. Ignat and Norrie (2008)
studied a number of alternative P2P, decentralized
approaches, applied to collaborative wiki editing,
contrasted with current centralized systems.
However no access control model is provided.
2.2 RBAC and Workflow
The RBAC (Sandhu et al., 2000), role-based access
control (also called role-based security), has become
the predominant model for advanced access control
because it reduces the complexity and its related
cost. Within an organization, roles are created for
various job functions. The permissions to perform
certain operations are assigned to specific roles.
Users are assigned to particular roles, and through
those role assignments, acquire the permissions to
perform particular tasks. Since users are not
assigned to permissions directly, but only acquire
them through their role (or roles), management of
individual user rights becomes a matter of simply
assigning appropriate roles to the user.
Figure 1: RBAC model.
When defining a hierarchical RBAC model
(Figure 1) the following conventions are useful
(Sandhu et al., 2000):
OBS: the set of objects. An object is a resource
used in some operation.
OPS: the set of operations. An operations is an
activity that can be performed (e.g. edit, save,
and to include a picture).
USERS: the set of users.
ROLES: the set of roles. A role is a job function
or title which defines an authority level.
PRMS: the set of permission. A permission is an
approval of a mode of access to an object.
PRMS = 2
PA (permission assignment): a many-to-may
permission-to-role assignment relation.
UA (user assignment): a many-to-many user-to-
role assignment relation.
SESSIONS: the set of sessions. A session is a
mapping between a user and a possible role.
RH (role hierarchy): a partial order on the
ROLES called inheritance relation, written as .
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
For r1, r2 ROLES, it is true that r1 r2, only if
all permissions of r2 are also permissions of r1.
The RBAC simplifies authorization management,
because authorization can be administrated as a
whole for all users belonging to a role, rather than at
the level of individual users. The hierarchical
characteristic of RBAC is granted due to the
possibility to define a role hierarchy. The use of
RBAC to manage user privileges within a single
system or application is widely accepted as a best
A workflow is a pattern of activity enabled by a
systematic organization of resources, defined roles
and information flows, into a work process that can
be documented and learned. Workflows are designed
to achieve processing intents of some sort, such as
service provision or information processing. In
collaborative editing, a workflow consists of a
sequence of connected editing tasks over a
document, i.e. a partial order of tasks. With respect
to RBAC, each task is seen as a subset of
permissions (operations over objects). Although
users have the permissions stated by their roles, only
the permissions specified by the current task in the
workflow can be performed by the users.
Workflow is required to MCE systems since
users are expected to perform different tasks through
different roles at different situations or states.
2.3 Document Structure
In a Massive Collaborative Edition, a document is
edited by a large number of users. The document can
be classified into basic or structured.
Basic documents are artifacts that can be
independently published. They are self contained
and they do not rely or rely very little on other
contents. In other words, their edition can be
independent from the edition of other artifacts.
Examples of basic documents are research articles
and newspaper articles in proceeding and
newspaper, respectively.
On the other hand, there are artifacts whose
contents are dependent on the contents that are
placed on other artifacts. Therefore their edition
must take into account the edition of the documents
which they rely on. They are called structured
documents. Example of that artifact is book chapter
which rely on other chapters. For some documents,
the dependency can be weak and they can be seen as
basic documents. An example of that document is
pages of Wikipedia.
The document organization enables the parallel
work of items of document by various users
simultaneously. In order to discipline the access
control by various users on the artifacts, some
scheme of control is required.
2.4 Organization Structure
Organizations are a variant of clustered users. The
structure of an organization determines the modes in
which the users collaborate to meet a goal (Daft,
2008). Organizational structure allows the expressed
allocation of responsibilities for different functions
and processes to different entities such as the branch,
department, workgroup and individual.
Users within the functional divisions of an
organization tend to perform a specialized set of
tasks, for instance the engineering department would
be staffed only with engineers. Functional
organization leads to operational efficiencies. As
examples of organizanial structure, there are
hierarchical and matrix organizations.
The hierarchical organization groups each
organizational function into a division (or product).
Each division contains all the necessary resources
and functions within it. An example of divisional
structure is the computer manufacturer, with the
following divisions: printers, computers, and
cameras. Each division has its own personnel
(users) and tasks. The organization business
objectives are met through the divisions’ work.
The matrix organization groups users by both
function and division (or product). A matrix
organization is a response to the weaknesses of
functional structure. Matrix organization, however,
may lead to management conflicts since users can be
subordinated to two different managers. An example
of matrix organization is a university that is
structured into departments (Computational,
Electrical, Mechanics, etc) and pro-rectories (for
instance, graduate and undergraduate).
An organizational structure may group hundreds
to thousands of users who have positions in the
organization. In MCE, the positions may both be
structured, for instance in a hierarchy, and may have
specific roles, therefore some the access control
model to discipline of the access control of positions
should be available.
The access control model for Massive Collaborative
Edition is based on the RBAC model and considers:
workflow, document structure, and organization
3.1 Key Components
In our proposed model, the document can be
structured in items, which are the objects of RBAC.
The workflow is a partial order of tasks (subsets of
permissions) in order to accomplish its life cycle.
Besides, the organization is represented by a
structure of groups that contain users. So, a user can
belong to multiple groups; while a group can have
multiple roles.
Figure 2 depicts the proposed model. The
majority of the conventions are from RBAC, except
for the following:
OS (Object Structure): a partial order on the
OBS written as . For o1, o2 OBS, it is true
that o1 o2, only if o2 is a part of o1,
consequently all permissions related to o2 are
also permissions to o1.
Workflow: a partial order on the tasks written
as . A task is a subset of permissions. For t1,
t2 2
, it is true that t1 t2, only if it is
required to perform t1 before t2.
GROUPS: the set of groups. A group comprises
of users.
GS (Group Structure): a partial order on the
GROUPS written as . For g1, g2 GROUPS,
it is true that g1 g2, only if all roles of g2 are
also roles of g1.
UA (user assignment): a many-to-many user-to-
group assignment relation.
GA (group assignment): a many-to-many role-
to-group assignment relation.
SESSIONS: the set of sessions. A session is a
mapping between a user, a group and a
possible role.
Items of document (or objects) are assigned to
operations. This assignment is called permission.
Permissions are organized in workflow tasks.
Permissions are also assigned to role. However, a
role has permissions only if the current task of the
workflow enables those permissions. So, the tasks
discipline the permissions during the work process.
Figure 2: Model for Massive Collaboration Editing.
3.2 Discussion
In the proposed model, the objects can be structured,
for instance into a hierarchical structure. The
catalogue of products in virtual shop or courses of
university are example of such a structure. In
general, the completion of an operation of objects in
higher level depends on the completion of operations
of lower level in its tree. In order to ensure the
upwards completion, workflows should be defined
so that completions of operations of lower levels
enable the completion of operations in higher level.
A similar policy can be defined to start operations of
sub-objects. In this case, the downwards initiation
can be used. With workflow, objects have a
discipline to be worked with.
In a hierarchical organization, users have
positions and positions are structured according to a
tree hierarchy. In general, positions of higher
hierarchies have access or can perform roles of
lower hierarchy positions. In order to ensure the
downwards authorization, groups should be defined
so that users of higher positions must belong to all
groups of lower positions in the tree. With groups,
the assignment of roles to groups is easier to both
make and verify. So, the group structure (GS) allows
that a user to have at least the same access of his/her
subordinates in a hierarchical organization. The
proposed model can also be applied to a matrix
organization, where a user can belong to two groups:
the functional group (e.g. engineering group) and the
technical one (e.g. electrical system of some
It is possible to include organization aspects
using only RBAC by representing each group as a
role. However, it is not easy to adapt this model in
case of organization changes. So, our approach
separates roles and groups. In our approach the
organization is well defined and structured into
groups, and any change in this structure can be
reflected to the access control model. As examples
of organization changes, there are the creation,
elimination, and fusion of groups.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The proposed model also allows for user
delegation and organizational cooperation.
Delegation is to give to a user u
the same
permissions of another user u
during a specific
period. In general during this period, u
is out of
work. The delegation can be represented in the
proposed model by adding u
into the same group of
. Besides, organizational cooperation can be
represented too. Cooperation between companies
occurs when a company c
is contracted by another
company c
in order to develop together a solution
(product or service). In this case company c
has its
own access control model and needs to give access
to c
for specific objects. So, an organization
structure can be introduced into the existent model
to represent c
and the relations between groups from
can be well established.
The proposed model is quite general and can be
used for both specifying collaborative editing tools
and determining classes of collaborative tools. The
specification of massive collaborative editing
systems may require the configuration of web tools,
which may be awkward and tiresome. The
configuration can require thousands of assignments
of users, roles, operations, and objects to provide the
functionality with access control if one chooses to
use the conventional RBAC model. Using the
proposed model, the number of assignments can be
reduced significantly and are easier to make.
Our experience with the construction of
collaborative editing system of a graduate studies
catalogue, with 18 users, 21 groups, 21 document
items, 1 workflow, 6 roles, and 5 tasks, showed a
significant reduction of assignments of roles to the
users. It was possible to reduce from 178 to 74. In
the implementation of the catalogue, we also
benefited from other reductions. The proposed
model allows using one workflow definition and 6
role definitions for all the document items. It is
expected that for larger numbers of users and
document items, the reductions of assignment
numbers are very significant.
The group structure allowed also an easier
maintenance of the system. When a user enters or
leaves the system (or when she/he is replaced) it
suffices to make changes in the groups that she/he
belongs to.
We also advocate that the model can be used to
classify the collaborative editing systems. For
instance, Wikipedia can be seen as an instance of the
model with the following definitions:
USERS: any web user.
GROUPS: world (not structured).
OBS: any page regarding some subject.
OPS: edit.
PRMS: edit any object.
ROLES: collaborator, which can edit any page.
Since there is one group in Wikipedia, every user
belongs to it. The group has just one role
(collaborator), and this a role is assigned to the
group. The objects are not structured. Since there is
one permission, a workflow is not defined.
Therefore, it is possible to use instances of the
model to classify collaborative systems. It is not
difficult to model other systems such as Google
Docs (2008). The model for Google Docs is
presented below:
USERS: any person invited by the document
GROUPS: world (not structured).
OBS: a document, including DOC, XLS, ODT,
ODS, RTF, CSV, PPT, etc.
OPS: to create, to read, and to change a
document by inserting tables and images,
adding comments and formulas, changing letter
style, etc. It is also possible to organize the
documents in folders, and to publish the
document as a web page.
PRMS: the same as OPS, but applied to a
specific document.
ROLES: author, reader and collaborator. The
author is the document owner. Readers and
collaborators are chosen by the author. A
reader can only read the document, while a
collaborator can read and change it.
The related work proposes extensions of RBAC
model that can partially address MCE systems,
according to the following characteristics: workflow,
document structure and organization structure.
The concept of document structure is proposed
by Buegge et al. (2006) within the scope of the
management of artefacts produced in distributed
software development. In their work, the goal is not
MCE, and workflow and organization structure are
not mentioned.
Sun and Pan (2005) propose the FRWM model,
where the relation between roles and permissions is
made via workflow tasks. Although the workflow
concept is considered, they do not take into account
the document and organization structure.
Wang and Long (2007) present a model
associating a workflow task to the users and not to
the permissions. In their proposal, document
structure is not addressed. Their model also
considers organization that contains users, but the
organization is not related to roles. In our approach,
a group has roles and a user is associated only with
Li et al. (2008) propose the H-TRBAC which
extends the concept of hierarchy to tasks, roles and
permissions. The task hierarchy is the own
workflow. The role hierarchy is already defined in
the RBAC model (Sandhu et al., 2000). The
permission hierarchy is a partial order of
permissions; therefore if a role grants permission,
the role also grants all the permissions downwards in
the hierarchy. Our model does not allow this type of
hierarchy, but it provides the object hierarchy to
represent the document structure. Li et al. (2008) do
not consider organization structure.
Zhu and Lv (2008) propose the ACEC model,
where the document, being used in a cooperative
editing, is defined by a set of sections. Their
representation is a type of document structure. Their
model also includes the concept of workflow
activity, but the organization structure is not
We presented an access control for massive
collaborative edition that considers workflow,
document structure and organization structure. The
proposed model is an extension of the RBAC model.
The model can be used to ease the specification
work of collaborative editing systems and we
advocate that the model can used to classify systems.
We expect that the model can aid the collaborative
editing systems with hundreds to millions of users
with significant reductions in the numbers of
The research is not complete. Now, we are
currently investigating more ways of assignments
using particular structures. For instance, we would
like to have flexible assignments in order to cope
with the dynamic changes in organizations. For
instance, the delegation of role if a certain condition
is met presents itself as interesting research problem.
Another problem is how to specify or extend the
model for conflict resolution in matrix organization.
As mentioned, entities can respond to two different
entities, therefore some form of specifying priorities
may be required.
Daft, R. L. (2008). Organization Theory and Design.
Cengage Learning. 10
ed. pp 88-132.
Cooperation Environment. ECOO project.
Fischer, L. The Workflow Handbook 2003 Published in
association with the Workflow Management Coalition
(WfMC) 3
Google. Google Docs & Spreadsheets. (2008). Create and
share your work online.
Ignat, C.L. and Norrie, M.C. (2008). Multi-level editing of
hierarchical documents. Journal of Computer
Supported Cooperative Work, 17(5-6):423-468.
Sandhu, R., Ferraiolo, D.F. and Kuhn, D.R. (2000). The
NIST Model for Role Based Access Control: Toward
a Unified Standard. In 5th ACM Workshop Role-Based
Access Control. pp 47-63.
Wang W. and Long Y. (2007). Research on extension to
role based access control mechanism on workflow
platform. In Third International Conference on
Natural Computation (ICNC).
Sun, Y. And Pan, P. (2005). PRES-A Practical Flexible
RBAC Workflow System. In 7
Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC).
Li, J, LI, X., Xie, S. et al. (2008). Multi-Hierarchy and
Fine-Grained Task-role-based Access Control in
Collaborative Environments. In Industrial Engineering
and Engineering Management (IEEM).
Bruegge, B., De Lucia, A., Fasano, F and Tortora, G.
(2006). Supporting Distributed Software Development
with fine-grained Artefact Management. In
International Conference on Global Software
Engineering (ICGSE).
Zhu, F. and Lv, Qiang. (2008). ACEAC: A Novel Access
Control Model for Cooperative Editing with
Workflow. In International Symposium on Electronic
Commerce and Security.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems