the decision making framework are extended, it
would lead a computationally hard problem.
In our future work, we hope to reduce the number of
pair wise comparison in SAW method by
incorporating emerging method applied in multi
decision-making problem such as skyline query as
proposed by Börzsönyi et al. (2001). We also plan to
extend the criteria in the decision making framework
with the help of empirical studies on real processes
to gain the complexity faced in the real world
In summary, this paper has presented a method
for conducting business process analysis that aims at
capitalizing on previous practices and experiences,
thereby bringing about a socialization of work
practice within an organization. The presented
method balances costs (time and resources) and
benefits (process popularity) by utilizing a multi-
criteria decision making approach. Although we
have used specific criteria to demonstrate the
method, these can be extended to include further
criteria to better reflect the requirements of specific
process domains. Output from the recommendation
service of ranked process instances can greatly assist
the inexperienced user to utilize and learn from
previous organizational knowledge and address
specific cases with the knowledge of internal best
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems